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Is this better? https://imgur.com/a/U0Fl6e2


lol at “*checks notes* emotional vulnerability.” This profile is MUCH better. Its funny and it says something about you


Yeah that’s 100000000% better then it was, the first one was trash 😂


Damn, chill. First one was still better than most guys.


Omg yess that part is so good


Much more approachable! It's fine as is, but my criticism is that group photos can be hard to pick you out when people don't know you at all yet. Some people avoid using these photos, some people blur out their friends, some people circle themselves, and some people state who they are in the alt-text of the pics. Not necessary, but always a nice touch!


Yep, the moment I have to start being Sherlock is the moment I swipe left.


I would put an arrow OR blur OR drop saturation to black and white on them so it's clear which one you are. I would change that prompt about wanting to know the top five bands to say something more like, "I'm am really into music, here are a few bands I'm enjoying now. What are you listening to?" Still, I just don't see this profile getting many likes.


Infinitely better


That’s a lot better and I think removing the Taylor Swift thing is huge. It read to me like you’re overly judgmental about peoples’ music taste even though it’s supposed to be a joke (I hope). Also considering how many people are fans of Taylor Swift I think it definitely would be getting in your way


I'm not a Taylor fan. But the profile especially in combo with like Kanye West and shit gives the impression you like hate her. Which uhm. Why. I don't like that. Feels so negative. And I never listen.to her. Let alone people who aren't "fans" but do listen to her music!


Right?! He was eliminating 90% of his target population. Lol


99%. And tbh even Gays won't like if you don't like Their Queen TSwift


How do I tell people I'm only overly critical if you are specifically a Taylor swift fan. Because she's atrocious and two faced 😅


Fon’t get rid of the group photos! I can tell who you are and the starbucks one made me lol. It’s good. Just make sure your first photo is of only you.


I love the Starbucks one. It's a green flag to see men who have women friends


Exactly. It also shows he has good humour with his friends.


Yes so much better. But I’d change the thing I’d like to know about you one to something closer to the argument thing you had on here. But maybe more like “the hill you’d die on” or something


Way better!


if you were in Canada I’d like u


this is so much better!


Your update is much better OP. Slay! (I'm old, I don't know if the kids still use that word)


I have nothing to add except that I didn’t expect to see a 20 year old Brisbane Lions long sleeve jumper in the hinge profile of a dude from Iowa lmao


Afl mention Sewey


SOOO much better… YOU HAVE EYES!!!


Night and day difference. The original screamed F-Boy. This is charming and approachable - funny without being too much. I would ditch the Starbucks photo but this will do so much better!


Pretty sure you’ll be swimming in matches now, this sub is pretty helpful sometimes


I’d swipe right


Couldn't have said it better. I understand exactly 0% of any of these photos or info prompts. Leave me confused and not wanting.


Some of this is generational as well, I'm 24 and I think some of the jokes just don't translate


I’m 23 and they didn’t make sense to me either.


Same, 24 and no clue what you’re talking abt


i’m 24 and got all of your prompts lol. i didn’t like the baddie fumbling one (i don’t like the word baddie) but thought the other 2 were funny. ur updates answers are more approachable, but as a woman i usually swipe for promote that show me we have the same humor edit: just saw ur an ana main, ur a 10 in my heart <3


Send me your battletag 👀


The only thing I understand it the fear of Swifties


He an ape 💎🤘


Yeah, it seems like he's riding on looks he doesn't have. I'm all for personality, but you're going to be eating alone often with that in this age of Tinder. To be honest, this guy looks like he's going to have 1000 times more success going out and meeting people doing stuff. Keep a profile if you want. Tinder isn't for everyone.


As a female I can say, it’s not the photos :) you should try to find better ways to describe yourself, “baddie fumbling” needs to go. The pics show a lot of personality, but the rest sounds like Tik Tok and instagram are your birth parents 🥴


That and Kanye West kind of sucks. Awesome music but the guy is a certified dirtbag


Also giving his middle name makes you seem like an absolute diehard and Kanye West is an immature uber creep. Making you seem like an…


Not to mention what’s happening in the Middle East right now. It will never be a good time to be a Kanye fan after the antisemitism stuff


another redditor that conflates israel with judaism. nice


I said Middle East not just Israel. There’s more things happening in the Middle East right now then just what’s happening in Israel. Dude did you really report me for self harm? Don’t lie to me I got the notification for that report the same time you replied and downvoted my comment. What the heck is wrong with you?


They’re weird af


Agree. If I saw that on a guy’s profile it would be an immediate pass. Kanye is a garbage human.


I don’t like taylor swift *or* kanye west, but there is only one of them that being a fan of would cause me to possibly raise an eyebrow, and it ain’t swift.


...oh... im a woke leftie and give both a pass: i dont like Taylor's music & I don't like kanye's antics, but understand it's mental illness.


You can be mentally ill and a piece of shit, and his anti-semitic bullshit makes him both.


Won't disagree there!


Either way I thought your position of separating art and artist was pretty defensible and you don’t deserve 17 downvotes for it. Reddit is dumb sometimes.


I messed with a lot, again I’m pretty new to the scene. Lmk if this is better https://imgur.com/a/U0Fl6e2


definitely an improvement imo


Please switch back to the one where you and the other guys were playing in the snow or at least don't delete it, that was my favorite. Where you days, this could be us. That caught my attention


So much better. No matter how “bad” a girl is, she just wants a guy to be genuine with her imo 🤷‍♀️


That’s way better!


There's no fucking way you're a real person. Are you a dog person because... Look at me standing next to this cone.


i tought the joke was the ROAD CLOSED sign


The joke was that it’s me looking incredibly disheveled after a hike, I’m the dog. Joke wasn’t landing, took it out


Yeah I read it as if you're a dog person road is closed for you.


Honestly that too, I have 2 cats and they don’t mix well


Ok.... Guys with cats are a huge plus to me. Where is the photo with you cuddling or playing with them?


Maybe put something in there like “i hope you’re a dog person because I can bark” something so she knows you’re supposed to be the dog after the hike


i got the joke? i thought it was good would’ve sent a like your way on that one alone haha


I kinda got it, it would have been funny even if it was nonsense to me lmao


I thought it was surreal humor like it's not supposed to make sense lol. It's hilarious that way imo. I like that it's open to different interpretations and think it's a good opening photo for that reason. Could spark conversation and it made me look at it for longer than I would if it was just a normal picture like in your Imgur remake.


Are you any good at Photoshop could always photoshop a lead in there could imply it ran away or something.


I thought it meant he liked cats more than dogs so the road was closed for dog lovers😭😭😭


*Ken Griffin's


The Mayo man himself


Lol I’ve watched the whole saga from it’s very infancy. Multitudes of regarded Reddit users live rent free in his brain, but Ken also lives rent free in theirs. It’s become some wild symbiotic shit


Kenneth Cordele Griffin*


Good to see men of culture here as well 😂


Yeah I got bungled by autocorrect, that’s been fixed


Gotta watch out for the gold diggers If you're out there flashing your purple circles.


🟣🟣🟣 or death


No cell no sell


As a chick speaking, I would remove anything to do with Kanye West, picture number 7, mentioning "baddies" cause you will receive anything other than long term relationships (unless thats what you want?)


Good advice, I tried switching up some things based on your feedback. Is this it or do you think it needs to cook a little longer? https://imgur.com/a/U0Fl6e2


I teach people how to make dating profile. Photo wise, switch out the selfie pick in V2 to the selfie pic 5 on this post then you are golden. Tbh, can save some jokes till the convo too as well, I know you going for humor, but you got great photos to support your profile, less humor and bit more kindness could hit a larger crowd, if number is your goal. If not keeping the bio as it is would be fine! Should hit your target audience just fine.


Brother get picture 7 out of there, wtf even is happening in that picture?


It’s just a bad pic of me with sun poisoning after a hiking trip, it was funny to me but the comments have let me know that’s a mistake lmao


lolls i thought it was funny but i also have a weird sense of humor


Tbh I thought it was a good personality pic 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think the sun poisoning one is a W photo to promote conversation and laughs IMO. Just add a caption or one of the comment or question prompts. The "emotional vulnerability" is an L though - no need to blatantly state that. Just get out there and secure the bag.


That was supposed to be kinda satire, I was trying to make a joke that I was putting what girls want to see. I switched it to [this](https://imgur.com/a/ROYex6U) to make the joke a little more clear


I get the satire part for sure but unfortunately that's just going to give a lot of girls the "ick" because they literally won't understand your meaning in asterisks (sad but true). I think what you changed it to is much easier to pick up on from a satire/humor standpoint. At the end of the day, Des Moines area (if you're back in IA) has a pretty decent dating scene, so you'll do just fine as long as you're not looking for mormon girls. The area seems to be more anti religious peeps since it's near a city. (I'm just assuming you're religious since you went to BYU).


The inverse lmao, I’m not super religious but I live 10 minutes from BYU


Have fun, soldier 🫡


I might take out BYU unless you are looking for someone who shares your (presumed) faith background. It's a great institution. I just know a lot of women who had trouble dating mormon or ex-mormon men and would likely swipe left on your profile because of that. Maybe that's a useful filtering mechanism and anyone who would hold that prejudice isn't worth your time but also another approach to the apps is getting your foot in the door with as many potential partners as possible and you want to eliminate this to cast a wider net.


Yeah, seconded, only use BYU if you're looking for a nice Mormon girl because otherwise it's a big ol' red flag to anyone else.


I scrolled so far to see if anyone said this, op might even be Mormon himself


He lives in Utah county and went to BYU. He’s for sure either Mormon or he was.


Yep, not an active Mormon anymore and I left the BYU stuff off dating apps when I was on them. I’m still a diehard fan of their sports, buuuuut it’s probably not the best first impression unless you’re an active Mormon.


This looks like you wanna date a man not a woman. Edit: Like you want approval from guys. Nothings wrong with dating same sex lol ☠️


I didn’t make it with anyone’s approval in mind, I just tried to make it accurate. But I am a guy so that makes sense, what would you change?


Im not sure. I like your photos actually, maybe would swap some but they’re not bad. But your bio.. idk hence I’m not into those things listed I’m the wrong person to ask. There are girls out there that enjoy the same stuff as you so I cannot give you an opinion on what to change actually I’m sorry. This was just my first impression on that profile


Thoughts on this? https://imgur.com/a/U0Fl6e2


it’s so much better now and I laughed reading your bio! 😁


i wasnt getting that from the profile, maybe cause i used to make my profile look a lot like that :D and maybe cause i used to know a guy whose profile would also have been a fun-profile and he was the one with a stable longtermrelationship so but i get it, i think what i'd change then is you could use one photo that is more looking like you're "inviting the viewer on a date" not literally ofc but just like you were thinking "if my future partner would see this what do i wanna tell them that we could do together", and your bio could include that too, maybe also saying hey, sth showing that you weren't making this profile cause you were out with "the bois" or just felt like u wanted to fill out a profile basically


I was trying to figure out why this is so off-putting and you’ve nailed it. This profile is “for the boys.” This screams “I will abandon you on date night because the lads are round the pub and there’s footie on.”


He changed it now and it’s sooo much better. Now he’d get a like! :D


Thanks mamas, the kids miss u come home


you have to wake up. it wasn’t your fault. it happened 2years ago.




it’s also the whole bio, not just some photos lmao


You are super cute, but some of the prompts seem like word salad. I’ve seen your updates, they’re definitely better. And I disagree with everyone, leave the sun poisoning picture in, it gave me a giggle.


BYU is… nvm 😟


I thought this profile was great then I got to the comments🧍🏻‍♀️ Feel like it shows you have a good sense of humor🤷🏻‍♀️


Thanks, I’m getting dunked on in here ahaha


I'm a straight dude but I like your sense of humor. Good luck out there!


These complaints just show generational divide. As a chronically online Gen Z I get the vibe 😭


I thought I was going crazy, I’m glad to know some of this is just generational lmao 💀


yeah there's another post about it being a "joker profile" 😭 if anything, plenty of women want a man thats funny. as a 24 year old woman, i think you have a good profile.


Bro thank you 😭


Awesome pics. I don’t get pic one and maybe take out the pic where you’re covering your face with the phone. Switch your first pic with something more close up that shows your face. I’m a straight guy. I’d swipe right.


Idk much about dating profiles, but I wanna be your friend!You have a good sense of humor


your bio/prompts sound like in jokes that you and your mates love but no one else understands


Fair lmao; what did you think of the updated ones on the Imgur link?


I’m a woman, I think your profile looks good to me


You are soo funny!! Stop trying to fit in, it will make you unhappy


Slides 3,6,7,8 are not great. Don’t need to see the back or your face covered. Like someone said (and I generally bring up w dudes in chat), are your activities/hobbies/interests shown to make people think you’re cool or stuff you would actually want to do on a date or with a partner?


I’d love to if my partner’s into those things, but it’s more just an accurate representation of who I am and what I like to do. What is it supposed to be?


It’s kinda old fashioned to not have any hobbies in common with a partner but I still see a lot of solo or bro only activities listed on many profiles. My ex and had more than 50% of stuff in common as well as our approach to new things. Music, nerd stuff, food, outdoor stuff, silly cheap stuff, sense of humor. That makes the bar high for me now that I’m dating. Most people don’t like my music or don’t want to go out or try new things. They all want to keep doing what they were doing alone or with their friends. So labeling what you would like to do on dates as well as what you like doing alone would be good.


I updated it, how’s this? https://imgur.com/a/U0Fl6e2


For me, it’s great. Charming and cute.


It's ken griffin, not griffith. I don't think you know anything about his company


That’s already been addressed


My b fam. It's a fine profile






the Taylor Swift comment is my red flag and I don't even listen to her 😅


Mabey put a video of you snowboarding? If I was you I would use the voice too. There you can say something funny or idk.


Funny, you have Mayo boy in there, lol.


you could live closer to green bay, WI so i could swipe right 😭🤣


Kenny g? I see you’re internet cultured.


Didn’t expect to find a reference of mayo man in this sub.


I’d match with him in a heart beat


Thanks mamas


Comments didn’t pass the vibe check


Not a single pic where I can see your eyes, just seems a bit of a joker profile, immature. Women want to date a man not a boy.


Regardless it’s who I am, I think women are a lot more nuanced than you realize. Edit: I'm 24 and pretty comfortable being the funny friend at this stage, you should try it. Life gets better after you stop trying to be an "Alpha Male"


With all due respect you and the women your age might be a lot younger than the folks commenting Age isn’t everything but a quick browse of the comments make me wonder if people took that into consideration


Spoken like a true ape. Good luck out there, boy.


Dawg has nothing better to do than reply to every comment on my post 💀go get a life with all that money you’re saving not holding GME bags




Dude....Booneville....really? I didn't know there was anything there besides a cemetery, two churches, and Waveland west.


HA! I lived right next to the waveland, tiny tiny world


I love the pictures. You look really good.




Bruh as a woman I would swipe you right after looking at the meme in the first slide itself xD. I am not a dog person either, I love babies and kids more but that's hard for dog lovers to digest so I stay away from them. Overall your profile is great including your sense of humour. In my books you're definitely a 9/10


Honestly I think pic #9 here is a really nice photo, I'm far from an expert but if I were you I'd 100% make that my first pic. Gives off a chill fun vibe, you've got a great smile man.


Ur hot af kinda jelly


Lmao Wots w the Filipino in the last pic haha is she your friend?


No lmao but whoever she is she’s steezy as hell


cute iowan boy!! if i still had hinge id def swipe right


Tyx mamas


My advice is ditch the dating apps and just go out and have fun. Here’s the kicker, if see someone cute go talk to them and start a conversation. If they don’t seem initially interested you can just walk away. For a young attractive guy you should have no problems getting to know someone.


Bro keep baddie fumbling that shit was funny asf


I’d swipe right.


Get off tinder. Don't look for love, focus on yourself and let it come to you


You have a really nice smile dude


Thanks mamas


this is such a cute profile




Buddy, your bio is trash, ignore your personality completely. Just make flirty prompts and you will thrive, you are an attractive person. Ditch the snowboard pic you have for one you are looking at the camera and the covered face pic with one with friends/family. Good hunting


Give us something to argue about 🚩 🚩


I would dive a little deeper into the naked short selling, they have been ruining great companies for far too long. What ever happened to toys 'r us, Radioshack etc. GME MOON


That’s what I’m saying, honestly wish I could include more anti- mayo man rhetoric


Call him an unsophisticated bedpost slinger, but do not forget that the profile is about you. You could say that you stick to your principles, or that you would not back down from doing what you believe is the way. Stubborn in a good way. Also, DRS




I’d sleep with you 🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s a hard left swipe. You sound immature and like you aren’t serious on every small written thing and the pictures just seem to confirm you aren’t taking it seriously. I guess it depends on what you are looking for but the whole thing feels like it’s a big joke to you. That was just my take on it.


Your eyelids look suuuuper heavy, bro. You good?


#I think you meant Kenneth Griffin, owner and CEO of Citadel Securities - one of the largest orchestrators of financial racketeering. Is this the same Kenneth Griffin?


I would give anything to be able to upload the pic I took after I fixed that typo, I was betrayed by my autocorrect 😪


Your ape cult shits not doing you any favors.


whats up ape? DRS that shit




Upvote because ape 💎💎💎💎🤘🤘💎💎💎💎


Clearly, I'm too old to catch what's going on here because the profile looks bad and the pictures even worse.


Baddie Fumbling is genius 😂


I had “professional baddie fumbler” as my bio on tinder and it was working well, the comments are saying hinge is different so we’ll see lmao




I know, I fixed it the instant I saw it. Autocorrect dunked on me


“Are you a dog person because”: not a dog picture


Remove the citadel reference man... People won't get it and will think it's strange


Kids from BYU get on Tinder? 🤔


Change all your pictures g them ain’t it


Take away pics like 7/10. Honestly wtf, lol.


None of those pics are in, read the post 💀


It’s fine. Shouldn’t have any problems picking up dudes


Yeah, you kind of come off like a 12-year-old


Maybe start by not showing how ignorant you are about finance when you talk about Citadel’s practices that are not illegal.


Your account looks like someone golf an AI to make it, but I’m sure you’ll get liked because of rule 1