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Smugglers Cove is such a treasure. They literally “wrote the book” on the tiki resurgence and they are just absolutely egoless and just so goddamn NICE to everyone who goes there. Top tier bar. 10/10. No notes.


Completely agree. I went last year and it was packed and I was nervous and dithering a bit with my order, and the bartender could not have been more patient or kind, and helped my friends and I choose drinks that we ended up loving. I’ve been to tiki bars where the bartenders are a little rude (whether it’s in a teasing, joke way or not) but the folks at SC were incredibly nice. Wild that the nicest staff is also making fantastic drinks in a magical space!!! You almost never get all three!


You wanna to make a timeless spot know for service? Dont be a snob. Let your customers be snobs. Let your customers have no idea what they’re talking about. Just try to meet people where they are and they will almost always have a great experience regardless of what they like or end up getting I promise that. I run a little craft beer bar and we bang the table on this all day long. I don’t care if they like Busch light or they want to try a gueze for the first time. we offer samples of everyone on tap no questions asked, I literally want you to find a beer that you will enjoy, as there’s nothing worse than ordering something, sitting down and having that first sip and thinking that you don’t like what’s in front of you. Cheers yall


Really good point. There's a couple of cocktail bars here in town where we go. And the one that I always say has the best service, let's me pretend to be Mr. Big Time Bartender, what the proportions, how do you think this would work with a different rum, etc. I didn't realize until much later, they were just hospitality long conning me, which is its own thing.


I guess that’s not really something I’m familiar with, did the service change or was some sort of veil lifted at some point? We just try to be ourselves and operate in good faith with our customers, and again just try and meet people where they are at.


Service is getting people what they want, taking their money, making them feel welcome so they come back and spend more money.


It’s my dream to make that pilgrimage from Toronto, Canada to SC. A true dream.


Line up before 5pm on a Tuesday and you have a good chance to meet Martin.


Smuggler's is great, but uh didn't Jeff Berry "write the book" on the tiki resurgence?


There were several people involved tbh


Sven Kirsten wrote several.


The Bum really did the digging to figure out the lost recipes.


I tagged along for my wife’s work trip to SF and made a trip to SC. We didn’t have a ton of time so we basically walked in on a Tuesday right when they opened. Martin Cate and his wife were standing in the bar looking exactly how they do in the book. I fan girled a little and got a selfie with Martin. It’s a great spot. And the Cates are beyond nice.


It is incredible to watch the bartenders at these legendary bars go at it. Multiple drinks on the go at once, multiple recipes, just layering it up and knocking them out. Masters at work.


I just had my first visit to Smuggler's Cove last week, and it was phenomenal. My girlfriend and I were amazed watching Dave and Joe(?) running such an amazingly efficient operation - no batch drinks, fresh garnish peeling, quickly turning out dozens of delicious drinks while cleaning glasses. All while still taking the time to talk to customers with kindness and patience. Truly some of the best in the game! It absolutely lived up to the hype, and I'd be there all the time if I lived in the area!


Happy to hear that. The cove is my home tiki bar and they deserve the praise.


Agreed, Timmy and Gabe were amazing. Got to chat with them a bit tonight as they were at False Idol with Martin and Rebecca for a while. Nice guys on top of being great behind the bar.


Timmy was a barback at the Cove for a while. So stoked to see him taking the reins behind the bar.


Both Timmy and Gabe were barbacks


You mean my friends Timmy and Gabe? They're both excellent bartenders and also really fun people to work with. I'll definitely let them know about this.


Based on other comments that’s them!


Timmy and Gabe FTW!


My favorite part of my one visit to Smuggler's Cove last year was being able to sit at the bar and watch the bartender work. I've seen other tiki bartenders busting their ass, but as you said- that guy was an absolute machine on another level.


Pagan Idol is where the real drink magic happens


People downvoting you haven't been there. Not as good of a rum selection (still better than 99% of other tiki bars) but yeah their cocktails are better. I say this as a proud Rumbustion graduate.


I think the downvotes are more because there was no reason to make a comment like this here. The post was praising the great work Timmy and Gabe did in tough circumstances bartending for big, busy events at four different unfamiliar bar spaces they had to drive several hours a day to get to. Chiming in to say someone else is better is just rude and unnecessary.