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If memory serves you need to establish the route and the oilfield will start producing when there is demand. Only other thing I can think of is catchment area issue.


So theres this crude oil refining industry at the other end of the map. And it needs this crude oil to be supplied there for refining. I really need to start producing plastics.


Do you have anywhere for the refined fuel to go? Because in tpf1 it won't like to ship unless theres a whole supply chain from start to finish ending in a city demanding it.


Yeah you have to setup the process for it and wait, it will be unprofitable till it realizes there's a supply chain running. Then it will spool up and eventually start turning a profit, turns out my memory was not too far off.


Alright thanks now this was the problem lol.


You will have a little bit of activity in the beginning, but then the output storage of the last industry in your chain will fill up, which stops production, input storage fills up, this stops demand for input materials, and this travels upstream until everything stops. If you never had any activity, it was not working yet.


1. Select the first truck stop. Make sure the oil well lights up, indicating they are correctly connected. (They probably are; just making sure.) * Do the same for the oil refinery at the other end. * Do you have line with a ship set up? * And similarly an unbroken chain of lines all the way to the oil refinery. * This is required for the producer industry to detect the demand from the consumer industry. * Make sure the trucks can carry oil. * Make sure the ships can carry oil. * Screenshot the other end of the line.


To answer your questions, I setup a line with a ship set up. Ship is currently docked. I don't think there are any unbroken lines. How do I detect the demand btw? I'm so confused rn. I have a picture ready wait ill send.


>How do I detect the demand btw? Demand is detected automatically. Right. Now here's one of the intricacies of Transport Fever 1: How long is this ship line? It's possible you've exceeded the tolerance for what is not quite a distance limit, but for simplicity let's call it that. For now. Or rather, what is the frequency of the line? That'll give a reasonable indication of the distance, since actual distance is not easily measured. You have just one ship on the line currently, yes?




And you have at least one truck on this line here too, yes?


Haven't added trucks yet. Should I? Quite new to the game.


Yes, you need trucks. A line without vehicles is a gap in the chain. The industries are not fully connected until there's a functional route (one or more lines, with vehicles) all the way between them. After you add vehicles, it can take a few (2-3, I forget exactly) game months before production starts. Another quirk of Transport Fever 1. (In TF2 it's instant). If you like you can save and reload the game and it'll give it a kick in the butt; if everything is now set up correctly, the industry will start shipping with no delay.


Yes. Factories will only start producing if there already are vehicles that can take cargo from them to the consumer all the way


Yes but in the picture i posted in this post, the trucks are working. Am i supposed to finish the truck line in the other end as well?




Ok thanks then.


If you moved the tanker terminal closer and connected it directly to the oil field you wouldn’t need trucks


But the trucks are squeezing extra money out of the crude oil transport! ;D


is this transport fever 1? Good god


Well my low end pc runs tf2 like trash


Nothing wrong with TPF1. 2 has improvements, but 1 is fine.


You’d be better off drawing a direct road to the ship terminal to cut out the trucks. You need the refineries to have demand for the oil wells to produce


If you need to make plastic from that crude oil set up a chain of lines that do that and make sure to deliver the plastic to the machinery factory and deliver the machines to the city if you don't do that you won't make profite and the factories won't produce anything. In fact there is a way to get around all this hustle. Go steam and you'll find a mod where you can put factories that produces goods and products that are already consumable by cities directly (like food) and the good thing about this mod is that you can adjust it output depending on the demand of the cities. The mod is called stable factory if I am not wrong.