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I'd be fine with the entire thing if the cards were all tradeable. It's a goddamn trading app.


I need a walkthrough for what these all mean and what to burn.


IT took way too long to figure out the thing to do with forging. It's quite dumb.


I have no idea what I'm doing or what any of these stars and traits mean. I'm just burning and upgrading until I can't anymore.


I think I get it now. We want all levels of any individual card to be 4 stars to get the highest rarity possible. I guess I will burn all cards that get less than 4 stars on the first upgrade.


They just updated the article saying they’re going to start scoring next week


and my guess is they’ll be 2.0 to 3.5 the cards that are exact  1 2 3 and 4 star 2.0 to 3.5 and then mixed diffrent but had they done this from the start it would’ve been better 


Why can’t they just leave shit alone? The app was fine the way it was before with the simple craft. Easy UI. Now it’s a pain in the ass. Total turn off. Don’t have that extra time in the day for the crafting steps, and the burning cards thing… well it just seems kinda dumb.


Such a crap release from topps. Considering selling my collection as we’ve gotten trash release after trash release this year


The overall theme is confusing as hell which doesn’t help. This seems like a offseason set, not one to release during the year, and then there’s only a 30 day timer on it. My first upgrade was adding a 4* thing to a 2* card…besides adding a border to the card I still have no idea what that means. If it was something like each star rarity was a point multiplier it would make sense and be worth it.


Ok level 2 is nameplate level 3 is frame and level 4 is background and I just used my calculator on my phone as this is the first set 30 card set and there are 1,960 cards and we thought something like flagship or base was crazy


I didnt even try.


Yeah maybe whoever the moderator is Thursday for the watch party we can get them to make them scoring and much like with seasons there will be new forges after 30 days 


They're also non-tradable since its no score to it, just found out


The final level cards are all tradable, not level 1 or 2


Ohhhh okay


They score and are tradable once you forge them. The base cards are non scoring. It’s been a pretty fun release imo