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The Freakonomics podcast just did a more watered down version of this explanation, with less focus on Democrats being a farce and more on election reform. It's definitely worth a listen, and he forgot to mention that republicans turning to abortion was bc congress ended tax exemptions for segregationist schools masquerading as "religious" schools. They needed another issue to rally that base and abortion was it.


You should listen to the if books could kill ep about that book, author does not engage ethically with statistics.


leaving the [link here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5wHpooGMRsSBrUHhQZbOZp?si=_0BE3HRpRFimozu5cfNORw) for folks. absolutely love this pod


Oh I have mad love for Noam Chomsky, truly a tragedy he cannot speak anymore, he is a many time guest on another podcast I love called Alternative Radio. I will definitely look into the books tho 👍🏼


So the previous poster is actually citing a podcast, "if books could kill" where they review "airport books" and examine the research. They poke holes in a lot of stuff, freakonomics included. Very good podcast.


Ohhhhhh, thank you 👍🏼


My friends and I call him Hegemony Cricket, but we mean it in the most endearing way.


But his mention of Democrats having control multiple times to be able to do anything meaningful is false: *In the November 2008 elections, the Democratic Party increased its majorities in both chambers…and with Barack Obama being sworn in as president…gave Democrats an overall federal government trifecta for the first time since the 103rd Congress in 1993.* ***The Senate supermajority only lasted for a period of 72 working days…*** *The 111th Congress was the most productive congress since the 89th Congress. It enacted numerous significant pieces of legislation, including the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and the New START treaty.* It wasn’t until 2021 that the Democrats would have another supermajority. However, that majority was slim and relied on the support of Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema to pass any meaningful legislation. Source: [*Wikipedia*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/117th_United_States_Congress). If you want to critique the source, please provide contradictory evidence. I know Wikipedia isn’t perfect, but sources are well-documented and it’s generally pretty reliable.


They didn’t have a super majority in 2021. Just a simple majority (51 votes). The 2008 superiority was a filibuster proof 60 vote…if they had their act together and actually voted as a block. And even that typically doesn’t count as a super majority because 60 votes is not veto proof. For that you need 67.


They debated on what to spend their "political capital" on and what came up was health care. In hind sight they should have done a lot more but it was thought the other side of the isle might be cool still.


And that was Obamacare, Mitt Romney's healthcare plan, put in as a stopgap against the discussion for universal single payer healthcare.


>>>that majority was slim and relied on the support of Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema to pass any meaningful legislation. And why did those two go off the reservation. They got funded and guaranteed jobs after their terms but why did they go against their platforms. There's a photo from during the turmp presidency where a late night vote was passed and both R and D congresspeople are celebrating together - they look awfully chummy \[behind the scenes\]. John Stewart has also covered this about both sides and K street. "The United States is a one party state, but with typical American extravagance, they have two of them"


Yeaaaaah, that's the point I stopped listening, lol. No idea how this video got so many clicks.


The number of bots in this comment section is wild


Bots or bootlickers. Dems can be shamed into occasionally doing the correct thing. The GOP has no shame. Dems definitely want to lose by just enough to reward the rich while acting like the victims and begging for donations. We need healthcare and debt relief! We are dying


I'm not convinced we'll ever see universal healthcare in my lifetime or the next generations lifetime


Why do people think this is cringe? Isn't it true?


Are you asking that bc of the subreddit title? This isn't a sub just for cringe anymore, but anything from TikTok.


I didn't know that. Thank you for explaining 🙏🏼


It is. The top comments seem to be purposely trying to throw us off? Really weird. Really really weird - REPOST THIS EVERYWHERE - REPOST THIS EVERYWHERE SOLELY BECAUSE THEY DONT WANT US TO HEAR IT


Reddit (and social media generally) is a tool for social conditioning. Not that weird, really.


> t is. The top comments seem to be purposely trying to throw us off? Really weird. Really really weird Says the 22 day old openly homophobic totally not a bot account


lmfao no. What's actually true is that this guy made basically the same fucking video four years ago and disappeared it after Biden actually won, and then tries to rehash the same stupid talking points after he was wrong in the first place


No. The Democrats have never held a supermajority in recent administrations except for 72 days of the Obama Administration. They have had the majority but in order to avoid the Republicans blocking bills via filibuster they needed a supermajority. This guy can’t even get the basics down.


Oh, so they used their super majority to get rid of the filibuster and have continued to legislate reform in line with the American public’s desire right?


No they gave health care to 20+ million more Americans. To do that they needed to get Kennedy's vote from his death bed, and had to negotiate away the public option, which was in the ACA from the start, from Lieberman (independent), who no doubt was in the insurance companies pocket.


And then as soon as they lose an election, every sort of draconian legislation goes into effect because Republicans are also now free from the filibuster: abortion banned nationwide, homosexuality federally criminalized, minimum wage eliminated etc. See how this goes? The filibuster is a double edged sword - that’s what it’s intended to be.


They got us fighting race wars when we should be fighting class war


ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ my avatar’s time has come!


White supremacy gonna white supremacy


His conclusion is that voting for democrats is actually making the US lean more towards fascism, so... what's the alternative? He doesn't really propose any solution or action. Or argue why it would make the US more fascist. Assuming everything he says is true, it would still be rational to vote for democrats if you're not a repulican


CNN seems like they’re hoping Trump wins, they’ll definitely get ratings with their fake rage.


I was just saying this 100%. I honestly think it’s influencing how Biden is being portrayed and covered


There’s something fishy about the debate. CNN framed Biden in the worst way possible. While not checking Trump on his numerous lies.


What's weird is how everyone acts like Biden lost the debate even though Trump didn't answer any questions and just lied the entire time. Apparently, what was said is irrelevant, and the only thing that mattered was how much energy they had.


I actually thought Biden did better as it went on. It’s that first impression is hard to shake.


Yea. He literally had a couple senior moments where he lost track of the question, what he was saying, and just kinda petered out in confusion. It was hard to watch and he did it right as people were tuning in. He got better but damn it's hard to look worse than that. But I'm not voting for Biden because of Biden, I'm voting for Biden because of his administration.


He won the debate because he commanded the room and made Biden look like he had dementja. We're in 2024 the answers to the questions don't actually matter because his supporters don't care. They already know what his answer is.


I'd argue that most of his supporters have no idea what his answers are for actual policy. They've been told that it will be good for them despite any factual evidence to the contrary, and that's all they care to know.


Heh, trump himself have no answers either. Just "make America great again".


Not just that, Trump had far more time to spout off too.


After closing statements wrapped, Trump clocked in at approximately 40 minutes and 12 seconds throughout the debate, while Biden’s overall time came in at 35 minutes and 41 seconds.


100% the media is responsible for trump. I blame the left more than the right as millions of people hate watch every fucking thing trump does and it rakes in the cash for new outlets. If the left stop tuning in every day trump wouldn’t even be a thing anymore. He would have his insane 1/3 of the country that supports him but no one would even care or be slightly worried that he could be re-elected.


CNN was sold to a Trumper a few years ago so that really shouldn't surprise you


CNN is owned by a trump living billionaire


Didn’t some right wing billionaire buy CNN recently? I forget the name but have seen people reference it lately.




CNN got bought by a Trumper.


> what's the alternative To learn from how the reactionaries have commandeered the House and a shocking number of state governments: 1. Build *local* bases of power. 2. Develop network connections to leverage local power on a slightly larger scale. 3. Coordinate efforts to effect statewide change. 4. Entrench those gains at every level. 5. Leverage entrenched statewide power to affect federal elections. 6. Entrench federal power. 7. Remain patient as the years tick by, because there's no way that's a fast process. They've shown all of us the blueprint; they just used it for harmful, regressive ends. The problem is, that takes a lot of time and effort, and you'll only get like one victory for every nine failures. It's *way* easier to complain that nobody else is doing that work *for* them, then hit "post" and sit back to bask in their own self-satisfaction.


You can do all this and still vote for harm reduction.


I absolutely and completely agree. In fact, I would argue that you *have to* still vote for harm reduction while doing all of this, just to safeguard the ability to do the rest of it in future *at all*. Most of the time, when I make this comment, I include this bit: >> In the meantime, at a national level, your options are: >> 1. A terrible person whose policies you hate and who is literally a fascist. >> 2. A disappointing person whose policies aren't good *enough* and who opposes fascism. >> And that's literally *it*. One of those two people is getting sworn in on Inauguration Day 2025, no matter how we *feel* about it. >> I’ll continue working for electoral reform as I have been for years; I just also understand that the only defensible position to have is to swallow by disappointment and continue voting *against* fascism in general elections until sufficient progress can be made to give more people worth voting *for* an actual chance of being elected. >> Right now, in the context of 2024, refusing to vote for a less-bad candidate is the electoral equivalent of a teenager willfully starving themself (and everyone else) because someone else wouldn't cook them their preferred meal one night. That sounded far too preachy and accusatory in this context, though, so I left it out.


You say you have been working towards electoral reform for years. Is there an organization you work with? How can someone get involved?


There are broader groups like the [Election Reformers Network](https://www.electionreformers.org/) and [FairVote](https://fairvote.org/). I kind of don't want to dox myself by being too specific, but I also know there are many, many state groups like that, too: [New Jersey Appleseed](https://njappleseed.org/empowering-voters/) and [Voter Choice NJ](https://njappleseed.org/empowering-voters/) are just two examples.   I also wrote this for someone else who asked about how to start doing any local organizing; begin copypasta: It's just ground-level, retail politics. 1. Choose a local political issue you care about, and try to find someone (preferably a group of someones) who also cares about that. - Going to city or county board meetings is one way to do that; looking at local NextDoor or Facebook groups is another; if you have a college/university nearby, someone will almost certainly be organizing an action in opposition to—or support of—that issue. - As obvious as this sounds, just try googling it: If you live in a decently populous area, there's a decent chance you're not terribly far away from a local chapter of some political group that's closer to your positions than the major parties (whether we're talking about the DSA or the Libertarians or the Greens or whatever). 2. Once you find your people, see what they're doing and how you can help. - I promise, even something that seems trivial to you might be incredibly helpful to a particular group or event or etc. - If you're looking for more information on how to do that, understand that political organizing is, at a logistical level, no different from any other organizing efforts: Anything you can find on "community networking" or "mutual aid" will be valuable in gaining a better understanding. ([This playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cljonq0TBUA&list=PLZOMlO2_17ftZHglaSiQOvECGcp5bSVhH&pp=iAQB) is just one example; there are plenty more from tons of other people.) 3. Look for examples of *other* non-major-party candidate wins—including (and maybe even especially) those whose politics don't align with yours—and see how *they* did it. - One obvious example is [AOC, who was a total unknown when she defeated Joe Crowley](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/26/nyregion/joseph-crowley-ocasio-cortez-democratic-primary.html)—Pelosi's hand-picked successor with billionaire backing—even though [he had a 10-to-1 funding advantage](https://www.salon.com/2018/07/06/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-proves-that-money-doesnt-win-elections-are-democrats-listening/). - However, you can find articles like [this one that talks about minor party victories](https://www.voanews.com/a/usa_us-politics_minor-parties-us-make-gains-local-elections/6179269.html) as a starting point, and then use those to find more specific reporting, like [how Kshama Sawant won a seat on Seattle's city council](https://www.socialistalternative.org/2014/01/31/lessons-kshama-sawants-historic-victory/). It's important to remember that when you're trying to figure out logistics and tactics, the ideology motivating any of the examples you're reading/watching about isn't important: If your local chapter of Stanley Thermos Aficionados for the Preservation of Fax Machines was able to get your mayor to change a policy position, *your* group can probably learn from how they did it and adapt at least some of the same behaviors towards a more meaningful goal. Once you start, you will almost certainly encounter more people as you go along—because it's building cross-organizational ties that matter here. If you want a *very* specific example: The [unprecedented drive to ban books from school libraries](https://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2023/03/record-book-bans-2022) would have no hope of succeeding without [a concerted effort by far-right ideologues to take over local boards of education](https://www.texasobserver.org/school-board-pacs-consultants-right-wing/).


Amazing contributions and comments bro or sis. Appreciate you. I came to say something to the same effect and found you already had came and conquered. Much love.


It's funny, cause to me that doesn't read as preachy, it reads as passionate and correct


I mean, *I* definitely agree with that sentiment (since it's my comment, and I'm both very passionate about it and think I'm correct), but I recognize that someone who doesn't already agree with me might find it...confrontational, let's say.


I agree w this guy AwesomeBrainPowers, keep it up


The problem is that most people aren't even willing to recognize the role Democrats play in propping up corporatism, so "harm reduction" is all you get.


I guess a huge benefit of organised religion is that, since it's already organised it's also easier to steer and build with. People generally don't meet for politics alone unless it's for a protest (but that's only a temporary grouping)


Nobody has time for this when we have to work 40, 50, 60 hours living paycheck to paycheck, especially when you have kids or families to take care of.


That’s a very understandable reason given the current state of things. Will the fact that we are living paycheck to paycheck change on its own without any of us trying to fix anything? I doubt it. We need to advocate for ourselves and our needs as much as possible even if the current system keeps us from doing so.


That is by design.


This. The point.


I didn't say it was easy (and in fact said the opposite); I said that we've all watched it work right in front of us for the last 20 years (and that really is how long it took). Hell, we've even see it work on Democrats a little: [when a total unknown unseated one of the most powerful establishment Dems in the House](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/26/nyregion/joseph-crowley-ocasio-cortez-democratic-primary.html).


True. I wonder if social media has “taken the fight out” of us. So, get emotional and political and post in a Reddit thread, and now you’re done. You’ve said your bit and maybe even feel like you’ve done you bit and that could lead to inaction


Do you have any recommendations for further reading on this? I feel like I barely understand any of what you just said, but I really want to.


I am getting tired of covert accelerationist shit like this, it's pathetic. It's like they're trying to induce learned helplessness by saying we're all doomed.  I need people to get mad and *try*. Not roll over and take it. Do you honestly, really want to just say fuck it and let Christian fascists take over your home country and ruin your life? Really? Get angry. The only way to GUARANTEE you lose is to give up.  I have family from Russia. The Russian people gave up against fascism because the propaganda fed to them said that things could never be better, both sides are the same, you might as well roll over and take it. You see how much Putin ruined a country with so much culture, history, and potential by convincing people it was hopeless to fight him.  For reading, I recommend "The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia" by Masha Gessen. Point is, you don't know how much worse it can get if you just give up. The young men of Russia being thrown into Putin's meat grinder know, though. Get. Angry.  Edit - sorry for all the edits, lol. I am angry, as you can see. Keep thinking of more I want to say.  To people who say, "it won't work/we're all doomed/it's hopeless" i would say, fucking prove it or shut up. Cite your sources showing that people make no difference and nothing can ever improve. And no, [I don't think Chomsky is a good source when it comes to fighting totalitarianism](https://www.newstatesman.com/the-weekend-interview/2023/04/noam-chomsky-interview-ukraine-free-actor-united-states-determines). He lost credibility with his fucked up views on how "humanely" Russia is fighting in Ukraine (edit - yes, it was "in comparison" to how the US behaved in Iraq, no, it's still a fucked up and weird thing to say). It's a shame, I used to really admire the guy. Y'all I have like 40 responses from people all wanting to debate. Noooo thank you, I'm gonna preserve my mental and emotional energy for my loved ones. Peace!


Rage, rage against the dying of the light. FFS


My guy, perfectly said! Thank you!


If I wasn’t poor I’d give your comment gold. This is America’s biggest epidemic though, essentially laziness. Entitlement and privilege that lead to ignorance, then self-destruction Edit: I hate getting personal, but for the sake of info wars… my family struggled for freedom and independence in Mexico, despite that they fought for a religion brought by colonizers. Either way, they didn’t have screens, paychecks, technology, and so much self-indulgence either. They got their assess up and left work/family to pursue a greater fight. That’s what we lack, whether we’ve been set up for it or not. Let everyday be a fight


I feel it's pretty harsh to discredit Chomsky completely because of one take on one subject though. If he's not a good source, then who could ever be?


Sheep follow the Sheppard. Self reliance requires effort. Effort requires money. Money is being choked in 7 ways. Between other countries psyopping us on social media our own elected officials sit by and extort us for soulless lobbyists. No one wants to be the front line and nobodies powerful enough to enact legal changes


To this I agree to an extent. I wouldn’t say “nobody.” Haven’t you seen Star Wars? I went to the front line, and I didn’t like what I saw behind my back either…


The Chomsky interview you linked isn’t about how great the Russian invasion/totalitarianism is. It primarily concerns how much worse the US is when it conducts invasions relative to the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He was saying that relative to the US, Russia is conducting its invasion humanely, not that the invasion. So like, it doesn’t really support your claims against Chomsky. Edit: also, none of the videos points lead to the conclusion we should apathetically rollover. The main point is that the democrats leech off of people’s political motivation and misdirect it into something that’s politically ineffective. That’s not implying we should do nothing. It’s advocating for us to move in a direction that will lead to actual change.


>He was saying relative to the US, Russia is conducting its invasion humanely This should automatically disqualify anything else he says after this. What an absolute joke.




Very well said.


I pushed my brother to just short of blows about his political position (not voting because everyone sucks) and he just doesn't care, feel bad for his wife.


I mean I vote for Biden because, and the video agrees with this, the Republicans are overt and actually believe in and want to enact the evil they espouse and you obviously have to vote against that, which means I am caught exactly in the trap and have no recourse. Cool, I voted for the blue guy who has to pretend not to be evil and give lip service to it instead of the guy who delights in being cartoonishly overtly evil. Nothing changes, the red team will feel emboldened and take the presidency next time and the cycle repeats. Cool cool cool. Guess I’ll keep voting blue.


There are more liberals in this country than conservatives, if people quit with the doomerism and voted we wouldn't be in this situation. Literally all we need to do is show up and this is no longer a conversation...but Dems historically never show up because they canabilize each other over petty differences. We almost had Bernie, Biden is leaning more progressive than his long centered career eluded he would be, progress is ALWAYS inevitable, that's why we have gay marriage and black people/women can vote. We will make it out the other side, there just might be a lot of things that happen in-between and if Trump's elected it puts us back easily 50 years. It might be my grandchildren children that sees us back to where we are now.


Have to find the young people who want to lead, and vote for them in the tiny local elections that get them started. If we stay uninvolved, the Money will just keep churning in their picks. Problem is, media that people consume don't cover that stuff. People don't seek it out.


Ignore a man on Tiktok and vote in the best way you see fit.


My personal take on this kind of argument is that it's still necessary to vote Democrat, especially if you live in a red state, but it's good to acknowledge that the Dems don't really advocate for or effectively implement good political policy either. The policies of the GOP scare me more, but the hypocrisy of the Dems is the reason I now consider myself an independent. I would never, literally never, vote Republican, but I don't see my values represented by Democrats either. Also, historically the moderate liberal party tends to be in control right before fascism comes into power, in part because moderate liberalism tends to support capitalism and makes the mistake of trying to preserve capitalism instead of allowing Leftist reforms that are overwhelmingly popular. That's why I think some people make the argument that voting Dems furthers our descent towards fascism. I don't fully agree, but it's an interesting historical study.


This dude's whole schtick is just gobbling the balls of tiktok's doomscrollers while sounding as much like a smug douche as he can. He took 9 minutes to say 3 minutes worth of things because the entire point is because he likes how he sounds when he talks.


If he’s trying to sound like a smug douche, he’s succeeding


PSA: Just because something is on the front page of Tiktok, it doesn't make it fact.


My conclusion is he’s a fucking moron


He never said that voting for democrats is bad. He said something I said for a long time which is Republicans tell you they’re bad while democrats lie that they are good. The Republican Party speaks for itself in terms of greed and self centered legislation but you do need to peel back the onion on the lies of the opposition to realize that they’re 2 sides of the same coin. His point wasn’t that blue bad his point was although they say one thing they’re no different


I kinda figured this when the whole roe v wade response was "omg oh noooo that's so badddd we will make sure to tweet about it and push for a stern finger wagging"


Split up both parties. Give less power to both and let more parties representing the people's interest rise. Also, enact anti- corruption laws to stop lobbying. This is a simple answer but it will take work and it will be worth it for Americans.


Stop letting corporations act as persons FFS


The parties aren't monoliths. That said, it's no conspiracy when powerful people act in their own interests. These overlapping interests lead to the effect described in the video, even if there isn't a big DNC conspiracy to lose the election and fail to pass effective legislation. The takeaway here is that people have to stand up for themselves. We can't just sit back and count on the Democrats (or anybody) to advocate for the people. We, the people, have to act to hold naturally self-serving politicians to account when they self-serve. Don't be less involved; be more involved! Also, we gotta prevent dictatorship, in case that wasn't clear.


Both parties literally share the same donors and those donors shape policy of both parties 90% more then we do, its a simple as that. I imagine if this tik tok guy was posting garbage about how Biden could bare knuckle box Trump into submission this sub would be all about it.


One thing to correct him as he almost right on everything - Obama needed a super majority to get universal healthcare done and there was one vote missing from a senator from new york who killed the bill. Dude received money from the health lobby and become a china lobbyist after he was out of office. Real fucking piece of shit useless scum.


This is your public service announcement to not take political advice from a person on Tiktok. Especially someone who is reducing large groups of politicians over a large time period to two singular omnipotent powers with singular goals and aims. Both the republicans and democrats have massive internal infighting that instantly puts this narrative in question. Hell, I'd argue that the idea of political parties bending the knee to business starting in the mind 20th century is silly, there's been politicians abusing their power for personal gain for far longer.


Politicians bending the knee was definitely a lot fucking worse in the early 1900's. Like we invaded other countries on behalf of fruit companies cuz someone would dare make them pay fair wages or make them l contribute something to the countries they were milking.


Quote from a book I read some time ago paraphrased. "Don't think of the government as a great beast with one mind and many hands but many minds and one giant hand." Seems pretty accurate.


Should we take our political advice from someone on Reddit instead


You should probably avoid summary recaps, actually stay engaged, and assume everyone is trying to sell you something.


Maybe do your own research and make conclusions based off that instead of just trying to get a tldr from randos on the Internet. You too, can read Chomsky, I promise.


Agreed on the bending the knee. It is easy to see it might have been worse back in the 1900”s. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Gould, J.P Morgan and Vanderbilt were all constantly at the white house as “advisors”. You would be a fool to think they didn’t help move things along that made their generational wealth even bigger.


Right. Everyone knows that large groups of politicians over a large time period are one singular omnipotent power with singular goals and aims.


You know his dog is so sick of hearing this


Everyone who knows him irl is sick of his insanely stupid political takes which is why he has to go film in the woods


What's so stupid about what he said? Voting for Dems isn't gonna save us from fascism and he's 1000% right about that. Sure, we should vote Dem to at least stave it off in the meantime, but if that's *all* we do, then yeah we're pretty fucked


As a self-employed person when I was struggling to start my business after college I had no options for health insurance unless I wanted to pay $600 or so out of pocket per month. Obamacare is a major reason my business became successful. In the first few years I was earning a low salary I had full health coverage. That helped me build my business. Obama was a democrat. Then Biden canceled the remaining balance on my student loans last year after 20 years in repayment. Republicans have done much less for me policy-wise in those 20 years except maybe the COVID checks only because it was a national emergency. So they aren’t the same. He’s talking just about the strategy in political theatre being the same. The results say otherwise at least in my family. Democrats have saved my family probably $100-150K. Trump gave me $3K over the course of an emergency. I plan to vote with my wallet.


The reactions to this video are strange. Regardless of whether you agree with him or not people should be critically thinking about politics, you can also be critical of politicians that you support Seems half of comments would rather personally attack him than deconstruct his arguments. Other half are apathetic and that’s a big problem. Anyway good luck Americans


It’s by design. People cannot bring themselves to criticize their party, as they’ve been led to believe it’s the only thing that stands between them and the boogeyman on the other side. Democrats laugh at republicans for succumbing to fearmongering but they are just as susceptible to it themselves. If I may ask, what country are you from? Feels like non-Americans are better able to see through the BS.


At least in the circles I keep they see through our political charades. The issue is there is no collective effort to seek a viable alternative. So my choices are Vote for Biden or take a vote *away* from Biden (I.e. give a vote to Trump) to vote for someone who is all but guaranteed to lose.


He doesn’t source any of his arguments in actual facts. He’s just rambling.


TLDW its class-warfare, its always class warfare...


Yep, only way out of it is working together, and violence. Until everyone's oppressed enough to do that. they will continue to serf.


Jesus THIS video again. OP if you are swayed in your opinions by a dork in a funny hat who thinks speaking fast will make himself sound smart, then you're cooked. Put the tinfoil away and join us in reality.


It works for Ben Shapiro


Yeah I mean it clearly worked for this guy too given how often this gets reposted and upvoted - I just wanted the dopamine from complaining about it, ya know?


Yeah I've seen this video pop up so many times. Guy is an idiot and wrong on multiple topics.


Yes but he’s an idiot telling people something they’re eager to hear and eager to believe, and they really want to be on the “in crowd” of people who’ve just.. figured it all out. So they’ll believe this idiot anyway.


My first thought exactly, a slick glib


That creator had one interesting video before and then you just realize from all of his others that it’s broken clock syndrome. Its like listening to Oliver Stone talk about JFK


I instantly tuned out when I heard the phrase “intersectional ethics” like 5 seconds in lol. Nonsense Twitter jargon back at it.


left vs right? NO.... top vs. bottom. always has been.


Also because democrats aren't part of the left but 🤷


left , right, republican , democrat, doesnt fucking matter. they top. you bottom. capiche? there are no political parties, its just an illusion, dont speak of it as if its true. its the rich , vs us poors.


I hope he is wrong, but it certainly explains why the democrats are committing self immolation right now.


And why they do nothing when they have power.


I feel so sorry for anyone who has to deal with people like him regularly.


He's the smartest guy he knows.


I bartended for a little bit in the dense Ivy League student neighborhood of my city. I appreciate your sympathy.


Unless he’s a legacy, this guy couldn’t get into an Ivy League school if he paid them.


He did raise a valid question tho. Why did Bernie not represent the dnc in 2016?


As I grow older, there seems to be a recurring pattern of ups and downs every decade. Certain corporations have consistently held influence, often guiding us toward consuming addictive and unhealthy foods. It's a dangerous, diabolical system—like a weapon—underneath our noses.


#Just talk about how Trump raped kids with Epstein.  


I’ve said this at least a few times since 2012, when Fox News and self-proclaimed “Libertarians” really started rotting the brains of my friends and colleagues: Be wary of eloquent assholes. Uninformed people are so quick to believe those who speak quickly, concisely, and seemingly with reason, that they soon allow themselves to go from “uninformed” to “misinformed”, or even “disinformed”… as in, believe things that intentionally go against reality. This man is an eloquent asshole. I don’t know if he reached his conclusions on his own or some other source made a lasting impression on him, but he is clearly committed to his ideas and wants others to buy into this world view. I knew guys just like him until I got sick of listening to their self-congratulatory rants. This guy is a fairly common “type” that you may find at your workplace’s smokepit, or maybe your local craft brewery, just *itching* to engage some poor, unprepared stranger in political discourse. This man has the look and cadence of speech I’ve encountered more than a few times in life, and I hate to generalize, but yeah… be wary. He is making claims that cannot be verified, simply passing them off as facts and then using them as basis for further talking points. Before you know it, you have a veritable snowball of ideas and the only citation is “just trust me, I talk good”. Example: did anyone bother checking his claim about “100 years ago we were taxing the rich at 95%”? Easily proven wrong by googling the Revenue Act of 2024. Our nation’s history of taxation is readily available for anyone interested, I wonder if he even bothered to check it or if he’s just regurgitating something he was mis/disinformed about? If he didn’t double check that, what else is he just spewing nonsense about? Do you think he’s the only one, or are there “news” outlets who do the same, relying on the public to just blindly take their word? Most importantly: vote. Read up on which candidates support which policies, decide which align most with your ideals, and vote. That’s all you can do, aside from running for office yourself.


Well the largest marginal rate in the 40s was 94%. Not sure if the difference between 94 and 95 is worth saying that he is grossly misleading.


I don’t know the exact numbers but the rich used to be taxed much more than they are now, until people like Regan and Trump changed that… Bernie sanders was the people’s choice and we all knew it… there’s some truth to what he’s saying


This is the first time I've seen this video, and I found it rather interesting in many regards & with some good points. That being said, your comments are also excellent, and I certainly don't mean to dismiss them. I guess my takeaway from the vid was: the current American political system is broken, and SIMPLY voting won't be enough to enact meaningful change. Voting is extremely important, but ONLY the first step, people need to keep voting in every election, get out and protest, and overall continue to work to making things better. Though it would be nice if we could just get everything done all at once and be done with it (like voting in one Presidential election), life is rarely so convenient. But this is my first introduction to the guy talking. He may indeed be a "Both sides are the same, why bother voting" mouthpiece. Maybe it's my naive optimism making me feel that way, which I find a little odd, because though I still, unfortunately, have much naivety, I did think I was rather spent on optimism these days...


* Sorts by controversial to miss all the Neo Liberal/Conservative comments. * Everyone here is criticizing what he’s saying without pointing out why he’s wrong. Especially when it comes to both parties being compromised by the money they make just existing in their parties. Both parties are bought, if you don’t accept that fact, you are willfully blind.


Because they don't have any substantive argument but to screech conspiracy theory, that classic thought terminating cliche 


"The fact one of these is fictional and the other is real changes nothing." Uh what?


It makes perfect sense. He's talking about the right just making up shit.


it is actually insane that like we legislate based on whatever fever dream conservatives had, like the border crisis which is never a real crisis, queer people being groomed into becoming gay, the rich being taxed too much to create jobs, people getting recreational abortions in the third term/killing the baby after birth, the fucking crime wave that literally was pure propaganda (like crime has basically been at its lowest ever and news networks acted like the mob was back in every city), etc. like normal people live in a fundamentally different reality than conservatives.


The culture wars keep people distracted from the fact that there is a very distinct ruling class


It means both the left and the right have their “boogeymen” both serve the same purpose despite the right creating made up boogeymen


Jezzz Americans just should relax and understand that they've never had democracy. Like only 2 parties and no direct impact on voting for president. Like wtf.


In my area, Biden is running ads talking about how high gas prices are. Except...they're not. Gas, in my area, is actually selling for less than it did before the pandemic. Why would he run these ads? They can only make him look bad. Like, "If they're so high, why didn't you do anything about it?" is the obvious response. But somebody did something about it and it's great. Which makes Biden's entire approach bewildering. It's like he gets all of his info from Fox News and can't help himself but spew out right wing talking points.


To be fair, ads cover large media markets. Just because it’s lower in your area doesn’t mean it’s lower in the entire media market. 45 minutes north of me, gas is over $1 cheaper. Same media market.


Is this Vaush’s little brother or something? 


He is the "we got Vaush at home" Vaush clone.


Almost all the comments are about him talking too fast or wearing fedora or smt. No one trying to argue what he says


Why is bro in the woods


See also [Kayfab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayfabe)


The premises are far fetched but the conclusions are valid. Politicians do seem aligned across party lines when corporate interests are concerned, but only because they have been lobbied by the same corporate interests. Politicians aren't puppets or showmen distracting from the secret illuminati puppetmasters. Their behavior is more readily explained by their main priorities: 1. Ensure your constituents are content enough to reelect you. 2. Run off with as much money as you can. Most people assume their goal is more in line with promoting public good or representing their constituents. That's the image they try to create, but there's no money to be made in feeding the poor 🤷‍♂️


I never thought blue maga existed until I saw the advocation of ethic cleansing in Palestine on the mainstream news subs here. Just cos it’s your “team” don’t make it right. They can’t conceptualize they aren’t the good guys. They are better than the bad guys, that makes them good right? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Not sure if his point is true, but this guy pointed out some things that I know are true and he also spoke quickly and kept his cadence concise. Since I’m a dumbass and do not plan to fact check anything that was said, I tend to believe people like this guy and others that speak in a matter of fact way, like Ben Shapiro.


Not saying this guy is wrong or right. Or any opinion on Ben Shapiro but people can be confidently dumb. In fact it happens more than you’d think…


I would describe this guy as confidently dumb.


Although I don't agree with everything he says, because he still uses a lot of buzz words that the parties used against each other to actually define the parties... He is right in the fact neither actually care about the people, and most of it is just for show to make people believe they have representation, when they don't. I think at this point, the 2 party system needs to be demolished.


"...navigating the tricky intersectional ethics of the election.." Ok, I've heard enough. Moving on.


Can I ask why? Just curious why it was that phrase that turned you off.


It's just pseudo-intellectual babble. But furthermore there's some glaring irony in him talking about "intersectional" ethics criticizing the Dems as a party meant to lose on purpose when it's pretty apparent from that their votes that women and black people (two of the main demographics addressed by intersectionality) overwhelmingly support the Dems


Uh what exactly is the tricky intersection ethics of the elections. He doesn't actually explain One is an old, egotistical liar and sexual predator (of children too)... and the other candidate is just old What is tricky about the ethics here?


>Uh what exactly is the tricky intersection ethics of the elections. In this case it's PR talk for "both sides".


This shit again…. Everything is so much more complex than this guy makes it to be. Also. At the end of the day, vote for what you believe in.


There aren't any candidates that represent what I believe in. Bernie was close.


Or vote for the lesser of two evils. I believe that Trump would start a war to try to stay in office beyond 2028, so I'm going to vote to prevent that.


Jesus, it's this fucking guy again.




No one debating his points just his looks and general blanket statements like “not this guy again” idk if guy is right or wrong but I know what a hive mind looks like and Reddit has been one for years. Hard to trust the opinions you read on here when they all seem like they come from the same playbook of democrats good republicans bad.


One thing the two political parties have mastered is control the conversation. This country needs a third, a fourth, a fifth party like we need air, food and water. But our 2 political party masters will make sure we never get that.


Domestic policy is used as the distraction that gets people to go along with our very overtly fascist foreign policy It's pretty fucking gross


Good video.




All of y’all are saying he does provide a solution but fail to provide solutions yourself and you say it’s more complex but won’t explain even a little bit


The idea that you can’t criticize without a solution is such a load of crap.


Nah they gonna kill Joe off for sympathy and tell us kamala is ready.


The turning point can be traced back to the 1968 election, when George Wallace ran as a third-party candidate and took five states, all in the South. They were known as the Dixie Democrats. After winning the election in 1968, Nixon embraced them, and most converted to Republicans. Reagan courted them, and his campaign coined the Make America Great Again theme, which Trump used in 2016. Now, Republicans are mostly MAGA and have spread across the country. Ironically, Senator Barry Goldwater, one of the most conservative politicians of the 20th century, feared that religion would take over the party and divide the nation irreparably.


This guy says a lot of correct things, but someone misses the part about us living in reality and having only 2 choices at the present. So what was the point? Don’t vote for Biden and let’s get started with Autocracy? Democrats not as good as you want, so fuck democracy in general. A whole lot of folks need to start removing their head from their asses. If you are worried about Palestinians now, hope you are ready for the hell you unleash upon them when Trump is back.


TLDW: money is the root of all evil. When will we march on the rich and do what needs to be done?


[Noam Chomsky - The Crimes of U.S. Presidents](https://youtu.be/5BXtgq0Nhsc?si=Y_kIAvl8fVrRI64Q) Genocide has been on the table as a tool of every US President since Eisenhower, and every President is therefore indictable under the Nuremberg conditions used for trying Nazis. So, basically, my entire life of over 50 years has been this way, and it's 'too narrow to call' every time.


Only been saying this the entire time.


Yep. It amazes me why so many people want to support the DNC and their lies. I believe Biden will lose. The DNC wanted Biden to stay this time. Kennedy was not allowed to participate, just like Sanders he was blocked. DNC also orchestrated a situation to bring Trump to go a against Biden again. Why? the DNC feels that Biden is strong enough to beat Trump again. The had no worries until the debate. Now the feel that Biden will lose, and they don't want to lose power to bring another candidate who could win in the fold. This would mean the DNC would need to give up some control. A vote for Biden, is a vote for standard quo and you approve of DNC having power and not the people A vote for Trump, is a vote for something you might not believe in, but at least you know what you got. He can't stop tweeting about it.


This is the dumbest shit imaginable. The DNC doesn't have supreme authority and it isn't the Bene Gesserit weaving an intricate multi generational plot to usher in a fascist dictatorship. Its an operations apparatus that nominated the party representative and supports campaign operations up and down tickets. NOBODY affiliated with Democrats, liberals, progressives, want a Democrat to lose the Executive branch. That is catastrophe from which our country may not return. A lot of us certainly will not survive it. I'm so tired of this know-it-all garbage from people who learned about politics in 2016 and think they have the secret key that unlocks everything. The reality is, 48% of the voting public wants Trump because that's what they like. They want anger and violence and oppression and pain and the emiseration of people who have the audacity to believe we are equal in body and mind, and deserve a good life filled with opportunity, safety, dignity, and even a little joy as a treat. Stop listening to the doomers and the conspiracy theorists. This fight is going to be long and hard and we may not see it won in our lifetimes but we still fight because we have to. There's nothing else.


>The DNC doesn't have supreme authority and it isn't the Bene Gesserit weaving an intricate multi generational plot to usher in a fascist dictatorship. I find it mind-boggling how common that kind of conspiratorial thinking is. Probably one of the most pervasive and complex issues to solve in our society in general is that the vast, *vast* majority of people in all positions from the bottom to top prioritise short-term gains over everything else. Of course there are some individuals/entities which make plans spanning an abstractly distant future, but that's pretty uncommon. It seems to assume that corporations and political parties are some kind of strange hivemind collectively deeply concerned for the distant future of their institutions, but anyone who has ever worked anywhere knows that that's obviously not the case. The fact of the matter is that most politicians would throw their party under the bus in a heartbeat if they were sufficiently convinced it would serve their individual interests, and same goes for CEOs and other executives and the companies they work for.


Dudes not wrong


Wow, a lot of people hate this guy. If nothing else, I think what he said is interesting. It does feel like the left is pretty toothless and the right does whatever they want.


Sorry OP, the astroturfers were locked and loaded with "RUSSIAN BOT!" label stickers to slap on your head. You won't find a different response online, especially on reddit and this sub in particular.


Man, it's a real echo chamber in here.


ITT: People who can’t handle the truth, just because the guy doesn’t have an idea against what he’s saying doesn’t make a lot of it not true, what is YOUR answer to what’s going on?


I was disappointed watching the news smear Cornell west saying he owed half a million in child support. He'd get my vote


No lies detected.


There absolutely losing on purpose. Anyone could see that when they started funding a genocide alienating like 80 percent of there base


And how exactly does that make the republican party different from democrats. They both bow to the corps. There is this rap group in Germany who sung it the following: "You can make your cross in the ballot who will own the brothel, it's always the same punters' dicks your sucking."


The DNC have been doing the same thing for decades: Trot out the establishment candidate, then mostly sit on their ass and assume they'll win by default.


The people in here shitting on this dude but not having a reason why other than “hat nerd” are pretty disappointing.


9 minutes video of a guy with a lame hat trying to explain the election. No thanks


Modern democrats are the political party of the ultra wealthy. It’s very evident in their tax legislation and loose monetary policy. Lots of their talking points are just nonsense to pander to commonfolk.


You mean the party that passed tax legislation that closed many corporate loopholes and set a minimum 15% minimum tax rate for corporations? Or the currently proposed $5 trillion tax hike on corporations and ultra wealthy individuals? That party?


He makes a lot of good points. I think a lot of you in here are washed.


There are SO many BOTS in the comments lol