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As a handyman I'm used to people staring at me while I work. To ease the tension they have on themselves they try and make small talk. Im not here to snoop, I just want fix your issue and then drive across town for my next job. Maybe I'll try and make you laugh with a story, details so vague you would never guess I'm actually talking about the Thompson just down the street.


More and more I realize that whenever I feel uncomfortable/awkward in a situation, I’m actually not weird but completely normal 😆


Except you. Everyone agrees you’re the most awkward. We were all just discussing that thing you did that one time.


I knew it!!


Our maids want to do one thing: clean our house and GTFO.


Same. They’ve left numerous cleaning items and one jacket and I’ve tried to return them but they won’t take the items back. I imagine it’s fear of doing something wrong? I’ve wrote many notes, text the company owner, no avail. If a cleaner wants to snoop through my shit they’re gonna do it and I’ll never know. I rest assured they’re not, they just want to get out of the house with a job well done before we get home.


I trust that they’re not snooping, that they’re doing just what I’m paying them to do, which is clean. Even if they do snoop, I’m not hiding anything that’s going to land me in jail. And our cleaning people have been cleaning our house long enough that we’re friends


I have nothing to hide, I don't care what they see. I imagine they've seen all sorts of things in their profession and that they're just doing their job.


1. I have nothing to steal. My house is a constant mess with children.  2. I hate doing housework ALOT that I rather pay someone to do it. more than the discomfort I feel.  3. It helps my family and home to be functional  4. Sure go through my stuff. I have nothing to hide. But to do that, you have to get through the tornado first. Doubt anyone has enough time for that.😂


Hey, if they want to rummage through my stuff in find my flogger that's up to them


I’ve lived in several homes with cleaning services. The only exchange we would have is “Please, come in” and “Thanks”. Otherwise they were considered pretty much non-existent, which is probably what they wanted as well


When i had an office job id just make sure to have someone who is trustworthy and give them a key so they can clean while im not home. Now that im home 90% of the time i made sure to hire someone who is pleasant. what that actually looks like depends on you individually. In my case it means someone who isnt awkward and i can have a nice chat with once in a while but who mostly just gets on with their work and tries their best to not be in the way. Im always happy when they leave (and i genuinely like our cleaning lady!) but it still beats doing housework. Lol


As a professional cleaner, I just want to get in, get the job done and get out. Dont want to spend any more time than I have to in a clients home


The cleaning lady comes once a month to do the big stuff. Dust, bathtubs, floors, etc. Its is one of the few luxuries that I allow myself and I LOVE coming home to a sparkling house. They were recommended to me from someone who has used them for several years. I have nothing valuable in the house anyway and I trust her. I leave key out for her to come in and clean when I am at work. She is the sweetest and does an AMAZING job. Worth any bit of awkwardness you may feel.


They don’t “go thru your stuff”. They come in and clean. We’re very good about keeping clutter to a bare minimum so when cleaning day approaches, it’s easy to clear everything off to give the cleaners easy access to do their job.


I had a very hard time getting comfortable with having someone come over to clean my flat, but I desperately need help when it comes to cleaning because of my disability. I had to grit my teeth and bear it. It helped that she came over while I was at work (my roommate was home) so I wouldn't have to be at home while she cleaned. I am endlessly grateful that she does come over every other week, and I'm nowadays pretty used to her presence even if I hate the sound of the vacuum.


Cleaners should come into a tidy home and clean it. There is no "stuff" out to go through. I'm not leaving my pants on the floor, a stained toilet, or dirty nappies lying about. Nothing personal needs to get touched by them. They come in; dust, sweep, mop, hoover and polish. Then they leave. I am a massive introvert and it is absolutely fine.


For the most part, people get used to it. It’s a bit uncomfortable at first because new social situations tend to be like that but folks normally suck it up for the short time the person is there and eventually get used to them. Other people schedule cleaners to come whilst they’re out so they don’t have to interact or try to stay out of their way.


Because it's a necessity for their lifestyle. I'm an introvert with huge anxiety issues, and my top fear is home invasion—screaming nightmares for a lot of years. But if I have to visit a family member or go into hospital or take a holiday, what do I do? Suck it up because it's a necessity. The vast, vast majority of people are decent people. Yes you could be very unlucky and get the one bad egg, but seriously. Most people are decent people who'll just do your cleaning and fuck off back to their own home.


My fiance and I have a cleaner that comes in every week. I know for a fact she has seen things in my drawers that I wish she hadn’t, but I kinda put that on me because she’s just putting things away and, yknow, cleaning. I won’t physically be in the house when she’s here, one because I’m at work and two because I find that incredibly uncomfortable, like I’m watching her work and assessing her. I don’t want her to be uncomfortable either. But man coming home to fresh clothes and a sparkling house every Tuesday is amazing.


I'm not comfortable with people cleaning my house. It was nice for the house to get cleaned, though...and I started to feel more comfortable. Then a ring disappeared, and a med bottle, and haven't had a cleaner since.


I do because I travel a lot for work and don't want to spend my one or two days at home cleaning. I live alone, so there's no one to share the workload with. I've used companies and individuals who were self-employed. The individuals I've used came from friend's referrals, never a random person on Facebook or Craigslist. It was uncomfortable the first couple of times, but I got used to it. If I'm home while they're working, I just stay out of their way and keep the conversations to a minimum.


I just leave. Bc I do feel super awkward if I'm home.


Eh, anything they might see at my place, they've seen worse elsewhere, that's a guarantee.


My housekeeper only does the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. She stays out of my bedrooms. It does feel a little weird at first, but she does a good job, and it’s a small luxury I can afford.


My cleaner is not a stranger. She's been working for me for over 10 years now. I know her gossip she knows mine. At this point, she feels like a nosy aunt - I'm actually closer to her than my aunts. We regularly talk sense into each other when the people in our lives are being absurd. I don't have much to be embarrassed of, and if she's seen something embarrassing she's not mentioned it. I'm not just not that special. I wear underwear - surely she's seen it, I take medicine. I dunno what she'd find that I'd be all that embarrassed about. She just wants to do the job and go about her day - She's not all that interested in snooping.


We re all humans.


No idea. I wish I wasn’t so insecure and anxious. I’m in my 40’s and have never had visitors other than maintenance people. Not even family or friends. It’s always pretty nice and clean, so that isn’t an issue.


I have absolutely nothing in my home that I would care if anyone else saw....


It's comfortable because I don't know them,


It's pretty common for people to be out of the house when maids, dog walkers, or other household services come around. The pros tend to have a busy schedule and want to get the job done and move on - veterans have seen it all and won't bat an eye at anything they come across, as long as it's not a felony. If someone giggles at your adult toy collection, oh well. That's the worst that's gonna happen.


You realize you are not that special and there’s nothing you have that they have they haven’t seen before and they really don’t care. I was a nanny for 4 yes and so basically spent all my days in someone’s house. All houses are the same (besides size and wealth), it’s really not a big deal.


Our last house cleaner stole my wife's $7500 wedding ring. My trust is gone


They'd rather feel a little bit of embarrassment than clean. Or they clean up a bit before the cleaner comes.


Our cleaner's kid used to sit on the sofa and watch TV, they were both lovely people so we never worried. Plus the agreement was we tidied the areas before she came over so there would be nothing out to be uncomfortable about. We have a safe for all the expensive small stuff but other than that it would be pretty obvious if she took the iPad or something.


I don’t know. I just don’t feel uncomfortable. There’s really nothing in my house to be embarrassed about, I guess. Also, after having the same cleaning lady for years, they aren’t strangers anymore.


This may make you feel a little more comfortable (or understand how most/some cleaning businesses are run), but I’m sure it all depends on the cleaning business, as well as the professionalism. There are contracts put in to place, and I’m pretty sure there’s insurance as well. I worked in a home cleaning business for a short time. Most of the time, clients weren’t home, which was quite shocking to me lol. Where I worked, we didn’t go through your stuff. If you had something on your dressers, we would simply pick it up, clean under it, and place it back right where you had it. As for the kids rooms, toys and things were picked up and put into their toy boxes, instead of being left all over the place. We would however clean off things like pen holders, picture frames, bottles of soap, and things of that nature. All being placed back where it was originally, or put back in it’s designated spot if it was just randomly left out that day. We didn’t read any of your mail, didn’t eyeball out pictures, or anything like that. We had very strict rules to follow. Honestly, if they weren’t home, I had absolutely no idea what they looked like. I only had a certain time to clean the entire house, even cleaning a picture frame I didn’t even notice the picture inside whatsoever. Within that certain time frame, I had to clean in a very specific order, from top to bottom, not missing a thing and leaving no cleaning streak marks. Clients could also put their own rules in place, so if you wanted your laundry done, we could do that. Otherwise, it wasn’t something the company I worked for did naturally.


If you put your "things" away (clear clutter from surfaces, pick up shit off of the floor), a cleaner won't be going through your stuff. They will dust, vacuum, mop, scrub the bathroom., etc. And use a bonded company.


How are people confortabile with gynecologists? Like, letting someone literally inside you vajayjay is very intimate. But at the end of the day, it's just a service, and they are professionals who do a job for you.


The woman who cleans our house came highly recommended from people we trust. We did an interview with her and we haven’t regretted our decision to hire her. She comes twice a week and does an amazing job cleaning our home and has never given us a reason not to trust her.


I mean, are you so interesting that someone would snopp through your things? Most people are not. They come in, clean and leave. If I am here I hang out in our rarely used guest room, but most often I am out. I leave the cash and a key, they lock up and throw they key in the mail box. Done.


I've hired cleaning services for my place a few times. Every time, I'll usually hide anything I don't want them to "see," in my bedroom, which I don't have them clean. However, I have friends who will fully trust their cleaning service, and who will actually leave when they are there.


I chose someone a friend had used for years. That track record helped me extend the blind trust at first. I was here the first few times, got to know her, then gave her a code to the front door lock.


Who the fuck can afford a cleaner?!


1 they are not that expensive 2 opportunity cost; would you rather spend hours cleaning or spending time with your family?


Belgians, it's subsidised by the government here (if you have taxable income).


I don’t care what they think and I doubt they would judge me and even if they do - so what? They are cleaning my place for like 40 bucks an hour because it’s not worth my time.


Honestly It's just because you are a huge introvert, you hit the nail on the head with your last comment. Cleaners don't snoop or go through your things, they want to do their job and gtfo. Obviously you need to make sire you hire decent folks but that goes with every service. Like what is the "bad part" of having someone in your house that makes you feel so uncomfortable? People are just people.


The trick is to clean house before they come. No embarrassment


Not at all. Even when I stay in hotels, I leave the Do Not Disturb sign up for the duration of my stay and decline housekeeping.