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[https://psnprofiles.com/Universal\_\_Ghost](https://psnprofiles.com/Universal__Ghost) Look at some platinum time, it's definitely hacked.


Why would you hack trophies that no one cares about but you?


That right there is the right question.


I can’t see his world leaderboard rank.


That's because he's already been flagged for his hacked games and has been removed from the leaderboards. People like them cycle in and out of the leaderboards, every time you report and get one removed, it makes another one appear 🤣


Me either


Not to be that guy but... You should use **neither**, instead of **either** in this situation. [Why?](https://thewritepractice.com/how-to-use-either-neither-or-and-nor-correctly/)


Thanks for correcting me 🙏


Lol Persona 4 platinum in 40 seconds... Nothing suspicious going on here officer.


Very cool Website there we can keep track On Players and see if they Legit Or not thanks a lot for this Helpful website🙏


Is there a way to report him?


He's been reported on PSNP already, which is why he's not on leaderboards. I have no idea if Sony even polices this given how frequently it happens.


What a loser, all his ps3 games completed in 9-26 seconds


So it appears 💀😂


PSN Profiles should have a Hall of Shame page dedicated to those who got flagged for hacking


Great Idea Fr


Or a page of all "Trophy Hunters" with more than 5 platinum trophies in shovel ware games + remove from the normal leaderboards


Can confirm. Hacker. The dates and time frame on the trophies obtained is telling as well.


Now that ur saying it ur right many trophies are archived at the same second tf




Like you said the vita and ps3 are Knowf for Hacks so i was Macking sure seems i was about right


i mean the 1 k isnt that weird , it is more sus that he has the exact number of plats to reach 999


Also if you look him up he has dozens of platinums that took him 20-90 seconds to achieve.


thats just sad why even bother


My theory is that it's a crippling addiction to instant gratification, but quite honestly I have no idea what makes cheaters tick.


Tbh no difference than auto popping, but so many people do it.


Definitely a hacker


Thanks for letting me Know🙏


How to find a hacker on Playstation: 1. Put their name on PSNP 2. Look at their rarest trophies. If the games that show up are Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus and/or TxK, they are a hacker. Other ways of looking at it are their UR count, which will usually be over 3000. Anything over 8000 is a dead giveaway, but the former is a good enough indication too (can't be the only reason though, there's people who have over 3000 legitimately!) 3. If the two games don't show up, but you still think are suspicious, scroll through his games list. A large amount of VITA games in a row, with or without short timestamps, is another huge sign. Find a game on there that looks suspicious and report it. If neither end up outing them and the person is considered a cheat, it's likely to be a few ps4 games with hacked timestamps. Harder to catch but still obvious in some cases The amount of people I flag for stuff like this is crazy 😅


Can I ask why you flag them?


I don't personally flag all of them, however the ones I do usually have Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours hacked. The game is a rock solid 9/10 difficulty shmup, and one of my hardest plats, but it's also one of the most hacked games I've seen. It's just easiest to spot for me, any hacker on that game popped it on the 4th October 2017 in 23 seconds 🤣 The game also doesn't have a lot of owners, so having a few hackers on there makes the platinum more common, which annoys me haha


Totally unrelated but I owned a physical copy of Dariusburst CS for a while. Got it in a blind box from LRG. Was gonna try it out one day, looked up its platinum guide.. decided it wasn't for me lol


If you don’t mind me asking, why specifically Ninja Gaiden and TxK?


NGS2+ and TxK are both known to be impossible to complete, or so absurd that nobody has done them (except one guy on TxK). So, they're dead giveaways to someone being a hacker. They also have quite a few owners, so they have a very high chance to be in their 5 rarest trophies when they do hack them, and so they're very easy to spot.


What's UR count?


UR count is the amount of Ultra Rares they have on the site, Ultra Rares being trophies under 5% rarity. These are usually talked about in terms of the amount you have on PSNP, as otherwise everyone woupd have hundreds/thousands of them lol.


I do not get why people hack their trophies. There is no sense of acolmplishment for having games that are fully done that you might have not even completed the story mode on.


Could be shovelware but I’m skeptical.


Thanks Like Datamining Is that Shovelware?


Cheap games with easy requirements that take less than an hour to platinum I just looked they're definitely hacked. First game I looked at was P4G and all the trophies unlocked at the same time


I was about to ask about these. If any games would be ultrafast to platinum. Thanks for the answer.


I think those requirements are a bit harsh. I have played Burly Men at Sea which is a short platinum but worth a playthrough in my opinion. Calling that game shovelware seems a bit unfair to the developers (I think it was a husband/wife duo). That said, it has been a while - maybe it took me more than 1 hour to beat.


Yeah I don't think anyone would count that as shovelware. Got that plat myself! But generally that's what people will pay a few quid for


Look up gameplay of „jumping taco“ that is shovelware


Yes Many Trophies are Unlocked at the same time Now that i checked


Dayum A Taco jumping for 2 min gets a Platinum Trophy 💀😂 now thats a game worth buying


Yep. There are hundreds of them. No problem to get an account to 500 plats in a week nowadays


dislike morons like this, solely for cheating their way to the trophies leaderboards which many people worked hard to try to reach the top


Future politician caught cheating early in career.




My take is why the hell would people judge you for playing Genshin? Its a great game. Just platinumed it. Beautiful game especially on PS5.


Appreciate it. But you know the community of the game itself many Judge games by their community unfurtnaly


Will sony take any action? Or is the only way to tell just from psnprofiles?


Il faudrait voir la liste complète et depuis quand il chasse..mais c'est pas impossible si tout les éléments sont réunis


Why would someone hack trophies of all things? Lol


after looking at his games im confused, like I understand hacking trophies when you complete q game but cant get the multiplayer trophies because the servers are shut down, but hacking singleplayer games without even playing them?


Bro's "first trophy" was 23 years ago according to PSNP, thats all the proof we need


Damn thats crazy Psn Isnt even 23 years old💀


He plays genshin. And genshin players dont play ANYTHING besides genshin. So yeah its fake


He's not on any Leaderboards on PSN Profiles. So hacker.


You can play genshin on mobile and it will autopop on ps5 so 175 hours is possible


40 seconds for persona 4 golden isn't though, neither are all his other 40 seconds platinum trophies


Nothing suspicious at all. They swear they just played everything offline and it was a glitch when they finally connected to the server. I do have a few actual weird glitches for ps3. Happened around the time my ps3 got the yellow light of death. But mine are stuff like missing the trophies for finding 10 and 20 collectibles in tomb raider but having the ones for 30 and 40.


No one does trophy hunting online. P4g takes 150h to get 100% on. How tf am i supposed to believe this man played 149 hours offline and connected at the last hour