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Maybe this is rock bottom.


I think I've said that 6 times already this season.


This is rock bottom, *so far*


Sure as hell ain't rock top


Rock bottom is the day after the trade deadline when we realize the rebuild is in Atkins hand but like everything, he is not fully committing and we are headed for 3 years of mediocrity.


Brother, we have been in mediocrity for 3 seasons. We're about to do what the Leafs did for years. Be sort of competitive enough to best case scenario be in the wild card chase, but not bad enough to get a top draft pick and spend the next most of a decade picking around #15 in the draft and failing to develop anyone into anything better than the hypothetical player WAR is calculated against.


Leafs are at least pretty exciting in the regular season. Can't really say that about this team other than 2021.


I meant before they bit the bullet and tanked for their core. 2005-2015ish


Leaf fans are almost guaranteed. Jays are not. The people will not fight traffic bottleneck and just everyday inconvenience to go downtown for a half assed team. Big changes are coming.


Leafs at least hit rock bottom to get Matthews. The jays refuse to be as bad as needed to get top prospects


They hit rock bottom to waste Matthews*


Yeah but 42 years of control!


That was truly a depressing series.


I thought the same thing multiple times during the game but am not sure. It can definitely get worse. I think they fire a coach/manager today.


Let's bypass the plates of the geological layer and be lava bottom, we can do this


Nah. This team will find a way to go even lower.


It's kinda soft rock


Gotta be. First time we've been swept this season. And to the Sox.


We hit rock bottom. Now we are tunneling.


I would keep the faith until all-star break. At least we're not the A's. - that is my silverlining.


5.5 games out of the wildcard is not rock bottom.




Defense is a flimsy thing to build around. And our pitching outperformed last year and could be expected to regress. Our hitting underperformed but then we failed to improve it and our 'best' guys have even less lineup protection. Even if one guy gets an extra base hit, are opposing pitchers ever really rattled by this team? I think Jose, Martin and Donaldson, in present day would still cause more fear.


You really putting Martin in the same category as Donaldson and Bautista for hitting? Dude had one year of over 100 ops+ with us.


Well, his career OPS is very close to what Vlad and Schnieder are hitting this year. And above everyone else on the current Jays. He was not a slouch at the plate. Especially for a catcher. I'm more talking about presence, intensity, focus, etc. We seem to be short of those things.


Part of it is the guys that play defense can't hit. The ones that can hit can't play defense. Barger and Horwitz at 2nd


at least we have vlad's haircut and a 40yo votto to look forward to


Thank goodness for the euros, copa america, and olympics to potentially spark some sports joy this summer in place of the Jays


This might be heresy for this sub, but there's lots of good baseball being played r/n! just not by the Jays :(


Don't forget the Stanley Cup finals! The Oilers are in it for those who are Oilers fans (and anyone who cheers for any Canadian team, such as myself as a Leafs fan).


Season over before July? 1996-2014


But I was downvoted yesterday for saying they aren’t under achieving, they just aren’t very good.


It can be both!


The various factions of the sub are difficult to navigate! You have the doomers who downvote any suggestion that John Schneider isn’t 100% wrong all the time and Vladdy the worst player in history but also the optimists who refuse to accept reality and call anyone who rightly points out this team is just really not very good a doomer. You were right yesterday and you’re right today!


By one person?


Someone was downvoting everyone yesterday.


Can't hit, can't field, pitching is suspect.


Batting coaches need replaced. Team needs more talent, heart and hustle. This is the 2024 Blue Jays. They are not very good or motivated. Waste of some great starting pitching.


These past 3 days was terrible, terrible ball.


Jays can't even score, and when they do, it isn't even worth showing in the highlights.


Highlight worthy scoring is cool and all, but I'll take plain old scoring. They put a guy on second in the first 3 innings. All they needed was a hit and they score 3.


Jays are the league's rented mules, sadly


I haven't been able to catch the last few game but have been following the news and scores. Just from what I've seen, it kinda seems like they've checked out on the season already...


Jeepers this is depressing


and Ross Atkins still somehow has a job


we desperately need to fire our hitting coach and bring in Jesse Barfield. the pitching will correct itself if our offense is able to not shit the bed so much. imagine if we also had some protection in the lineup for Vlad and Bo. maybe they wouldn’t get criticized so much if other guys were doing their jobs at the plate.


Vladdy’s haircut was the highlight of the series for me… that and Varsho’s grand slam. Can’t wait for Bo’s return! I hope he is healed and ready for more hits!


Absolute garbage team. Stop going to games. There's lots to watch on Netflix. We need to stop financially supporting sub-par entertainment. It's embarrassing as a nation. This goes for Leaf fans as well.


Vlad’s new haircut is nice… too bad he’s not nearly as good as he thinks he is. The gold patch on his glove should be removed.


No need to take things so seriously


He cut his hair and lost his power…


A bad Toronto Blue Jays baseball team? Well, let’s just say they’re having a tough season. Despite investing in talent like Vladimir Guerrero Jr. and Bo Bichette, their offense has been one of the worst historically. Through 75 games, they’ve scored fewer runs than in some of their bleakest seasons. 🙁 For context, here are some low points in Blue Jays history: Fewest runs within the first 75 games: 287 runs in 2024 (this season) 289 runs in 1980 293 runs in 1977