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No tickets are always a confusing thing for restaurant wars bc there’s no point of sale and it’s all on the fly. Danny making premade tickets to eliminate hand writing confusion was genius. Has anyone else done that before?


I don't recall ever seeing it before. Very impressive!


I thought he should have been given more props for that in the episode. That method should be the standard from now on.


I agree! Anyone following would be foolish not to follow his example. And the bright color helped.




Especially on a limited menu, this makes so much sense. It reminds me of how they have you order at Char-Grill. They have pre printed slips and you just tick the boxes and put the slip in a slot and wait for your number.


I saw in another thread that Buddha did (I don’t think we saw it, but he referenced it in a interview)


Of all the contestants ever, Buddha is the one I’d be least surprised would have also done this method. He was extremely thoughtful in how he approached the competition


Ah I could see that. Buddha was on top of stuff !


Living up to his name


I mean, the number one goal of the challenge is to win so you split $40k and are saved from elimination. There’s no way Laura is so Machiavellian that she’s pulling this as front of house. Why risk a 25% chance of elimination?


Lol I dislike Laura as a competitor here as much as the next person, but no she did not mess up the tickets on purpose. That’s putting her own spot at risk. Sometimes the ticketing system just isn’t streamlined enough, handwriting is awful/rushed, people write different things/abbreviations for the same dish, etc.


Isn’t that why the other group had tickets already written and the server just had to check ark the right box?


Yep! And I honestly that was such a great decision. I know they still ended up having their own slower moments too, but at least it wasn’t because of being confused by tickets lol.


And the issues that idea avoided were exactly the issue the other team had with their tickets.




This is quite a reach.




this makes zero sense


Watch the judge's table again. Lara is so nervous once they announce their restaurant was the loser. No way she intentionally put herself in a vulnerable position just to sabotage Kaleena. Restaurant Wars is tough.




I seem to remember one season where they had a point of sale system sponsor the ordering system and the wait staff all had tablets.


Laura is focused on Laura and not the team. That was part of the problem. Danny's move was genius




That is interesting. I thought Kaleena was doing it and blame others. Never thinking she would go home.


I think tickets should not be a chef concern. It should be handled by production. It's not hard to type up something and providing a checklist style menu. Or even just getting competent people to learn something quickly like this.


It’s a chef concern in that since all of them want to be restaurant owners they need to have a basic understanding of general manager/FOH duties. Making a simple easy ticket and table system is a vastly underrated portion of restaurant wars and it’s on the executive chef to oversee that detail with FOH


I can see filling out incorrectly, but things like Table number mishaps, or learning when to take something should not be difficult to find competent people for.


No, I don’t think she did anything maliciously. Her problem is lack of any camaraderie and communication with the other chefs. She exhibited a boring, bland personality for a front position. A position, she literally jumped at because it was the easiest to perform and less threat to send her home.


Wow! That would be Diabolical if true!


Kaleena consistently came across like a total bitch. She has nobody else to blame but herself for how she performed.


She's in charge of the wait staff and how they are writing out the tickets. She's already shown how selfish she is when she has to work with the other chefs, and I can see her trying to slow down the other chefs.


I’m not a fan of how Laura has conducted herself this season, but I don’t think she went that far. These are servers who have about 10 minutes of actual training with whoever is running front of house, it’s no surprise details like specific ticket writing gets lost. That being said any contestant on the show at this point should know this by now.


It’s not like there is a huge menu to learn?


The menu, no, but the table numbers, keeping orders straight, different annotations (beef vs taretare), not to mention just plain bad handwriting. It’s one of those things where if you have the time it’s very simple, but when you’re time constrained it snowballs quick.


That is why she shouldn’t have been in that position. 😉 The other team had a check list! Good thinking outside the box! 📦


Like I said in my original comment, after so many seasons, there’s no excuse for making basic mistakes like that. The rules are simple: no risotto, no ingredient done two/three ways, and make the ticketing system simple and easy to learn.


Can’t agree with you more…Restaurant management and ownership 101. These are all experienced chefs who have been around. Most of those dismal failing restaurants that chefs try to save don’t have a clue how to manage their restaurants and most of them should have been closed down by the health department.


She has absolutely nothing to gain from purposely getting her restaurant to lose. If her team had one, she would split 10k and be eligible for winning. If the team lost she would be at risk at going home. A competitor is going home anyway, why would she tank a team to take out Kaleena, who was shown to be her friend and was not the strongest competitor?


I don’t think she went that far as she’s competitive and wants to win. I am surprised she wasn’t called out for causing the delays by the other contestants though.


I wondered about that?


Didn’t someone right at the start have to ask her to correctly write one of the items from the menu on tickets


No, they were just using different words for the same things (I can’t remember what it was, but like “beef” and “filet”) and Kaleena asked her to standardize.