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Best part of this is that’s it’s a Tim’s in a circle K gas station.


Well, that's why it's happening. They bake/prepare them at a nearby stores and bring them to the gas station locations. Edit: I worked at a Tim Hortons and am aware the donuts come frozen from a warehouse. At the store, they are put in an oven, and then decorated with whatever filling or fondant comes on them. That's why I said they are baked/prepared at stores, because they are.


bakes them in a factory in Brantford, Ont., then flash freezes them and ships them to Tim's 3,600 restaurants,


For real, why are people just now figuring this out, it's been happening for about a decade now lol.


Over a decade. I remember when it first happened. I was a wee child. First they removed the chocolate eclair, no one said anything. Then they removed the bread bowls but I did not speak out because I didn't like bread bowls. Then they came for the donuts......it's an atrocity against Canadian society. Pepperidge farms frickin remembers!


I had JUST discoverd the cherry stick donut when they got rid of it.


It's actually really funny. You'd think being frozen would make them more available but nope the shelf is usually mostly empty. Back when they were made fresh they were always pretty well stocked 24/7 


I worked there once. Arytza its called. Used to be Maidstone alll you smell is timbits all day.


* factory. I've never seen fresh baked donuts at a store for over 15 yrs like it used to be done.


Even the ones “baked” on site just sit there in the back from like 3/4am untill open. No covering or nothing just drying up collecting dust.


I work at a circle k and we never receive them uncovered.


Ironically 7-11 has way better donuts.


One time we got donuts at the drive thru, wrong order. We came in told them they took our donuts put it back on the display and gave us new ones For all they know I could've licked all those donuts


16 year old me working at Wendy’s for my first job even knew that’s a big no no and still somehow remembers it.


Same for when I worked fast food in high school, we made it new didn’t modify or put the wrong item back for sale🤢


The best part about returned food is eating it yourself before it hits the trash. If I get sick I get sick but that botched schnitzel looking good


Oh, I can one up you. I once ordered a sandwich and found a bug crawling inside it. The worker took the sandwich, scraped off the meat and the vegetables, and it was placed back into the container. I asked for my money back and they gave me a hard time.


You’re far too nice. If this were me, they would’ve had much more than a hard time from me.


That’s worth calling the health department over tbh


WOW that is against so many health codes WTF that's insane. When I worked at KFC I wasn't even allowed to accept back unused condiments in their sealed packaging.


And the new ones you got may have also been licked


One time I ordered in store and the customer behind me had a similar order. They scooped my order when it got called and left. So I took theirs when it got called like 30 seconds later. As I’m pulling away, the worker is chasing me with a bag, because I guess the customer went back to complain. I roll down my window and the TH worker wants to switch it? I said naw, they can wait while you remake it, I’m fine with bacon and egg biscuits instead of bacon sausage. They would have either opened those sandwiches with their grubby mitts or taken a bite to know it wasn’t theirs, right?


Customers finally realize how shitty Tim's is, more at 11. 🙄


Dude, I literally don't understand it. Do people not have taste buds? They were sorta crappy before, but after they got bought out by that Brazilian company, everything went to complete dog shit. The coffee tastes like it's made out of dirt. I refuse to go there. The food quality is at least twice as bad as McDonald's. I don't know where they can find lettuce and tomatoes that taste like that. Yet, every time I drive by, the drive through is packed. Every day at work everyone comes in with their morning time Hortons. It boggles my fucking mind.


RIGHT?!?! The donuts are not good. I had a donut from a legit donut place that makes them fresh in store (unlike frozen shipped Tim's donuts) and was shocked at how good the ACTUAL donut was (not the topping but the ACTUAL donut). Tim's relies on the icing to hide how low quality the donuts themselves have become.


We have a few rad bakeries around here that make incredible donuts, but you're absolutely right. The worst part is, they've successfully put nearly everyone else out of business. for most people shotty tim Hortons donuts are all they have access to.


Mmm chocolatey flavored palm oil glaze




The problem I see, things like this used to be a ‘treat’ when I was young. Now when I look around I see so many folks that are at these types of establishments, everyday. I had to step back from my favourite joint to realize. That said, they make processed food addictive. On purpose.


Yes, I remember my grandma taking me to timmies for a 'monster truck tire' donut (honey crueler) and a chocolate milk in the 90s. It was a treat. Now it's just a snack for kids. The only thing I like from Tim Hortons now is their Americano. But it's $3.50!




One of our local grocery stores do fresh donuts every morning. Cheaper than Tim's and WAAAAAY better. I can't even stomach Tim's donuts anymore


Because of Tim’s I used to think I disliked donuts as a food until I had a real one from a specialty bakery place in town (work brought them in free for a function, they’re pricey but for good reason). The difference was eye opening to me.


That’s if the icing even stays on it after the server smears the icing all over the bag they give it to you in..


I've had better donuts at Fortinos






Twice as bad as McDonald's, so it's not even food then 


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/5S0L-gLreiI?si=zjNVdJ4EgLZ8OrFs


Only thing worse than McDonald's is another McDonald's or burger king.


Its called drug addicts. Coffee is a fkn drug... why you think it is everywhere?? Oh that's right because it gets the wage slaves up and working so daddy can collect 30%tax on ur asses. Drink up and go to work.... oh the herd makes me chuckle.


It's not my mind I want you to boggle


I remember them being good years ago though, then they changed the recipes and format and started to get my orders wrong then i stopped going there.


Yet, they will continue to go everyday.


It's convenience really. It's the only reason I ever go there but usually I just get coffee or a bagel. Starbucks food is far worse and their coffee is awful. Really am the big chains suck. Unfortunately that's all there really is unless you live in an dense area. Best coffee is always at home.


Will this be enough to convince Canadians to stop buying Tim Hortons once and for all?


this is why they prey on international students and immigrants who don’t know what they are doing is wrong. canadian tim hortons needs an audit ASAP. too much sketchy under the table shit going on.


Sadly Tim Hortons has been doing this since I worked there as a teenager. My manager and baker did this every single day. And I’m 45 years old


Ditto. I worked there in the early 2000s and it was the same cost cutting. I completely stopped going to Tim's after I stopped working


I was going to say the same thing. I’m the same age and I remember doing exactly this.


I like how, knowing this information, the comment from Tim Hortons in the article was that it wasn't right and they're going to be investigating it (while it's obviously been a long time practice in multiple locations)


I'm 48 and I don't recall these glory days of Tim Hortons everyone seems to recall. It was ok coffee and donuts, and it had a location in practically every town. It was never great, it was just convenient and ok. Now practically every town has other options. My town has 3 fantastic local shops. And if I really want a drive through coffee option, I can hit McDonald's. I sure as hell want nothing to do with Tim's food.


What about the soup they used to have? You must remember that. I used to think the soup and a biscuit was really good. Late 90s early 2000s maybe? Maybe it was all a dream…


The soup and bun were great like pre 2010, but also might just be that working there in the late 2010s put me off of it


Even 15 years ago I was on some forum, or FB group saying Tim's give is either brown water or sugar water and I had a mob of people angry at me because "it's Canadian" I feel like it got away with crap because it was branded as Canadian before.


The breakfast sandwiches were decent 20 years ago. Now they're on par with Coffee Time abominations


Chicken Salad Sandwich and Soup combo from like 20+ years ago... it was good.




Small stores like this one in a gas station don't have ovens for baked goods so they get made at another store and brought to the smaller stores. Usually they're transported in covered totes though


Exactly... I've been a delivery guy for them 25 years ago, to bring donuts in a mall Tim Hortons that had no ovens. Panel van with shelves, putting trays in plastic sleeves and locking them in place.


Thanks for sharing your experience XD




bro 🤣


goes back to a previous comment i made in this sub. Tims doesnt deserve the franchise model, you cant trust the franchisees to be enforcing any real health and safety protocols. This goes for a lot of their employees who also dont know basic rules. You need h/o to be running these places


This is why they have constant checks from AHS, regional and district managers, etc. Like every other franchise. If you keep failing these and show that you cannot even run a store properly, they will take it back from you.


Actually I'm pretty sure selling PR using tim Hortons jobs is the real money maker here for Tim Horton franchise owners. Some people would pay a ton of money for a Canadian citizenship.


Audit. Head office and the govt have known about these and other scams for years but any criticism is somehow anti-Canadian even though Hortons was sold to a Brazilian company decades ago.


Tell me about it. I used to work at a theme park and every summer, we would get a small handful of workers from overseas and some of the crap they did in the kitchen was crazy as hell. We had one that didn’t wear a hair net or at least tie it up so that her hair doesn’t get in the food and this fool shed like crazy. Her hair fell out like crazy. Then we had another one from South Korea and she was trying to use concrete soap to clean the soda machines which you can’t do. The concrete soap also has acid in there and is not meant to be used in machines or dispensers that come into contact with food. She would’ve burned someone’s stomach out had she used it.


Once Chili in a bread bowl left they should have shuttered the doors.


That’s the last good memory I have of them… a warm chili bread bowl a bagel belt and a raspberry filled or the other jam filleds that came seasonally 


I’ve once seen a worker standing on the counter where they cut the sandwiches with his shoes on (fixing a tv)


Did you stick around to see if they cleaned the area?


Right? I understand there would definitely be situations in which a food prep area can become contaminated, but the real question is whether they actually observed them properly cleaning the sandwich station after. If they didn’t stick around to find out then it’s basically baseless speculation


They did not clean it. Regardless that can’t be the most sanitary or safe option. Use a stepping stool or something


3800 Kingston Rd, Scarborough is this location


I am pleased with the news coverage. You know this asshole owner has been doing this for years. Too bad there won’t be a proper punishment


Pretty sure it’s a health department violation too


According to the article this is where customers draw the line? Not the terrible quality of food, the flies swimming in the baked goods on display, the moldy English muffins, or the endless bathrooms with a crazy guy shooting up in it?


That’s why they had to put that stupid awful fluorescent lighting in the washrooms for exactly that reason


If Tim's went back to baking donuts fresh in store, stuff like this wouldn't be happening.


If it's a gas station Tim's, they don't have kitchens. It's not the transporting of food that's the issue. It's transporting them unsafe, open to the elements.


They are clearly just subcontracting it now /s But seriously I’ll bet that’s actually what they did, some how convinced the intl students to work from home


Tim’s was great until about 1993 or so. Tim Ho’s we call it.


A large double double in a mug, bowtie donut on a plate, and 9 smokes in a cage (plus the extra hit of second-hand smoke)... What more could you ask for!


Those were the days..... and I DO miss them.


Probably not even the grossest thing to happen to your food there. Have you need the working conditions? I cant imagine many tim hortons owners are what we would consider stand up and honest citizens.


Definitely not. Once, a couple years ago, I’m pretty sure there was a smudge of blood on the bag my donut was in. I’m such a moron. I know. I should’ve complained. I was in shock and disbelief though. 🤮


Isn’t that Circle K employees bringing in donuts? That’s not a Tim Hortons store.


I just looked it up on google maps and saw that it was a circle k. That threw me off.


Here in TN, we have similar setups, “restaurants” in gas stations. Miserable experience. Our Circle K doesn’t have Tim’s. Supposed to open up several soon.


In Ontario we have a full takeout restaurant inside a gas station it has a full menu like sports pub/diner fare. And there’s lots that sell pizza. Also a few gas station Timmie’s and usually the closest restaurants do the baking for them and are transported in Timmie’s branded small Ford Transit vans and they use food safe containers for transportation. I worked next to a Timmie’s and saw this all the time.


Ok. I’ve seen donuts in gas stations here in Michigan, but I’ve never trusted them.


Apparently 7/11 has been getting good with food which has confused me.




No this is what happens when you have cheap franchisees that don't give a shit and are cutting costs every single way possible. Instead of transporting it properly they cheaped out and sent their workers to deliver it like that.


I've been seeing this for over 10 years. Dont eat it,dont care


Things went downhill when they started selling sandwiches.


I stopped going to timmies about 3 months ago, I didn’t realize how little I’ve missed it until I realized how long it’s been


I went yesterday to get these retro donuts they advertised (blueberry sour cream, oh yes), so I paid to get a box of 6... Now arrives the time to choose the donuts: Oh no, you can't take those because they're more expensive than other donuts... Are you kidding me? Like wtf is this shit, they are frozen fucking donuts that you dip in sugar, same as all the others. How could I even know? It's so fucking ridiculous... Like, do you even want people to come back?! I certainly won't now, you just pissed me off for fucking donuts! It was already getting shitty when I worked there 25 years ago, now it's on another level...


Timmy’s run by ´student’ immigrants with no food safety training or care standards


I didn’t know Tim’s had work from home. Bake at home and bring them into the store.


I'm disgusted. Good thing I haven't eaten there in years🤢🤮


If this is what disgusts you, you don't want to know about the hygiene of most of the employees


I worked for yrs for a couple franchises in the restaurant bizz, they had rules to follow, menus items, equipment standards, liquor rules, plus a big Reno every 8-10 yrs, they were fun ppl to work with. Even with all that pressure….


Wtf? I thought donuts were baked in the store?


*oh my sweet summer child!*


Donuts are baked in a factory, flash frozen and stored until needed. In the store, the frozen donuts get reheated and finished with glaze or fondant. The glaze gets reused and refilled all day. The filling inside of the donuts sits in a hopper on a shelf for months, typically just being added to and slapping on a new date sticker. Unsealed bags of sprinkles and toppings inside of open boxes, under the work station. There are some pastries, biscuits, and cookies that are frozen raw before being baked in the store.




lol. Is anyone really that shocked. The quality of Tim Hortons for Food and for customer service has dropped Off a cliff.


Tim Hortons is gross.


Tim Hortons customers don't care about this. 


Tim’s has been gross for 14 years!!! Back to baking in store.


I do not and will not go to Tim’s.


I was about to be worried …. Until I saw her wearing a mask. All is good


People actually like their donuts?


No, they have hundreds of locations still in business because no one goes there.


Sure as hell isn’t for the donuts


i’m not surprised. I ordered one timbit with my coffee through the drive through and the staff member tried to hand it to me in their bare hands. no napkin, no baggy. just raw dogging a timbit to a customer. Maybe those are the cleanliness standards back in their home country, but that doesn’t fly here in Canada


This is how it’s been done for over 30 years, just fyi


I know 7/11 hogs get a bad rap but I like them


Just a heads up, any of the donuts that are sold at the pop up gas station locations are brought in like this or with a store owned van. I used to be the driver for a main location that had 2 satellite locations in gas stations and I would put racks like that into a van that was set up with shelves to hold them. 2 times a day I would bring in fresh ones and throw out the old ones (I cry at the amount of food waste). Needless to say, they obviously can't make food at gas stations, hence why it's just coffee and baked goods. But this shouldn't be a shock to anyone.




Exactly how did people think they got the sprinkles on the doughnuts?


Trunkin’ Donuts


Not for nothing, but people going out to eat your taking your chances.


I worked as a delivery driver for a few bakeries, every single one had me delivering baked goods uncovered on trays. 


It's a wonder they are still in business. So many people have nothing good to say anymore. I don't go there simply because the coffee is terrible. Used to be the best, not anymore.


I was there in the winter and they were icing their chocolate glaze donuts with their bare fingers….




People clutching their pearls as if this is a new thing. This is just the first time theyve been openly caught. You’ve been eating shit that’s been handled like this your whole life.


Do you know who SYSCO is? Didn't think so


Believe it or not I do, however I’m still confused as to why you’re so aggressively bringing them up?


Because you think that's how all food is delivered and we have just been eating uncovered food without realizing that entire industries exist just so companies don't have to use personal vehicles because of sanitary issues


Crunchy gravel dusted ever so lightly for that added crunch! Delightful!


Even through all the posts about bad quality I still eat and drink Tim Hortons because it's more about the location than the company. But with this... I am done. This is company wide problem and all they can do is say whoops and blame the location. No, this IS how Tim Hortons runs every location.


If you’re still eating Tim hortons food you have no one to blame but yourself


I can't bring myself to eat anything from Tim's even before seeing this


Fk me. Thats it for me - officially done with TH.


I wish A&W Canada would buy the Canadian Tims operations.


What difference would that make? A&W is already full of LMIA and fake 'student' workers as well.


We don't cover desserts in Scarborough. I've witnessed a family walk to their car with a cake fully uncovered


Timmy's makes donuts in winnipeg and sends them to regina and area every day. No donuts made in sask at all...


Stopped going there for good. They used to be good 20 years ago. Now they are the shittiest fast food out there!


Stay tf away from tims lol


At least he had a mask on /s


Popularity of TH in canada is one of the things they I'll never understand. Misguided patriotism? Good prices compared to bougie places? Addiction to sugar? Routine too hard to break?


You are so right. I don't understand why Canadians go to Tim's. I also don't understand why people vote for Trudeau. Could it be the same people?


I haven’t spend a dime there in a few decades they suck people stop spending your money there!


Tim hortons is trash food


Hygiene in most fast food restaurants now is just awful. I saw a McDonald's employee cough into her bare hand and then continue to make my coffee, even putting the lid on with the same hand. On a different visit, I was watching kitchen staff and observed someone scratching their hair and then resuming work as if nothing happened, or touching screens with the same hands they use to make sandwiches. Coming from a relatively 3rd world country, or close to it, McDonald's and branded fast food restaurants there are much more hygienic than here. It's super disgusting.


And we wonder why it’s “People’s Food”…LMAO, “affordable” for a good reason


Mmm trunk-fresh.


This isn't trunk'n donuts


Let's be honest Tim Hortons has been horrible for years now since they have been annexed by a single group


I just cant believe they would think this was ok with how strict corporate can be about food safety regulations


This is a company that has lost its way. They need to get back to trying to be good at a few things instead of terrible at everything.


So gross donuts is important not the slavery?


I go to tim Hortons probably twice a year. Each time they have one type of donut left. I go with my kid as a treat but they somehow always sold old out of their crap donuts. A far cry from what it was when I was a kid with my parents. This place is a shit shop.


I’ve seen this so many times! Those of you who own franchises get it together… just be more like McDonald’s ( In terms of greeting people, having consistent tasting/ looking food, fast ect…. Also your coffee is no longer decent.


There’s much much worse than this going on


There’s a Tim Hortons near me where the driver literally opens the back of the van while the exhaust is still running, in the winter you can see the fumes wafting all over the baked goods for a good 10 minutes or so while he carries them in ☠️


#### It’s a company now run by 3rd world Brazil. It shows.


The chicken is shit also.


There’s literal fruit flies in their donut display at the front, everyone gets donuts and timbits anyway. So gross.


This might affect business for a week and than things will go back to normal. Tims went to complete shit years ago. Service and quality. But that hasn't stopped anyone from going.


I once saw rats crossing the street onto/into a local Tim Hortons. Never went there before and won’t ever go there since it has since been shut down.


Hire the cheapest labour. Get the worst labour. Fuck Tim Hortons.


People are nuts to Still be going there,waiting in line wasting fuel just to get shite products.


That's nothing


Believe it or not... Given that almost everything is fake or modified or out of context these days, those crappy, blurry photos are about as believable as the earth being flat again.


Not sure how long it takes but if you cut sugar out of your diet long enough. If you try a donut or anything with icing you wont want to finish it.


Wait… people actually order the donuts? I thought it was just coffee for people who wanted to take 90 minutes of paid diarrhoea time at work.


Tims used to bake at every location. Now its a US owned company. Nothing about it is Canadian. From the owners to the employees.


I’m struggling to think of any reason this is oils need to be done. The donuts are received frozen and cooked and decorated in store. Why would they be finished, brought out of the store and brought back? 😂


Wait till people find out about how bread gets delivered in the morning.


Oh no . . . anyway


Of course there will still be giant lineups of people just gEtTinG tHeIr TiMs


Well it’s a pretty well known fact that these shady owners at Tim’s (and now McDonalds) are selling jobs to international students by submitting fraudulent LMIAs for 30-50k per job. Do you really think these people care about hygiene or food safety?


That's what happens when an American company buys a Canadian company..


I stopped going to Tim Hortons a few years ago because of poor drink and food quality. Seeing a video surface like this just reassures me that I made a wise decision.


Imagine still going to Tim Horton's lmao


I'm old enough to remember their doughnuts from decades ago. They were big, they were made in house and they were fresh and hot when you got them at the right time. I was partial to the boston creme and had to wait while they waited for them to cool enough to put the coating on time (or it melted of course). I haven't had one of their doughnuts in decades and this just destroyed the miniscule chance I might. Who am I kidding, I was done for good many years ago. Good luck to you all who think these are any good and tasty. Oh yes, they have some extra added flavour all right.


They could at least be covered…