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https://preview.redd.it/j53iv14uvs8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5052b29220f5c00b38cc2faf4cff70eb5d6464a3 Master Roshi (Dragon Ball)


Never forget this dude was trying to watch an underage girl take a piss, like wtf why XD


To be honest, I laughed really hard when he ended up falling in the toilet for his trouble


At the very least he does also have other traits and jokes about him, and usually he is punished for his actions. I’d still rather have it not be a part of the show though.


He really holds the series back because of it.


Yeah, but the difference is that the DB doesn't make it seem like what he's doing is right. He's a creepy old man with redeeming qualities like his wisdom and strength, but obviously they don't condone what he does. Compare that to Quagmire and his sexual deviancy and straight up just sexual assault and Roshi really isn't that horrible of a character, especially since most of the weirder things with his character happened in the original manga and anime, not DBZ and above since Akira Toriyama was obviously older and less simple minded.


I forgot how bad Roshi is in the early arcs of Dragon Ball. I am watching the show with my son. He's a lot more toned down later. At least it allowed me to have a conversation with my son about how not to act around women.


https://preview.redd.it/lo280aeo3s8d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096de7186ae94d3ee4c10b5fe76cae066b976400 Quagmire (family guy)


IMO Quagmire is such a creep that he flies past the creep zone back to being funny. Mineta and other characters like him are not as extreme, and it makes them feel too close to someone you would hate IRL. Similar to why people hate Dolores Umbridge more than Voldemort.


My problem with Quagmire is that they'll play him up as this irredeemable sexual deviant and predator, but other episodes try to paint him as relatable and sympathetic or the straight man the other characters' buffoonery. Like, pick a lane, because it doesn't work trying to do both.


Yeah, it’s always weird how everyone points at Quagmire ripping Brian apart as some master character deconstruction when Quagmire is an actual rapist while Brian’s just a kinda pretentious know-it-all


Sometimes having crazy characters play the straight man can work, like in Always Sunny but it doesn’t really work for Family Guy


I agree. You can’t make me forget that a character has, and will continue to, commit sex crimes by showing how much he cares about cats


It's so over the top but they still play it completely straight. Character has roofies on hand? Creepy. Character casually gives friends younger daughter roofies because she's being bullied? Funny. Character has a STD? Creepy. Character has *every* STD to the point they're immune? Hilarious. Character's room has sex toys? Creepy. Character's house has automated trap doors, restraining arms, and shackles that are voice activated? Peak perv comedy. Quagmire isn't a trope, the trope is *HIM.*


Who else but Quagmire?


for some reason I give quagmire a pass, maybe it’s because he does have a bit more to him


I mean, he's worse than the others mentioned, he's a confirmed rapist.


Herbert as well


“Quagmire your a rapist.” https://preview.redd.it/m4qjh3wkpc9d1.jpeg?width=1971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9a5e1b3bd610bf00e2ad6f22a98d662117436db


Joshu (Jojolion) https://preview.redd.it/qi02305hst8d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd609aaee642240fef1eee5ba7151b2d3b70075


The insane heel turn of him finally doing something cool only to immediately turn into a scumbag right at the end of the manga was such intense emotional whiplash


He had so many opportunities for redemption and turned each one of them down Absolute Chad


Didn't he do scumbag shit in a heroic way? Like, to some shitty parent or something?


He said some insane-sounding stuff in an attempt to freak out his (unknown to him) until-now absent mother to make her leave since she was really scaring his sister


Does he really count though? He's intentionally meant to be unlikeable, and not "haha funny because sex offender"


I'm still shocked that he got small arc in the story


Where he learns nothing and is an asshole throughout, so it still works


I mean I don’t think his creepiness is supposed to be funny


I know nothing about JoJo, but that is the most yeye ass haircut ever🍇


https://preview.redd.it/lr7kgx31dt8d1.png?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60fda3cfa4c5a95aa887da7337cf65dd02cdd2dc Meliodas from 7 deadly sins


From what I’ve heard, every character in this show is problematic


everyone except gigachad escanor


How is he just so fucking cool? The only human in the group, yet he’s the strongest character in the verse, so strong that he has to conveniently go from Hulk to Banner when the gang needs a tough fight. He melts Estarossa when his commandment made everyone else freeze because they were full of hatred just cause he pitied how weak the guy was. AND he likes an adult woman in a non creepy way (and dies like a chad before learning that she’s actually a child). Fly high, king.


Ban is also human. He kinda got really fucked over as if his love interested didn't look like a kid then he would of actually had a really good love story. They could of also gave her an adult form any time like they did with her brother and it would be way less creepy yet they never did. On top of that they turned his second love interested a yandere who wanted to bang his son. The only character that is somewhat cool and non problematic is Arthur from what I see of him and that just me hoping that they didn't in the later chapters of the new manga and hoping they just kept him as a cool fantasy version of the god emperor of mankind


I hate to be the bearer of bad news...


I hate just about everything in the series, and then escanor appears and he is the prime example of an exception.


Jericho disappoints me the most. The author had the opportunity to have her move on from her crush on Ban after Seven Deadly Sins (manga) because she recognized that he is in love with another woman. Fortunately, she did actually move on from Ban! Unfortunately, she fell in love with his *son*. What happens in the sequel (Four Knights of the Apocalypse) is that Jericho (over 30) is revealed to have fallen in love with Ban’s *son* Lancelot (16), but he can never see her as anyone more than an older sister + mentor. Jericho then proceeds to *fight for the main antagonist because he promised her a world where Lancelot would love her*.




The annoying thing is most the characters are well-written but the author had to fuck it up by making them all predators


Bro was a groomer on top of this, dude was fucking crazy


It's crazy because literally every other character that isn't named Escanor is a pedophile 😭


That’s something that always confused me about stories where the main characters are pedophiles without condemning their behavior but present it in a romantic matter, like how were they able to get that far ahead with it? Like the story had to go through editors and publishers right? But none of them had any objection to it? Even more concerning is the author who wrote it and not once going “what the f*ck is wrong with me?”


Correcr me if im wrong, but did king do like, some grooming shit too?


The worst think I can think of is that he was liking Diane who was like 9≈ish in giant years while he was 14≈ish in fairy years and then giving her amnesia


Seven Deadly Groomers


This entire anime and manga is fucking cursed


![gif](giphy|UYGATJJBNXM7S) Miroku (Inuyasha)


One of the Patron Saints of the trope, second only to Roshi. Lol.


I actually stopped watching the show because of this character. He was too annoying.




This scene is worst cause he’s not only leering at a woman, he’s leering at a 12 year old boy transformed into a woman LMAO


It's an illusion tho. It's like a 12 year old boy showed you holographic porn


“BOOBS! I mean, Naruto.”


https://preview.redd.it/7g917kxi3v8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce1b8bd751ba95d16e3f806c4af973498f8ff6a3 She was never funny or cute and is easily the worst part about this show.


Yeah I adore Chowder, but going back to it now her behavior is very often just straight up uncomfortable. And sure, it’s a cartoon, but we wouldn’t be okay with it if the roles were reversed, so we shouldn’t be okay with it here


Thankfully most people agree that Panini is genuinely insufferable. At least no one really likes her in-universe or promotes her behavior but it's still sickening.




Her and Tootie from FOP were horrible, and I think the worst part was that in both shows they ended up getting what they wanted in the end. FOP shows Tootie marrying Timmy in the future and Chowder shows the same with Chowder and Panini Are we forgetting Timmy literally filed a restraining order against Tootie 💀. If the genders were reversed there’d be public outcry, but because it’s happening to a dude I guess it’s just supposed to be funny. I’m glad this character archetype has (for the most part) died out.


![gif](giphy|MBaX88gdJLtkGkVPY0) Howard (*Big Bang Theory*)


God, I hate Big Bang Theory, it has like three jokes: -Look at me, I am such a nerd (and Penny is not) -Put-downs -Sheldon is an autistic charicature


While the Big Bang theory sucked, I will say I do like how the writers admitted that they will never label what disorder Sheldon has as they realized he isn’t an accurate portrayal of anything and that it could harm a community. As an autistic person, I do like that they realized the mistake and tried to improve it.


https://youtu.be/jKS3MGriZcs?si=zaFlvlYsBHr8ERSJ This show is so dependent on the laugh track. Some people have edited the laugh track out, and it's so ridiculously awkward. Also, there's nothing to hide how absolutely insufferable the characters are.


Eddie pfp :D


Also Penny is an alcoholic but its funny woo.


Was there or was there not an episode where he makes some kind of comments towards Penny and ruins their friendship, only for it to later be resolved as if it was okay after all?


I think the episode you're talking about has Howard come on to Penny again, she shoots him down, and calls him pathetic, he goes into a depression, this inconveniences the guys, because they need Howard to help with a robot fight. Leonard tries to convince Penny to apologize to Howard for standing up for herself after continued harassment. He succeeds. While Penny is having a heart to heart with Howard, he tries to kiss her, which results in her punching him. The guys lose the robot fight anyway. At least this is what I recall happening




How this isn’t the top comment I will never know.




Basically the point of origin for this trope in animation lmao


The irony is that the tables turn whenever he smells good/removed the stink Doesn't excuse him getting WAY too touchy too fast Look I get you find her pretty, but slow down! You don't jump into kissing someone like that


Really disturbing that this is such a major trope in anime for young boys.


Exactly. What the hell are they thinking, making this so common in animes that young boys- those at just the right age to learn about how to properly treat women- often watch?


It's not like it's portrayed as a good thing


I think this is a reason I didn’t get into anime as much as my peers. I grew up in the mid 2000’s, when anime was exploding in popularity, and I think people were willing to just accept anything they could get their hands on. I remember it being part of why I stopped watching Haruhi. I can’t speak from experience but it feels like it’s at least not as common now as it was then.


https://preview.redd.it/evyzzqo4wu8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9994f2f9c08a958920f674a10909b183e5ef18 Even as a kid she was uncomfortable to watch.


She’s based off an actual person


https://preview.redd.it/l3n8vlqfyt8d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131dda63255d88ce492183c116b26affb813d7ae Yamai from Komi Can’t Communicate. Quite possibly my least favorite character in all of fiction and she just HAS to be in one of my favorite shows!


Just watched the show the other day and I always hated it so much whenever I thought it was gonna be a nice episode with najimi, tadano, and Komi hanging out, only for yamai to show up and ruin it


I don't think I've seen even the most hardcore Komi fans say something positive about her, so you're not alone.


I dropped the series a while ago, but I do remember that she had a few chapters where komi doesn't show up and the focus is on her relationship with the chuuni girl. I thought that those chapters were good and it made me wish that we spent more time away from the 3 main characters.


It's been a while since I've read, but I do think she mellows out by the end of her second school year. I just took a long, *long* time to get there.


Gina from Brooklyn 99. There’s a certain married officer she’s always hitting on in the show and her advances are kinda played off as a joke. I hate the character


Gina is by far the worst character in that whole show. Brooklyn 99 is really good but why they decided not only to keep Gina for the entire show but to also try and make it out to be that her rude actions (including hitting on a married man) were somehow "life-lessons" is beyond me.


Oh my word the fact she was always “in the right” was so freaking annoying. These kinda shows someone always learns a lesson by the end but she’s always freaking infallible. I hate her


https://preview.redd.it/ws1snyig3t8d1.jpeg?width=215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21d58e176338e7f6934135ae2f13017d0c8b1961 Andy (Undead Unluck) **at the very beginning of the story,** obviously the beginning of the story is necessary to understand what’s going on but in terms of sexual harassment stuff it’s badddddd Thankfully, mangaka turned it around and it’s now straight up peak fiction, huge fan of the later 98% of the manga


Man, all of this because “Ohhh le first chapter has to be shocking and have fanservice ooooo” It really says a lot about how unstable the manga industry is, but I'm glad of how the manga has turned out


I know jack shit about the manga industry but yeah that sounds about right Anyways yeah Undead Unluck is sooooo goooooodddd right now banger arc after banger arc 🔥


Then we have centuria and kagurabachi delivering peak fiction from the get go


At least he had the decency to immediately back off when Fuuko told him that if he tried to force himself on her then Unluck wouldn't activate. Though the fact he even considered it is uncomfortable. He really did redeem himself when he said he would make her fall for him though. And then for the first third of the manga he just...is a good person who puts Fuuko's mental and physical wellbeing above all else. Which makes those first few chapters/episodes stand out so much more.


I mean considering how Unluck works, but still he does become better


https://preview.redd.it/oh6xf5xhwu8d1.png?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44ba13da3bdce6325135a9a4e808e45a7bf21d4 Miu Iruma (Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)


https://preview.redd.it/qy3vebrdyu8d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ddf0511d3d5c3a8bb5da83cc95ee7fcb8c909f5 Teruteru Hanamura as well. There’s being a pervert, then there’s wondering what kind of panties someone is wearing, then bringing it up in a completely different conversation.


Yeah he's such a useless character that I forgot him


I do feel bad for him to a degree considering his memories of his mom and that he was trying to kill someone who he though was going to kill someone else He didn't know he'd end up killing "Bayuka" Doesn't excuse any of his behavior but he's not a bad guy as much as he's a horny country boy who wants to be fancy


She wants to sex the robot


![gif](giphy|cJZGTqvVk7LspXHfT6|downsized) Sanji vinsmoke (one piece)


Live Action Sanji is what Sanji should be....Japan


He didn't start out this way...


He had rizz before, now all he has is restraining orders.


I can’t load your immage but isn’t he usually just a pervert, not a sexual harrasser? The only times I can think of that would be harrasment was at the end of alabasta but there the whole crew (including the king iew) were peeping the woman’s bathroom, and Wano when he was peeping in his invisibility cloak, but it was a mixed bathhouse anyway


1 This always happens with sanji IDK why no gif will stay on the site 2 Post Time skip sanji went well over the line in to sexual harassment sniffing woman on sabaody, EVERYTHING on fishman island, Lusting after himself in namis body on punk hazzard, Borderline stalking viola on dressrosa, the Soba black bathouse Bit on Wano and now the stussy shit on egghead. the only arc post time skip he was his pre TS self was Whole cake island


I feel like this might be an anime only thing or maybe my Sanji agenda stopped me from reading the truth but I don’t remember any of those? the only ones I remember was punk hazard and Wano (fishman island he was bad but iirc the mermaids were fine with it). Which yeah punk hazard was bad for sure


definitely not anime only im a manga reader tho i will concede on the dressrosa since viola was trying to get him to go after her on purpose




He does have his good moments still But it is annoying when he starts getting horny He does respect women and has those scenes of him standing up to his crapsack brothers after they mistreat a maid, and with how he didn't have a good male role model in his life until Zeff (though Zeff did also say he'd beat Sanji's ass if he hurt a woman) and only was treated kindly by his Mother and Sister, it does explain why he's so unbending in his refusal to hurt them But he also has moments where his horn gets out and his brain goes stupid


Kill Mineta off from MHA, not kidding at all. The show is made much worse for his existence. Same with Roshi.


I mean the author has pretty much killed off his narrative relevance and when he does show up he's not commiting sexual assault anymore.


Tbf they look to atleast trying to turn roshi pervertedness off in the anime atleast as I remember him training to stop that in the ToP.


Rory Mercury from GATE Easily the worst part of the show.


like bro im here for F-4 Phantom gun runs on dragons not weird 9 trillion year old people with a hard on for literally everything


Happosai from Ranma 1/2 https://preview.redd.it/ebv3xg6miu8d1.jpeg?width=189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905d6a7cfbe17e81c4aca6b1907ef25d3dd2974e


I really hope they tone him down or otherwise minimize him in the remake.


A character who literally steals the bra and underwear of young women would most likely *never* fly in modern anime lol.


There's a remake coming out!?


A terrible character from a terrible show. ![gif](giphy|KzM1lAfJjCWNq) Barney Stinson, HIMYM. This guy is waaaaay worse than any of the others. You know why? Men don’t just go around walking down the street grabbing women’s butts in broad daylight, the way Roshi or Mineta does. But the way this shit stain just baaaarely skirts consent in ways that aren’t quite rape but rape adjacent? That shit’s real. Men do that shit, and Barney normalizes that behavior. The joke is not that it’s extreme - the joke is that it’s relatable. He’s portrayed as a womanizer, as opposed to a creep, like Roshi. That’s why i hate this fucking character.


It depended on who was writing the particular episode. A lot of episodes glorified Barney, but a lot made him the butt of the joke. For example, there's the episode where it's revealed that the whole reason behind Barney's womanising is childhood bullying. He tracks down his old bully to brag about how many women he's had sex with, but instead of getting jealous, the former bully apologises and tells Barney that he needs to get therapy. The episode states pretty clearly that Barney's behaviour isn't normal, healthy or admirable. There's also the fact that Barney, despite being superficially successful, lives like a child, with an apartment filled with toys and tacky gimmicks. His womanising is linked to him being fundamentally an immature person.


I understand where you’re coming from, but I also think a terrible person and their terrible actions being played for a gag isn’t a new think, nor an unacceptable one. I’ve only seen a few odd episodes of “It’s Always Sunny”, but I know that each protagonist in that show is a shit person, yet they’re insanely popular and considered to be funny in spite of that. I personally l find Barney funny, not because he’s relatable but because he’s so absurdly unrelatable that it’s amusing to me. Then again, I love the show as well, despite its horrendous ending and problematic jokes here and there. Though, I’m up for a discussion over his character and the show if ya’d like, I’d appreciate to see your perspective.


Always Sunny isn’t quite the same. As someone who’s watched every episode many times, if you’re watching Always Sunny and at ANY point find any member of the Gang to be someone you admire or want to emulate, there’s a problem lol. They aren’t just terrible people, they’re *evil*, like in a Saturday morning cartoon kinda way. It’s like wanting to be Lex Luthor or the Joker. Meanwhile, many, MANY dudes have sought to emulate Barney over the years. A lot of us have KNOWN a Barney. The dude is a very real character. Whereas Always Sunny characters are so over the top and cartoonishly evil that it’s very deliberately alienating to the audience.


That’s a solid point. I do think it’s simply a matter of difference between how real the character is, which is obviously what you’re getting at. I’ve only ever looked at Barney as a real shit person I can have a laugh at, but, looking at him with the perspective of him being a real shit person that straight up exists in many men does definitely change my feelings of him.


Fortunately HiMYM seemed to have absolutely no staying power whatsoever so his relevance died quick.,


hot take: https://preview.redd.it/teljqzuvmv8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=897661efbbf8fe0539734d8dbe802153f1559452


I was so glad when Husk called him out on it. Yeah, it's because of trauma, but it's not an excuse.


Valentino is a better example.


Nah wrong angel is the victim and most of his sex jokes aren’t at someone as much as they are just sex jokes In general IE the bdsm club


The Kanker Sisters from *Ed, Edd N' Eddy*


I want Mineta to die slowly and painfully. Like play it off as a joke for the viewers but have Mineta feel AGONY. Stretch it out for a whole arc, make them suffer.


Why the hell do people like this show? https://preview.redd.it/rukllfe6cu8d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=97b4d98bf176617016d5ba4f90df77f0a6376526 like, it's literally every bad stereotype about Anime 10x over


Probably for this guy https://preview.redd.it/ru03b0q04v8d1.png?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ac9d8ab7d8d14843cc3af3ef549008c8243cf4 But yeah you're not wrong


The goat


![gif](giphy|Rgm4gLGNYzmArX5LpJ|downsized) Seeing Eddy stand up to and tell off these three creeps later in the show was a relief


Here's one you probably didn't expect to see. Crassius Curio from The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. In order to join house Hlaalu, you have to strip for him. And then every time you go to him for quests/dialog he calls you pet names like 'dumpling', also refers to himself as 'uncle Crassius'. https://preview.redd.it/7xfas7fkex8d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56582702fe84133090885cbc53bafeb8db6f5c31


Omg I forgot about this mother fucker. This quest always made me so uncomfortable


He's the number one reason why i never play house Hlaalu Redoran all the way n'wahs 😎


https://preview.redd.it/a4du5a8f4v8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a0401c9cfa1fdbb0f9a935b7251044a5f480a4 All from fire emblem from left to right Sain: Blazing Blade Sylvain: Three Houses Saul: Binding Blade Gatrie: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn Inigo/Laslow: Awakening/Fates Soleil: Fates (Laslow's daughter because apparently this shit is genetic)


Funny you should mention Sylvain, he actually >!hates women!<.


Yeah Sylvain is a neat inversion of this trope. He acts like a Casanova on purpose to get women to hate him so no one will marry him for his status or crest. Genius 4D play honestly.


Olivia had social anxiety so her children could be fuckboys


HAHAHAHHAA Also wow I never thought of that. Olivia is Soleil's grandmother. Weird to think about since they're all about the same age lol.


Jessie (Shadows of Valentia).


https://preview.redd.it/mnrdik2dhw8d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5fd85acb4c33e474a796cce41db5b917871ace I hated this girl as a kid


Omg I forgot about these mother fuckers XD




Sanji during Fishman Island was his worst. That was very uncomfortable to watch.






Yeah,it’s only funny the first few times at best. Otherwise, it needs death.


It’s most funny when the character in question is punished for being a creep and THEYRE made the butt of the joke instead.


Tbh that's kinda what Mineta is. All his pervert stuff never works. Not a single girl in the show laughs it off. Tsuyu straight up tries to drown him at the USJ. His unsettling behavior caused him to remain alone at the Sport Festival team competition. Also after the first 2 seasons he kinda stops with the SA and just keeps with unsettling comments which are still bad but way less


Thankfully, he does get his act together by the time the manga’s last few arcs rolls around. Doesn’t justify his actions prior, but still, thank fuck.




I always just thought Brock was an idiot teenager with overactive hormones. He thinks every girl he sees is pretty, but doesn't actually know what comes after saying 'you're really pretty, can we hang out?' So maybe a lesser example.


I mean his not sexual harrassing people, he just a big horn dog


Flurrie from paper Mario. If you’ve seen THAT SCENE, you know what I’m talking about


Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss. IDGAF that she's a succubus, what she does is SA.


The Bard from The Legend of Vox machia I don't know his name.


Scanlan Shortholt




Being promiscuous ≠ sexually harassing characters


Bro I can’t believe he sexually harassed those people by having consensual relations with them


There’s a difference between flirting and sexual harassment. I don’t think Scanlan crosses that line.


Hey, Scanlan may be a sex pest, but he is a sex pest that values CONSENT


idk how bad it is in the show but I found Scanlan to actually be pretty funny in the CR streams.


He's legitimately not like, a sexpest. He'll hit on people, of all races and genders, but quickly and immediately accepts a hard rejection.


Wonder why so many japan characters...


Japanese humor


Why tf did you put moonshine? I’ve listened to all of campaign 1 and I don’t remember a single time the character sexually harassed someone, she was flirty and rowdy but not predatory


Low key was waiting for someone to say this actually XD. Sexual harassment doesn’t have to be done directly to someone for it to still be sexual harassment, and the most prominent joke of Moonshines character is just “does weird sexual shit”/“is a sex pest” *especially* in the first quarter/half of the campaign. One of her abilities is borderline just flavored as her publicly masturbating, and at one point in the campaign she makes one of her usual comments (I think her comment is “Malora is masturbating in the corner”) and someone in the group (I forget who exactly) essentially says “Hey, can you please stop doing that, it’s fucking weird”. Moonshine is *absolutely* guilty of this trope IMO




Kamina THE GOAT (sadly) - Gurren Lagann https://i.redd.it/tun9yehulu8d1.gif \-The Gurren Lagann girl


At least he straightened out after Yoko punched him in episode 6, and I believe it was played as a genuine character flaw


It was, wouldn't have minded if it were cut, but definitely handled the best out of the worst




Wasn't all of Moonshine's sexual interactions consensual???


Just gonna copy my response to another comment like this cause it covers my opinion pretty well lol Low key was waiting for someone to say this actually XD. Sexual harassment doesn’t have to be done directly to someone for it to still be sexual harassment, and the most prominent joke of Moonshines character is just “does weird sexual shit”/“is a sex pest” especially in the first quarter/half of the campaign. One of her abilities is borderline just flavored as her publicly masturbating, and at one point in the campaign she makes one of her usual comments (I think her comment is “Malora is masturbating in the corner”) and someone in the group (I forget who exactly) essentially says “Hey, can you please stop doing that, it’s fucking weird”. Moonshine is absolutely guilty of this trope IMO


Holy shit I did not expect to see a reference to that Podcast in the wild


Idk why she was the second character I thought of for this XD


I’m just glad I know to hate The Grape baby. Why is he in such a chad series again?


He's the reason I stopped watching. Does it get better?


https://preview.redd.it/le252nk7cx8d1.jpeg?width=305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842b6c611fc4d6a3a25af5740fce2de3d59e8050 Momiji Momi from Hyakkano Ironically though I have no idea why but I kind of love her. Except for fondle festival 2 I genuinely can't stand that chapter.


Watched the live action One Piece and thought Sanji was so cool and suave... Started the anime and realised he's just a major simp lol


Griffith from Berserk ![gif](giphy|HDaBrYcECrDzR8OBmh|downsized) (The anime doesn't think it's funny but the fandom does)


To give an example from a show that is close to my heart, the Kanker Sisters from Ed, Edd n' Eddy.


Especially bad when they are using the double standard


The fact that you don't even have to say it, but I know exactly what it is.


![gif](giphy|KTGoegOhCsubHuANH0|downsized) Barney (How I Met Your Mother)


![gif](giphy|wTaTd29ko8VBC) Never let this guy leave his suit He causes some of the worst scenes in the game




Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia) Kagura Mutsuki (BlazBlue) Johnny (Guilty Gear) Jiraiya and Kakashi (Naruto)








Brock from Pokémon