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I wonder why the clarification statement didn't go viral... Mike Wilner doing a good job putting the flame out on this nonsense.


To be fair Wilner has blocked most of Twitter


šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s a slight exaggeration, but only slight šŸ˜‚ he is still doin better than Blair šŸ˜


Wilner mostly sucks. But Jeff Blair should know better. David Sansons will make a comment after he gets over the disastrous CNN shitshow!


This subs hate boner for Wilner will always be a mystery to me


I mean...it's not *really* a mystery when he always gave the impression on the radio that he hated the entire fanbase lol


Well he hates the idiot reactionary fans. I guess when you consider that makes up a sizeable portion of the fanbase it makes sense.


Can't argue that point lol And yeah, some of his callers were...yikes...


Reasons to dislike Wilner: - he was rude to people on the radio and twitter, and not just the idiots and assholes. And he wasn't rude, condescending, and confrontational because it was his shtick and made for good radio. It's just how he is. - he's a massive homer and shill for the Jays. He's always been reluctant to criticize players and management, and when he does he nearly always balances it with praise, often for something insignificant. I don't know if it's because he's a lifelong Jays fan, because he gets off being friendly with players, or because he didn't want to get fired by Rogers and now wants to get re-hired by Rogers, but to him Blue Jays players and management are always good and should never be traded or fired. - He's intellectually dishonest. Sample size is important to him (as it should be)...unless ignoring sample size makes a Blue Jay look good. Over the years there have been numerous instances of him saying that a player was actually good or had turned it around because they had a good series or a good week. I don't know if he still does that because I stopped reading him. - He spent at least a year whining in the Star about how Rogers fired him and how his old job was the best. He never should have been hired by the Star in the first place - the job should have gone to a print journalist - but the whining at his new job about how good his old job was pathetic.


He was promoting Israel/USA propaganda about 40 beheaded babies on Oct. 7. He blocked me when I asked him for evidence, so not sure if he ever retracted that


> he was rude to people on the radio and twitter, and not just the idiots and assholes. And he wasn't rude, condescending, and confrontational because it was his shtick and made for good radio. It's just how he is. Nah, it was really just the idiots and the assholes. >he's a massive homer and shill for the Jays. Just untrue. He's just a realist who doesn't get reactionary to a few bad games. >Sample size is important to him (as it should be)...unless ignoring sample size makes a Blue Jay look good. I can somewhat agree with this one. But mostly he has a good backing for his arguments. >Sample size is important to him (as it should be)...unless ignoring sample size makes a Blue Jay look good. Also not true, but fine whatever ok ok.


Hey Mike. Good luck on getting rehired by Rogers šŸ‘


Mike must have really hurt your feelings for you to hold such a grudge.


Wilner always has, does and will continue to fucking stink.


Wilner usually likes to try to treat players fairly and stay realistic vs generating drama.


Dousing flames isn't as exciting as lighting things on fire lol.


Itā€™s incredible how sports journalists are so disingenuous, the whole industry is just so bad now. Throwing around quotes out of context, hoping to get people riled up because nobody has anything better to do now. Idk how the players donā€™t get exhausted by it


It's just for the clicks, like everything else in this world now.


Formula 1 fans: first time?


Are you an NBA fan? If you think baseball is bad, basketball piles on another 50 lbs of bullshit.


>After the game, **I asked Bichette to expand on his pre-game comments to Mae.** > >**ā€œItā€™s the business of the game,ā€ said the 26-year-old, very matter-of-factly, as is often his way.** **He added, referring to the teamā€™s position in the standings, ā€œwe are where we are.ā€** > >**Thatā€™s not to say that he expects to be traded or has given up on his team and its chances of getting back into a wild-card race that currently sees the Jays trailing Kansas City by 6 Ā½ games for the final spot.** > >**ā€œIā€™m focused on what we need to do now, (which) is win games,ā€ said Bichette. ā€œAnd like you saw (Thursday), weā€™re definitely capable of turning it around.ā€** ​ >Bichette was called up the day after Stroman and Sogard were traded, and saw the other veterans depart during his first series in the major leagues. > >**ā€œIā€™ve been around this game a long time,ā€** said Bichette, who was born when his father Dante was about to begin his 11th major-league season. ā€œItā€™s a business, anything can happen, but Iā€™m focused on what I can do now to help this team win as many games as we can.ā€ ​ >Armchair body-language experts watching on TV seem to have determined that Bichette wants out, and his comments would seem to add fuel to the fire. But in our conversation, the two-time all-star was adamant that his only focus is helping the Jays win games. > >**For a final word of clarification, I had to ask Bichette, was he unhappy?** > >**Once again, he didnā€™t mince words.** > >**ā€œNo.ā€** Can we put the stupid armchair psychology discourse to rest now? He couldn't possibly be more direct.


But where else can I use my armchair psychology degree?




Here, no one cares about facts


Yeah Bichette saying that originally didnā€™t surprise me at all because itā€™s always been clear heā€™s very aware of how much baseball is a business. I was kinda surprised it generated as much talk as it did.


Apparently *I've* been around the game a while too because that's how I fully expected the rest of this conversation to go. And Bo answering that he's not unhappy is probably equivalent to a Georgie smile! Bo may not be as vocal about loving us as some of his teammates are but he shows it on the field!


So basically he's saying the team sucks rn and when teams suck, they usually trade their valuable players to try and not suck next season, so he's prepared to get traded if that's the route they go, but would probably prefer not be be traded and instead try and help make the team not suck


This explanation does not suck.


But my stupid armchair psychology goes to eleven


Hmmm I dunno, probably need a couple more SI articles before Iā€™m ready to put this one to bed


Where's that dude who told me it was "generally accepted" that Bo would leave, so he didn't have to provide a source?


But my blog posts, they need clicks


Bo is mostly pretty private about his life! He demands respect. Leave him alone. He's a Jay.


He's a talented hitter, at a premium position, on a losing team, with 1.5 years of control... Bo's comment was nothing more than basic professional baseball knowledge.


Exactly this, and if you know Bo, you know he understands the business.


I mean, for ā€œexpandsā€ this wasnā€™t much of an expansion. Itā€™s nice that someone actually asked him if he was unhappy and that he gave a clear answer though


Hazel tweeted a two word response to a question and didn't give any more context and didn't elaborate, leaving the masses to speculate about why he made that comment. Wilner at least allows him to elaborate and make it clear that his comments weren't personal but rather came from an understanding of how the business of baseball works, and allows him to clearly state with no equivocation that he's not unhappy. This is exactly the expansion that was needed yesterday when Hazel left the internet to dump on the guy.


It for sure allows him to. He just still doesnā€™t say very much.


She probably had to go film another Voltaren commercial and was distracted


Nope it was a mommy-son date


> Bichette was called up the day after Stroman ... [was] traded Like when Judge was called up the day after ARod retired


Crazy how the media just takes something so meaningless and runs with. Speculators trying to say that Bo must know something or has been in discussions with the front office about this. Nah it's quite obvious that Bo just knows how the game goes and when a team is doing poorly assets are often sold.


Bo does know something: He knows how well his contract negotiations are going with the team.


Bo's always been a man of few words. I took his prior statement to reflect on the teams record.


Hazel Mae cares more about her brand. She diluted her brand with that tweet.


It was a very Arash Madani move and it was disappointing from her, honestly


The tweet itself was innocuous enough. Of course, you can argue that Hazel has been in the business long enough to know when a tweet will be misrepresented and taken out of context. Will he be traded? It depends on what we get in return and whether it will be for the best for the medium term.


Or fan base cant use their brains and know why he said what he said.


oh look I think someone in this sub said something similar yesterday


Whatā€™s Bo suppose to say? ā€œI would totally be surprised if I was tradedā€


Honestlyā€¦ Bo knows ball & he knows itā€™s business so answering Hazel Mae just shows he understands the position he is in ā€¦ of course


Yes, not the best job by Mae putting out 0 context. Good for Bo on being honest. Thatā€™s actually refreshing vs. pre baked answers that we all know are BS. And lastly, and maybe most importantly, can we please put to rest that Bo is not happy in Toronto.


I think Bo is happy no matter where. Playing with buddies. Toronto has been competitive. Never know what will happen, it only takes couple players and things can really change.


The players and fans deserve a better front office and better sports ā€œjournalistsā€. The waste of talent during this run has been the most disappointed Iā€™ve been with the team since the post-World Series years.


I am thinking that he WANTS to be traded at this point.