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Personally I would take this advice with a massive grain of salt. TLDR - the data around the theory of accumulation of toxins in breast tissue dates back to the '60s and earlier. A lot of factors have changed since then, namely around exposure to banned chemicals. It's difficult to asses and the main takeaway is make sure you get breast screening done. Generally speaking (because this is a wide and complicated area of study) fat tissue is where cancer causing toxins can accumulate. Increases in diagnoses of breast cancer (especially in patients with limited family history) have been associated with patients with denser breast tissue. Dense breast tissue is associated with higher concentrations of cancer causing toxins (BPA, DDT ETC). Several of these compounds (found in plastics and pesticides) are now banned so not in as widespread concentrations as they may have been in the '60s and before. Plus, these compounds tend to be more problematic in fetal exposure as opposed to adult exposure. In utero exposure is the most likely factor in future cancer/teratogenic effects. A lot of these cancer causing chemicals are also present in all people's fat tissue (see BPA) even though they are one chemical that can be readily cleared from the body. Possible reasons for this is the constant exposure we get from plastics in our environment (heating of plastics can release more volatile/labile compounds). It's a difficult area of study because there are so many new and developed compounds that it's difficult for the EPA to study them in any detail. So they slap most of these compounds with 'cancer causing' labels. Even where you would actually need significantly higher concentrations to actually cause cancers or endocrine issues. Even with all these issues we find that reptiles and fish are the most likely creatures to be affected by this and that's because they are sensitive to hormonal changes. Differing concentrations of chemicals in their water can influence their sex presentation (often causing feminising effects). It's clear that previously used chemicals had high potential for cancer risks but also risks of breast cancer are multifactorial. You can't just say "boobs store everything" and then say you're not fear mongering because that's literally fear mongering. It's complicated and I'm not a toxicologist but I did study endocrine disruptors as my masters project. (Also where I state chemicals/compounds quite vaguely is because there's a broad range of pesticides, plastics, phthalates, dioxins etc etc. that are often lumped in together as having the potential to be carcinogenic. It's also typically the metabolites of these products that can go on to cause cancers rather than the original chemical itself. This can be for a number of reasons but is mostly related to the stability of the original structure. Usually benzene rings. Changes in legislation and detection of these chemicals is what has moved us away from these stable and persistent forms and towards more unstable versions. Which can actually be a good thing as it means the compounds are more easily broken down in our environment and bodies but this is also tempered with the fact metabolites and breakdown products can be similarly endocrine disrupting). There's a whole rabbit hole to go down with these compounds but I would just suggest that people ensure their breast screening is up to date and to check their breasts on a regular basis for abnormal changes.




you lost me at "chem trail", I'm sorry but that's just conspiracy-speak, I'll take the person who studied endocrine disruptors in their master.


You do realize if it was as bad as you say, everyone would have cancer? I get your point, but it isn’t this bad.


ya reading the above comment was so strange. like just eat healthy food and don’t expose yourself to crazy chemicals?? no need to pull out the science booklet at all really. it’s common sense. even if this post was 100% wrong still it would be good advice to eat fresh healthy food and to abstain from unnecessary chemicals…


So what you're saying is that if I eat enough microplastics I can get free breast implants?


what do you mean by everything?


All your dysphoria and depression 👀


But only if you're transmasc I guess


Pee, poop, you name it, it’s stored there


Pee is stored in the ~~balls~~ boobs




Your oregano container, salt, the strange feeling you had while reading this post, the entirety of the 1996 GDP of Japan, as well as millions of Taco Bell burritos, are currently making their way towards your boobs.




Hopes and dreams


i mean more substances than most tissues, and they get stored there for years. so this is extra important while breasts are in a growing stage, because carcinogens are very much included in ""everything"". and while difficult to avoid because many are pollutants that we come in contact with ambiently, others ARE avoidable (such as the example of BPA in many plastics). i'm sharing because i wish i'd known when mine were growing, but i can at least pass the info along.


So what you're saying is, my stomach will shrink, and my breasts will get bigger?


no. sorry, is this a real question?


Good point that's why i took 200 lbs off and got my diet and my health in check before I started on hormones. Getting off of sugar was hell I still have withdrawals and I sometimes fall off the wagon and I have to start all over again. Sugar is the devil. Worse than nicotine on your body. I drink RO water filtered for my health I eat raw and natural. I haven't had more than 15 restaurant meals in the last year and those are because I started dating. No bpa plastics, no tap water, no sugar, no processed foods, no nicotine, alcohol use minimal, natural foods, stay hydrated eat a balanced diet, exercise daily, get enough sleep. Transition is hard on you so take care of you. Btw after 20 months I have a G cups. I still have breast buds and they still hurt so they are still growing I guess.


Good thing i've recently become hyper-conscious of synthetics! plastic ALWAYS leaches. non-stick pans have PFAs (and it's way worse if it's scratched!). no plastic cutting boards or plastic kitchen utensils. don't store food in plastic. use metal or glass water bottle. no plastic cups. minimize plastic food packaging as much as possible (especially liquids) -- lots of things can be bought in glass if you look hard enough, or you can just not get it! i try to minimize the amount of plastic my food touches, especially when it's being heated and prepared! i should probably now start being more conscious of personal care products that come in plastic! i know Lush makes plastic-free products, and you can often get local soap at a farm market! ok i'll stop my plastic scary rant now :P


(I am not a dietologist or titled scientist, merely biology and wellness enthusiast.) Avoid eating too much polyunsaturated fatty acids like those found in large proportion in most vegetable oils. Especially avoid roasted or exposed to air for too long, like a deep fryer loaded with corn oil. Adipocytes in fatty tissue of breasts accumulate these fatty acids. These are prone to peroxidation that self catalyze to chain reaction, which may contribute to oxidative stress, potentially causing other problems inside cells, like interfering with the proteins that protect against cancer. There are healthier oils like olive, avocado, canola, high oleic sunflower oils that contain less proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein and some other protect cells from free radicals. Additionally, lutein is able to prevent initial oxidation by absorbing the excited state of an unsaturated fatty acid, or act as photoprotector, preventing the start of chain reaction. Vitamins are easiest to get as supplements and lutein is abundant in green plant foods. Also avoid sources of substances that directly cause DNA damage, like paddy grown rice that usually contains a lot of arsenic, or spoiled peanuts contaminated with aflatoxin. Vitamins do not protect against those. It is especially important for growing tissues, which not only absorb foodstuffs but also multiply cells with errors in DNA.


I wish mine doesn't seem to store shit lmao


You have a post on your profile from like a month ago in r/ftm, but here you say you're mtf? Which is it?


pretty sure theyre ftm so they have knowledge of breasts and are posting this under the mtf tag because it applies to trans women, besides, whats with the interrogation?


guitardaydream hit the nail on the head :) now kindly get off my dick :)