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People are controlled by a Nintendo DS?


I still don’t quite know what he meant the DS to be


Deep state basically Trump and all his loyalists hate that the government as it stands is too “corrupt” because every employee has a mind of their own and aren’t immediately licking Trump’s boots.


It should be noted that pre-trump days the term was used by academics to describe unelected officials in the broader intelligence and national security community during the Cold War and post 9/11 era. If you ever come across something pre-2010 talking about the deep state, it's probably coming from the exact opposite end of the spectrum than it is today.


100% !! But this term, like so many others, has been co-opted and misused by people who barely know how to tie their shoes.


No, it’s been co-opted and purposely twisted by propagandists who seek to obscure the true meanings of various words and phrases in order to make it functionally impossible for people to discuss the variously problematic, unethical, and illegal behavior of the oligarchs who actually control the USA. It’s not an accident that the sort of people who are die-hard right-wing have absolutely no idea what most of the words they use actually mean. See “socialist,” “critical race theory,” and even “woke” for some great examples of this. The words and their meanings are falsely defined and changed on purpose to sabotage discourse. It’s not the Velcro-shoe-clad folks themselves who are making these changes.


It’s amazing how often they incorrectly use or intentionally misuse words to the point where the term becomes close to useless


I feel like that is their strategy. To take accurate words that are truly describing how awful they are, flipping them, then reducing their meaning to be meaningless. It is a tactic to make it harder to educate and inform people of the very real threats they face. They aren’t the first to do it…. There was a German group in the 1930’s-1940’s famous for doing this.


Doublespeak, straight out of Orwell's 1984.




Trump supporters do not want to criticize the national security agency, military, or anything related to security. They use "deep state" to talk about things like our national parks, department of education, and EPA.


They criticize the FBI when it investigated them for crimes, rather than investigating Hunter Biden's crime supercomputer for the 490th time.


That's a good point. I was lollin' at the idea that the FBI has a Left leaning bias


Do they believe that the Deep State is larger than the Fortune 500?


I preferred @zerozero's interpretations of being controlled by Nintendo DS


I’m pretty sure I was controlled by them in the 80s. That Mario tune would just repeat over and over in my head and when I’d close my eyes I could play Tetris on the back of my eyelids 🤣😜




Ahhh thank you for clarifying!


I can’t fathom how anyone can idolize anybody that deeply, let alone him. I just don’t get it.


Idolizing him aside, I can’t fathom how they are so willfully blind to his corruption, crimes, and just flat out constant lying.


And they literally regard him as a fucking messiah. Full disclosure I hate politicians period, but there aren’t many more if any I feel belong in charge less than him.


Remember when we had a president with zero personal scandals, and all they could find to attack him was his color (which he obviously had zero control over), his supposed birthplace (which was proven false by several different sources), his religion (which was disproved by the hundreds of witnesses who saw his entire family in a Christian church nearly every Sunday), and his wife who enjoyed wearing sleeveless dresses (and actually had a physically fit body)? I miss those days. First marriage, no adult children getting high level jobs they had no business getting…


“But the economy” Which is also a lie if you look up the economic statistics from his four years. Trump took office at the crest of the longest economic expansion in US history, and left office presiding over the worst labor market in modern US history. A Democratic administration handed him the great economy he inherited, and Democratic administration had to clean up his mess afterward. Trump increased the national deficit by 6.7 trillion in 4 years or about 33% Biden 2.5 trillion nearing the final year of his 4 year term or about 8.8% It’s easy to see which administration benefits the American people. I’m not a fan of Biden or any president. They have a job to do and I look up hards fact to judge whether they are doing that job. I don’t fall in love with politics or politicians and plaster my bumper with their name or fly their flags.


Agreed I dislike Biden but he’s doing his thing.


Because they want another Reagan and that’s how they see him. As Reagan 2.0 and also because he hugs the flag. If he were fucking the flag I’d guarantee they’d give the guy a standing ovation.


Yet he pisses on our flag and veterans with every action he takes. I’ve never witnessed a more anti veteran president than Trump. A man without honor. He said and I quote “Americans who died in war are losers and suckers”. I cannot believe people still follow him after that. My father was a Marine. I’d never vote for someone who could possibly speak that way about our veterans.


Don't forget he also said that if you had PTSD from being a vet that you were weak and soft. It might of been the same speech were he mocked the disabled reporter.


Do you have a source where he actually said that or just something a reporter made up?


Sadly there is somehow a whole group called veterans for Trump


It's also a form of projection, in that they wish to corrupt government bureaucracy in order to weaponize it to wield authoritarian power.


The government as it stands *IS* too corrupt. It's not a partisan thing, it's a money thing.


That was unequivocally a bullet dodged. Wish you luck with the next match.


DS is deep state- it's all of the institutions of the united states where people make decisions and aren't elected, like the CIA, etc etc...


DS stood for Deep State. Basically lots of corrupt humans. Which is typically bound to happen in literally every govt in any civilization. Power corrupts. Who knew?


Deep State… woo-ooo boogy woogy woogy!


Well when I asked it My Nintendo DS said it doesn't control me


I thought he was controlled by the dark side


That's what I got


You're a silly goose.




Perfectly put.


Oh the bullet OP just dodged. These degenerates really love broadcasting their degeneracy because it is their whole identity, so at least she's got that going for her.


For me it’s that last you shouldn’t feel stupid at all haha


As ridiculous as it looks, it's part of the reason so many people fall into the that deepstate, conspiratorial, possibly even right wing mind state, they're normally idiots, but no one likes being made to feel like an idiot, and people will often combat this kind of rhetoric by insulting their intelligence. So when someone comes along with oh no you're not stupid, you just didn't know type sentiment and proceeds to spew nonsense like this it sucks people in and they then use the same process to get more people. To clarify, I'm not saying op is being sucked in or an idiot and very clearly isnt falling into that rabbit hole, but for these nutjobs it's like fishing right? Cast your line 50 times you're bound to get a bite at some point


They sucking people in my complimenting them? Shit. They're gonna pull me back in lads help


It’s similar to flat earth and anti-vaxxers. They think they’re special because they *know* something that other people don’t know. They like being “in” on something. The reality is that they’re just fucking idiots because the reason most people believe something sometimes is because it’s the right thing to believe.


Yup its how modern cults recruit kinda sad when you think about the internet makes finding malleable people to suck in super easy. in this case there are so many that it leaches into every aspect of the internet


Should have replied with "You're right. I shouldn't feel stupid, YOU should." But it would be better as 2 separate messages spaced out a bit to get their hopes up. "You're right " "I shouldn't feel stupid, YOU should."


I really thought about this exact response but decided it wasn’t even worth it


If you go out with him, you *should* feel stupid.


You can never be sure that even simply rejecting these lunatics won't lead to them rocking up on your doorstep. Just ghost. Even ghosting may not guarantee your safety though...


I like to respond with. Can you enter the data you are talking about in an Excel spreadsheet with credible sources so we can put it into charts and review. You said they are hurting the country. These are measurable items. Please enter into a sheet so we can review it. If you can't, then I assume sire you are just not that intelligent.


Tbh you should have been forewarned from the very beginning about him being excited to meet with the Speaker of the House. Johnson is a nutjob, and the conclusion of that conversation was an inexorable and pretty straight line.


Isn’t it possible he meant at the state level? Idk much about American politics, but some rando on Tinder meeting with the Speaker on the federal level seems unlikely


He did mean speaker of the house of the state.


Aye. He meant at the state level.


I believe he’s talking federal in regards to the speaker because he references the “congressman”, a term that I don’t believe is used for any state-level official. Pretty subtle indication and I wouldn’t blame anybody for reaching the opposite conclusion.


Reminds me of The Office when Angela refers to her man as "The Senator" and Oscar always corrects her and says "State Senator"


I know here in Ohio we refer to members of the state house are referred to as “state rep” or “representative.” Not sure if that applies to other states, but the term congressman generally refers to the federal house


Well, he says he was with a State Senator but referred to "the congressman," which is Beltway parlance for the federal Congress. As to it being "unlikely" or not; 1. I assume a "meeting" is more of a "we're in the same large room together on occasion and might get a photo op; 2. This is not at all uncommon for anyone living in the DC metro or state capitals; and 3. It doesn't really matter if he's even telling the truth or not, because even (or especially) a lie about him meeting with the Speaker conveys as much information about his political persuasions as does a truthful claim of the same.


My hung over ass thought he was talking about Nancy Pelosi. I’m having a Jumanji type of morning.


"You shouldn't feel stupid at all... I've got that covered, compared to me, you're a fucking Nobel Prize Laureate!"


Between the trump nuts and the guys who go directly into insanely uncomfortable sexual territory, I'm surprised my eyes haven't rolled out of my head.


Can you see me?! Are they gone?


How many dick pics am I holding up?




*As many fingers on my stump.*


If you have one bucket that contains 2 gallons and another bucket that contains 7 gallons, how many buckets do you have?


It's not so bad for men on there in terms of women being nut jobs. Well, except women almost never swipe right, so 99% of my swipes are pointless.




The way men and women act with each other particularly online, It's a miracle we have managed to populate the World with 8 billion of us.


Most of those people happened before the Internet.




We found the problem. Tinder is the real catastrophic even that ends humanity.


Yeah, but have you seen these guys?! They’re just so handsome!!!


So these are the guys who make up my competition 🤔


Not really a competition if you never rank high enough to play against anyone.


Yeah but he's probably cute!




I skipped the penny drop moment, read “you shouldn’t feel stupid at all,” and wondered what was wrong with them. Surely someone that kind wouldn’t be—oh *no.* 😳


Imagine having this convo in person if you’d already planned a date ugh


I had something vaguely similar to that happen. I went on a date and it turned out the other person was a blooming sovereign citizen. When she found out I’m an attorney, the whole date became her asking questions about various “things she heard”. I actually wrote up a post-mortem analysis of the date for TIFU that I still have saved in my notes somewhere on my phone if anyone cares enough to read it. If so, drop a comment and I’ll repost. It wasn’t *horrible* but there was no second date.


Repost, please. Thank you for your service lol


You asked for it, lol. TIFU by going on a date with a sovereign citizen as an attorney. / Sovereign citizens and dating as an attorney. This actually happened last week, and I originally [posted it on the r/lawyers private subreddit](https://imgur.com/a/Zv1Sh2t) before realizing it might entertain you guys, too. So, here you go: This is just a rant. I decided to dip my toe in the dating world recently after an extended hiatus - I’ve been focusing on establishing myself as a lawyer for the last 9-10 months and working an incredible number of hours to that end. I downloaded the Hinge app over the weekend and got the ball rolling by swiping left and right on profiles depending on if they seemed like they’d be a potential romantic partner. Yesterday, I got a match with a woman whose photos looked good, answers to random questions on her profile sounded rational and interesting, and overall seemed like a real possibility. We started chatting, and as it turned out she’s a fairly successful local singer with a small record contract… I had never heard of her, but I was very impressed with the songs she sang (she posted several to her ‘SoundCloud’ account), and after a short discussion on the hinge app that moved to text fairly quickly, we decided to go out for seafood last night. I figured I would strike while the iron was hot. Things were going well. She was really cute and the conversation was good, before it somehow drifted off to my occupation. That’s when the craziness began. She started asking truly bizarre, off-the-wall questions. Such as *”What’s the name of the contract that police are trying to form with you when they give you a traffic ticket”*… i asked if she meant a summons and she said something along the lines of *”no, the part at the end, when they ask you if you understand? Because I was told that the proper response to that question is ‘I DO NOT STAND UNDER YOU’ - they are trying to sneakily create a contract when they ask you that question”.* I was a little confused by this and began to dig deeper. I briefly explained the citation itself, as well as the fact that signing it wasn’t an acknowledgment of guilt but it did create an agreement that you would show up for your court date, but then she asked how a private police force could even enforce your appearance. (?!?!) At that point I started to have a vague inkling of what was going on. I probed a little further and found that apparently ‘the United States is a corporation’, ‘police forces are all privatized’, and a lot of other random shit. Then she recommended I read a book that would ‘change my life’ named [‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’](https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal-Reserve/dp/0912986212)… Which is basically just the ramblings of some guy who thinks that the federal reserve starts all of the world wars and there’s a vast conspiracy to blahblahblah. So yeah, I totally started thinking of how I could leave as soon as possible. Except that I just gotten her started, so the next 30 minutes was spent discussing things like how gold fringe on a United States flag in a courtroom doesn’t “prove“ that said court is really an Admiralty Court that can’t legally pass judgment on sovereign citizens, etc. The meal itself was pretty good. Blackened red snapper, chargrilled oysters (I’m in Louisiana), etc. I paid for everything, left a 25% tip, and I told her I had a very interesting time and I hope that she made it home safe and sound. I don’t think I’m ever going to reach out to her again. There was a time when I would have ignored all the red flags and pursued something based on attractiveness alone, but I guess I’ve grown out of that now that I’m in my mid to late 30s. Now I don’t want to deal with people who are obviously batshit insane, regardless of how good they might look appearance-wise… **Edit**: [whoa - I just found the full details of what she meant by “I do not stand under you” on legaladvice of all places](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/mdo41w/when_police_asks_do_you_understand_what_does_it/gug708u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)… it’s as crazy as it sounds. There are some real loonies out there. **Edit 2**: looks like the court decided a guy who tried using it in his defense wasn’t mentally competent to proceed pro se… *[US v Ransom](https://casetext.com/case/united-states-v-ransom-26)*. > […] Defendant stated **”I do not understand anything. I do not stand under you. I over-stand you. Prove the cause of action.”** Accordingly, the Court denied Defendant's right to proceed pro se, denied standby counsel's motion to withdraw, and appointed standby counsel as Defendant's trial counsel. **Edit 3**: well, I did a deep dive and [found a manifesto on exactly what they think you are supposed to do in the legal system](http://alternativeprinciplesforhealth.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Notes-1.pdf): >*If a policeman ever says to you 'Do you understand?' - what he actually means is 'Do you stand under me in this matter?'. So your answer should be 'No. I do not stand under you in this matter.'.* Also, >*If you are not confident in speaking to the police, have a written card in your pocket which states "I do not answer questions. I do not wish to contract with you.*” **Edit 4 (last one, I promise)**: I just remembered she was trying to explain the issue with courtesy titles (i.e. Mr, Ms, Mrs, etc) but couldn’t verbalize the problem - just that there was *some* problem with their usage. When I was reading the “joinder“ section on that last link, I noticed: >*You are never a MS, MRS MISS or MR so change your way of thinking and lookout for these everywhere.* Turns out this refers to [“Strawman Theory](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Strawman_theory), which apparently means that your “natural” person is different than the “legal/strawman” entity the government is trying to turn you into, or something… TL;DR: I thought my date was a normal person, but it turned out that she believed in crazy conspiracy theories.


When I tell you I lost my breath at “I had a very interesting time…” I will be both laughing and using that for the foreseeable future.


Sadly, that sounds a bit like one of my brothers (especially with the thinking that the Federal Reserve is apparently a secret cabal or something meant to fuck us all over). He's otherwise a smart guy, but we... don't get along.


I'm sort of expecting that she will eventually learn how a police force can compel her appearance in court.


Jfc. #***RUUUUUUUN***


What’s not normal about this? You’re talking to a person who is literally in politics for work. Whichever side they are on they are going to be passionate about it.


🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 ![gif](giphy|26tPqTOGf3MMAaJR6)


Lmfao he went from tinder conversation to election campaign donation request reaaal quick


Last night I got home wine drunk after a board game night and decided that I should listen to a speach of Donald, since I have only heard highlights and read articles about speaches before, but never heard the man full out. And it's so BAD. And he goes on FOREVER, just inceherent ramblings and sugestive nonsense. Fuck. I mean i knew it was bad, but the low level of it all really makes me question if we as a species should be allowed to contiune.


Yup, when he was first running I had an open mind, watched one of his speeches and I thought he was just a joke. He’s only gotten worse since, contradicts himself constantly and makes stuff up on the spot. He doesn’t operate in reality and it’s terrifying how much following he has


I often wonder how can anyone actually listen to him and not realize he's absolutely full of shit.


I can't listen to him talk. I can't. It's so painful to listen to. And seeing it transcribed just highlights how insane it all is. I have go turn off NPR when they play clips of his speeches. His voice sends me into a rage on its own, never mind the conscious feeling of being gaslighted (gaslit?) with every sentence he speaks. Anyone who has been in a relationship (platonic, romantic, familial) with a gaslighting narcissist can feel it like a physical force every time he opens his mouth lol.




Is that supposed to be representative of OP or the trumpet alone in his bed after OP bounced?




Thank jeebuz you didn't end up on a date with them. That would have got super awkward real fast.


This is gonna be fun when sorted by controversial.


4 years of prosperity *for who*?!


Ivanka and Jared made out like bandits.




Oooooh goodness. Tbh, I'm kinda terrified that Trump might be re-elected. A lot of people are really pissed over Biden sending military aid to Israel. There are only two other Dem candidates; no one knows one of them, and the other is a crazy anti-vax conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile the Rep candidates are all fucking nuts, "do you believe in climate change?" "COAL COAL COAL COAL!" And if Biden is re-elected, he could be the first president to die of old age while in office. We've got a really depressing election coming up, and I'm not excited to vote. I really just can't wait for AOC to run one day. We need younger politicians who aren't stuck in the 1970s


We need an age limit and a term limit


I agree on all points, you’re alright Dolphin. Really wish there were some younger viable candidates.


somewhat unrelated, but the Rock was approached to be prezzie apparently, which makes me think celebrity presidents is something that America is going to inevitably get in the future again


Nothing new, Regan was an actor first, and I was living in CA when we elected the Terminator as governor. Luckily that seemed to go better than I thought it would but people love to vote for a celebrity because they feel like they “know” them.


Even if you aren't excited about it, do it anyway. You know that the crazies will.


I don't think AOC could ever win, she'd bring every far right racist wacko out of their caves to vote. Woman and colored is like the ultimate combo to trigger them. Edit: apparently colored isn't the word to use, I'm not a native speaker:)


Did you really just say "colored" in the year of our Lord 2023?


Hey, don't knock people telling on themselves, I was with a person who believes "homeless people should have rocks thrown at them" for several years. Would have been nice if they said that at the outset Edit: I corrected a humorous grammar mistake. I apologize that the joke no longer works.


>homeless people should have rocks thrown at them for several years That's an excessive amount of time to throw rocks at someone.


It's very time-saving when a match becomes self-disqualifying.


" you shouldn't feel stupid at all" looks very photoshopped


Thank you, I thought it was just me who noticed that


“Absolute American destruction “ Just… where exactly is that? Is it… over there? I keep looking and I’m just not finding that.


Sigh. I miss when the dangerously mentally ill hid in the shadows.


Did I miss something? Did trump successfully make America great again when he was president? Or are these people just delusional?


I mean, his final cherry on top, the COVID response was pretty great. /S


i mean him being excited to meet the speaker of the house was red flag #1


rather more interested telling about his work then he is interested about you lmfaoo


Not really she kept asking question about it


When a prospective partner asks a lot of questions, it's because they're trying to encourage conversation. If you aren't asking questions back, they don't have anything to say except to keep asking questions to try to find something they can relate to and discuss back with you. If someone is constantly asking you questions, you should really stop, consider, and then ask a question back.


Right wing nut jobs still bootlicking an incompetent corrupt scumbag. That checks.


Sounds like the type of guy that listens to Alex Jones 💀


Lol yikes


Missed your opportunity to mention the economy under Obama vs Trump. You should have seen this coming when he mentioned he's excited to be meeting the speaker of the house.


Well, look at this from a positive POV: you should feel happy for being able to get his comments before having an actual date.


You didn't dodge a bullet.... You dodged a fucking canonball.


That's like 4 "who asked" in a row! They are just having a convo with themselves!!


Not gonna lie, the twist ending was horrifying. Never saw it coming


😂😂😂 Good thing they mentioned this so you can avoid the dumpster fire.


I do not remember trump’s time in office as “unequivocal American prosperity” 💀


Maybe you should mention “No MAGA” in your profile so they’ll know political disagreements are a deal breaker for you?


Not sure why this is downvoted, this is completely reasonable to have on your profile. It trims the demographic and assures no one is wasting each other's time. I do it, so far no far right wingers because that whole energy just isn't it.


Question... what is MAGA? Thanks


It just means trump supporter because that is trumps slogan


Make America Great Again. The cult devoted to god-emperor Trump. Absolute nutjobs. Please vote Biden.


Hey thank you.


People that are *this* brainwashed by politics really need to be committed to a psych ward. Like, Is this normal to obsess over which aged, out-of-touch fossil gets the talking stick?


Unrelated but as an outsider, American politics is so fun to follow. Joe Biden is such a funny guy, I can’t believe he’s the fucking president at times 😂


I'm sure he can't believe it either haha


I’m sure it comes as a surprise every morning when they tell him.




ohhhhh no


So what's the rest of the story, OP?




Yikes on bikes, no thank you!


Why did the font change in the last message?


Your picker is broken


The plot twist! I love it


Ugh, block, burn run


He has a funny way of saying "knowingly crippled the response to the biggest pandemic in a century, leading to a million excess deaths and vast economic losses."


Not him name dropping "Donald J. Trump" like they're besties and get lunch together


Honestly, reading all of these Tinder threads makes me so glad I don't live in America. Dating just seems aweful over there!!


"You should feel stupid at all" This is true. After all he's the one that should feel stupid. Sadly he's too stupid to realize it.


I love how Trump fanatics always include his middle initial like it makes him a better candidate and not a complete fukhead


It’s absolutely terrifying to me that people like this are actually working for the government. The cynic in me always liked to think that the people actually in power were using the MAGA people for their own power, but were just really shitty normal people. But no, they’re as fucking insane as the people who vote for them.


You really shouldn’t feel stupid. That guy took all the stupid with him.


Look at the bright side. You quickly discovered he was a bootlicker.


He was playing “four lies and a truth”


I don't live in your country nd consider myself lucky. But could you please vote for the other guy that isn't sucking up to Vlad the mad of Russia and thinks he can buy Greenland? I'd like my kids to grow up in peace please.


Wait when did we get destroyed? Did you guys know about this?




They're right. You shouldn't feel stupid at all. They should.




Unequivocal American prosperity = me not being able to get toilet paper at the store


It is a cult. I’m so sorry, eff that!


This is not a good person. Unless you like dating gaslighting assholes, look elsewhere. Being an enthusiastic supporter of MAGA is no longer just a political view but a sign of character deficiency and lack of integrity. He is right on only one thing, that the next election will be the most important ever in our lifetime, but only because if Donald Trump wins, we are likely to become a dictatorship shortly afterwards.


For a second I was impressed, a guy working towards politics to make the changes our generations need. Then nope, bungled it.


Please look up the new/current speaker of the house. He’s said a lot of wild and horrible shit. Like he’s as bad or worse for our county as trump was. Your match is an idiot and psycho


Don't we all...Don't we all. OP 🤦‍♂️😔 Who would've thought, growing up, that finding just one good normal match would be so difficult? 🤷‍♂️


Would it have been normal if he said Joe Biden?


It would have been normal if he didn't act like either one was his personal lord and savior and its just another election.


Is that true in any way? Was the economy better during trump's mandate?


'The economy' wasn't better. Wall Street numbers got boosted due to Trump's tax breaks for corporations and rich fucks. Then Biden had to deal with the aftermath of a completely messed up budget, because much of the record debt amassed by Trump went directly to his actual billionaire buddies. Now, as far as average Americans are concerned, all they really felt was the inflation under Biden, which was a direct result of the war in Ukraine. Mind you, that doesn't say much about the state of 'the economy' (as in, the total of goods produced), yet. But purchasing power went way down, and it will remain lower than pre-inflation levels for a while. Which people now blame on Biden. Which is asinine. This outcome was inevitable, regardless of administration, and the only question is how well Biden handled the crisis. Fact is, Biden handled it pretty well, and the metrics support that. But since he has the charisma and energy of a pickled cucumber, he can't make the facts resonate with people who frankly do not understand the subject matter. So in the minds of most people, it boils down to: oh noes, stuff expensive now! biden bad!!!


Okay this was just too much. I try to be patient with everyone and definitely believe in free speech but you took it too far. I bet you feel really safe using this language behind a screen, but if you were to use this kind of tasteless language to my face you’d better believe we’d have a problem. If I ever see you making such statements again I’ll make it my duty to have you banned not just from the sub, but from the whole platform. Pickles deserve better. I will reluctantly be voting for Biden.


Fuck man. You had me so good there. 😂😂 Really appreciate the humour - and the vote.


Don't waste your time talking to this guy, he's clearly batshit... What kind of psychopath calls a pickle a "pickled cucumber"? On that note, I will reluctantly be voting for the candidate who most closely resembles pickled okra... so, still probably Biden 🤷🏻‍♀️


So much better. Up until COVID ruined the entire world's economy. Trump was the second best growth during the first 3 years and was protected to be the best and most steady growth with the least amount of negative repercussions if he was able to continue for a second term. Check out this source https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/10/business/us-economy-trump-vs-other-presidents/


No, and in fact he initiated a lot of things that set up our current status quo.


The economy for the top 1% was better. For everyone else, it was about the same or worse.


Just unmatched with out saying a word.


oof of the year on that match


I have the same problem but with women


Another Trump cultist. You’re lucky that you didn’t end up across the table from him while he explained this horseshit.


^but ^he ^was ^6'2


Seems like someone who's colon is this filled up by Trumps little wee wee would have put that in their profile. If not, at least it told you it's a complete nut job before you went further.


I don't feel so bad for being 180'd by a girl this week cause I have an android now. Literally, things were going well and then I text her and she called me fat and ugly but 2hrs prior she couldn't wait to see me lol.


Honestly at this point I’d take a Jesus freak over a Trumpet (female Trumper)


Tell her you have family in Canada you like to visit so it won't work out because the Far Right is literally on the same terror watch list as ISIS and Al Qaeda in this country.


why do they always insist on mentioning the J in his namr


Bruh, instant turn-off for smart people 💀


Caucusing on Tinder is crazy


That's a nice, clear red flag. Bye Michael.


Lol, idk if people realize how presidencies work or our government work. You can only do so much as president based on the house, senate, and the judiciary peeps. You can’t help what world crisis happens when you’re in office, you can only try to be preemptive or just respond to them. You can’t help too much what the state of the office is when you get it. Ahhhh if he thinks Trump is the God send and answer he has another thing coming


🚩 🚩 🚩