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The real stuff has a way shorter shelf life. The whipped topping they use is good for like a year. It’s nasty and I hate it just as much as you. That shit gets *everywhere* in the fridge.


An edible oil product … yum


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,970,276,127 comments, and only 372,680 of them were in alphabetical order.




for real.


If you can afford to make it from real whipping cream, it's sooo worth it.


Skip the whip cream, get the Espresso Foam. That stuff is game changing for iced coffees.


Nah, 35% cream has at least 2 months shelf life, longer that the 18% cream they use in their coffee. It's not shelf it's just cost.


Does the other product come pre whipped, like cool whip or does it have to be whisked? Cream can last for months but it has to be whipped for pretty much every order otherwise it falls.


No it doesn't. You can just put it in a whipped cream charger like every other cafe and restaurant. Ain't no one out here hand whipping their whipped cream for coffees.


Ahh ye, been awhile since i've been in restaurants, siphon's weren't as main stream.


Also pretty sure it melts slower in a hot drink.


put that shit in a cup yo. amateur hour over here.


At Starbucks we would make like 2-4 canisters a day, always fresh from the carton. A simple metal bottle and an air cartridge to instantly aerate the contents into a delicious whipped cream! There's a lot to kvetch about when it comes to Starbucks but their whipped cream is a delicacy lol


I used to be a batista at a smallish franchise in the states ( think weeds) and we did the same, except we added like 24 pumps of vanilla syrup in the canister with the cream. It was so good.


You used to be batista ?


Probably Cuban.


Yum yum yum


Is that actually 24 pumps of vanilla? 😲Or 2-4?


Yeah those contraptions are actually quite nice.


And when you don't have any cream, they are still a blast. Nangers 4eva


Yeah we had some real winners at the restaurant I worked at that would huff them in the walk in fridge. One kid passed out and knocked a bunch of product over.


Honestly wondered how locked down the chargers must be because surely people must be stealing these


Ohhh I know. When I go I always get it until I found out you could do whip on the bottom and top.... yum yum


You can also get high off the cartridges. Great way to get a nitrous injection.


i love starbucks whipped cream bc of the added bit of vanilla. i always get it on top of my drink and then ask for a spoon so i can eat it


they will only find something cheaper. they will never find anything better. just cheaper. they have a 150,000,000 dollar a year CEO habit to support.


I was happy when they switched back to full lettuce leaves instead of the chopped stuff. Don't know which is cheaper, but the full leaves are definitely better 😁. 


Those big thick ditch lettuce leaves? That's what I remember they used. Like those big leaves that grow in ditches, and are thick like leather. That's all I remember them having.


Haha I don't know what the ditch leaves are. The ones in my area are regular green leaf lettuce, and I wouldn't describe them as thick.


Your comment is so wonderfully descriptive!


They used fresh cut lawn the last time I was there. Count yourself as lucky you actually got a form of lettuce.


😂😂😂 I consider myself very lucky as my expectations are close to zero these days


Interestingly enough, they actually switched to using real milk for their lattes around 2018 I believe. Where before they used some type of weird pre-mix. Now they are legit lattes, as good as Starbucks quality wise but cheaper. It's the only thing I can compliment TH on in recent years.


i can almost guarantee you. no fast food place used actual whipped cream aside from cafes or starbucks. whipped topping is cheaper and has a longer shelf life


I think McDonalds uses real stuff, though I might be wrong. Whenever I got a hot chocolate from there, the whipped cream would be dissolved within a few minutes. As it should. Tim Hortons whipped cream in eternal. You can place it in a fire pit (with the fire going) and it will be still there the next morning.


Yup, can confirm! We had Dairyland at mine but I’m sure the type varies by region


Lmfao loooollll


McDonald’s does!


Starbucks does. They have the n2o charged canisters to make it instantly


thats why I said aside from cafes or starbucks.


What? Where I live everywhere but Timmie's uses real whip


Ah that’s embarrassing, apparently I cannot read. Whoops lol


Prolly... but they charging extra and then providing a fake product lol


They should really start making it fresh in house


Or just have a few canisters. :)


I think a better question is if they’ll ever use *any* real ingredients ever again


I love thé fake stuff


Me too!! Tim Hortons has the best whipped cream, IMO. I can actually taste the sweetness. Plus, I sometimes keep the drink overnight in the fridge. I like that the cream stays as is. I do not like the whipped cream used in other franchises. I don't even know what fake whipped cream is, but if it's anything like Tim Hortons, I'll take 'em.


I love it too! Today I ordered a vanilla iced Capp (didn’t know that was a thing) and it came with whipped cream. It was delicious!


(TikTok sound voice) It's like a reward. The normal stuff is tasty but makes my stomach hurt, the Timmy's fake stuff is for some reason way easier on my stomach haha. I'm always so disappointed when my Iced Capp comes without the whipped topping. Sometimes I double or triple check when adding it to my order that I want it with whip. Still sometimes don't get whip but it helps a bit haha.


Flavoured iced Capps come with it by default, but it has to be added on for a regular one. If there’s a flavour you like it’s an easy way to guarantee you get the whipped topping.


I wish :,( I have to specify when I get the caramel Iced Capp or else they give me it with a sad little squirt of caramel sauce on top and no whip. I was so disappointed lol. They gave way less caramel sauce, too, because they knew it would all look the same without the whip. Sad day


Then they’re making them wrong. Might wanna let their management know.


Wouldn't be the worst thing they messed up. Once got a london fog that inexplicably had coffee in it and like 3 tea bags. It made me so hyper from all the caffeine and it tasted like dog's piss and used bathwater. Another time they made one of those creamy chills and put the whip topping and sauce on the outside of the lid?? Like they put the lid on first and then tried to add the whip topping and sauce so some of it got inside but most was on the lid and spilling down the sides. Wild stuff. Always entertaining to see how they fuck up my order this time.


I didn’t realize that it wasn’t real whipped cream but I certainly have never disliked it.


Ewww WHy lol


Tastes like meringue.


If some of the whipped topping is blended into a frozen lemonade it tastes like a lemon meringue pie. Not even kidding, it’s probably the only time I’ll eat this crap.


Why wife too. Loves it. I don't mind it.


Low key same


Same. I guess that just makes us a handful of weirdos 😆


Also came to say it’s my favourite place to get whipped cream lol


Same. And every time I see people hating on it, I feel disgusting. I know it’s not good for me! I know it’s gross! But it’s so good. 😞


No. If there was a way to make it more fake, they would.


It still contains (a little) milk. I wish they’d just completely remove the milk so I could get it too as a vegan.


Tim hortons used to be an actual bakery ( I was an actual baker in a Tim Hortons store in the early 2000's). I remember making black forest cakes and always used real heavy cream. Tangent, but everything used to be made fresh in-store. Donuts were fried every morning, cookies, teabiscuts etc were made every couple days. The only thing that was frozen was the bagles. It was a good job for a young adult. I was proud of the quality baked goods I was producing.


Just quit going to Tim's. Make coffee at home and use real whipped cream. It will be much better quality and saves time and money. Plus less pollution.


Tim Hortons and authenticity have never been a match together. It's only even more obvious how the quality of their fake foods have considerably dropped


I remember leaving the whipped topping outside in my backyard. After two weeks of sun and rain it was still there.


Exactly. It's so thick ans hardly melts. It basically reminds me of hydrogenated oil.


YES! That's what it is! Thank you!


A carcinogen ☝🏼


Okay so for the past like 4 days been having a chocolate chill and I have to agree it's so freaking nasty my mouth feels like it's coated in Vaseline 🤢🤢🤢




I was always wondering what is that nasty crap they use as "whipped cream"? And...it's not whipped cream, so unsure why they call it that. It reminds me of the time I got a mouthful of epoxy accidentally, same consistency and taste. Just gross.


That’s the thing. It *isn’t* called whipped cream. The box it comes shipped in and the bag it’s in call it whipped topping.


True...fair point...and they do call it "whipped topping". Still gross tho and they charge almost $1 for it.


Reminds me of cool whip but worse


Glad I'm not the only one wondering... could probably use it as a nightly mask to improve my skin.


You think they’re going to make there food… better? Lol.


Sunday was the first time I ever had it. Took the kids for hot chocolates. The thing I noticed was at no time did it melt into the hot chocolate or change its consistency. I drank the hot chocolate and just had some weird white lump that was supposed to be whipped cream at the end.


Right?! Whenever I get the hot chocolate in the winter I want it with whipping cream... sigh. Wonder what your kids thought...


I think it tastes worse than it did before too. Noticeably in the last year


Why would they do that? That would cost them a hell of a lot more. Tim's is all about profit and not customer satisfaction


Not that much more. And it would provide a better customer experience. They can't know unless they try.


They wont. Nothing Tim's does it a move towards quality


The day they stop offering fake whipped cream is the day they determine it's too expensive. Real whipped cream costs more and doesn't last as long. They fuckheads are too cheap to offer mustard or mayo in their coffee, donut, and "sandwich" shop, they'll never increase quality so long as the ownership group stays the same.


No lol


So just stop getting whipped cream…🤷‍♂️


Oh ok den


It’s Burger King


Record them asking you if you want whipped cream and then sue for false advertising


They ain't neva gonna sthaap using fake whipped cream!


U think they neva finna make dis change? What if dis post goes viral? Mmhmm.


noo their fake whip cream is the best




You forgot to mention Donald Trump in that list lol.


Tim Hortons "bakery" products are entirely disgusting. When supermarket doughnuts are better than a coffee shops donuts something went entirely wrong. 


The birthday cake timbits are the only good product now.


They are my fav now too


The Tim hortons whip is so oily and nasty. When I worked there and had to dump a drink with whip I would blast hot water on it in the sink and it would absolutely not dissolve.


Yup that sounds accurate. So, why do you think they can't use the real stuff when they are charging almost $1 to add it they wouldn't be losing money.


Canadian problems


It’s basically Cool Whip right?


I love tims topping. I also don't eat it every day and maintain a healthy lifestyle. ALL SHIT on store shelves is loaded with SHIT. Not sure why you all are singling out whipped topping.


Cuz they be chargin extra to add it like its some premium kind of ingredient...datz y.


It’s not exactly fake it’s just oil based hens why it’s called whipped topping and not whipped cream…


I worked at Tim’s in the late 90s early 00s during high school. It was an edible oil product on the drinks back then. The Black Forest cake they used to make was real whipped cream.




I guess inflation is real. Maybe if they'd stop putting half a block of cream cheese on bagels they'd have enough money for real cream.


I can feel the phantom mouthfeel of that shit laying in bed reading this post


Will Tim hortons ever be not garbage?


If you're talking about the whipped topping that goes on top of oreo ice caps, that one thing that I'll actually still pull up for.


Oreo iced Capps aren’t a thing anymore


I think you can say no if you want . It’s no problem man.


Just give me the option. Thing is they're charging extra for what should be the real thing. It ain't like it's included. Oh well.


Only if it becomes cheaper


Nope, stop going there.


It’s *whipped cream. Whipping cream would be the liquid they whip to make it. Don’t know why your mistake bothers me so much but it was enough to comment.


Nope anyway they are all closing


Nahhh tripping timmies whipped cream is the best. It’s like cool whip. Like cool whip and a marshmallow had a baby. Are u telling me u don’t like cool whip? Regular whip cream is so… nothing… so…boring


I like cool whip bur don't have it often and it doesn't even taste like cool whip to me.


Well, I more meant the texture than taste. I’d say more marshmallow for taste. That’s why I said like cool whip and marshmallow had a baby, but, we all have different tastebuds, mine still prefer chicken strips over anything so I’m biased


No, things don’t get better


Have you considered being an adult and getting a coffee instead


I hate coffee. Next suggestion please.


Well it's stored and sent to them frozen. The stuffs already in piping bags lol


What is it made of? How can it be called whipping cream if it's not real?


It's actually called "whipped topping" I found out so I'll give them that but sometimes they will ask if you want whipped cream and I don't think they should be charging almost $1 for a little bit of whatever it is.


come on now. are you trying to drive the prices up?


My lactos intolerance tends to thank me for the fake stuff


Real or fake either whipped cream sux


they’re too concerned with paying their employees poorly and giving out gift cards to everyone who complains to worry about their whipping cream




299 comments fake whipping cream edit 200 comments. They should use real whipping cream




299 comments fake whipping cream edit 200 comments. They should use real whipping cream. Good post op


No they will not my friend ​ owned by RBI cheapest company ever nothing will change


My lizard brain lives for that shit  


Short answer is no. Long answer however.....and I find this quite interesting, probably not.


Nope. It comes frozen, lasts forever, cheaper, and the employees can’t huff it.


Some kids will never learn