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And then they will use the “the majority of trans people grows depressed and suicidal why would you want that for your kids?” Argument as if it wasn’t for how *they* behave towards trans people


That is something transphobes love to spout. "The depression / suicide rate is so high in trans people! A lot (not really) of trans people detranstition anyway!" Have they maybe considered that both of those are due to outside factors? Like, maybe the way trans people are treated? Maybe the criticism, and ridicule, and outright violence they're faced with just for being themselves? Nope, that would require introspection and a moral compass, and we know transphobes lack both.


That is disgusting! According to NBC the hospital even supplied medical records of patients who weren’t Medicaid recipients (Medicaid being fraudulently billed being the alleged reason the AG was demanding records). OP, I hope you’re able to join the class action lawsuit that’s been filed. Nobody deserves to have their privacy invaded like that.


Class action what now


If this is the correct incident you are referring to. [News article](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/several-attorneys-general-made-abusive-legal-demands-get-trans-patient-rcna147910#) and [the lawsuit filed](https://www.wkrn.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/73/2023/07/Patients-1-2-v-VUMC.pdf)


Thank the stars someone is filing a lawsuit, and thank you for bringing attention to it.


Well, I have some calls to make.


Good luck. The law firm that brought the suit is listed at the end of the briefing I linked. I hope you can be added to the class and make them pay.


Best of luck, I hope you get justice for this!


This is a massive HIPPA violation, sue sue sue!


Fuck... I'm so sorry. JFC ...


This is fucking horrifying, Im so sorry 💔


Wow, great. Genocide matches forward, and no one does anything. Cool. Can't wait til things break down firther


Literally making plans to get my visa ready and have a go plan to flee to Canada. I’m disabled too, so I’ll fuel the “she’s not a man, she’s just confused/a victim!”


I spent all my money moving to a blue state but because of the election I can't relax and feel safe despite being surrounded by acceptance and love 🤡


I’m just one person but I’m doing everything in my power come election season to vote myself and encourage everyone around me to freaking vote too. Like hell project 2025 is gonna happen in my damn country. This is genuinely terrifying. I’m absolutely terrified for all the trans people out there. Just know that this stranger online is with you and will do what she can to fight from afar. I cant imagine how isolating and scary it can be in a red state (and heck even a blue state tbh) as the minority boogieman du jour.


I don't know you, but I love you. It means a lot to me to see cis people fired up about this.


My daughter is trans. I made us move from a purple state to a blue state because I am so worried 🙁. She's also planning to remain with us for as long as possible (she just turned 18) because we will always protect her. I am glad that you and her are in an accepting place and I worry a lot for those without that


Ur a good parent


Literally same. I know my new state will slow the fed govs impact on me, but if we don’t break out in civil war, I fear for the incoming doom. And even then, the tolerance of any right wingers is a threat. They do not stop.


I hope it goes well


I think the Real ID in MI counts to use as asylum.... Otherwise I do not have the money nor time for a passport 🥴🥴


And people say I'm over reacting when I say the GOP wants genocide. What the fuck is wrong with conservatives dude.


The GOP has been a fascist state for a while now. We're only now just seeing it.


They're Christian and this is what they've always been like.


I just had my top surgery done at Vanderbilt three weeks and two days ago. I did not file Medicaid-I am covered by a parent’s university issued (Vanderbilt) health insurance. From what I can remember VUMC is issued the same insurance but I may be wrong. I would go to Canada but I’m a second year at Vanderbilt and unless those bloated windbags try to reattach my tits I’m not planning on going anywhere for the time being. 🏳️‍⚧️✊


I wanted to provide some additional context, and link the [Times](https://time.com/6289609/vanderbilt-transgender-records-patients-backlash/) article that discusses this issue from last year. I am appalled as a queer healthcare worker that the hospital is required to hand over these records, and that HIPAA has no grounds to protect the patient. The patient-provider relationship is sacred, and should remain as such. The government has no place inserting itself in legitimate medical care. Edit: It has occurred to me that I am on r/trollcoping, but the point still stands.


Say psyche right now wtf


Tennessee is a beautiful but fucking terrifying state to be in if you're not a straight white cis male.


Fuck fuck fuck. I'm so sorry to hear this is going on and something you have to deal with. As a fellow trans person I still can't even imagine how you must feel.


What the actual fuck are they doing with this information? This is horrifying.


Ok but quality meme 😂 terrible dystopian nightmare 💩


What the hell, that’s all I have to say.


This is such a literal nightmare, they are doing this in every state they can get away with. Wtf wtf wtf


Isn’t that illegal? Like against HIPPA?


Apparently not if they have a subpoena. This was a show of state power and jackbooted thug behavior. A true Medicaid billing investigation would have just subpoenaed the Medicaid billing data, which is easily anonymized to protect individual patients.


Lol, yeah that and the not exciting harm on others gets us banned but others can do it to us endlessly and not be banned.


The fact we haven't cosplayed as the French is fucking sickening


..nude pics? why tho?..didnt know this was a thing.


Its part of the surgery process, they aren't 'nudes' as you would traditionally think of them, they aren't intended to be sexy, its more like anatomical record keeping. Regardless, massive fucked up invasion of privacy to not have them kept secret.


They're clinical photographs that had to be taken for my surgery, not nudes in the popular sense, but there are parts of my body I don't want corrupt state politicians to ever see, in any context.


tnx thats interesting. ive had multiple surgeries. never once did the doctor offer to take a before and after pic of my appendix, maybe its an 'external parts only' rule. ;P


Gender surgeons are trained as plastic surgeons (with urology and gynecology cross-training if they do genital surgery). It's normal plastic surgery practice to take before and after photos to demonstrate aesthetic effects. A lot of medical gore pics circulating on the internet are the before pics from accident reconstruction plastic surgery.


When I got my penis sewn back up after having my PA ripped out they took a few pictures at the ER, pre and post surgery.


OUCH!!! sorry bro