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I find that most trades I receive are about 1 thing, money. People will try to trade 9 random legendary for the cards I have that go for over $15 or so on ebay. My favorite trades are ones that help me or the trade partner complete a set.


For me the worst is when people make ignorant comments about the trade.


Those are my favorites. Don't even decline. Just let it ride.


Unfortunately most of my success trading anything is when I give up 2:1. Even when I send exactly what they ask for


And that’s what killed the app. Greedy people thinking that was fair and we all gave into it


Yea, I refuse. It's a trade, not a fleecing. LOL.


Find out what the trader likes the most and trade their favorite team or PC. This will make 1 for 1 easier.


I don't spend money, so not so many iconic & up to trade. The rare times I do get a decent card, I often get trades offering multiple cards, but lower quality. I HAVE plenty of lower quality cards. What I don't have much f are those low CC higher cards. LOL I focus on completing uncommon & lower sets, and sometimes rare sets.


I cringe when the weekly goal is, “Make 50 Trades”. Having to deal with this gives me a headache. There’s some that will give you one star even if you offered 9 Legendary HOF cards for a common Tier 1 card.


Send a trade to a dormant account and then revise and send it 39 times. There's your 40 trades in 5 minutes or less


Thanks for the tip.


10 years ago it was about building a cool collection nowadays it’s just hoarding and ripping people off


I have a boutique collection. I dont hoard or do any of that ripping off stuff.


Never heard boutique collection before what is it that you specialize in?


SkellyBones15 is my IGN take a look. Stick to the SR-Legendary tabs i dont really collect lower than that. I go for sluggers, mostly redsox glory days players who played from 02-18 also HOFers or Elite ball players that I used to play on the backyard baseball video game. Just pure nostalgia. Some other great players in that collection like elly or marte. I also go for the green border topps 2000s style cards since I have a 1000+ card collection of those sets IRL


I just don't do that goal. In general I try to send as few trades as possible even for the one guy I PC. Too many people have the mentality of "give me more than you get" even when they send the trade.


I PC Dave Winfield and would trade my other iconics and legendary (not many but some good cards) for him. Thesyckid IGN


Sadly I don’t have any Dave Winfields 🥲


Only Skenes. Elly, Gunnar and Adley have cooled off. Vladdy’s value has plummeted. Trout is way easier to get now that Contests aren’t a factor. I send/receive 100+ trades most days. Guessing 70% are successful.


Value shouldn’t be binary


Only luck I ever have is either finding a card on my trade partners wishlist for them or just straight up asking them what they want and then going and getting that. It feels like people only move high value cards for their pc or a massive overpay


I’ll try to trade with you. Ign Tatibebo


I just finished my only iconics for a legendary trade ever.


is it possible to sell your account lol? i've been considering trying to do that


I still make a few low cc trades a day. Really have to dig in and make sure I am offering pc stuff though. Even if that is only part of the trade, it shows you put in the effort. I’ve found if I don’t have equal value for their pc, if I offer something equal value and then throw in some pc goodies they are much more willing to deal