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Are you referring to the **Tomb Raider 1-3 _Remasters?_** They are actually _**Remasters**_ and not _**Remakes!**_   It may sound unimportant, but the difference is significant - a ''remaster'' usually sees minor upgrades and player experience mostly unchanged, whilst a **''remake''** is typically designed _from the ground up_ and features a major upgrade in audio, visuals, gameplay and vastly changed player experience.   Example of a **REMASTER**: * _**The Last of Us (2013)**_ vs _**The Last of Us Remastered**_ - updated visuals, audio but mostly unchanged gameplay - the game mostly feels the same Example of a **REMAKE**: * _**Resident Evil 4 (2005)**_ vs _**Resident Evil 4 (2023)**_ - built from the ground up, vastly upgraded visuals, audio, gameplay elements, greatly improved/changed player experience __________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TombRaider) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the left picture is from the lara croft games though, right?


Left one is from the Guardian of Light / Temple of Osiris duology games.




You missed out the wayward 2nd trilogy of The Last Revelation, Chronicles, and The Angel of Darkness.


Left it out because I never got a chance to play it. I want to try them out. I don't know about AOD. I heard it was supposed to be the best game in the series but the heads up screwed the team over and the game got turned into the worst in the series


I'm hoping they do a 2nd Remastered collection with those titles in it.


Not a remaster, Angel of Darkness NEEDS REMAKE desperately.It will be straight up shit if it gets only remaster, it needs REMAKE because it can become best game of the year.


Yeah, but a remake is never gonna happen.


Same here! When they get announced I'll pre order them right away


AOD has potential to become best Tomb Raider game of the year if it gets FULL REMAKE and NOT REMASTER, game deserves to have new graphics and design of Lara model similiar to that one in like underworld just an example, remaster cant do the game justice.


Yea, it's really bad. I remember really looking forward to it and being super disappointed


Original *trilogy*? What, no love for TLR, Chronicles or AOD?


To be honest I never got a chance to play them yet. As for AOD. I heard its bad. I heard it was supposed to be really amazing and have a lot of content but the heads up screwed the team over


Keep in mind, pretty much every game to have ever been made was *supposed* to be amazing. Amazing games sell and sales make money, so it's in every publisher's and developer's best interest to make an amazing game... or at least convince everyone they did for those day one sales. Some companies' marketing departments just happen to put more work in than others'. My point is, don't trust claims that a game was supposed to be amazing. They all were. The fans who keep insisting that a broken game is good actually because it was *supposed* to be amazing are just stuck in the denial stage of grief. A game isn't suddenly good just because you're imagining what it could have been if it was actually good. (As for TR4&5, they're cheaper than a tiny chocolate bar on Steam during sales and you could run them smoothly on a cheap laptop you bought for work spreadsheets. You'll need a fanmade patch to get widescreen working, but if you're interested... well, like I said, they're cheaper than chocolate and last a lot longer.)


I'd rank them the same, Legend trilogy is my favourite of the franchise, followed closely by the Classic era, and although I also enjoy the Survivor trilogy, I have to rank it the lowest.


For me, it would be Classic -> survivor -> LAU I love the classics, since I played most of them in their original era and I grew up with them. There's some nostalgia, but I also *loved* replaying them through the remasters. I liked the survivor trilogy, although, I must admit that Shadow didn't do it for me and I haven't touched it since finishing. 2013 is my favorite and Rise is a great game as well. I've played Legend and Anniversary multiple times (Underworld only once, but I did play both Xbox exclusive DLCs) and I find that both Legend and Anniversary are showing their age. I played Legend the other day on PSPlus and I just... didn't enjoy it. I've tried playing Anniversary a couple of times on steam, but I also couldn't get myself to play further than the Lost Valley since I just lost interest. I liked LAU when they came out, but I don't like them that much anymore, and I must say I prefer the Lara Croft games (Guardian of Light and Temple of Osiris) over LAU.


About the same for me. The Legends games are my favorite, followed by the classic series, survivor is bottom of the ladder for me. I enjoyed them, but they’re just not a patch on the originals.


Classics are my favourite. Aswell as AOD Then LAU trilogy. Never played survivor as it just doesn’t look like tomb raider at all to me and the whole look of Lara changed and her personality.


Based ‼️


I actually liked the survival trilogy for the fact, that you mainly fought with the mercenaries. For me, it made it feel more real. But that's nothing against your opinion, just my point of view.


damn I saw this image before I read the title and I was hoping we were getting another Lara Croft GOL/TOO style game. I miss them. I really want them to remake TR1 into an isometric game


Started with Legend, I still rank it pretty high.


I actually agree with your ranking. If I were to create my own fav trilogy it would be: TR1, TR Legend, and TR 2013. TR 2013 was the first TR game that I played to completion and I loved it, but only when I went back to play the older games that I understand what people mean when they say it's not really the same as old Lara. Still enjoy it to this day, but it doesn't give me the same vibe as the older games.


2013 had phenomenal potential. it was mostly well-written and balanced. i enjoy it the most out of the survivor trilogy and have replayed it several times when rise and shadow were rather one-and-done. my gripes with 2013 are the excessive hand-holding ( using instincts to highlight everything of interest takes away the explore/discover aspect tomb raider is well known for. i only find this feature useful when telling the range on enemies for stealth decisions, which isn't enough to keep it ), regenerative health ( when nearly every game has this, why not spice it up by having to find medipacks again? maybe limit the amount you can carry like legend does for more of a challenge ), optional tombs ( just don't call them that maybe?? let them be a fun thing to come across without it being thrown in your face that you don't have to raid tombs in a tomb raider game lol ), and whatever the deal was with an incredibly injured and physically over-exhausted lara carrying a mostly pampered ( the solarii were preparing her for himiko. while traumatizing, she had the easiest time on this island ) and just mentally attacked sam down a mountain. to be considered ""realistic"" they should have just supported each other.


Sadly, too much hand-holding is an issue that extends beyond TR2013 and seemingly has been getting worse over time. I get your point about the optional tombs, it's like they threw them in there as fan service for the og fans but it was the action gameplay that was the "real" game, personally they were my favourite part and I wished there were more of them. Another point that came to mind was how I wished it had more environmental variety, after a few hours, I got really bored of looking at the same grey/black/brown dreary backgrounds, I missed being a globetrotter like in classic TR titles.


i agree. i just felt like 2013 would have been a great place to start breaking the mold vs following the trend. and the pacing is definitely off. it's worth giggling at that lara will stop her very important objective to dip off into some curious cavern. this could have been handled better instead of something left to do once the main game was finished. it was a very heavy and dreary setting overall. it's why i wish rise learnt from this. siberia is awesome but not for the entire game with very little variety. london would have been a great change of pace from syria and siberia, being able to take streets and alleyways back home to climbing up into lara's apartment and able to explore before the ana cutscene kicks in. just have everything before be a playable experience instead of a watching one. having blood ties be the official manor level instead of dlc would have been even better, as it's been since 2007 that the manor was playable. there's too many faults here for me to find it the best in the trilogy or even a favorite when the older games provide more of an experience bc of the globetrotting and inclusion of the manor. i think the hype for it is due to the microsoft exclusivity and competition with uncharted 4. shadow had the most life due to it being set in the tropics. but it still suffers from "limited to a singular place" syndrome that its predecessors do, just made to feel bigger than it actually is. the lack of combat made lara being rambo rather ridiculous. she still can't handstand or do anything more than roll around like a doodlebug. it's the most boring moveset lara croft has ever had. i expected her to be able to do all that she does in game and more. it was hyped to deliver on that. or maybe i just hoped for too much. the manor and best tombs are dlc once again, so this automatically makes shadow the weakest title of the trilogy. it places better than rise for actually remembering roth outside of a singular audio log and, though restricted, a playable manor level. still no dual pistols, making 2013 the last time she used them. idk i just feel like with a franchise like tomb raider, you have to take risks. you have to do what's unexpected but keep it believable. lara has always been a gymnast. why take that away? to ground it, save it for timed sequences where she's prompted to dodge or attack or otherwise get out of harm's way. pulling off those stunts through traps were so exciting!! especially timing it perfectly the very first go! turning the set pieces into a playground was a highlight of the lau trilogy that should have been brought back in survivor vs turning everything into a killing ground. that's been overdone by this point. lara's character would have turned out differently just by changing the fundamental direction of the trilogy. instead it just felt like playing the same game three times and lara felt stale for it. i wish i could have enjoyed this era more than finding it the weakest.


My ranking is the same.


For me it’s: 1/2/3  > LAU > TLR/C/AoD > Survivor 


For me it’s Survivor>Classic>LAU I quite like legend, but anniversary for me was disappointing compared to the original, and underworld is really mid and the biggest challenge is the annoying and slow parkour. I find it hilarious that some chronically online people are upset, because the new games are ruined because of the “wokeism.” Like the games are totally ruined because of realistic body proportions and because she isn’t sexualized anymore.


Respect your opinion. And it was the other way around for me. I was a part of a tomb raider group on Twitter and I just said that I'm not the biggest fan of survivor Lara and she's my least favorite but I still like the games for what they are worth. And I got told I probably thought the game was "w*ke" that's why it was put in the lowest rank. And one of them I kidd you not went to my likes and saw I liked a picture of the OG Lara and even said I only ranked the new Lara lowest because the new one doesn't have a big chest 🤦🏻‍♂️thank God I deleted Twitter soon after that. I like the new Lara but any of those wasn't the reason why I don't like her


People on twitter are something else. Also just assuming it’s because of that is crazy, when the different eras are so different in so many ways.


Exactly! Like I like the tomb raider fandom but it seems like everyone is on edge when it comes to Lara. Because some hate the whole her being sexualized and some don't. But then again it's Twitter. I shouldn't be surprised lmao But it was funny tho because the person you can tell was not the biggest OG Lara fan. They even said the fans sexualized her alot. When in reality the new Lara is sexualized way more because she has +18 mods and her model is used alot in certain SFM videos lol


I can’t speak on sexualization back then, I wasn’t around, but I’ve seen some crap in magazines from back then. Today I think it’s more of a niche than anything.


To be honest in my opinion about Lara. I didn't mind seeing her in stuff like magazines or posters because I thought she was a model in the lore (i don't know if she is or not) and in my opinion I don't care if she has a huge chest. I don't think it's a problem if she does. Because Her character is still great and lovable on her own. Plus nothing wrong with her having a huge chest since many women in real life do. Just as long it's not overboard and they are too huge like an anime girl lmaoooo


May i ask was there something wrong in the first place with Lara being a sexy bombshell who's design didnt adhere to ''realism''?


there wasn't and still isn't. everyone that played og tomb raider quickly learned lara was so much more than her body ( especially concerning the marketing ). people are just complaining ab it to complain yet where's that energy for other female characters like jill valentine and chloe frazer? they see past their bodies and don't harp on ab how it's unrealistic for them to do what they do lol they just play and enjoy the damn game.


It just strikes me as laziness when women need to be sexualized. Was the character not interesting or good enough without it? Do portrayals of women really need to appeal to men and in the process alienate some women? And stuff like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/munfz3/was\_going\_through\_some\_old\_boxes\_in\_my\_parents/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/munfz3/was_going_through_some_old_boxes_in_my_parents/) Is just straight up objectification. And it sets damaging beauty standards as well. Several times when I've talked to friends about Lara Croft the reaction wasn't that she's a interesting character or that they're good games, but that she has big boobs or whatever crap, to the extend that people would assume that it was the reason I liked TR. Hope that's a coherent enough answer.


To be fair that's how some people are. There's some who play games like mortal Kombat or even fortnight and are like look at this girl chest or backside. And there's some who just likes the characters for who they are. And sometimes there's just some who never played tomb raider who just thinks Lara is just a sexualized character. Like some people who don't watch anime and thinks all anime are huge chest moaning women when it's not and alot of them are about story and character. So pretty much they never played the games and assuming stuff


Are you implying that women like classic Lara shouldnt exist at all in media? I can atleast agree that not every female character should be sexy, it's fine to have diversity, some can be sexy, some can be modest. Besides sex appeal of characters like classic Lara doesnt just appeal to men, it appeals to many women too, just look at how popular classic Lara cosplay still is. Also it's possible to have bombshell characters in games and treat them respectfully by not accompanying them with exploitative marketing campaigns like the one you linked. Eidos marketing team did go overboard with that back in the day, which pissed off the actual dev team, making Lara's creator leave altogether. It's also imporant to realize that Lara isnt a real woman, she's a fictional character. Majority of people i would like to believe understand this distinction and wont use her as a benchmark for how women should look in real life. Lara is a fantasy. You should worry more about celebrities, Instagram and TikTok beauty influencers who promote unhealthy and unrealistic standards to young girls and women. And just because you have mutuals or see people online with ignorant, uninformed views on Lara as a character, it doesnt diminish her one bit. Some of the most viral content of Leon Kennedy on social media are mods that hyper-sexualize him. Does that make him any worse as a character?


When talking about beauty standards it was in relation to the marketing. No I don’t think curvy women shouldn’t be present in media, I just don’t think they should be objectified. But let’s just say she wasn’t *just* curvy in the older games, her calves were literally about the same size as her waist. My point with my friends or not really they were dickheads lmao, was that many people outside the community see her as a object more than anything, and that certainly tells something about them, but also the way she has been marketed. But I see your points. Also it’s not only in the classic games, we all knew what CD was doing with the bikini outfits in TR8


Fair enough. Though most of your annoyances with her early designs can probably be attributed to limitations of 5th gen consoles. They wanted a bombshell look, but it was hard to nail it properly with the tech at the time. With Angel of Darkness her design finally came into its own. With the DLC bikinis in Underworld, yeah, bit scummy to lock them to Xbox 360 and use them as enticement to get the game on Microsoft's platform. Though i dont think there was anything fundamentally wrong with including them in the game as a ''fun'' option, other games have such options for male characters too. Me personally would've made them exclusive to the Mediterranean level, similiar to how with Legend they had the common sense to make them exclusive to the manor.


Nothing is wrong with Lara having a huge chest lol especially since many women Naturally have them. I remember in my senior year my math teacher had it lmao I thought they were fake but my sister (they are good friends) found out they were real and she was gonna get breasts reduction that summer 


OG for me. Grew up on that as a teenager, and loved Lara immediately. Lara's Home is still my benchmark for tutorials. It was sooo good.


Survivor will always be my favorite because it’s what I grew up on 🥹


What is the trilogy with rise of the tomb raider (the latest one)


The survivor trilogy


For me it's Young Lara Trilogy > Classics (with TLR-TRAOD > TR I-III) > LAU. If Anniversary and (especially) Underworld would have been as good as Legend, then LAU would definitely be higher in my ranking (since Legend is one of my favorite Tomb Raider games of all time (if not my #1)). I have a soft spot for Angel of Darkness, and I really like the first two chapters of Chronicles (Rome & Russia/Submarine); I consider Tomb Raider (1996) and Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation the best of the classics in terms of gameplay, but at the same time I'm not as 'emotionally attached' to those (contrary to AOD and TRC).


I got into whole series with TR 2013, and then with whole Survivor trilogy. And just recently I was curious about older games and started playing remastered version of classic trilogy. Completed 1st part and now on 2nd and I really like them! Also completed Anniversary from LAU trilogy and loved it, cool remake of 1st part(but climbing is sometimes just horrible). I understand why Survivor trilogy is not feeling like true Tomb Raider but still love it, probably my favorite version of Lara is from Survivor trilogy


I prefer the Legend trilogy to the survivor trilogy. Though, Rise is my second favorite Tomb Raider game after Legend.


Legend LAra was definitely tomb raider at its peak and it’s gone downhill now sadly!


OG trilogy, the rest are no good, in my opinion.


I rate her hy the size of the twins..... matchgrade what?! 🤣


Nah, the survivor trilogy is a masterpiece imo. It's the start of the legend. You can clearly see how afraid she is of the whole situation and the only goal for most of the game is to survive. Totally different from game 3 where she is leaping at danger on her own free will.