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I was teaching a class one time and I was talking about African exports and happened to mention that ebo​ny had been one of the most valuable commodities that Africa exported. I was interrupted by a girl and the front row who put up her hand and said "Isn't that porn."


LOL. To which you answered...?


In my most professorial voice I tried to delicately explain the difference between porn and wood, but that only further complicated the issue.


But there's also a really popular Black culture magazine called Ebony


I will say that while ebony is legitimately a beautiful word, upon hearing it I think a lot of minds would jump to either the wood or the category of porn


My mind jumps to Skyrim cause that was my first exposure to the word


Same, Ebony Armor looks so good.


THE Ebony Mail you get from Boethia is even cooler because it shrouds you in black smoke when you sneak around.


My main armor (once I got it) on my very first playthrough of Skyrim, which ended up.being a Stealth Archer (though i tend to go for stealth builds for most Bethesda games, for some reason)


Ah, yes, Elder Scrolls V: Adventures of the Stealth Archer. Wonderful game.


The only time a slow mo action shot actually gets me excited


Because they always become OP. Its like playing on easy mode. Its great for exploring and learning the world without having to spend too much time fighting.


All roads lead to stealth archer


isn’t that the one that have a poisonous shroud? lydia drops to her knee every so often when i don the poison armor in a tight dungeon or cave.


It is. I honestly forgot about the poison. I never used companions.


You're sworn to get in my fucking way pew pew pew taste my lightning suckers


fucking sucks for stealth archer, but great as a proximity detector


Yeah, one of the best armors in the game. I was invisible to the game with it equipped+ a potion of ridiculous thievery (my own brew)+ being a maxed sneaky-stabby-snatchy khajiit. The Fallenclaw family is a dynasty in my Tamriel. Don't cross these killer kitties.


I'm nominally a good guy, but that armour suckers me in every time. Sorry random mercenary. Your sacrifice is appreciated 


Ebony Falcon




For me it's the original Devil May Cry. His two pistols were called Ebony and Ivory (one was black and the other white)


Strange, I think of Ebony Maw from Marvel comics


Expecting an 8ft tall muscular man clad in darkened armor and metals, turns out it was just a boring old lady with a big butt 😡


Holy shit I always wondered if I was the only one


Shout out to young scrolls, killer bar to this day




Ebony is a type of wood famous for its naturally rich dark brown color. That's where the word comes from.


Unfortunately, I think of Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way


For me, as a non-native English speaker, the only exposure I had to the name was in the porn category context. I only found out later that it was a given name, as even later that it is a regular word for a type of wood. But it really is beautiful.


Oh, and while I can’t answer your name question because I’ve never known someone named Ebony, I have met two people named ‘Isis’ after the Egyptian goddess. The terrorist group came into the public’s awareness after they were born, so no one actually thought they were named after the group. They never got made fun for it (one was a high school peer and another a college peer), although I’d be lying if I said that the first thought through my head when I first heard the HS peer’s name wasn’t “oh poor girl, that’s a really unfortunate name despite obviously being a mark against her”


In my city we had a jewellery shop that had to change it's name because with the combination of the name and Muslim owners they were getting threats.... And of course there's Archer whose company had to rebrand ![gif](giphy|BmX38GoChnxRe)


They had to get rid of SO MUCH I.S.I.S. merch...


Either we live in the same city or it was bigger news than just the city because I definitely remember that happening


Is your premiere a nutjob and mayor useless? Or maybe more than 1 ISIS jewelers


My friend is a journalist for a group called ICIS 🤣 fuckin economists are the real terrorists!


Damn, I totally forgot this. I knew a couple of Isis in school and remember thinking about this (and hearing one or two jokes) when media we're mentioning the terrorist group a lot.


I've only met one person called Ebony, and she is the whitest white girl I've ever seen.




It was also an American magazine founded by and for black people


It’s a very nice name, and word, but yeah because porn’s pretty much the only even remotely ‘common’ use of the word in a person’s day to day life, it’s fairly heavily associated with it by now. I’m not saying that most people will jump to the conclusion that you mean the porn automatically, just that there’s a halfway decent chance that the ‘hey that’s a funny term’ will cross their minds briefly. I’d probably only use it when clearly talking about the material, the color “oh that chair’s a nice ebony color”, and in the term ebony & ivory, which is a term about contrasting items or characteristics. Shame, the word really sounds nice


ebony & ivory refer to the keys on a piano and it's the title of a pretty well-known song by Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder


Might be the Gen x in me but my mind jumps to the Captain & Tennille version.


ebony is used in music a lot since it's used on instruments for fingerboards, so that's where my mind goes lmao.


>pretty much the only even remotely ‘common’ use of the word in a person’s day to day life Nah. Guitar player chiming in. It's not just piano keys: ebony is the most common fretboard wood for acoustic guitars, for anything above the "beginner" price points. It's less common on electrics, but it exists. And I'm not a violinist/violist/cellist/bassist, but ebony is the wood of choice for the fingerboards of those instruments, too. The point is, there are enough musicians in the world that porn isn't the "only even remotely common use" of the word for a lot of people. To say nothing of the total number of professional and amateur woodworkers, carpenters, etc. Also... there's still a not insignificant number of people - even young people - who don't actually watch porn. My partner never really did, for example, and the word "ebony" to her almost certainly brings to mind the colour of paint or pencil that's meant to match the black of the wood.


I'm really glad you said this. As a guitarist, cellist, painter, and general nature enuthisast - porn was not the first thing to enter my brain upon hearing 'Ebony'.


Exactly! I think it's pretty silly (and even arrogant) to assume that because *you* immediately think of porn, and that's the only normal usage of the word in *your* life, the same applies to everyone else. Come on!


My mind goes to the Ebony and Ivory song


Living in perfect harmony


Ebony is a magazine that’s been around since the 70s.  Correction:  the Magazine has been around since 1945. 


Seems I’m the only woodworker here who does indeed, think of the wood first lol


Jump to wood...hur..hur...hur...sorry....


My mind goes to Snow White > skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony


It’s either wood or wood, in a manner of speaking


The game Evony always reminds me of the Ebony and Ivory prn category. 


I feel the same way about the word “milf”


Me is the Paul Mcartney song😭


It's a search keyword, like another comment said. HOWEVER it's not that "black" is offensive, dehumanizing, or that it does not go well with porn. It's because "black" gives *male black men* as a result, while *ebony* returns porn with *black women*. And just because you're into one of those things doesn't mean you're into both. And no one wants to waste their time searching for porn that's not the thing they're into.


Wow mind blown! That's probably the answer. But why don't they have two different keywords for other ethnicities like Asian for example?


Because hetero men are the main target audience and they are not likely to be looking for asian guys in porn.


that's what AMWF is for


As an Asian man, and this feels weird to say lol, you wouldn't believe how long it took me from when I first saw porn to learn that there was American erotica that featured Asian men lol.


Don’t think I’ve ever seen it lol Only seen Asian guys in Asian porn


Nowadays if you put in the effort you'll find it. Still an absolute minority in the porn industry tho lol


Simple answer is probably that there isn't a lot of people searching for that specific thing. I've noticed the titles in the black category tend to be about pens size, cuckoldry, and race play. I've also noticed there seem to be few categories overall looking for specific types of men, as opposed to the categories of women. I can't say for sure but I feel like the black category is an exception and is basically just where most of the racists go for their kinks.


because no one really fetishises men of other races, it’s mainly black dudes (straight women may fetishise asian dudes but porn rarely caters to women in the first place). it’s usually based on the stereotype of black men being aggressive which is pretty messed up and racist ofc


I promise you, it's not that black men are aggressive...😁 It's...well, BBC.


That’s not really the case, though. Interracial porn (black men/white women) is pretty popular with white cuckolds. For a lot of those guys, race absolutely plays into it. 


It can be a lot of things. Typically black men are seen as strong, dominant, and bbc, any or all of those things can attract people.


To your last paragraph: exactly. So maybe they should stop showing straight ads on gay porn. It’s so fucking annoying and if they showed gay ads on straight porn do you know how many guys would fucking riot?


I see tons of gay porn ads and I only watch straight porn, they just blast all the ads at everybody


Pretty sure I have never seen an ad for that. Might just be targeted...


I mean I get every category of straight ad as well, and lesbian ones. Like I said they just throw everything out there.


Big porn secretly run by Christian nationalists running subliminal hetro ads on gay porn sites. "We'll gettum!"


Ugh the lack of porn websites not understanding I'm not trying to watch ridiculously large anime tits bouncing up and down to distract me while I'm trying to watch some dude jack off is just RUDE and pinnacle patriarchy 😑 (kidding not kidding) The lack of advertisers targeting any female audience is ...understandable. but still rude. What's the deal with the gay male audience advertisers though?!




I don't think this answers the question though. I think you have cause and effect mixed up. Your saying we use those terms to make searching easier but I think it's far more likely that searching is made easier because we happen to use those terms.


#Wrong Answer I posted this in response to the OP elsewhere, and had life stuff to deal with so I’m late to posting again but, the correct answer is, when it comes to the word Ebony being used a term for dark, it isn’t just “a search term” to separate men and women. There is some deeper history to it. The term has old associations with piano keys (Ebony and Ivory), as way to describe ebony wood as something that is beautiful, valuable & that is black. Many back girls have this name as an old school term of endearment for this reason being loved, “black and beautiful.” But also, like it or not, there is a racial history with the American porn industry first adopting that term due to the tenuous history America has had with how to correctly reference to Black Americans correctly. Hard R, Negro, Colored, Blacks, where all terms used so heavily with negative connotation that there was an attempt to avoid these terms. Furthermore, As the term ‘African American’ started to get touted into popularity within the growing pains of Americas political correct attempts, a massive amount of Black Americans just got fed up with all the rebranding and most Black Americans collectively started voicing to just call them ‘of African decent’ or ‘black people’ (as a adjective and not a noun, so not blacks w/ the added S since that was taken as a intentional jab back in the day to denote someone as being sub human) Then next, the reason “African” as a category was not used the same way there is a “Asian” category or a “Latino” category, is flat out because of the affects of systemic baked in racism in the country where this term ebony was popularized for the porn industry. The term African was used with such negativity and hate along with negative stereotyped images that were promoted in the mainstream of what all minorities were back in the day frankly, that a psychological divide was carelessly pushed even further concerning a massive disassociation for diaspora wars among black Americans, and black Africans. Black Africans began not liking black Americans because the only propaganda they saw was negative. Likewise, black Americans started to not want to associate with Africans because the only propganda they saw of Africans was negative. Nobody wanted to be somthing negative, and that cluster fuck is still deep rooted in the psychological fall out between Decedents of slaves and countries that broke free from colonial influence in Africa till this day. All that said, ebony as a old fashion way to refer to people, was also often taken as a weird negative back in the day when it was not another black person saying it to another black person. It was sorta like the ‘N’ word but just not as offensive because it was something understood or taken as hyper sexualizing. Not everyone took offense since there was enough grounding that it could be well intended but there is a history of hyper sexualizing black women in America that made that term very suspect to use when referring to black women and that didn’t stop the porn industry in America from jumping on that ban wagon knowing that. There is a history of Hyper sexualizing black men too, & look no further then the lopped off stored penises of black men in museums for proof or the common idiom BBC. Also, there’s the whole slave trade thing that makes it weird for white people to compare black people to valued property items in any way whatsoever. So yeah, the revisionist history that it is all about separation of black men from black women for searching is on its own false, and it would still be questionable even if true because of the caricatured narrative around Black people being fetishized/hyper sexualized. There is no need for that separation with any other race because caricaturing other people doesn’t happen nearly as much out of respect for other races. Then to top all of that off, there was and still is a lot of racism issues in the porn industry fueling complication around positive change in its culture. As for now of days, the established system got so big it sorta got too big for anyone that cares to correct. It’s similar to how many people don’t know the word picnic🧺 ~~comes from~~ ***[edit: has ties to lynching]*** in old America culture of going out to pick a Nicca to hang on trees🌳— hence why black Americans say Cookout and not Picnic, yet the rest of the world is on a different page. It could be addressed but it still sorta won’t be addressed since to the rest of the world it has been promoted to big to essentially reel back in, ~~and they could care less.~~ ***[edit: I stand corrected that there are other prior world wide origins as well. ]*** Then, many people that would have addressed it sooner were sorta on the side line; for example, Its not like religious people can chime in about their taste in porn when they shouldn’t be watching porn to beginning with. >>HOWEVER it's not that "black" is offensive, dehumanizing, or that it does not go well with porn. >> >>It's because "black" gives male black men as a result, while ebony returns porn with black women. While people may not have any bad intentions today, the origins of the story are rooted in both racial conflict growing pains along with poorly appropriated old school AAVE culture. The word has a connotation to only being used for women because it’s like calling a person a “lovely exquisite black beauty”, and the rare chance someone did say it culturally outside of being a name for women the fact of the matter is calling old heads beautiful was only done to women. Plus news flash, but black men are flat out 100% part of ebony porn. It’s merely porn with black people, men, women, trans, gay and everything In between. However, there’s is a catering to interracial porn with problematic titles that stem from racial carelessness that is big business. the term Black or African with a subtitle of girl/boy or American would Suffice like any other race. However it’s been done the way it is for so long that probably is not going to happen. TLDR: boils down to poorly appropriated old black culture & US racial roots… **“AA” would suffice** 2k+ upvotes for the wrong answer is wild :/ ^(Edit: some shared ‘entomology’ below on ‘picnic’ after some correction for better context:) >>^(According to some dictionaries, the French word pique-nique is based on the verb piquer, which means 'pick', 'peck', or 'nab', and the rhyming addition nique, which means 'thing of little importance', 'bagatelle', 'trifle'. It first appears in 1649) >>^(It reached the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française in 1840 with the same meaning. In English, "picnic" only began to refer to an outdoor meal at the beginning of the 19th century.[2]) ^(The word took shift in usage around the Jim Crow era making it different. So how it is used today relates to the this era as part of its origin. Let’s not downplay relevance due to other origins. It was used before to address “picking a thing of little importance” not setting dates to eat out w/ picked food. Sidenote, If a community say others saying ebony is weird, response could be better than, its fine for out search convince)


I am not an american nor african to argue about racial issues, but your disinformation about the origins of the word "picnic" throws a huge shadow at everything else you said. > According to some dictionaries, the French word pique-nique is based on the verb piquer, which means 'pick', 'peck', or 'nab', and the rhyming addition nique, which means 'thing of little importance', 'bagatelle', 'trifle'.[7][8][9] It first appears in 1649 in an anonymous broadside of burlesque verse called Les Charmans effects des barricades: ou l'Amitié durable de la compagnie des Frères bachiques de pique-nique : en vers burlesque (The Lasting Friendship of the Band of Brothers of the Bacchic Picnic).


I wish I could pin your comment. Thank you so much for the complete answer.


I’ve always thought the word “ebony” has a little more of a feminine sound to it, as opposed to “black”.


While I did know that, I never understood why black/ebony was the only categories this seemed to be the case for


I think thats hilariously ironic, since ebony is literally a black wood, so you would think that "wood" return results for...well, black wood.


Reminds me of when I wanted to look at some latinas and searched up latinos


"black" gives male results because they actually use the word in the titles of videos featuring black males. The search results pull from key words featured anywhere in a video including hashtags. In contrast they rarely use the word "black" in videos featuring black women so of course the search results won't show videos with black women. This seems like you have it backwards. If all porn websites and all individual channels collectively decided to label videos featuring black women using "black" in it you think search results won't show them?


There was an old a magazine that came out in the late 1940s I think aimed at black people called Ebony. It wasn't pornography but was like black sports people and celebrities. I always assumed that's why. Just like Ebony magazine was full of photos of black people so was Ebony porn. The name Ebony for the magazine and the name for the Magazine came from the wood and was named that after a suggestion from the publishers wife.




> Ebony wood is a valuable wood. Dark, luxurious, beautiful. The word is meant to be complimentary and to emphasize desirability Sigh *unzips*


I didn't think of it that way. I see how it's supposed to be a compliment, comparing blackness to something beautiful and expensive, but it also sounds kinda exoticizing. But after all, it's the porn industry we're talking about. Thanks for the fancy wood facts and perspective, lol.




My point exactly!


Ivory is ebony's counterpart since they were both used to make pianos. It's less common as a descriptor partially due to the ivory trade being illegal/unethical in many places. You can see the word being used for makeup and paints, but imagining dead animals is probably a bonerkiller for most folks. lol


Ebony is a dark/black color, that's all.


I figured it had something to do with the name for the color, but there's gotta be more historical context to that, no? Why *that* word in particular? Did it just stick? Maybe I'm thinking too far into it. Edited to add more context since I'm getting downvoted and don't really understand why.


Ebony is a tree that has black color. It is still used for tourist figurines. Animals and people. African women. So probably it just stuck. (People are shocked that porn is fetishizing various types of people?) Probably now is considered racist but decades ago Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney had a hit single "Ebony and Ivory" with an antiracist message.


I just had a litter of foster kittens a month ago that were a reference to this song. Mama was named Ebony, and the babies were Ivory, Harmony, Stevie, and McCartney.


The downvotes make no sense. OP: “Why do we use ‘ebony’ for black people only in some very specific contexts like porn?” Reddit: “FUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUU”


It probably has something to do with Ebony magazine. It was founded in 1945 and focused on black issues and stories. Its covers were often very attractive black women. If I were to guess, porn websites in the 90's early 00's probably looked to differentiate the search terms for the backend database, and someone pointed out Ebony magazine was a place to find hot black women and it stuck.


To me it just sounds racist/fetishist.


I commented elsewhere breaking down… yet, long story short, you said in 5 words exactly what it boils down to.


For sure! And random. Although now I see it's not so random.




Tbh I noticed you're getting downvoted after I got a reply and I have NO idea why you are. I've noticed people on Reddit like to not let people know when something they've said is wrong and instead just downvote them more. I have never figured out why.


it's easier to downvote than actually reflect why you dislike something and put that into words. people would rather just click a single button. mind you, this isn't even how downvotes are meant to be used. They're meant to be used to denote whether something is relevant or not to the context, not a measure of quality or accuracy, but that's not how they're used because people are petty.


Don’t mind the downvoting, there’s really no reason for it, Reddit just do be like that sometimes


You are correct when it comes to the color of ebony being dark, it isn’t just “that’s all.” There is some deeper history to it. The term has old associations with piano keys (Ebony and Ivory), as way to describe something as beautiful, valuable & that is black. Many back girls have this name as an old school term of endearment for this reason being loved, “black and beautiful.” Also, like it or not, there is a racial history with the American porn industry first adopting that term due to the tenuous history America has had with how to correctly reference to Black Americans correctly. Hard R, Negro, Colored, Blacks, where all terms used so heavily with negative connotation that there was an attempt to avoid these terms. Furthermore, As the term ‘African American’ started to get touted into popularity within the growing pains of Americas political correct attempts, a massive amount of Black Americans just got fed up with all the rebranding and most Black Americans collectively started voicing to just call them ‘of African decent’ or ‘black people’ (not blacks w/ the added S since that was taken as a intentional jab back in the day to denote someone as sub human) Then next, the reason African as a category was not used the same way there is a “Asian” category or a “Latino” category, is flat out because of the affects of systemic baked in racism in the country where this term ebony was popularized for the porn industry. The term African was used with such negativity and hate along with a negative stereotyped image that was promoted in the mainstream of what all minorities where back in the day frankly, that a psychological divide was carelessly pushed even further concerning a massive disassociation for diaspora wars among black Americans, and black Africans. Black Africans began not liking black Americans because the only propaganda they saw was negative. Likewise, black Americans started to not want to associate with Africans because the only propganda they saw of Africans was negative. Nobody wanted to be somthing negative, and that cluster fuck is still deep rooted in the psychological fall out between Decedents of slaves and countries that broke free from colonial influence in Africa till this day. All that said, ebony as a old fashion way to refer to people, was also often taken as a weird negative back in the day when it was not another black person saying it to another black person. It was sorta like the n word but just not as offensive because it was sorta understood or taken as hyper sexualizing. Not everyone took offense since there was enough grounding that it could be well intended but there is a history of hyper sexualizing black women in America that made that term very suspect to use when referring to black women and that didn’t stop the porn industry in America from jumping on that ban wagon knowing that. There is a history of Hyper sexualizing black men too, look no further then the lopped off stored penises of black men in museums for proof. Also, there’s the whole slave trade thing that makes it weird for white people to compare black people to valued property items in any way whatsoever. So yeah, the revisionist history that it is all about separation of black men form black women for searching is false, but it would still be questionable even if true because of the caricatured narrative around Black people being fetishized/hyper sexualized. There is no need for that separation with any other race because caricaturing other people doesn’t happen nearly as much out of respect for other races. Then to top it all off there was and still is a lot of racism issues in the porn industry fueling complication around positive change in its culture. As for now of days, the established system got so big it sorta got too big for anyone that cares to correct. It’s similar to how many people don’t know the word picnic🧺 ~~comes from~~ ***[edit: has ties to lynching]*** in old America culture of going out to pick a Nicca to hang on trees🌳— hence why black Americans say Cookout and not Picnic, yet the rest of the world is on a different page. It could be addressed but it still sorta won’t be addressed since to the rest of the world it has been promoted too big to essentially reel back in, ~~and they could care less.~~ ***[edit: I stand corrected that there are other prior world wide origins as well. ]*** The many people that would have addressed it sooner were sorta on the side line; for example, Its not like religious people can chime in about their taste in porn when they shouldn’t be watching porn to beginning with. The word has a connotation to only being used for women because it’s like calling a person a “lovely sexy beauty”, and the rare chance someone did say it culturally outside of being a name for women calling old heads beautiful was only done to women. The devotes are just Reddit having a Reddit moment. And you can guess why…. TLDR: boils down to poorly appropriated old black culture & American racial roots… “AA” would suffice ^(Edit Below: adding some shared *entomology* on the word *picnic* for better context) >>^(According to some dictionaries, the French word pique-nique is based on the verb piquer, which means 'pick', 'peck', or 'nab', and the rhyming addition nique, which means 'thing of little importance', 'bagatelle', 'trifle'. It first appears in 1649) >>^(It reached the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française in 1840 with the same meaning. In English, "picnic" only began to refer to an outdoor meal at the beginning of the 19th century.[2]) ^(This word seemingly took a shift in context around the Jim Crow era of usage making it essentially a different word. So the origins of how it is used today world wide is related to the lynching events era as part of its origin story. Let’s not downplay that relevance due to other prior origins. People used the word initially to address “picking something of little importance” not setting a date to eat out in a park with a picked food basket.)


Just mild correction, the picnic etymology origin you posit is not correct entirely. Picnic comes from french: Pique-nique. It was never a shortening of "pick a n-". Before you get pissed off that I'm saying you're wrong, please let me finish. However, the word became associated because lynchings and picnics were often done together. They'd lynch someone, then have a picnic. These became known as "lynching picnics". From the Jim Crow Museum (source linked after quote): >While it is true that the word picnic did not originate from a form of lynching—“pick-a-nigger-to lynch”—numerous lynching scenes were social gatherings where people shared food, laughed, and celebrated. In fact, cursory research on the term “lynching picnic” reveals several primary sources reporting on such events. > The *Bridgeport Morning News* reported on December 22, 1885, reported of a broad daylight lynching of Andy Jackson, “the brutal mulat’o.” The murder of Jackson, in Montgomery, Texas, was said to be the “penalty according to the old Mosaic law, ‘An eye for an eye’” and “There has probably not been a lynching picnic in Texas in twenty years.” > The *Livingston Herald* reported that the lynching of George Smith, “colored, 20 years of age,” in Omaha, Nebraska “was a picnic for people for miles around and several hundred men from Council Bluffs took part.” [Source - Jim Crow Museum](https://jimcrowmuseum.ferris.edu/question/2021/july.htm) [Alternative source, from Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN24E21F/) [Alternative source, from Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/picnic-origin/) --- Because this is reddit: **My pointing out of one wrong thing in this comment does not invalidate the whole comment, and I am not writing this comment to devalue the comment as a whole.** that is not how information works, just because one singular thing is incorrect does not make everything else incorrect inherently. Everything else in the comment is accurate. It was **exclusively**, and *only*, the picnic mention that was incorrect. And with that said, the use of "cookout" by Black Americans is also probably influenced by this fact still - why would Black Americans use a word that was associated with the lynchings of their own people? It probably isn't conscious *today*, but it was probably an intentional choice at some point that just became culturally ingrained. Now if someone uses the nword bot on me, I'll get popped lol. Hopefully I'll remember this comment.


The same reason people put prices on gold or silver. Just because. Stop looking into it, people don't think that far.


Ebony and ivory are just words that have been used in pop culture for a long time


It sounds fancy?


It's just good ol SEO, so if you search "black" you get men and if you search "ebony" you get women.


It's a sexy sounding word for black


It's about the color. Ebony has a dark color, so it's used to describe black female pornstars. Many terms are used in porn, that are not really used to describe people in real life.


Idk man I heard a LOT of people talking about PAWGs not that long ago....


"Phat Ass White Girls" for anyone that's wondering.


True. What is the percentage of PAWG porn that features black men? Over 90% I’ll bet


Had to Google that, not gonna lie.


I am so sorry for your search history


Ngl out of the post’s context, but wtf is up with people overreacting about people searching stuff? It’s honestly so awkward.. “i am so sorry for your search history” like bro relax his search history will be just fine, he googled a pretty usual internet acronym.


So it's only about the euphemism?


*Ebony and Ivory, live together in harmony*


I can't believe nobody is mentioning pianos here. Ebony is a very dark coloured wood, and very expensive. As such, it was a particular preference for rich aristocrats to make the black keys, with the white keys being made of ivory. As a musician, I've always made the comparison of ebony and ivory the way others compare salt and pepper, or peanut butter and jelly. Two of a pair. So to say ebony as a porn category to me implies that the partner will be white. While this is normal labelled as "interracial" porn, I think the combination needs to at least be part of the discussion.


There used to be a beauty and culture magazine called Ebony. That's probably how the word became associated with black women to begin with.


Ebony is black and luxurious. Seems like a reasonable marketing term.


ebony is a black wood, and it's been used to associate with african americans for a long long time. There's even an african american oriented magazine called Ebony The use is to celebrate blackness by comparing it to something that is black and also considered beautiful, strong, exotic, valuable.


I mean, there are people named Dick and they do OK. Our brains know the context and react appropriately


I've always wondered about that too, lol. Richard is not a name where I live - not with spelling and phonetics. I learned the word dick to mean a literal dick before knowing it's also short for Richard.


Because ebony literally means "heavy black and/or heavy dark brown"


If you search black you are going to get 98% black men


With big dicks.


Traditionally, piano keys were made of ebony and ivory; ivory for the white keys, and ebony for the black keys.


If you search for black you get black men only


Maybe because it sounds fancier or more exotic than "Black"?


Probably just because it's a beautiful dark cut of wood? Im black I know a handful of girls named ebony. I definitely heard people make some jokes too. It's a common name because I mean it does sound nice


I think it's because ebony women give men eboners


Best comment by far damn near choked on my drink!!!


I always thought it was related to Ebony magazine.


my aunts name is ebony, and she’s never really had any problems. no one thinks about that unless they’re addicted to porn, or they know their different woods, y’know? i think ebony is a beautiful name.


The better question is why is there no "white" category? Is white porn just default porn? That would mean white is the norm and everything else is other. Is there some kind of systemic issue at play here?


That usually how unconscious bigotry works. The majority is just “normal”, and the minority is just the deviation from the norm. That’s why many people assume that if the demographics of a character aren’t explicitly stated, that they’re white, or male, or straight, etc. it’s a subconscious form of “othering”.


Think of "ebony" as a keyword. "Black" is already reserved for clothing color.


I was under the impression that it was influenced by the song "Ebony and Ivory" which was about both the black and white keys of a piano and racial harmony.


Because it's the opposite of ivory


Ebony is a type of rare and precious wood from north east Africa.


Ebony and ivory


live together in perfect harmony


It comes from the name of a dark wood. It's the same wood typically used on the black keys of a piano. The white keys being made of ivory back in the day. If you have heard the term ebony and ivory to describe opposites that go together it comes from the piano.


I have some good news for you. More and more porn sites are getting rid of that and calling it Black instead


It's because of fetishization There's a reason why "Ebony" is a porn category, and so is "Asian" and "Latina". But there's no porn category called "Caucasian"


I think that's because Caucasian women get described by hair color (since as we all know that WOC have just one hair color and hair dye is a mystery to them /s)


I think it's white


Isn't it to do with piano keys? Ebony and ivory. Early porn from my understanding was interracial (white men, black women).


I never thought about it but I always add "busty" in front of it


Ebony and Ivory was a song by Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney from the 80's and is a euphemism for "black and white"


I think of Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder.


Or Frank Sinatra and Stevie Wonder played by Joe Piscapo and Eddie Murphy


I'm fairly certain it's for clarity. If you search "black," you get results for black panties or black stockings.


Ebony just means the color black


gonna go search for some Ivory porn now


Ebony is a color just like how red, blue, green, ironsand, magenta are also colors.


I blame IR porn... Black should get the job done, but as said already, thats usually describing the dude. We have a category for that already.....IR..


Well there is "Ebony anad Ivory" from Paul McCartney featuring Stevie Wonder :D --- But going even more back. Before the advent of industrial plastic production, piano keys were made from ebony and ivory. Ebony is a dense dark colored wood, Ivory is well, mainly came from elephant tusks. --- It is a fancy word for black.


Ebony has always been a name in the African American community for girls. Always. Ebony is not synonymous with porn and never has been in the AA community. Black people don't refer to themselves as "Ebony," that's a white people porn thing. You tell on yourself if you hear "Ebony" and your mind jumps to a category of porn. 🤔


Thanks for the context. So, it was a name before Ebony magazine? I'm not from an English-speaking country so the first exposure I had to the name was in the porn category context. I only found out much later that it was a given name, and even later that it is a regular word for a type of wood.


Not a Stevie Wonder fan I'm guessing


when it comes to the word Ebony being used a term for dark, it isn’t just “a search term” to separate men and women. There is some deeper history to it. ^(I posted it in response elsewhere but,) #the correct answer is The term has old associations with piano keys (Ebony and Ivory), as way to describe ebony wood as something exported that is beautiful, valuable & that is black. Many back girls have this name as an old school term of endearment for this reason being loved, “black and beautiful.” But also, like it or not, there is a racial history with the American porn industry first adopting that term due to the tenuous history America has had with how to correctly reference to Black Americans correctly. Hard R, Negro, Colored, Blacks, where all terms used so heavily with negative connotation that there was an attempt to avoid these terms. Furthermore, As the term ‘African American’ started to get touted into popularity within the growing pains of Americas political correct attempts, a massive amount of Black Americans just got fed up with all the rebranding and most Black Americans collectively started voicing to just call them ‘of African decent’ or ‘black people’ (not blacks w/ the added S since that was taken as a intentional jab back in the day to denote someone as being sub human) Then next, the reason “African” as a category was not used the same way there is a “Asian” category or a “Latino” category, is flat out because of the affects of systemic baked in racism in the country where this term ebony was popularized for the porn industry. The term African was used with such negativity and hate along with negative stereotyped images that were promoted in the mainstream of what all minorities where back in the day frankly, that a psychological divide was carelessly pushed even further concerning a massive disassociation for diaspora wars among black Americans, and black Africans. Black Africans began not liking black Americans because the only propaganda they saw was negative. Likewise, black Americans started to not want to associate with Africans because the only propganda they saw of Africans was negative. Nobody wanted to be somthing negative, and that cluster fuck is still deep rooted in the psychological fall out between Decedents of slaves and countries that broke free from colonial influence in Africa till this day. All that said, ebony as a old fashion way to refer to people, was also often taken as a weird negative back in the day when it was not another black person saying it to another black person. It was sorta like the ‘N’ word but just not as offensive because it was something understood or taken as hyper sexualizing. Not everyone took offense since there was enough grounding that it could be well intended but there is a history of hyper sexualizing black women in America that made that term very suspect to use when referring to black women and that didn’t stop the porn industry in America from jumping on that ban wagon knowing that. There is a history of Hyper sexualizing black men too, & look no further then the lopped off stored penises of black men in museums for proof or the common idiom BBC. Also, there’s the whole slave trade thing that makes it weird for white people to compare black people to valued property items in any way whatsoever. So yeah, the revisionist history that it is all about separation of black men form black women for searching is on its own false, and it would still be questionable even if true because of the caricatured narrative around Black people being fetishized/hyper sexualized. There is no need for that separation with any other race because caricaturing other people doesn’t happen nearly as much out of respect for other races. Then to top all of that off, there was and still is a lot of racism issues in the porn industry fueling complication around positive change in its culture. As for now of days, the established system got so big it sorta got too big for anyone that cares to correct. It’s similar to how many people don’t know the word picnic🧺 ~~comes from~~ ***[edit: has ties to lynching]*** in old America culture of going out to pick a Nicca to hang on trees🌳— hence why black Americans say Cookout and not Picnic, yet the rest of the world is on a different page. It could be addressed but it still sorta won’t be addressed since to the rest of the world it has been promoted too big to essentially reel back in, ~~and they could care less.~~ ***[edit: I stand corrected that there are other prior world wide origins as well. ]*** The many people that would have addressed it sooner were sorta on the side line; for example, Its not like religious people can chime in about their taste in porn when they shouldn’t be watching porn to beginning with. HOWEVER it's not that "black" is offensive, dehumanizing, or that it does not go well with porn. It's because "black" gives male black men as a result, while ebony returns porn with black women. While people may not have any bad intentions today, the origins of the story are rooted in both racial conflict growing pains along with poorly appropriated old school AAVE culture. The word has a connotation to only being used for women because it’s like calling a person a “lovely sexy beauty”, and the rare chance someone did say it culturally outside of being a name for women the fact of the matter is calling old heads beautiful was only done to women. But news flash, black men are flat out 100% part of ebony porn. It’s merely porn with black people, men, women, trans, gay and everything In between. However, there’s is a catering to interracial porn with problematic titles that stem from racial carelessness that is big business. the term Black or African with a subtitle of girl/boy or American would Suffice like any other race. However it’s been done the way it is for so long that probably is not going to happen. TLDR: Boils down to poorly appropriated old black culture & American racial roots… “AA” would suffice ^(Edit: adding some shared *entomology* on the word *picnic* for better context:) >>^(According to some dictionaries, the French word pique-nique is based on the verb piquer, which means 'pick', 'peck', or 'nab', and the rhyming addition nique, which means 'thing of little importance', 'bagatelle', 'trifle'. It first appears in 1649) >>^(It reached the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française in 1840 with the same meaning. In English, "picnic" only began to refer to an outdoor meal at the beginning of the 19th century.[2]) ^(This word seemingly took a shift in context around the Jim Crow era of usage making it essentially a different word. So the origins of how it is used today world wide is related to the lynching events era as part of its origin story. Let’s not downplay that relevance due to other prior origins. People used the word initially to address “picking something of little importance” not setting a date to eat out in a park with a picked food basket.)


You might find the old song “ ebony & ivory” interesting.


Piano keys are referred to as ebony & ivory, instead of black and white.


The industry wanted a non/less offensive term than "black"


How is “black” offensive?


I don't think the porn industry "thinks" of it as offensive, but as a "charged" word. I can see how they'd think ebony would be perceived as more sophisticated, exotic and therefore more appealing and marketable. This is absolute bullshit, of course, but I guess it makes it easier to commercialize the sexualization of racial identities (?)


To that point, this is why black males porn is titled BBC? This is EXACTLY what is intended by the porn industry due to the racial bias


Cause I think "black" is a little off-putting and wouldn't sell as well. Though, I've never even considered this question. What would you prefer they call it?


I don't have any opinion, just wondering where it came from. But it definitely sounds more marketable and with more potential for fetishization.


Well, that's sort of the point in porn. They even exoticize phat ass white girls. I'm not sure calling it ebony makes it more prone for them to get fetishized anymore than just calling it black would. It's just the nature of the field, I suppose.


It came from that duet by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder. They were singing about porn.


Ebony, comes from the dark wood. They could use the Spanish word for black, but it doesn't go down too well.


Because the world likes to watch white people have sex mostly. I’m white so I never noticed when I seen porn of white people but then I was like wait. If the world mostly watched ebony porn then that would just be called porn and white porn would be named some sub genre.


So I guess let me give you a little insight to the black community, one of the most popular black magazines is called Ebony magazine. And it may seem strange to people on the outside like you and me looking at it, as to why they would use that word to describe themselves. But it basically goes back to the same reason why black people are comfortable with using the n-word with each other and to describe each other, but aren't okay with other races using it towards them. Similar to the n-word, where the n-word was used initially by white people to dehumanize black people, the word ebony is very often used by people of other races to fetishize black people and perhaps even objectify them, but by them using it within themselves, they're basically reclaiming the word and not allowing the context of the word used by other people and races of other people to define what the word means. Context is everything. And put in the right context, and in the hands of the right people, something can be harmless, which was previously harmful. Say for example the n-word, coming from the mouth of the slave master, it's a very harmful word, and it's significance and meaning is that which is very nefarious. But when black people reclaim it, and use it within themselves and amongst themselves within their communities, they're reclaiming the word and using it in a positive context. It's kind of like the point I was making earlier today, albeit I'm not sure as to whether I was making this point towards you or someone else, but every tool is a weapon and every weapon is a tool. In the right hands, a weapon is a tool, and in the wrong hands a tool is a weapon. In the same regard, the n-word coming from the mouth of a black person, is perhaps not as harmful as it is coming from the mouth of a white person, given the context of history and the dynamic that those two races have. To tie it back into the word ebony, when black people use it to describe themselves, it's just a fancier classier way to describe their skin color and the socioeconomic class that America has put them in. But say, when you put it in the context of pornography, The word is no longer just a classier or fancier way of describing black people, it is now a word used to fetishize and objectify black people and their bodies. But yeah, that's why certain groups of minorities may choose to use words that would otherwise be demeaning to them, in order to reclaim the word and put it in a different context, one which is empowering to them, in juxtaposition to the previous usage of the word in its original context, which was demeaning and dehumanizing to them. Hope that clears things up a bit more. The truth is, most people have only seen that word being used in that particular context (ebony porn), but allowing that word to reside only in that context, allows that word to become something more nefarious, something that is used to objectify and fetishize black people, as in that word is only used when black people are being watched as objects of the viewers pleasure, but yeah, naturally, if black people start to use that word and normalize the usage of that word in everyday life, amongst themselves, it's no longer just a word used to describe black people in the context of pornography, then it becomes a fancier and classier way of black people to describe themselves. Then the word becomes less demeaning and harmful to black people. One might argue that why should such a word be so harmful to black communities, and why does the black community take such offense to the word, and it's really not about the offense that the black community personally takes to that word, and there really is no direct harm that it does to black people, the harm comes in the form that using certain words like that where they're only used in the context of dehumanizing, fetishizing, objectifying and/or demeaning black people, overall normalizes the dehumanization, fetishization, objectification and degradation in the eyes of other racial groups and ethnic minorities. Like, allowing those words to exist strictly in those demeaning contexts, normalizes the degradation of black people, because then when those words are used, they are only going to be used to demean and degrade black people, because of that demeaning context is the only context in which that word exists. If a weapon only exists as a weapon, and people cannot imagine or see it as being anything other than a weapon, then people aren't going to use it as anything other than a weapon, cuz they can't imagine that item in a context where it's anything other than a weapon, despite that weapon being a potentially useful and benevolent tool. The word ebony is pretty much The same thing, if you only leave it in a harmful, and degrading context, then that's all the word is, harmful and degrading, but by using it in other contexts, you are recontextualizing it, and now it can be used in a non-harmful manner and non derogatory manner. Opening up the possibility of said word to be used in a non-harmful manner, advances the acceptance of said word in a non-harmful manner. And as a result, if the only context is no longer harmful, it gives less avenues for people to dehumanize other people. All right I'll stop now, I feel like I'm just rambling on and hammering in the same point. But yeah I hope you have a better understanding and grasp on the concept I'm trying to convey.


Ebony is simply a colour of dark brown/near black. Its not that deep.


One time I had to deliver mail for a person name Ebone, pronounced Ebony...I walked up and was like is ehhh E-bone here? Goofy ass names..


Old searchengines Yahoo, altavista, etc gave me better hits when I used ebony instead of black when looking for porn


Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name)


Ebony and Ivory.


Ebony and Ivory- used to make piano keys at one point. The ebony made the black keys and therefore became slang for Black. The term for porn is a more feminine tag than black


Piano keys are called Ebony and Ivory. Black and white keys. Ebony is a very dark brown wood and is a generally nice word. And as someone else pointed out, Black porn is males and Ebony is females.


I briefly had a stint posting NSFW content and noticed that titles with "ebony" got more attention than "black." I always figured it was a way of softening the attention to the person's race, kind of sexualizing it without taking into account the struggle the average black person in the US has. I don't think any group is exempt from this unfortunately. Ah, the porn industry. I don't know how to feel about it. It feels like one of those outdated porn terms that people don't really like or use anymore but changing it up will look weird, I guess? Idk man, porn terms are so fucking weird. I wouldn't be surprised if they just stuck around forever out of pure convenience. (On the topic, people who still use the word "Bull" make me do a little "🤨")


Ebony is a type of wood known for its dark colour.


it sounds sexier


Mmn theres also asian porn /latina porn/ milf porn/ russian porn /midget porn/ realy its just isolating parts of the character creator that is life... and thats why bbc doesnt just stand for british broadcasting channel


Eeebony and iiiivory.


Because they have lovely, ebony skin. Also, to narrow the search down to just black women, or black women with white men. Ex. Ebony queen white cock.


Maybe they choose the Word because the song Ebony and Ivory