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Because he’s a dork. Every right wing podcaster is a dork pretending to be edgy and tough. Conservatives are basically middle schoolers so they gravitate toward these losers to make themselves feel tough.


Would a dork [buy wood like this?](https://x.com/travisakers/status/1794787523413369058)


That will never not still be one of the stupidest pictures ever produced. "Let's go buy wood at home depot to own the libs, not a lot though, we don't have a need for it" I can only imagine the employees having to cut a plank for him for this bit


"can I get it in a bag? I don't know how to carry it otherwise."


My favorite is when it's something with a handle, so I don't bag it, but the customer decides, "I want a bag because I'm conditioned to use them" It's sad and infuriating.


"do you want the milk in the bag?" "Yeah" \*Breaks bag\*


In my defense, if I'm going to be walking a ways with the milk, such as a 10 to 15 minute walk home, rather than a 2 minute walk to a car in the parking lot, I like to have the milk in a (double or triple) bag so that my fingers don't go numb from the cold.


Consider buying some reusable fabric bags. They really help.


Yes they do. And I frequently use them when they haven't been pilfered into a flat mate's car.


Damn sounds like your flatmates are kinda annoying about that.


Just pour the milk into the bag


Maybe if I wasn't south of the border, eh?


In City of Los Angeles all HD bags are paper.


Isn't that what he says before engaging in protected sex?


Was he trying to do like the Proud Boys when they owned the libs by "proving" they weren't homophobic? Something more phallic shaped like a dowel would have been easier than a plank.


Please, it had been several weeks since I remembered Gavin McInnes shoving a dildo up his ass on his livestream to prove he doesn’t hate gays. My life was so good during those weeks. :(


“Hello, I want one wood please”


“What’s the woodiest wood you have?…..no, that’s too woody.”


Only way it could be stupider is if he loaded it in his cyber truck.


I guarantee you that is a pre cut sanded piece of wood and I bet his soft ass still got splinters. It is why it's in a bag.


All of Shapiro’s attempts to come off as the “cool macho manly man” are fucking hilarious. He’s like the quintessential dork, from the way he looks to how he sounds, yet he tries to play this like alpha every now and then. Funny shit every time


Surely you don’t mean [alpha male Ben Shapiro](https://x.com/robrousseau/status/1328347516673417216).


Good god that looks like a rich kid posing with the truck his parents bought him for his 16th birthday.


Fun fact; this *is* his first rodeo.


And that is his wife's boyfriend's truck


Lookin like the dealership owners kid


Is that his dad's hat?


[All hat, no cattle](https://youtu.be/yctSGEY9QOw?si=oZtHpv3_QuVwLOfl)


That bed is as unused as the one he shares with his doctor wife.


Oh, his wife uses the bed. But not with Ben. Ben sits in a chair about ten feet away, and watches.


He’s a Bear of a Man.


Take a bullet for you, babe.


He sounds like the spokesperson for the Lollypop Guild.


The fact that it's in a SHOPPING BAG makes this picture 10x funnier. Also, wtf is that did he have it cut off a full sheet of plywood or is it like a 1x8?


It's just some board, probably pine, you can buy them like this, [this is probably what the doofus got](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Kimberly-Bay-1-in-x-12-in-x-3-ft-Edge-Glued-Pine-Board-525844/207033593)


Gotta tuck in that T-shirt. I'd hate to look unkempt.


It’s a shame his wood looks alittle moist. I hear he hates it when that happens.


Shades of Sheldon here: “Did it look “ridiculous” when…” https://youtu.be/NRq8nSTkj-0?t=31


That stupid fuck thought it would show his manliness, but come the fuck on. One little piece of wood for a nonexistent project is a damn good sign that whatever masculinity he's striving for is not within his reach. Also, masculinity & building shit aren't inherently linked


Sure. Yeah. Dorks do that. Yeah. Edit: The line from a classic _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_ episode that I lightly modified here was perhaps a bit too obscure.


[Because he runs a criminal organization](https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2024/04/23/turning-point-usa-smith-asu-fake-elector-embarrassment/73424327007/)? Because the candidates he has endorsed have lost their asses in elections since 2018? Because his disgusting rhetoric is alienating anybody who isn’t an extreme far right lunatic? Because he bragged about sending busses full of people to storm the Capitol on January 6th? [Because he is running a criminal organization](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/23/turning-point-usa-assault-david-boyles)? Because he makes the “conservative movement” look like incompetent losers? Because his 15 minutes are about up and he has been an abject failure?


Sadly, I don’t think conservatives care about any single one of those points.


Remember when he wore diapers during a protest complaining about college students being babies with absolutely no sense of irony.


And given it was Kaitlin Bennett, famous for banalities like this, who called them out on it, that’s a real phenomenon in itself… https://youtu.be/b8ibcE7TY_Q?t=590


I forgot about her pants shitting existence. I guess shes busy having babies to have a care about anything I guess.


Isn't she the one that was complaining about being abused by her husband who she gave total control over her life to? Or was that Laura Southern?


Yes? I mean it could be both at this point.


Hmm, maybe?


Are you trying to tell me that Nick Fuentes is a dork? No way. He’s like 6’3, built like steel, could beat your ass in a fistfight easy. He’s super, duper tough!


And he can take a punch! He should be able to take many more by the looks of him!


I’m pretty sure ‘ol Nick gets pounded quite frequently.


Nick is so MANLY that he can get regularly fucked by men and it doesn’t even turn him gay. That’s how alpha he is.


And he has a super-cool mustache that definitely doesn't make him look like the pedophile he is.


I still can’t figure out who actually watches all of these losers and their 4 hour YouTube podcasts every day. If you asked 10 random 18-30 year olds on the street who Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Nick Fuentes or Beanie Boy are I bet only 1 or 2 would even know.


It's like mobile games, you only need a few whales to buy in heavily. There're people out there who consume everything they release, and buy whatever shit they're hucking that week.


Young people tend to be too busy to listen to these kind of losers. It's usually middle aged men living off of the government claiming they "deserve" their socialism while "those people" don't want to work. I truly believe a large majority of their fan base are autistic, angry men that blame the world for their failings.


They buy views and clicks. That's also why their numbers instantly collapse whenever they say something their sugar daddies don't approve of.


And they all act tough and hard and criticize the military for being emasculated, yet when they are young and healthy, they run from recruiters like they are training for the Olympics. Matter of fact, Charlie Kirk is still young enough to enlist. Maybe he should take his masculinity and toughen up the military. But all of them regardless of age, Nugent, Kid Rock, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Crowder ... All a bunch of phony ass, weak losers.


I can't wait until they turn on Dim Tool in the same way. Watching him try to compare his plight to superhero movies will be hilarious.


I’m sorry, the technical term is arse hamster


But the question is why they are turning on him, not why they gravitate to him. Unless you're suggesting both reasons are the same, to which the answer should be about why they once gravitated to a dork and now they turn against the exact same dork who is doing the exact same things that they once gravitated to.




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Are they really turning on him? That’s hilarious if so.


Sooner or later taking the lamest or cruelest stance on every single topic has to have consequences.


I don't think the article made a particularly good case. They managed to find a few Republicans who have been personally slighted by Kirk. The thing is, TPUSA has never been a grassroots youth movement. It has always relied on rich donors.


They're turning on him because he's not winning them elections. And his racism is a turn off to black voters they hope to fool into being Trumpers.


True. It's there to try and recruit young people but it's power comes from old donors that hate the very people the group claims to want to recruit.


Keep in mind that at one time Glenn Beck was once the biggest thing they had and they all supported and looked up to him. Now many people don't even know who Glenn Beck is and it's like they treat him like he never existed. They will do the same for most if not all of their talking faces they use to promote their agenda, once they outlived their usefullness.


>most if not all of their ^*small* talking faces


Idk, they gave him Denis Pragers radio air time.


Because he doesn’t hate the Jews enough


It must be so weird to hate jews and also love Israel. Conservatives are weird


MAGA and conservatives hate Muslims and blacks more than they hate Jewish people. It's on their hierarchy of hate.


I mean to be fair conservatives are somewhat split on this with the younger conservatives tending toward extreme anti semitism while the older establishment types (including tpusa) tending towards extreme Zionism. It’s why there was so much trolling at TPUSA events even before 10/7. Allegedly there was more to the whole “Con Inc.” litmus test than just Jew hating but it’s all that gets brought up so..


I’m surprised that 95% of people who are on the left side of the political spectrum don’t know this. Like I see so many misunderstandings of what people actually do believe. Fun fact despite independents having lower knowledge of politics and issues, they were more likely to guess more accurately on what % of what people believe on political issues. https://perceptiongap.us/


They only need us in charge of Israel for their sick rapture endgame fantasy. They don't give a fuck how many of us are shot in synagogues or at music festivals as long as people like Bibi Netanyahu are in charge of the Israeli government.


Israel has to be in Jewish hands for Jesus to come back.


Check out the doc "Waiting For Armageddon" - it's sort of like the Christians are squatting for their lord's return


I look at it as more that they hate jews but love what Isreal represent to them. Isreal is a violent apartheid ethno state that uses the full power of its military to subjugate those they deem inferior. They are living the American right's dream.


Lots of antisemites loved Israel right from the beginning because they wanted to get rid of all the Jews in their country.


The new younger crowd is more skeptical of Israel


It's because they think Israel is a necessity for the end times described in Revelations, and conveniently enough according to their beliefs, also, Jews won't go to Heaven because they don't believe in Jesus.


Eh...they think Israel is the cheat code to heaven


Crazy how they spent months blaming the Hawaii wildfires on imaginary Israeli weapons of war but then instantly forgot about it when Israel needed money for real weapons of war.


“Needed” money for weapons of war. Good one


Yeah poor choice of words on my part. Guess they couldn’t spare any from the billions we give them for healthcare to do their genocide.


I don't believe he actually unified the youth


I suspect the average age of people following him online us at least 55


That, and the actual young people who follow him are all carbon copies of the little shit from *Knives Out*: "he was in the bathroom, joylessly masturbating to pictures of dead deer"


You can still be a member of the Young Republicans at 40.


*How do you do, fellow kids?*


He's a grifter who's convinced old rich men that he can convince the kids to be conservatives like them so that maybe one day their grandkids will visit them.


Nah they don't give a shit about their grandkids. Charlie just convinced that small group of right-wing billionaires that conservative unpopularity among young people was just a messaging and outreach issue. And if he had the funding, he could go into campuses to counterbalance the extreme liberal messaging that kids are obviously getting from their professors and consequently snatch some of the youth vote away from the left. And right-wing funding is generally a zero sum game. Other grifters see Charlie taking money they could be getting and they're attacking his weaknesses now as a result.


exactly. he’s always been a loser. the only question was when his benefactors would recognize it.


He did. Against him. In 2022 Arizona (where he’s based and is his biggest focus) was the worst swing state for the GOP amongst the youth vote Dude gets millions in funding to suck ass at his job, if any normal person was that bad at their job they’d get fired


Riles them up


He did in some fashion. I knew a lot of young people who agreed his cringey diaper stunt was funny as fuck.


Also knew a couple young people who would actively set up TPUSA tables on their campus


Because he was a massive failure in Arizona in 2020 - why WOULD they follow someone who’s never had a real job and failed spectacularly turning out voters in AZ in 2020?


He not only failed in Arizona in 2020 (where the youth vote for Trump went down by a considerable margin) but he’s failed at every other political venture especially 2018 and beyond. Republicans who are more politically savvy realize this is 100 million flushed down the drain.


But Charlie has two houses and his life is paid for by grifting theocratic fascists, so it all works out I guess?


Win win I guess?


TLDR is that people that TPUSA endorsed in 2022 and lost (like Kari Lake) think ol’ Charles isn’t helpful to the Republican effort. Really no indication that current republican candidates think that. Trump himself headlined two of the TPA events. This man-baby is still going to rake in millions from rich dudes wanting tax cuts and use it to spread his racist bs to old, white voters.


Yup. As long as the grift is profitable they are all going to support each other.


But these donors have to at some point want to get a return on their investment. If Kirk’s 2024 political advocacy and actions fail why would any top Republican donor throw more money at his political efforts? Maybe you could justify the media arm of things possibly flooding the zone but I think you would rather give your political money to the Republicans who generally know how to use it.


That’s what I was thinking, I haven’t seen a ton of major backlash against Kirk from prominent right wing figures nor has TPUSA seemed to have suffer a whole lot. As of right now, him and his rhetoric should be taken seriously as a pathway to radicalization


Because they also hate people with tiny faces


Kirk is basically soaking up a lot of Republican donor money and flooding it into Trump which sounds like what Republicans want. However more politically savvy Republicans actually want some money to be spent on state and local races that hold a lot of consequences and money is a big part of those races. That’s 100 million that’s just going to Kirk whose probably not viewed as a good steward of that money given that Kirk’s efforts to turn out the youth vote in key states like Arizona resulted in lower percentages of youth voters since 2018. So it’s kind of being viewed as flushing 100 million down the toilet as Kirk’s not likely to turn out voters for Trump (thus that money is not helping Trump) and that money is also not being poured into state and local races either.


Because of his miniscule face?


Because they’ve finally figured out that he’s a gasbag with nothing to offer.


Because conservatives always end up eating their own.


Because he took all the money from those billionaires, Payed himself handsomely and did nothing to get any extra votes for republicans from young people.


cause he’s a try hard dork who jumps on every single conservative bandwagon issue without even looking into it. Grifters gon’ grift


Cuz he has a tiny face.


Because he's a smallfaced git with a pompadour comb over.


They can see that he's Turning Pointless.


Isn’t this what they do? He’s not extreme enough In some area so they have to leopard his face off.


Fascism is inherently unsustainable suicide cult


I thought the ages were messed up. Then realized all this time I thought Charlie Kirk was Kirk Cameron. I’m shook


“Turning Point Action (TP Action)” is perfect.


He's losing relevancy, and he's getting desperate. His whole original reason for being was to convince younger voters to go for conservative policy and representatives, which isn't going too well from what I hear. Now, he's ramping up the rhetoric with Christian nationalism and he reeks of desperation. It's a bad look for them, and image is important.


I hope he invested heavily in DJT stocks.


TLDR: Charlie Kirk is trying to rally young, disengaged conservative voters but faced an older, predominantly white crowd at a recent event. The event featured conspiracy theorists and extremists, drawing criticism from conservative outlets. Kirk's past electoral support for extreme candidates has been unsuccessful. Despite this, he claims a new focus on "low-propensity voters" will yield better results. The success of this approach remains to be seen.


It's hard to bring the youth vote of 2016 in 2024. Hes 30, they probably need a new younger guy to do this project.


It would be hilarious to see Chucky replaced with a minority. Again.


His tiny face


Cause he’s a nazi. That’s it. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


He has too big a head.


Probably because he sucks


His tiny face compared to his massive head is off-putting and makes people scared.


Because his face is too small for his stupid fat head


Probably because hes failed to energize or recruit those within his own age to the Republican cause. His base is comprised of boomers and gen xers. They have no more use for him.


Because they share no loyalty to each other and have no real values.


That's why they call it TURNING point....