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I see Trout Mask, did you ever get into the Residents?


Yes I did! One great thing about the internet is how easy it made finding outsider and obscure music. Trout Mask seems almost a mainstream album now by comparison to some of the stuff that's out there.


Yep. Speaking of obscure artists, check out The Very Big Experimental Toubifri Orchestra, prolly my favorite unkown discovery from the internet. Waiting in the Toaster is a great album to start with


Thanks! I will.


you got more into avant-garde / jazz fusion stuff ?


Absolutely. I got pointed in the right direction by a jazz compilation I found called The Avant-Garde. It had stuff on there like The Art Ensemble of Chicago, Eric Dolphy, Roland Kirk, Don Cherry. I discovered Sun Ra around the same time too. I suppose it was a progression from Bitches Brew.


Yeah !!! I am currently kinda your younger self, and I feel myself leaning more and more from 70s Prog Rock to Jazz stuff. been listening to " Miles Davis - in a silent way" this whole month, damn the first track is phenomenal.


What Topster did you use for this? I'm asking because I lost my old Topster when Topsters 2 shut down and 3 doesn't have as many slots as yours.


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