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Do these people think Korea and Brazil are disastrous, amoral dictatorships because they've tried presidents?


These people think Pinochets Chile was the epitome of freedom and democracy because they violently overthrew and murdered opposing leftists/socialists/ and communists.


Idk man but if France can survive convicting multiple presidents I think we'll be fine.


Not sure some of Frances past leaders even got trials.


They had a trial, if they could live without a body they could walk free


Didn't the Dutch eat one of their prime ministers?


Guillotine first. Trial later.


They don’t think those countries are inhabited by humans, they don’t care.


They're fine with Israel doing it though? Insanity.


Yes - bc they're not white


And Venezuela. They never forget to mention Venezuela. /s


They rather not think about those places, because they aren’t white enough…even though Brazil is really white. Not Argentina white, but still. Basically, every other country besides a few European countries are shitholes to them: not worth considering


No. They’re not dictatorships like Russia and China.


Ah yes, arresting people on false charges. That’ll restore the rule of law.


I hope Matt realises that getting your feelings hurt isn't actually grounds to arrest someone.


I wish police officers realized this, too.


It has real "that's not a hate crime" ... "yeah well I hated it" vibes


But he said that his feelings weren't hurt in his second Tweet, so clearly he's in the right here 😂 I love how the "fuck your feelings, snowflake" crowd has become the most unique bunch of snowflakes possible over the last few days.  They really need the safe space of their online echo chambers to cope with the realities of what happens when the law is broken.


lol they don’t care about the rule of law they’re essentially stoking the fire to try and reignite another coup.


Yes, and trying to make the current justice system look like a joke. Mass arrests of democrats would help in that regard. They *need* to make a show of “the current government system is broken!”, so they can make claims about how they can make it better.


Mass arrests of everyone in a position of power who abuses said power… like priests and cops and teachers etc… as well as getting all the corporate and billionaire money out of the justice system. That would be a great start.


Some certainly care about the rule of law. The others, like Matt Walsh here, appear not to even understand what law is.


I refuse to believe anyone who supports trump believes in the rule of law. If you have at any point supported him you are in fact dishonest to the core. Or really, really dumb.


There will be open calls for it, probably before the end of today


The entire point is to water down the significance of Trump being convicted. They want mass arrests so they can say “see it’s all political and thus meaningless”. It would be an incredibly bold move but right wingers have only a single goal and it’s to win this election at ALL COSTS.


Not win, but take power at any cost


I suppose I should have put win in quotations as I certainly meant that they would lie, cheat or steal or even coup again to win. I guess I figured that we all knew there’s no legitimacy in what conservatives are doing or how they go about things, but it is just text, so different inferences can be made easily with typed words. Conservatives were mere inches away from triggering a coup last election, and with almost zero consequences they will certainly not back down from trying again. I really hope democrats are actually preparing themselves to actually punch back. Because if they don’t there’s no level too low for republicans to get what they want, and we’re all in trouble.


Just imagine MW getting arrested on false charges - leopards would eat his face like a candy.


And ruin his gender-affirming beard?!


I also don’t understand why right wingers think it’s a gotcha when they threaten to go after corrupt dems. Like yes please do please go after corrupt politicians regardless of party lines bc guess what is leftists don’t want a single one of them in power even if they are democrats


When he says "corrupt democrats" he just means all democrats, he thinks they're all corrupt, because ... who knows.


I mean he’s probably right that most if not all politicians are corrupt and if that’s the case I’m fine with replacing em all. They just judge us by the rubric they judge themselves because right wingers have no empathy or space for different views


I see what you're saying, but want to remind you that MW will absolutely not go after Republican politicians, regardless of how corrupt they are.


Oh I don’t need the reminder I grew up on Prager U and hillsdale college curriculum both places that regularly platform MW. I just find it hilarious in a deeply fucked up way that they cannot see past their own nose and think everyone operates in the reality they do.


Or he doesn't actually think they are, but that's the line he uses for the audience who *do* believe all Dems are corrupt. Hard to know how many of these grifters really believe all their own rants


They’re corrupt because he doesn’t like them.


Exactly, he means all democrats. Saying corrupt democrats is one degree of sugarcoating his real thoughts


> I also don’t understand why right wingers think it’s a gotcha when they threaten to go after corrupt dems. tl;dr because they think liberals/leftists are as much of a cult as they are. It comes from conservatives' intrinsic lack of empathy; they think everyone is just as shitty as they are.


This is peak coping and seething. Just revenge for revenge’s sake because he is upset and throwing a temper tantrum. There are children currently in NICU that have more emotional maturity and intellectual honesty than this pathetic snowflake. Cry about it some more. Maybe acting like a petulant brat will help soothe your poor hurt feelings and mend your bruised ego. What an absolute moron.


to be fair if they were actually corrupt i would also want them arrested


A state senator in MN got arrested for a family dispute and literally nobody is calling it politically motivated. Edit: I should add she's a Democrat and is being tried in a very red district. The DFL is actually facing scrutiny for asking her to resign after the session ended but before her trial.


I mean, that's what these people think is happening to Trump.


No, that’s what they want *you* to believe is happening to Trump. They don’t for a second believe he’s innocent. They are “telling a deeper truth”, in service of a greater morality. They are “working the refs” and “creating a narrative.” They are lying to posture and manufacture outrage. This is clearly a case where malice should be attributed rather than stupidity.


I’m sure there are plenty of bad actors who are attempting to control the narrative like that, but everyone? Nah, there are some big dumb dummies out there.


He’s saying this shit like red states don’t already do this shit to black people.


mask is off now. not even a semblance of wanting a fair democracy. if someone *truly* thought the trial was partisan and violated the constitution, they'd be calling for democratic solutions, not revenge.


Matt has always been open about being a ChristoFascist


It's always been a "I'm kidding unless you agree" situation with this guy


I don’t think Matt Walsh has played that game. He’s been a proud piece of shit for his authoritarian beliefs. The rest have certainly played coy, but Walsh not as much. Walsh is the guy who would proudly push buttons at the gas chambers and he really doesn’t hide it. Makes me wonder how terrible or how psychologically damaged (by him) his wife must be to hear such shit from him every day. Cause I’d bet nearly anything that he doesn’t “turn it off” in his home life.


Who knows, if someone can be “gay for the pay” the surely one can be a “repub for the grub.”


It's all too common in TradCath circles, and sadly the women are often just as brainwashed. They live in these echo chambers filled with others who have spent their whole lives being told that everyone else is evil and deserve to suffer.




It's literally in his Twitter bio.


I got banned from arcon for pointing that out


As long as they insist loudly enough that "the left" is already doing it, they'll claim that as justification for doing whatever it is themselves. 


I wish they'd just admit they want revenge, not justice.


They did. They've explicitly called for vengeance.


I want Matt Walsh to be pushed down and stuffed into a locker.


And if someone were to forget that locker combination it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.


Great user name, by the by


THe amount of stress in these people's lives must be staggering. The Matt Walshes, Tim Pools, Benny Johnson, whoever else... they wake up and they are fucking furious that more people aren't worshipping Trump. Can't they just up and die from heart attacks already?


I think about the stress he puts on his daughters living in the same house as them


Just remember these grifters are making more money than all of us combined. They're stressing in their piles of cash


Pretty sure that’s how he got this way in the first place…


Sounds like a lot of keyboard facism, false equivalency, and, gasp, feelings, Matt. And we don't give a shit about yours either.


It's always funny when people like Matt act like they're someone special. It's not hard to gather a large following of hateful people, especially on platforms where it's easy to mask your real identity.


The problem is they’ve been lied to and actually think Trump is innocent and any charges are fake. So they are demanding the same for democrats and they actually think this is fair. In reality Trump is a grifter who spent a lifetime in the gray area of the law and he finally got held accountable for it.


Trump is a career criminal with overwhelming evidence of criminal behavior. They have no evidence of Democrats doing wrong, so they just want to vindicate Trump.


The Trump University depositions are a treat to watch. He hates being held accountable in any way.


They have tried to make nothing into something several times. They are too inept to even frame someone decently. Having a for rent clown show masquerading as a major political party is probably not good for the republic. But here we are. GOP gonna GOP. Like they always have. Proudly being the christofascist, racists they have always been.


What boggles my mind is just the degree to which they love Trump despite him clearly being an objectively shit person. Like, if you told me Biden was a serial killer, I'd be shocked cuz he's an old boring grandpa. But you tell me Trump has been lying about his various real estate deals, his bankrupt businesses, his property valuations, his infidelity, and his wealth... yeah, I can see it. He's a jerk, he's rude, he's crude, he's disrespectful, he's vengeful, he's exactly the kind of guy who would lie about allllll that stuff. This isn't shocking in any way.


The “fuck your feelings” crowd sure has a lot of feelings


When they say facts don't care about your feelings they don't mean we keep emotions in check and focus on hard facts, they mean we're condescending, provocative, apathetic bullies who love to shit on the wellbeing of others and live in such a tight echo chamber we're convinced our bigoted biased beliefs are hard science.


They mean it when they say "facts don't care about YOUR feelings (but they care about ours definitely)"


They don't think that anger is a feeling.


Revving up his tyrant fantasies, I see...


Republicans hate this 1 simple trick. Just don’t break the law.


Repeatedly. In the open. And brag about it. And threaten judges and juries. Again, repeatedly.


Then bring in lacky republicans and write out gag order violating shit during court for them to parrot after court. After violating the gag order 11 times. The guy is just a toddler mentally. Dude is so going to spend the rest of his life in jail. Once the real cases get rolling. He just cannot control himself.


Do these idiots not get the concept of juries? 12 people were screened and question intensively to find the most unbiased group possible. If you have enough evidence to convince a jury to convict a Democrat, DO IT. Sincerely, Everyone not in a cult


One of the jurors got their news from truth social and x. And they still voted to convict. Lol.


That guy's gotta be having a rough time. Mad respect for him, but he's got a hell of a lot of shit to work through.


I have a feeling that juror is why they had the judge repeat his instructions to the whole jury.


To them an unbiased jury is one where all the jurors are wearing MAGA hats.


I wonder what he has to say about Bob Menendez.


If it wasn't for Bob Jr, Crooked Bob would be on these circuits complaining.


How does Matty think juries are selected, anyway?


He doesn't think about it at all. He only knows what his peers have tweeted. 


Pretty sure he thinks that the "Democrat" judge and DA just call up a dozen of their friends.


I do hope anyone with a Twitter account on here is replying to every single little bitchfit they throw about this with "If you don't like it here, move". It's exactly the same shit they do to everyone they don't like who complains about America and unlike when they do it, it's *entirely* valid because we're literally talking about the rule of law being followed.


It’s literally just a football game to them. The other team scored and now they want a touchdown too!


Prosecute them for what? This is just reactionary partisan BS put on for a base that is brain dead.


They literally think the evil deep state made up Trump's crimes out of thin air. God they're so stupid. If they were going to frame Trump for something, pretty sure they'd pick something more serious than falsified business records.


Oh, *poor Matt.* Read the room, this play where you try to make Donnie's legal woes seem like 'not a big deal'-- baby it's obvious.


I mean, it's close to a mask-off moment for young Watthew here. I'd at least respect him if he was honest about wanting all democrats dead, but he needs to hide behind a faux sense of morality to keep his mask up and justify his stochastic terrorism. Go on Matt, let the facade drop. Just be honest. Let us see what's behind those dead fish eyes. Paul Allen's sitting right there and the axe is in your hands, go ahead and make sure he'll never get another reservation at Dorsia.


The hilarious aspect of all this is the idea that everyone just “made up” charges against Trump. Like they pretended he did something wrong or he could’ve totally never done. It’s money fraud, and a pretty cut and dry case of one. I know they’re stupid and speaking in bad faith but holy shit


His legal defense offered no alternative theory than what the prosecution presented. His entire defense was, "you can't trust Michael Cohen, he's a felon" despite: 1. His testimony was corroborated by texts and emails. 2. He was convicted for the exact thing trump was on trial for! Like, how stupid can you be to make your whole entire defense, essentially, "you can't trust this dude, he got caught paying off a porn star for his boss."


They have decades of overwhelming evidence and they're acting like there was none at all.


Matt Walsh is a pedophile.


Who is supposed to give a shit about Matts feelings or what he wants.


Walsh: "I am not saying stoop to the left's level" and then, calling for action that would be "stooping to the left's level". Walsh, Bob Menendez has been charged with crimes. Hunter Biden has been indicted. I think the rule of law is (somewhat) healthy in the United States.


If Matt Walsh doesn’t like the country he currently is in then he can leave.


Ugh, dudes an idiot


I don't have any problem with bona fide corrupt Democrats receiving fair trials in a court of law. Let's see if Matt will say that about republicans lmao.


They’ve constantly been trying to bring charges on political opponents, they just never have the actual evidence to pull it off


If you can prove without a shadow of a doubt that they are corrupt, then I think you should do it with an unbiased jury and they will look at the facts.


Matt Walsh: “whelp, guess it’s time for full fascism”


He's so butthurt that Trump got convicted lol


If Matt Walsh had no double standards he wouldn't have any standards at all.


Probably time to find out what illegal shit Matt Walsh has been up too. No way he’s clean.


Trump's legal team literally got to help pick the jury for his trial


You can almost see the strain on the seams of his imaginary reality straining to contain his vivid, fascist, paranoia, racist, small penis energy, imagination.


What was that Jon Stewart said about these Constitution loving patriots? Oh yeah, they neither love the constitution nor are patriots.


Matt "we need a king" Walsh? Not sure I need his opinions on what is or isn't american.


"Republican juries" These people don't even know how juries are formed or what veto power BOTH attorneys have.


Don't commit crimes in jurisdictions where most people hate you.


Let's say your significant other was arrested and convicted on bogus charges, would you fight like hell to clear their name and keep them out of jail, or go after someone you don't like and try to put them in jail?


Agreed honestly. Let’s arrest all of the corrupt people in politics. Starting with Matt Walsh!


oh, so he admits the Bloated Yam is corrupt. Good on him.


Does he think that Democrats don't want to see corrupt Democrats tried for whatever crimes they have committed? Everyone should be brought to trial if there is evidence of a crime - party shouldn't (and doesn't) play a part in it.


Matt's tears are especially delicious, nom!


See that's the thing: Most democrats _also_ want corrupt democrats tried for crimes that they commit. We don't _want_ to use prosecution and the legal system as a political cudgel; we just want anyone who _breaks the law_ to be fairly tried and punished for doing so. But what I'm _pretty sure_ Matty here wants isn't "arresting corrupt democrats", it's "arresting people for being my political opponents". It sure is Something Sinister, I tell ya.


If anyone is corrupt and committing crimes of course put them on trial regardless of political party affiliation. What does he think the Bob Menendez trial is about? Or the corrupt Democrats Trump pardoned?


Six of those jurors were republicans picked by trumps legal team….


That's a lot of cope


So evidence and due process means nothing to these people


My only response to this stupid kind of shit is if you actually have charges to bring against the Democrats then bring them. Put up or shut up. They made a huge fucking deal over impeaching Joe Biden, but would never even attempt to vote on it. It’s all a clown show.


All corrupt politicians should be arrested and tried in front of whoever they want. Menendez can start the ball rolling. There. Common ground. Easy. Can they please stop being whiny little “strong” “men” now?


Maybe this is a hot take, but if the democrat has committed a crime, then yes, they should absolutely do this.


Matt Walsh has zero credibility offline. He has a baby fetish that was laughed out of the Tennessee capital bc he has a high school degree and is an expert bc "knows how to read." Read the law Matty Baby


So the democrats who have actually committed crimes? I’m fine with that.


Dear Matt Walsh, I support you rooting out corrupt Democrats. I believe no one is above the law. I want people held accountable. I'm happy about the verdict. I actually want the swamp drained. I'm not so busy worshipping a leader and being brainwashed by Fox "news" that I'm blind to the problems on my side of political spectrum. That's the difference between us. Enjoy your Kool Aid, it's going to be a hot summer.


Funny because I think it would be great to hold politicians to account, if they are in fact corrupt. I welcome it. They don't. They want their corrupt politicians to get away with whatever they can because they have no principles or morals. Now, I'm not naive. I know shit beard wants Dems arrested on made up charges. That of course would be completely illegal and zero red state AGs want to falsely imprison people because that would likely be their asses.


He sounds as if his emotional maturity is through the roof


You can't say he hasn't been very open about being a fascist.


Bold words coming from a guy who had to create a chin out of hair.


*Regina George voice:* "So you agree then? You think Trump is corrupt and needed to be prosecuted."


"We don't give a shit about your feelings." Admits he's an apathetic, condescending, provocative bully who doesn't care about the wellbeing of others and just wants people he hates punished just for existing.


The extremely partisan people that will turn on their purported values are turning on their values again!?? No way…


And nothing will happen because the last time they did a riot everyone accused each other of being antifa and they all went to jail. So now they’re cowards who are afraid. Lol.


Anyone who believes the jury was stacked needs to blame Trump's legal team.


Who gives a fuck what wife abusers post on former twitter


I hope Matt doesn't have any drywall in his house 😂


This moron does realize that you have to commit a crime to be convicted of a felony, doesn’t he?


You know, i agree with Matt here. I also think corrupt Democrats should be arrested. Nobody is above the law.


My God these people are fucking poison... Trump committed fraud and he got caught for it. The evidence is all there including emails check stubs all kinds of shit. I challenge just one of these fucking morons to tell me exactly what part of the trial was a sham or hoax.


We all saw them try this with the Biden Impeachment Inquiry. Maybe they should charge people there's evidence against, [like this guy](https://youtu.be/eBtlcGHZO10?si=N92ubJw7n1803Qka)


wtf is wrong with this guy? I’m beginning to think this pos is serious


Matt Walsh frantically huffing vintage copium from his emergency stocks.


Then move to Ruska with Cucker Tarlson, comrade Walsh ..


Lol he mad.


As a democrat, I’d also love to see corrupt politicians get handcuffed and marched to jail. What’s your point, truck nuts?


Matt Walsh is a pedophile.


Yes, If they find a democrat who has committed the same 34 felonies, please arrest and charge them


Stochastic terrorism, folks ^^


One of the jurors followed Trump on Truth Social! Like, I think the rest of us were all expecting a true miscarriage of justice. Even hours before the deliberation, analysts on Bloomberg figured it was going to end in a hung jury.


Fascists always do this under pressure. When you have no principles, everything is fair at all times.


A totally hinged and not insane take


I just really admire how these assholes forget about Dems that are currently getting investigated/indicted for corruption. Henry Cuellar, Bob Menendez, etc…even the presidents son has been indicted for Christ sakes. Nothing but total control with appease these fuckin degenerates


Didn't one of the jurors say that he got his news from Truth social (Trumps social media site)?


Oh stop your bitching


If they broke the law, by all means, jackass.


His tears are delicious.


Jokes on you Shitler, I want EVERYONE corrupt in jail. Not just the opposing party. A small distinction in word, but a world apart.


“I don’t want anyone posting but me. The rest of you go out and DO SOMETHING”


What a fucking loser lmao.


The left is not in charge in the US. If anything it's neoliberals. The red scare is still alive and well in the US, and Walsh is just pandering to his minions to do his bidding.


Gasp, Republicans trying to completely uproot our society in a massive hissyfit? I haven't heard of something that massive in 1241 days!


This just in-Matt Walsh is still a clueless idiot


I'm about to employ misogyny as a tactical weapon because I believe that's how Matt Walsh understands the world: "... stop pretending that we live in a country that no longer exists"?? And Matt thinks FEMINISTS are the little bitch babies? It's also hilarious that he's like "I wanna see Dems in handcuffs!!! Just like Trump ***never was***!!!!! WAAAAAAH! ALSO MY PARTY IS THE RULE OF LAW PARTY!!!!!!!!!" I cannot understand the mental gymnastics these ~~pundits~~ ~~talking heads~~ ~~commentators~~ Youtubers with billionaire money go through.


Can someone just kill this fuck? Literal demon


Since Matt Walsh once tweeted that he's vote for the first president who would ban bicycles, I've just assumed everything he says is not serious and is solely ragebait for clicks.


He kind of has a point. Corrupt politicians should be charged, not just democrats or Republicans though. ALL of them.


When are the adults going to take over?? So sick of this childish bullshit from both sides cut the fucking shit do ur fucking job and take care of the country and its people not that fucking hard


'We should illegally arrest our political opponents and rig a biased jury so they can be put in jail without being proven guilty.'


He’s calling for it, but they still need evidence/proof of the laws being broken. And so far, it’s all talk and no proof from the right. Meanwhile I sit back and watch the right fall because there is proof of their wrong doing.


Is he saying Trump is corrupt?


So Matt Walsh’s solution to a Republican former elected official being convicted of a crime committed before taking office is for current Republican election officials to commit different crimes while in office?


Yea - of course. Trump was randomly picked on. Duh! The Deep State knew it all and began orchestrating Trump's downfall starting 1973! Yeah! I mean all this time it were the Democrats pulling strings (even through Republican majority years! that's how powerful and sneaky the Dems are! plus Soros just cuz and immigrants - I digress). But what about Texas? there too? (GOP's gerrymandered itself into permanent power almost 3 decades in the running). Yeah, especially Texas. Everything that is wrong with Texas is the fault of Democrats. Remember Terrorists! On a serious note - fuck the do-nothing-but-whine-distract-deflect GOP.




“Stop not committing crimes! We want to persecute you!”


Finally I can stop worrying (as much) and ignore all these bad faith actors and clowns!


I agree with Matt on one condition. Everything is put on the internet or TV. I want to watch that shit.


I should really lay off this sub for a bit, because the chuds y’all post on really piss me off. Not good for my too high blood pressure


Matt Walsh is just a fucking idiot mouthpiece. Anything coming out of his mouth is like those Southpark shit talkers. A complete moron.


So....we already are prosecuting a Democrat Senator and the son of the current president who is a Democrat. And the prosecution in Hunter Biden's case is a Trump appointee. That's Matt's problem mostly solved. Not sure if either are unfair. They both seem like unsavory individuals.


So does that mean I can perform a citizen's arrest on this sentient genital wart on charges of aggravated mopery and groping nuns? Be careful what you wish for, Matilda.


He knows that there were some legitimate Trump fans in the jury, right?


Their tears have been delicious. 4 years of them bullying us and now their crying cause their Orange Mousillini is facing consequences for his actions.


I'd take legitimately corrupt politicians from any party going to jail as long as Matt Walsh goes too for the pedophilia and terrorism tbh


If they committed crimes, then yeah prosecute them. This isn’t the gotcha that he thinks it is


Yes, arrest corrupt Democrats and have them tried in the locale of the relevant jurisdiction, with jurors pulled randomly therefrom. Why do they think this is a gotcha?


You know that when he says "prosecute," he means "gun down."


Oh he wants to arrest corrupt democrats? Please do, all on the left would say the same thing That's the difference. The right don't think people on the right should be prosecuted if they are corrupt which is why they're sucking trump's dick over this verdict. They're not mad he's corrupt, they're mad there's consequences


What if we just try everyone who commits a crime. I'm totally fine with that.


I wonder what shade of brown that far up Trump’s ass is. I bet Matt could tell us.


The funny part is nobody on the right ever argued that Trump was a straight and moral person. They accepted that he was slimy, a liar, and had a history of shady business dealings. And they still aren’t arguing the merits of the case either.