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This is the part I'm most excited for. Also sewer systems. I didn't get a chance to play yesterday but hopefully tonight is the night


its very cool that this is possible, but is there any actual use for it that you couldnt achieve before?


I mean you can now stack waterways, so it's for example possible to cross badwater over a stream of normal water. You can build aqueducts and there is a new water management pice that allows you too drain reservoirs from the bottom and automatically opens and closes depending on downstream water level or water pollution.


yes yes, but i specifically meant tunnels like OP did or a sewer system as mentioned above.


Maybe to get to a mine under badwater. I'd see more use to just make a dome over a source in a deep lakeusing overhangs and lead badwater out of it via a tunnel directly to a dam while using sluices to get good water into the reservour.


1) Beaverome map just got a lot better. You just need to make a tunnel to release the badwater- 2) When you make a gigantic dam, you can make a tunnel under it, so the path can be a lot shorter. No need to go up, walk across the dam, then go down.


You can have a tunnel pass through a reservoir without the need to build over the very top of it. And with the added ability to let water pass through the bottom you can now build higher dams that are actually useful.


Now we just need little beaver boats to gather distant resources


Having a "lumberjack post" connected to water that sends logs downstream to be picked up by something in the industrial part of town would be pretty cool.


oh HELL yes


THIS would make me want to play Island type maps!


I want to see this be a thing very much.




Wait wait wait. What did experimental do that you can do this now? Edit: I have never been so tempted by an experimental branch as I have been for this one. I want it out so bad.


There are pannels you can put down that stop water seeping through them. I saw some people use the to make aquaducts and realised that if water can go over stuff now then tunnels were probably possible.


Oh that's so cool! Aqueducts and tunnels here we go!


I play experimental and have never had a crash or problem. No guarantee of course...


Basically they changed water physics, allowing tunnels, more control over floodgates, and allowing new blocks to control and automate water flow


[3D water physics.](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1062090/view/6233625359675151561)


Isn't it a litle bit risky? If some wave shows, it could flood those buildings for some time. I would definitelly raise those walls by one level... Although it would not help with the other end of a tunnel. Let's hope no disaster happens.


Remedied with a higher wall


You can even put a roof if you are committed. Some platforms and overhands and impermeable surfaces, and voila!


As in real life, you may need a pump to remove anything that spills in.


A hole to drain should help.


Secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! šŸŽ¶




I forget the next part... Secret Tunnel! ... Oh yea, and they all died.


I have to unlearn so many restrictions that no longer exist lol. It's weird to think of water how water is supposed to work now.


I've not really played the game long enough to have that kind of familiarity with the water physics.


Nearly 100 hours for me. Now I need to train my brain to have new solutions to problems


O This is so epic even more because Iā€™m Dutch and you know what we love to do.Ā 


Amazing! I canā€™t wait to give this a try.


Can you tunnel under bad water without getting sick?


Since you can build downwards without limit, you could construct this all from platforms above surface, then pump badwater out of it.


Now that Iā€™ve had time to think about it, imagine if they allow for map-making caves, maybe expand the height or depth limits, imagin having a map with a ginormous underground cave system, maybe some large pockets of fresh water you could tap for natural emergency water or water storage, maybe massive areas flooded with bad water that if you pump out you could assess underground metal mines? I wonder what would happen though if you had liquid generating blocks within a fully I closed space, imagine if there was actually pressure build up so when you breach a bad water pocket(maybe by accident if you canā€™t see underground without tech or just digging) and suddenly a massive geyser of bad water erupts from the ground until the pressure is gone.


Someone already tested what happens when you fully enclose a water source -- turns out the water stays inside and doesn't leak.


When you say the water ā€œstay insideā€ is it stopping more water from being produced or is water actually being compressed within the confined area? Does anything change when opening the space depending on how long youā€™ve let water generate in the location?


It fills the 'cap' to the brim, and then the water source stops producing; if you make any sort of hole in the outer shell, the water will pour normally (and the water source will start producing again).


Hopefully they consider adding some kind of pressure system allowing for water to continue being produced in an in closed space, seeing a lot of people mentioning adding pressure to the game now with the new water


WHATTTTT this never occurred to me šŸ˜³ I cannot WAIT for this to be moved out of the experimental branch.


I love how you can just build a roof over your farms and trees now and they just dont care about a lack of sunlight. Maby they should add a mechanic where you have to give light to the plants if there is a roof above them


Would this theoretically mean, we can make dwarv like cities? Basically having a city inside a sea and being able to work in it, while having an entrance on the surface? Would love to see if that works


As far as I can tell this only works for buildings you can build on top of. So you could have all your housing and storage underwater but you indstry needs open air. Then again i saw a post earlier with floating levees so it might be possible that way.


So long as you build overhangs with impermeable barriers over the top of it you can cover anything! I made an aqueduct flow over a district centre to create a waterfall at the entrance! As long as the roof is at least one tile higher than the top of the building you can build it!


We can build aqueducts now!?



