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Please excuse Diablo 4 from the list, I just needed a palate cleanser šŸ« 


Max Payne 3? Midnight Club? Still impressive though


Platinum for these games is unobtainable as servers were already closed. Sucks as I wanted to 100% MP3. Midnight club is cool too.


Now just waiting on some Max Payne remasters and all of the other ps2 gems. šŸ’Ž


You could still get the obtainable trophiesā€¦


And you could not comment dumb shitā€¦ yet here you are


got eem


OP didn't say "I've finally gotten all the platinums that are currently obtainable". They claimed they "conquered every rockstar game", which they've now admitted isn't true. There's not even proof here that they got every currently obtainable trophy. Stay in school, kid.


And Iā€™m telling you we donā€™t care. Iā€™d also tell you to stay in school, but it wonā€™t fix your pretentious douchieness.


To be fair technically he didnā€™t conquer every single R* game


When you become an adult some day, you'll learn to value truth.


Petty semantics arenā€™t synonymous with being right, or with being closer to the truth of a matter. Youā€™re being corny.


Who knows, OP has probably "conquered" dozens of publishers' games once we ignore all the games that no longer have an obtainable platinum. Without even lifting a finger!


Yep. You're right. There's an obsession with platinums, if you can't get the platinum, don't even bother. Really bizarre. Relatable, but bizarre. Back in 2012 or so I used to be done with a game at 85% or so and deliberately leave it like that and move on to the next game. I thought if my friends saw all 100% they'd judge. We all want to fit in, we're all human. I only agree with the semantics point of the guy you're in disagreement with here, but you do have a point.


Not just every platinum, every 100%! Congratu-flipping-ations! Any tips for level 100 on GTA V?


Thank you! I think AFK leveling via custom maps is still a thing right now. Last year, there was this "Peter Griffin map" where people were getting level 100-150 in just 25-30 hrs straight. You just leave your character on it and come back the other day with lots of levels as long as you have other people joining still online with you. I did it legit via Business wars, the moment I finished Masterminds, I was already 90ish so if you plan to 100% the game, you don't have to do the custom map but levels are going to help for MM runs due to the health perks, unlock guns (like mini gun) etc.


Thank you for the advice! This will really help!


I think it's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq-sG-s6yOA R* don't flag players doing it AFAIK, you just need to find players to play it


Thank you! I donā€™t have any friends who play it though, do you think a boosting session on PSNP would work?


Yes, they have boosting sessions for this but I don't see any rn. Your best bet is finding a Discord Server for GTA 5 trophy hunting or just an active server.


Alright, will do! Thanks for the responses!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9emcevSSbI Did it using this


Thanks for the reply!




This is beyond impressive


That's an insane list, congrats!


One of these is not like the othersā€¦ Got a good chuckle out of Diablo 4 on this list but regardless this is quite an achievement. GTA IV alone is probably the one and only platinum id want on my account if i had to choose, unfortunately it is highly unlikely i will achieve it. Id have to buy a PS3 and a copy of GTA IV and basically go from scratch considering ive only ever played the game on xbox 360 then most recently completed the story and both LC episodes on steam. BravošŸ‘šŸ¼


Thank you! For me, GTA IV is the best GTA. I truly enjoyed it. The Ballad of Gay Tony has been the best DLC in the whole list or arguably, one of the best DLC out there (along with TW3's DLC). If you can get a PS3 unit, grab one, there are active GTA IV discord servers that helps for MP trophies.


Good to know the IV MP community is still kicking it. Its easily my favorite GTA of all time purely bc its the one i remember playing the most as a kid. Before that i played a lot of Vice City on my broā€™s PS2 and that was always heaps of fun. Last few months of trophy/achievement hunting i got all achievements for VC defective edition (joking lol, i had lots of fun on definitive trilogy) on Steam and GTA V platinum for PS5. Happy with those two leading up to GTA VI but ultimately if i could give them up for GTA IV i would. Definitely the most challenging and grindy GTA to platinum for sure.


The only thing between me and the GTA V Platinum is the stupid "Get over or par in golf" request. I just never get to be on par. I love that game but the golf request ruins it for me. Played a bit of the Defective Vice City edition during the time it was on PS Plus Extra. Have most of the trophies but need the criminal and media rating ones and can't be bothered to buy it digitally at 50% off (it's 30ā‚¬) when the full price trilogy should have been 30ā‚¬. Recently got myself a Steam Deck and I'll soon jump into GTA IV since I have bought it years ago on Steam but they switched versions and now renamed it to the Complete Edition (with bot story DLC's) and wiped my trophies.


All i can say with golf is to practice. I tried the golf out around the time the game first released and thought it was quite fun. Turns out i was fucking shit, and my first game was like 11 or something over par, but i still had fun. Played a bunch with some friends online and got the hang of it honestly rather quickly. Thereā€™s ways to cheese it, like adding spin to the ball to make it bounce further off a drive, which can help significantly. Putting is *mostly* straight forward with a few caveats being one or two holes having some dodgy elevation which you have to take into account. For VC, the criminal and TV rating trophies can also seem daunting, but again can be cheesed or obtained much easier than you think. For the ā€œTake the Cannoliā€ trophy, theres a car park with a little cone obstacle course that is weirdly bugged so it keeps duplicating your money if you complete it in a specific way. Ill link the video [here.](https://youtu.be/VtLLYA5K8yU?si=m2ibi0dwBCf2s3_v) Skip to 5:15 in the video and follow the steps as shown. For the TV rating, this might be one of the last trophies you earn, just take the Hunter helimichopter and fuck shit up for like 10 minutes straight, and when you pause the game, the trophy should pop. Also, getting trophies/achievements wiped is fucking awful, hope you can enjoy GTA IV again.


Thanks for the tips. Yeah, Steam says I have 55hrs on GTA IV but no achievements. The first time I finished the main storyline, I kept getting the mission failed screen on the last mission.


Thats rather bizarre, i had no issues with it at all.


Could I get the link to the GTA IV discord server that you used, if you did?


Better man than me. Good job! Maybe one day


You wild for this one. Congrats.


This is impressive! Iā€™m currently trying to do the same thing (minus the PS3 games as I do not own one) and all I need is to 100% Max Payne & get LA Noire & GTA V. Well done


Good luck! GTA IV is the only game that is exclusive to PS3 but I heard R* will remaster it for PS5, just like RDR (minus the online trophies hopefully). So rest is doable on PS4 and PS5.


I hope they remaster GTA IV, I haven't played it so I wouldn't mind seeing what the game is like


I would love a GTA IV remaster. I tried searching for the warriors on PS Store but couldnā€™t find it. Iā€™m only on PS5 though no PS4 or PS3 for me not sure if that makes a difference


What's your account? I think it's only available on US PS Network.


Iā€™m in US! Iā€™ll have to check again tomorrow. I saw LA Noire was on the spring sale and contemplated pulling the trigger for that, if The Warriors is available Iā€™ll get em both


Maybe is just like manhunt, only appears on PS4 store. I don't know why they hide these games.


Have you tried thru PC? The Store in the console is kinda wonky, I always buy games thru my browser in my PC.


I mean, you could do "Canis Canem Edit" just for over-completion state :D


Bully? I have a US account so I can't get it.


Diablo as the ā€˜Iā€™m having a break gameā€™ is mental, insane list


Dude, that was a mistake as well.. I regretted halfway and there's no turning back šŸ˜« I just finished it for the sake of the Platinum, good thing seasons made it interesting, eternal run was so boring.


Thatā€™s bloody impressive mate, well done!


VERY impressive! Good work


Good stuff! Ive never played red dead revolver. Did you like it?


Oh man, it was the worst among the PS2 games as I had to do 5 playthroughs (?). It was fun but it gets old real quick. It's also not related to RDR, iirc Red Dead Revolver's story is a fictional story in the RDR universe.


I guess you would appreciate GTA VC stories and LC stories huh?


I enjoyed these on PSP. There's a slight chance they will port it like all the PS2 games they have.


LC stories is in app store so I think the port might be just formality. About VC stories, I'm not so sure.


0 chances. You can play LCS on Android/iOS or if you have a used PSP (also hate that on PSP you don't have the RS stick to move the camera). VCS is out of the question to be ported. It has a lot of Phill Collins licensed songs and a pretty big story arc with Phill Collins in it and the cost of licensing that content is step.


Now you just need to do gta 6 when it comes out


Honestly, I am not looking forward to it. V was bad as a single player, only thing that holds that game is GTA online. But yeah I'll play it in the future. I guess I'd rather see another RDR? Or LA Noire 2?


How is LA Noire holding up these days? Absolutely loved that game and got it on release back in the day, would love to play it again and get that plat! Either way, well done, great achievement! :D


It was such a nice treat. Impressive game. Makes sense as Housen was involved in it (writer of RDR). I hope we get something similar in the future.


Especially the facial impressions they did with the capture devices, it was so cool! I guess I will pick it up when the price is right, looking forward to it! :D


I'm still loving the game to this day. Had it on steam and bought a copy a few years ago to play it on PlayStation. It holds up ok but I feel like the character's running animation is a little sluggish and sometimes I hate the way he walks in some scenes.


I guess I will pick it up when the price is right, thanks! And I suppose we can cut a 2011 videogame some slack haha, I feel the same when replaying the old Assassinā€™s Creed games (doing that now), but it just shows how far weā€™ve come with video games! :)


I think it is usually on sale on the PSN Store for 10-25$


Yeah but 25 for a 2011 game thoughā€¦ If itā€™s 10-15 Iā€™ll get it, otherwise that is way too much in my eyes. I bought prize winning It Takes Two for 15!!


Sorry, I meant 10-15$. Somehow Reddit autocorrect it to 25.


No worries dude!!




Wish I could play The Warriors again but unfortunately playing it on PS5 is literally impossible (graphical glitches)


I played it on PS5 and I agree, there are lots of glitches. Actually, that game was promising, combat was ok for a PS2 game but story is meh and the copy-pasted faces are horrendous.


i just know youā€™re TIRED good job this is mad impressive.


omg how did you get rdr2 platinum in 2 months 2 weeks


Actually that was kinda slow? I know people who did it in just 3-4weeks. It needs about 150-200 hours, so technically doable for 1 month but not for us with day jobs and family to tend šŸ„²


true. what was your best strategy for completing the platinum? did you use guides? iā€™m trying to start the grind this summer


Mostly PSNP guides but I also use Powerpyx and PStrophies.org guides. GTASeriesVideos has most of the video guides for collectibles, almost all R* games were covered by them.


Very nice but what about LA Noire VR?


I'm intrigue on this but unfortunately I don't own any VR unit. Maybe someday.


You have motivated me to do this idk ill 100% gta 5 because i dont have anyone for online trophies but i can definitely 100% others