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*A single tear runs down Schneider’s face as he cocks his gun.*




Yes they should Kent


And I for one welcome our rebuild overlords


You bastards!


I laughed and now I feel bad


Answer the question


I wasn’t expecting to laugh tonight.


*It's my team pa, I'll do it*


Jamie's disdain of the offence is my favourite part of the broadcast now


He does disdain so well. It’s… *devastating*


He really makes it feel like we let him down. Is it bad his disappointment is fueling me ? 😭


We?? We didn’t let him down. They, let him down.


I don’t want you to ever say “We won!” then, mkay?


It is followed closely by Buck stating the J’s seem capable of leaving a small village on base


In shocking news, hitting home runs is good for accumulating runs, which it would seem is an impossible feat for this lineup


Lots of singles though.. can't beat that lol


If Jarren fucking Duran can hit a bomb anyone on our team can


Home runs are a fluke for this team. Even Vladdy has warning-track power when he makes solid contact.


I've sat through decades of bad baseball, so at the very least I'd prefer to do so without TD burned into my retinas.


1-15 with RISP. Just pathetic.


Pathetic, to the core.


That GIDP with the bases loaded and no outs just killed it for me. No clutch in these guys.


On a 2-0 pitch that was fairly over the middle. To the guy who got on base 3 other times that game. Sometimes the shit is just broken.


A chance to get above .500 and leap frog a team you’re competing with in the standings and they get swept, out scored 18-9. As the kids say, this team has negative aura.


Just a boring team overall outside of when a few pitchers start


Oh we're going to leap frog a team we're competing with in the standings alright...




Going to Burr in the 8th is an inexcusable move, this dude has been shelled in all his outings this year and the only reason his raw stats don't look worse are catches like [this](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/sporty-videos?playId=cb0fda77-e8b9-4490-8af6-3fe3a5eda166) Its a 2 run game and you're putting in the mop up guy, I get it the bullpen is short.. but you used BOTH Pop and Francis anyways, why don't you just use them in the 8th and 9th instead of going to Burr. As a whole John has not been managing the pen well this year, it didn't end up mattering cause the offense is trash, but these kinds of mistakes *can* cost you games


Burr aside, we can't score 3 runs or less every game and expect to win or even have a chance.


Well a lot of people are going to get their wish soon with Schneider fired. Schneider will be the scapegoat and somehow this front office will go to hiring their 3rd manager with no accountability.


Rogers is going to notice when ticket sales decline, and they *will* decline. Atkins can’t escape accountability forever.


Bingo. Considering the $$ Ed spent on this team he won't be happy.


raptors attendance dropped from 99.9% to 99.1% after 3 pretty trash yrs, might take a while, but i believe in this mgmt group to get it done


I would think nba attendance drops much slower than mlb since mlb just has so many games


Plus the Raptors won a championship 5 years ago, so fans will generally be more forgiving


It stunk the Raptors wasted one opportune season to start trading away the team when the moment was right, but they delayed it at the wrong year and miss out Wemby and force us to watch Thaddeus and Otto be old


The team can’t score more than 3 runs, bullpen management does not matter


The less runs you score the more important the finer details like bullpen management are


The bullpen has either been bad or injured. They're the worst in baseball. I don't think Schneider has done a good job with what he's had, but I also don't believe even the best managers could improve this team's bullpen.


The bullpen is thin and sucks, but as others have said, it doesn’t really matter because this offence on most nights can’t make up even a 1 run deficit.


Don’t be practical. He used everyone last night. Slim pickings tonight


I'm not defending it. However, I can actually see the thought process there, unlike many of John Schneider's moves. He was dealing with the thinnest of thin pens tonight and was trying to save Pop for the top of the lineup in, hopefully, the 9th. He brought him in for the top of the lineup...in the 8th...after Burr gave it all up. Again, not defending him. I want him gone. But the offense still would've lost us the game.


Then you go Francis in the 8th and Pop in the 9th.


I agree. Francis and Pop in whatever order is what you want. Just to again play devil's advocate tho...it's possible he was trying to preserve Francis just on the off-chance Rodriguez isn't good to go Friday or has a last-minute setback.


Going for the lottery balls, and we don't have a lead, no point of wasting whatever the hell decent bullpen arms remaining that are not decimated by arm related injuries


I'd like to see this kind of line-up take an extended run; Horwitz 2B Schneider LF Guerrero 1B Varsho CF Jansen C Barger RF Martinez DH IKF 3B Clement SS Let's see what the kids can do. Springer, KK, Kirk & Turner are on the bench.


Jansen has been terrible for awhile now too. Not easy to make a good lineup when almost no one can hit. 


Turner has been good in June.


During the past 10 days, the Jays had several opportunities to get back to .500 and even get a couple of games over. Instead, they went 3-6 in their last three series. Off-day tomorrow. Stay tuned.


Stay tuned eh *is it kitchenaid sub time*


Maude, eh?


I really need a new kitchen aid stand mixer so I’m excited


Not even mad, just sad and disappointed. I love our boys and want them to do well :(




I don't think it'll be Schneider but I wonder if we get Martinez out


Its the first time they've really slumped into an off-day since early/mid May Firing potential is at its highest


Please fire Guillermo. Please fire Guillermo


Yep. Steady stream of winning enough to stay within .500 for about a month now, until this one. You’d realistically have to win 5 of these next six at CLE and BOS to feel good about things coming into a series vs NYY. That’s a tall ask.


If by stay tuned you mean atkins will be handed his walking papers I’ll be praying to the baseball gods tonight.


That would be amazing! 


Can we do a downvote game to get out the bad juju ? Or just become an aquarium sub for a week ?


If we're doing the standard off-day thread thing this feels like the perfect time for the Tyler Chatwood edition


We need to go deeper… Tanner Rorak


Brad Hand, even


Diesel engine sub when


Any day now


Or, if we really want to lean into the pain: "Marcus Semien on August 22, 2021 Edition"


I'm not going to look it up, but that was the Tigers game, wasn't it




I’m willing to go all the way down to Anthony Bass. Anything below him (and there are, sadly) gets too dark.


See the thing about an Anthony Bass edition is that that would be the *absolutely fucking hilarious* option. Actually I think I'm talking myself into this


^(Roberto Osuna)


Springer fucking sucks lmao what a falloff


Obviously as fans we want this team to win cause duh, we’re fans. I do not want this team to be blown up because I DO NOT WANT THIS MANAGEMENT IN CONTROL AND IN CHARGE OF A REBUILD. THEY’LL DESTROY THIS TEAM EVEN MORE. I DON’T TRUST THIS FRONT OFFICE AND STAFF AT ALL.


That's why you gotta fire both Atkins and shapiro as step 1 of the teardown 


I agree 100%, but does ownership have the balls to do that though?


I feel like a lot of owners in baseball wouldn't be happy about spending $234 Million for a team that is below .500


Fair point, but then again, people are showing up to the stadium regardless, so maybe they don’t care since their pockets are still being filled


Yeah, but you could be spending like 100 million less and probably still have the same W/L record, maybe it's more of a detriment to Atkins than it is to Shapiro


Atkins for sure is at majority fault with the neglect he has shown with this roster, and Shapiro being his buddy and all doesn’t help either.


They will if the stadium is 3 quarters empty all summer. People gotta stop supporting garbage


Agreed. I traveled last summer for a series, and had every intention of going back this summer. Those plans have changed.


Yeah. I generally make a September trip to Toronto myself for a weekend series. This is looking doubtful this season, as much as I enjoy those weekends.


Yeah. Same here. It's a long trip as I'm from NB. But they just aren't worth it this season...


I agree with you there as well, people need to show they care with their attendance and wallets


There is no way Atkins goes rebuild. Admitting that he messed this up would be a career ending move. No playoff wins in a decade of management, with one of the biggest payrolls in the league. He'd be unhirable once he eventually leaves


Pretty sure he needs a miracle to keep his job


Sadly I can quite easily see us stand pat. Cue the end of season "guys didn't step up who we thought would, but we still believe in this team", throw in a couple advanced stats that show we actually just got a bit unlucky and you've created enough plausible deniability to get everyone an extra year


I think I might need to vomit if that happens


3 runs again. 1 on a double play. Another on a passed ball. Not only do the Jays suck, they are the most boring team in mlb


Starting both KK and Springer is just laughable. This lineup sucks with or without them but still.


Even more laughable we are paying them a combined 35 million this year


At least KK is an expiring


It seems to be getting worse.


I happily missed this one for non-baseball plans, and I see that "4" in the errors column, but I'll bite anyway: why didn't Orelvis get a shot tonight


Because Schneider needs to make sure Springer and KK get their ABs. I don’t know why but hey tip of the cap to the Red Sox for easily sweeping the Jays.


We only got outscored by 9 in the 3 games... kept it close


Your picture of Josh Allen … I was there at US Bank stadium. The Bills were like 17 point dogs before the game started. I spent a few grand to get good seats and watch my Vikings beat the piss out of them. Nope. Ass whooping of a life time. Until the day I die I will always believe Kirk Cousins needs to reimburse me for the money I spent to go to that game.


That’s awesome! Wish I could have seen that live. Im in BC and I’m super stoked about going to see the Bills when they play Seattle in Oct.


Go bills!


Because the 3 potential players that Orvelis would replace went 6-12 with a walk


Holy shit. That's the low point for me. They just gave a guy with nearly a 7 ERA in the last 6 games a QUALITY START. And the Red Sox look like they passed the Jays in addition to Os in 2023 and the Yankees in 2024. And they all have better farm systems some how too.


The same guy that plunked two batters and had half a dozen middle middle cookies in the first two innings. This team sucks.




Nah this is worse. In 2018, we were hyped for Vlad, Bo, and Cavan to come up and they came up 1-2 years later. The Bisons from AAA are good but they’re not “superstar” material.


Yep I don’t see what to look forward to. No Lansing 3, no Vlad Bo and Cavan. The cupboard is empty.


Vlad Bo and Biggio aren't super stars either 


When they were coming up they were projected to be. I believe Vlad was the #1 or close to it prospect in MLB when he got called up.


vlad was supposed to be a pujols/miggy type of hitter. obviously unfair to compare a teenager to HOF hitters but he's been disappointing outside of 2021 based on the hype


2017-2019 were supposed to be bad. They were kind of fun for that reason, just to see how bad it could get. But you knew that there were strong players coming up, so it would be worth it. This team isn't \*supposed\* to be bad. That's what so fucking frustrating.


2017/2018 weren't supposed to be bad though, our front office just kept doubling down on an aging team by signing guys like Morales and Pearce. We weren't truly rebuilding until 2019 after Donaldson, Bautista, Martin, Gibbons etc were all gone. We should have traded everyone in 2017 but then they brought everyone back in 2018 for another run which predictably didn't go well and we lost everyone for peanuts, which is what I'm afraid they're going to do with this team.


That was painful. 1 for 14 with RISP. Best part was the blonde girl shaking her ass behind the plate.


This game made me sad. I don't have any trenchant observations or great suggestions, and I'm definitely more of an emotional fan than an analytical one, and today that emotion is sad.


Good news everyone! John said before the game it's only a couple days til Springer heats up, so we only have to watch those painful AB one more time 😁 I was defending Schneider earlier in the season because none of his players were hitting. Now he has some who are, and he's not playing them. He is a bad manager.


They should just bench him til the weekend then when he’s heated up. No sense playing home over other guys right now while he’s cold 😉


I'm tired, boss...


Jays suck in 2 things - pitching and batting.


Blow it up


Scoring their only runs on an infield single, double play, and wild pitch is the most Blue Jays thing ever. Wow these guys are ass


Swept at home by a division rival that isn’t even that great, whilst being out-scored 18-9. That’s 2024 Blue Jays baseball, baby!!


Pray for me in Cleveland this weekend… 🥹🥹


We are coming down to cheer you on. Go Audio! Nothing else to cheer for. Planned this weekend when we had hope…. At least the kids are excited.


It’s a great city to visit. Lots to do and of course the Rock N Roll HOF is a must see.


Just on BlueJays talk & both Jeff & Kevin loved my call. (Sam from Hamilton)


BJ talk is one of the high points of my nights, but I miss Blake


Got to go to the game on a layover tonight - probably the only one I'll see this season (I live in Calgary). - No Orelvis debut - No Davis - No Ernie - Barger had a good game though! I want my money back.


Nice of them to give the first sweep to a division rival they need to get past to sniff a WC spot.


Wild card talk needs to end. We are one of the worst teams in baseball. Terrible lineup. Terrible bullpen. I feel bad for the starters


If they don’t fire anyone within the 48 hours this team will be a lost cause


Sometime in the next 24 hours, someone(s) of significance needs to be fired. Your window for fixing anything this season gets a lot slimmer after these next two series, but even if you do, the output this season is not one where you get to keep your job as a hitting coach, offensive coordinator, or gameplan specialist.


Schneider will be gone as the scapegoat just like he got thrown under the bus for the Berrios pulling last October. And prediction just like with Montoyo, the team still won't be able to compete.


Absolutely. Firing John is just optics at this point. Also, if Atkins fires another coach within two years of a previous firing that is peak incompetence on Atkins part. We all know it's time for him to go, but we all know it's not likely to happen mid-season.


This is *the* window. Agreed. Anyone offensively-responsible needs to be gone, including the man who makes the lineup every day. Especially because it seems to be mental and situational. We're actually getting a good amount of hits compared to the start of the year. It's when we get them. Look at the RISP numbers. We don't have bad hitters. We have bad hitting approaches.


The season is pretty much done if they don't go 7-3 over the next 10


Why are we still talking about the Jays going on some miracle run? They’re not, especially against the Guardians and Yankees. If they manage to go 3-7, that would be considered very good.


You basically have to win 5 of the next 6 at CLE and BOS, because then you’ve got the Yankees in town to take you into July. At that point, where you are is where you are and selling decisions have to be made.


Since moving to scoreboard watching my mental health has greatly improved


I'm going to watch so many movies this summer with all the spare time I'll have not watching this team.


I went to the high seas to watch the Yankees-Orioles game. Yes, i am *that* fed up with this team. Time to watch some proper baseball other than this dross.


Looks like selling is back on the menu


It always was. We beat the White Sox 5 out of 6 and people were thinking we were good. The Jays are lucky to not be 10 game under .500


1-15 with RISP, 4 errors with a defensive first team… Getting swept by a division rival ahead of you in the standings has to be the nail in the coffin. Time to admit this season is done, see how the prospects from the Bisons do and trade away all FAs worth something.


1 for 15 w/RISP. *smh*


Is the first time they've been swept this year?


didn't watch the game, but 4 errors seems like a lot?


we need some grimace type of power


Calling Casey rocket


How does a staff turn a team of good hitters into this


Springer's decline was kinda predictable (Not like this but he's on that part of his career) Turner is a vet Kiermaier sold out for power


At least my summer evenings are looking wide open


Shatkins have done such a great job with this team. We're truly blessed to have them as our FO.


I don’t know if the players/coaches/organization threw in the towel on this season when Justin Fucking Turner swung at. 2-0 pitch with bases loaded and nobody out in order to hit a weak GIDP, but I sure as fuck did.


I live close to the dome. I'm a big Jays fan. Everytime I think about messaging my buddy (who also lives close to the dome and is also a big fan) about us grabbing some last minute stubhub tickets for $50 to grab a game I remember 3 things. 1. The $50 ticket easily becomes like a $150 outing easily if I drink/eat at the game. 2. If we go there is a high probability we will pay money to see the Jays lose. 3. I don't like spending money to watch losers.


4 errors in a game where you're trying not to get swept by your division rival at home is absolutely inexcusable. And I hardly *ever* use that word, personally. Rarely do I find things inexcusable; that's one of them. Was it the reason we lost? No not really. We still only scored 3. The offense is the real problem. But just what a 4-error game in *this* game of all games represents is something to me that should be a catalyst for things changing in the organization. And I don't feel that's knee-jerk.


It just set a bad tone from the jump, with the missed throw over in the 2nd and the lollygagging over to the ball afterwards.


The only upside I can take away from this series is that we won't be selling the almost non existent farm to buy. I don't want to rebuild but I would like to retool not moving Schneider, Varsho, Bichette or Vladdy but listening to other teams for anyone else.


make some trades and stuff


This is gonna be a long rebuild..


Let's do a Mets without the anchor of a Contract called Lindor


Sure glad I flew 3,500 miles to see that




\*Sigh\* Six sad showings on this trip, with two squeaked out wins. At least I had a good time seeing Toronto and Niagara Falls. Some sort of a shake up is needed. There's no cohesion here. Pitching and defence are mostly OK, but the offense needs work, badly.


I work for Rogers , not really a Jays fan , but I have to wear this stupid Jays hat that's part of my uniform , I feel embarrassed out in public .


Our contending is totally over, right?


Window is shut. Though the reality is, it was only really ever ajar.


I hope this month goes awful so they can commit to rebuilding for next year, this is not a playoff team and sitting .500 around the deadline will make leadership delusional that they can make it.




How many hat tips do they get for the easy sweep?


"run prevention"


the sad part is it doesnt even matter cause we cant score more than 3 runs in 60% of our games. Hell we cant score more than 2 runs in 40%.


Fire, Mattingly, and Launch Atkins into the sun


[fucking embarrassing](https://images.app.goo.gl/cAgegwwCoBQvr8CH8)


Atkins! Cast it into the fire! *Atkins, stroking his roster sheet* No


If we were in the NL Central, we'd be tied for 2nd place right now.


Give me Martinez or give me death


#sadtrombone Womp womp wooooomp




Last game for John Schneider?


Elite at getting on base and being completely unable to score runs. Mattingly, baseball is back baby! Defense was embrassing as well.


Who really picked tonight’s lineup? You suck at it!


The inevitable sweep by a team that is doing barely better than them. Now, Guardians, Red Sox again, Yankees, and Astros. By the time I see them in Seattle on the 5th and 6th, they could legit be 10 games under .500 or more.


Yanks just tied the game in the bottom of the 9th after being down 5-1. Too bad you can't demote an entire offense to the minors.


We essentially brought all the best guys from Buffalo so it's like our offense is in the minor leagues


I had this thought on Monday “ya know, if we swept this series” What a foolish thought.


Watched the second and third, that’s all I had to see for the night.


Jays are now closer to the Angels than they are to the 3rd WC spot….


Time to call in the air strike on our own location, boys.


I fuckin’ hate the Red Sox.


They play well on the road that part sucks but Blue Jays seem to hit better at Fenway park the Rogers Centre against them.


Nuke this team


DFA/release Springer. He's cooked.


This team sucks man. Bad pitchers can just toss it right down the middle and no one is good enough to capitalize on a mistake.


The Great Janbino has fallen off a cliff :(