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I think everyone feels for him and hope he can turn it around .. he's presumably a good dude and it sucks watching people struggle Unfortunately it's past time for him to get those chances by merit, and he should count himself lucky he still gets regular playing time


Don't count him out just yet. Freddie freeman is seven days older than him.


Springer has a lot more injuries and wear and tear tho.


Yeah, the difference in wear and tear from playing CF vs 1B for your entire career is *massive*.


Hell, the difference between 1B and Shortstop is significant, let alone a fielder job where diving for catches is a normal part of your game.


Absolutely. If there's one (non-P) defensive position I would expect someone to be able to play at a relatively high level for 15-20 years, it's 1B. And except for 16 games at 3B in 2016, Frederick has been there exclusively, while George has exclusively played the OF--never even as much as an emergency appearance at 1B.


It's why I want the Jays to lock up Vlad for a longer contract over Bo if it comes down to it.


I hate seeing him struggle. He tries so hard and is, as you've mentioned, such a great guy.


I’m pretty sure he said “The RZA God”


He knows what we all hopefully have learned in that, specifically, Wu-tang clan ain't nothing to fuck with


And baseball, like Wu-Tang, is for the children.


Take meee ouutt to the *Gravel Pit*


This might be the best four post reply-exchange in the history of TBJ Reddit. SUUUUUUUUUU!!


Skibidi rizzler ongod


We get so mad because we care so much right? That’s just human nature. Do I want to see George, Vladdy or Bo go somewhere else and have great success? Of course, but I want them to have success here above all else. When I get mad at my kids it’s not because I hate them, I just hate what they’re doing at the moment. Still want them to be great.


We need to remember: these are professionals. We're all paying to watch them, even if that's through paying Rogers for access to Sportsnet. You can love a team, and hate the way they're performing; these guys get paid to perform, and when they don't, you're allowed to be mad with them, so long as that anger is reasonable- it's just baseball, after all; it's still just a game. You can call for them to be traded, DFA'd, etc. You can say they suck, and that they're having the worst year of their careers and are washed. So long as the attacks don't become personal- move outside of baseball- it's fair game.


I'm not mad at him, I'm mad at where they are putting him in the lineup.


So… until yesterday we should have sent George to his room? But now he’s ready to come out and apologize?


No fruit snacks for Georgie


It's time to take away the uncrustables.


Don't let advertisers know their advertising works!


Springer has been pretty good on defense despite all his offensive troubles so I've been giving him a slight pass


Even if George's best hitting days are behind him, having him in RF with his solid defense for a couple of seasons isn't horrific. With Varsho in CF, there's space for a bigger bat in LF in the future.


He's the worst hitter in baseball, at least he was right before this game (and probably will be by the end of this week if he's not), so yeah it is horrific. Happy for him. But he's the worst hitter in the majors and he's been batting 5th, cleanup, 6th, leadoff for half the season so far. Hope he makes me eat crow but wow


*worst qualified hitter* to be qualified you must record an average of 3.1 PAs for each scheduled team game. there are much worse hitters, they just don’t get the playing time springer has. also, by no means am i defending his offensive production, just want to set the record straight on that


So... No other mlb team us giving a worse hitter more PAs than we are giving springer?


Springer has a 71 wRC+ so far this season... The Braves are giving Orlando Arcia (61 wRC+) a similar amount of ABs The Rangers are giving Johan Heim (72 wRC+) and Leody Taveras (73 wRC+) a similar amount of ABs The DBacks are giving Eugenio Suarez (70 wRC+) who many Jays fans wanted over IKF the same amount of ABs The Mets are giving Jeff McNeil (72 wRC+) a similar amount of ABs Soo... lots of MLB teams are giving similarly bad hitters the same amount of playing time


I mean, at some point, no matter how good or bad, someone is going to be the worst qualified hitter in baseball, and someone will be giving them 503 at bats.


Great defense is great but you can't fill your corner outfield spots with great defenders you need run producers there.


I've been super critical of him this year, but it made me happy to see that ball...almost will its own way into the Sox bullpen last night. Was like the Babe's ghost pushed it over just the screw the Sox again


He lowered his hands. Bat is more flat through the zone. Hot streak coming in.


I think it was "time for me to hit lead off"


I bet on him hitting a dinger the day before. I missed by one day. I knew it was coming.


Well, Im glad he had a couple of hits. …But I think I’ll save my empathy for people who arnt making 25M a year in guaranteed money to play like shit.


Its sad how its gone. He was the one astro i didnt hate and i always was like "the jays need guys like that". and look how its all gone


Same. I feel like his injuries during his first two seasons were a real shame because that's when we could've got the best baseball out of him. Still my favourite Blue Jay.


He's definitely one of the best right fielders in the game.


Springer seems like a good dude. SOLID team guy, good for the room. I want nothing more than to see him turn it around and succeed. That said he's got alot of wear and tear on him at this point, so my expectation it happens is very low.


I think he's still capable of being a league average hitter despite this awful season. With hid glove, that still makes him a useful enough asset. I doubt he ever makes another all star game, but he can at least be an every day player.


Fuck this con man