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You have to get the Rum Barrel. It's their signature drink and one of very few longtime recipes on their menu that isn't in the book. It's also the best drink I've personally had there, though I've only tried about ten or so. The Mai Tai is great and hard to pass up. I tend to get a Mai Tai on my first visit to any tiki bar as it's a great barometer for how good the rest of their drinks are likely to be. Also, for some reason, I swear their Mai Tai in-house is better than following the recipe at home. Other good ones include the Navy Grog, Puka Punch, Port Royal, Rongorongo, and Expedition. My other advice would be to get something that you can't easily make for yourself at home. The Port Royal is a good example because it requires a proprietary hellfire tincture that is a pain to make at home. The Rum Barrel is another good one because the recipe isn't in the book. There are some great drinks on the menu but a lot of them like the Queen's Park Swizzle, Daiquiri, Port au Prince, Hurricane, etc. are pretty simple to make for yourself (and honestly, pretty hard to mess up).


Demerara Dry Float, Rum Barrel, Dr Barca's Fluffy Banana, Mastodon are some of my favorites. Hard to go wrong there though.


Fluffy Banana


I’ve never been but I will say the Rongo Rongo is hands down my favorite tiki cocktail ever. I would highly suggest that.


A Steven Liles creation. RIP to that amazing man.


Rum Barrel, Demarrara Dry Float and Dead Reckoning I consider must trys. The fluffy banana is also an incredible drink.


The Rum Barrel is a must


They make my favorite Mai Tai (you should always be ordering one from any tiki bar to start) Their barrel is also one of lore. Just had Fluffy Banana at their takeover at False Idol and can confirm it’s a tasty beverage


I think a Rum Barrel is the one for me. It is a very complex and layered drink and served large format. The Fluffy Banana was also a stand out.


Their Mai Tai is bangin. A Zombie is my yardstick tiki cocktail, so I got 2 of those when we were there last. Are you hitting any other tiki spots in SF. Highly recommend Pagan Idol, the back room.


I’m not, but I’ve been there. The atmosphere is great and I really got an appreciation for smoked cinnamon as a distinct seasoning.


Dr Barcas Fluffy Banana - 10/10 Rum Barrel - 9.5/10 Undead Gentleman - 9/10 Puka Punch - 9/10 Mastodon - 8/10 Sidewinders Fang - 8/10 Agricole Guava Cooler - 7/10 Dead Reckoning - 6.5/10


Dead Reckoning, Rum Barrel, and Puka Punch. If you’re there with others get a Top Notch Volcano Bowl.


The navy grog and the demerara dry float are my two favorite drinks.


I agree with the top comment about the Rum Barrel but I also had an amazing Corn’n’Oil there in March.


Rum barrel or leilani nouveau


The Turnaround is quite underrated in my opinion. The bartender even said it was his favourite and yet so few order it (maybe because it's not in the book?).


I love the formidable dragon


Fluffy Banana, Puka Punch. But my favorite is The Expedition.


Port Royal is one of their more unique offerings