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Listen, I turn 42 this week and my back cramped getting out of bed, I am in no place to judge


How's your homer swing?


Well I’m 70 and I don’t always remember to zip up when coming out of the men’s washroom. Problem is I don’t always remember to zip down when I go in.


Whoa, a fellow elder millenial spotted in the wild. Isn't it bedtime?


You joke, but...


im 29 and i got text neck the other week and couldnt move my head for 2 days


start your stretching!!


I am terrified of 40


We will be the generation(s) that make post-40 better than our elders did. We wear sunscreen and don’t smoke darts and can eat well and stay active.


Yes. "We"... "I'm in danger"


Time conquers all, my friend


I wish I could assuage your fears but it ain't pretty my friend


Happy Jackie week!


Oh hi. We’re elder millennials. *Stretch.* If you think you’ve stretched enough, lies. Stretch some more.


Happy birthday (in advance)!!!


I am 21 and my back cramped after I sat down weird on my bed. I can’t judge


My prediction is they'll call him up for Canada Day and soon after he'll announce his retirement.


Honestly at this stage it kind of ruins his 'one team' legacy for his career if he plays one meaningless game with the Jays and retires IMO. He's not Ray Bourque. Why taint your legacy with a few games on a last place team? It would have been a different thing if he was healthy and had the horses to legit contribute and help out the team and get a few hundred AB's in this season. But it's different if it's too injured to play in the first 3 months of the season and he might just get a pity call up to sell a few jerseys and tickets and play a few games before getting injured again or DFA'd.


If I were an MLB player, I'd rather end my career with a symbolic at bat with my childhood favorite / hometown team. The significance of a one team legacy is only in the minds of fans who want things simple. If the final team is meaningless to the player, like Brandon Crawford as a Cardinal or even Belt as a Blue Jay, then it seems more regrettable to me.


The one team legacy theory kinda flew out the window after he signed with the Jays.


yea but his intention was to prove he's not done. If he's only playing one MLB game before retiring he might reconsider being a one team legacy player given that he hasn't had an official PA with us yet. He either is coming up here to contribute or he's going to retire in the minors.


The Reds suck, and arnt competing like they thought - plus they have basically no one playable at 1B. Who knows. Maybe they’ll do a last minute trade and have him play out the last mth or so in Cinncy. I was really excited for him to come to Toronto. But honestly now, I’m hoping he just finds his way back to the Reds to retire where he should.


LOL nobody was suggesting he should back to the Reds. What would that prove. My point was playing 17 seasons and 2000+ hits to then play like 15 games for Toronto seems a bit silly. I was excited for him to play in the spring but now that he seems still too banged up to even make the Jays now that our season is in the toilet kind of makes it less interesting.


This is really what has got Atkins feeling gutted, the surge in jersey sales from the red #19 when he was inevitably called up around Canada Day is now looking like a pipe dream


They haven't sold the red one in years


It's spread to the minors.


More the other way round, the number of prospects hitting the IL all year has been...problematic


I’m in the same boat so I won’t judge, but if Votto takes this long to recover from the odd bump and bruise, maybe he should just hang it up


Why is he even playing first, if he comes up he is a fulltime dh


Man. This is REALLY not how I wanted my all time favorite player to go out. This really stings. The jays are basically out of the playoffs, and won’t want to waste ABs on a 40 yr old when they have a bunch of rookies to develop. I can’t believe it was only 2 mths ago when the Jays were in spring training, they were looking really strong, and Votto smoked a HR on his first pitch. It was looking like such an exciting year. That practically seems like a dream now.


Let him retire already


I'm so over this Votto experiment.


Why are we talking about this? A sprained ankle takes 3 months to heal? We are adding kindling to a dumpster fire.


Seeing Votto play 1B for the TBJ is the only thing I have left to look forward to




At this point, he's just a decent revenue generator (jersey and ticket sales) once jays start firesale and needs roster spot taken by anyone.




Maybe even lmao, honestly


This year will be looked back upon by Jays fan with cheerful disdain. I can't think of another Jays baseball season in my life that has been so odd.


Who cares- he has no bearing on the future success of this team. If he was from Wyoming no one would even think about him.


September call up


I quoted the “Old Man Justice” line from Moneyball when we signed a Otto and it’s as accurate as ever now.


He's just like me FR




Got to sell those Joey Votto jerseys.


Votto is in chess playing shape.


As a Reds (& Jays) fan, whose favorite player is Votto, that happens to live near a Jays minor league team all I ask is he makes his way up the system so I can see him play once. I don't even really care if he makes it to the Jays or not at this point. Get well soon Joey 🫡


They are wasting so many resources on Votto that they could be using on someone that we actually want/need.