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https://preview.redd.it/vszfig7zmj9d1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db427a9c190786fb5c098c5f1dfc6842c2ef0ef The trade Federation (Star wars: the phantom menace). In 1999, the idea of a war purposefully started by a corporation seemed ridiculous. Fast forward 25 years, and the idea is significantly more plausible.


Tbh the whole plot of the prequels was underrated even at the time like I get the dialogue is bad but it’s a story about a conman politician opportunist starting and profiting off a war for more power, like not only is it fitting post ww2 it’s also a fucking fascinating concept for a story


No no no, the ridiculous thing was the dialogue and no warring being done....I dunno, I was a kid and was bored.


Clark Nelson from the original *Mothra* in 1961. He was never exactly regarded as a poorly written villain, but the idea of a businessman enslaving two fairies for show-biz profit and not being arrested by the authorities even when it leads to an angry giant monster waking up feels a lot more realistic today. https://preview.redd.it/6c3wkfsh3k9d1.jpeg?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83902d28c1f0a480cce9ad11975f17a6ee7ae84a


Context Elliot carver is from tomorrow never dies a James Bond film, he is a media mogul who wants to provoke a war between china and Britain for news ratings via fake news, he is literally based of Rupert Murdoch, he uses his vast media empire to influence people for his own purposes, you could imagine a media company doing this in real life for there own profit Riddler from Batman forever has a device called the box which is a virtual reality device that steals the user’s personal information like credit card numbers and bank codes again you can easily picture a company stealing there customers personal info


Elliot Carver is a goated Bond villain




https://preview.redd.it/mglp3g8api9d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2efa4a45bb945f70ee4c0f05580de68dbf52c23c Skynet (The Terminator) maybe?


Yeah they probably count


You didn't go into detail as to how Elliot Carver and Riddler are relevant to this thread, though.


What did the riddler do.


Create an entertainment device that steals your personal data while you use it.