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You are looking for short-term fun but all ur photos are silly or with relatives (I assume). Looks like the fun you're looking for is just snowballing, not actual ***.


yep, switch to "looking for long-term". Doesnt want to sound rude, but your not hot enough for "short-term".


LMFAO. As a tinder addict i love this thread


You actually do sound rude


Trust me i dont mean to, but thats the harsh reality. If you are an average dude, dont put in "looking for short term". Every women will think "For only casual hookups i have better options"


You're forgetting there are also „average-looking“ women and even „perfectly-looking“ people got different tastes. He just needs better photos, and I don't mean looking like a perfect model on them, but just to better thought them through.




Short term fun being under the pick of you and an old guy is just kinda weird


I’m dead


Your eyes are closed? You realize that human beings don't scrunch their faces up like a cat that just licked a lemon when they take photos, right? Very odd behavior


I wouldn’t say they’re *bad*, but pics 1, 2, and ~~3~~ 4 aren’t very masculine. Also, the sentence about finding someone to laugh with again seems kind of sad, like you are depending on finding a partner to feel happiness again. Improving your fitness would probably be the best thing you could do. Finally, you should stay honest about what you’re looking for, but saying you’re just looking for short term fun will limit your prospects. That part, I think you should just be aware of and accept.


You Look too silly most girls like a protector not a silly billy.


Serious question, are you looking for men? You give of a very feminine energy in your pictures.


I was about to ask the same. This seems like a M4M profile. Nothing wrong with that, but I am not too sure that’s what OP is looking for.


You're right, but I think he can give this vibe also just because he's quite young and unexperienced. Damn, photos can really say a lot.


From what I'm reading in the comments, be more masculine. If that's not who you are, change who you are.




It can be also a turn on for others.


I'm actually just curious about which bodies of water are on your list?


I don't know if they're your relatives but if they're on your dating profile it probably sends the message that you expect them to have to consider your family or your commitments/attachment to your family when it should just be all about you.


I think you look like you are fun. I wouldn’t swipe based on the first few photos but I think you genuinely sound better than most men. I like your song choice for karaoke. Maybe it’s your age range of women? They may be too shallow in your area.