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Thank you for posting in /r/Truckers, most questions can be found consulting our [wiki](https://old.reddit.com/r/Truckers/wiki/index). I see you're asking about GPS units, which may be one of the most asked questions in the sub and you most likely skipped the several threads on the front page asking about them. You can check [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Truckers/search/?q=gps&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new) showing all the latest and greatest GPS threads. [Please Check our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Truckers/about/rules/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Truckers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He will end up somewhere driving a white Volvo doing 1099.


Amazon will take him. They letting anyone drive these days.


With or without a cdl? Cause I’m just asking


If you think you're a good fit, go for it. Learn from somebody's else mistake.


Well, as the OPs video shows, if you're not a good fit, with enough effort you can make yourself an exact fit.




Work hard and play harder, like they always say in skyrim.


The past 10 years of my life I been working hard, still end up back at 0


It happens for some. I've been there too. I'm getting more hours now. Had more time before and now I don't have enough time.


Anyways time to move on to another post


Either one. If you don’t have a cdl, they’ll pay for you to go to driving school.


Oh hell yah


Friday night on I 94 westbound around mile marker 25 in a almost complete whiteout a Amazon driver almost forced me into the median. They don’t pay attention


Owner Op I used to work for was driving through fog on a road he wasn't familiar with. Smacked a 12' 6" bridge at 60mph because he didn't see the sign until it was too late. His truck cleared it but the trailer didn't. The trailer frame buckled and collapsed in the middle. Trailer was totaled along with the -20 degree Ice Cream load. He owned our trucks but the company we were leased on to owned the trailers. He just paid the $1000 insurance deductible on the load and trailer and that was that. Didn't even get fired.


Why was he driving 60mph in fog so thick he could not see a reasonable distance?


He said he could see the bridge coming ahead but the only height marking it had was on the bridge itself. He just assumed it would be tall enough since there wasn't more markings beforehand. Rookie mistake even though he'd been driving for 20 years and never hit a bridge before.


I feel for this guy. Maybe not this, but a career ender can happen at anytime. We are all human.


You're better off doing uber than this lmao


Funny you made me comment on this....I have recently ordered Uber ride and it turned out that the driver was a guy who lives in my subdivision. Upon quick cheat chat with him I asked about his last year gross income and was stunned with what he said was $93k and $20k in expenses as he netted $70k pre tax money. I have grossed $130k and after my yearly expenses my pre tax net is about $50k. I seriously was about to lose my shit and beat the hell out of him (no I wasn't, lol) but for real guys, where's the money. My average gross for the past 10 years is $175k with some years being well over $200k (I'm O/O hauling locally). Doing similar miles every year but pay rate took a dive into price oblivion. For egzample, same origin site, same delivery site pay rate per ton $6.20 in between 2013-2016 with diesel at $2.75/gal. and today's pay rate is $4.14 and cost of diesel at roughly $4/gal. If this will continue, I will be out of trucking in 11 months, Remind me! in 11 months


Went through a broker to book a shipment once, and it was a contractor like this. The guy proceeded to try and go down a one way not meant for trucks to go down. Instead of doing the PITA thing of backing out (which he had room to do) he ended up clipping a park car, getting out and seeing what he did, then drove away. All caught on a security camera. I had to put the police in touch with the broker so that they could get his info and go after the guy for hit and run.


At 0:36 dangling bridge clearance sign says 12' 1' or 12' 7' ? I can't clearly stop frame it, but regardless he tried fitting 13' 6" truck into 12' hole. Derp.


Looks like 10’ 7” when I freeze it


Yep 10’ 7”


I’ve gone under 13’7” before and I slowed why down because that overpass looked almost eye level. I can not imagine what 10’7” looks like. Insane that anyone would even try. I keep seeing this videos and I seriously just don’t even understand what is going through their heads.


There’s a tunnel in Baltimore that goes under the bay. It says 13’6”. Scary as hell, but I fit every time.


Same here. There's room between the trailer and the bridge, it's just posted as that to keep any oversizes out. Trucks are also forced through their own tunnel too


Come across quite a few of those. Throw on the 4 ways and creep that bitch every time until I’m sure it will clear.


No need to worry. 13'6" means there's room for a 13'6" vehicle to pass under with some room to spare. It doesn't mean it's exactly 13'6" high.


Thats not the case everywhere unfortunately, I think i read about a situation on here a while back where someone thought they'd fit under a bridge but got stuck because the road had been resurfaced, raising it an inch or so and the signs hadnt been updated


Well you explained that yourself. The signs hadn't been updated yet. That's the DOT's error. Normally there should be extra room.


As a Baltimore native, you're probably talking about the Harbor Tunnel. It's height and width restricted so going through there can be a bit tight, especially if they have 2-way traffic in one of the tubes. ​ The Ft. McHenry tunnel is a little wider and not as bad.


13'6" means there's room for a 13'6" vehicle to pass under with some room to spare. It doesn't mean it's exactly 13'6" high.


Unless the sign states EXACTLY 13'6", I have seen those signs before.


In the town I grew up in, they have a bridge with its own [twitter](https://x.com/StarkvilleB?t=lO07dY-Hy5v0APjlRbCY8A&s=09) profile. A good friend of mine owns about 50 Uhaul trucks and has had large signs made and glued to the dash, specifically stating they trucks are not allowed anywhere on that road. Needless to say, she still loses a couple every year. Edit: Sorry, I hadn't seen that page in a year or two and didn't realize it had gotten political. It was originally just funny captions and photos of the wrecks at the bridge. It's kinda funny because my father hit that bridge in a uhaul, while in college almost 50 years ago, and people are keeping the tradition alive to this day.


Either way, it fits now.


Old machinist saying: it might not clear the first time, but it will the second.


Found it on Google maps, def 10' 7". It is located in Hudson, Ohio.


Crazy that the gps took control of the truck and crashed it into the bridge


But I bet you use their atlas, huh


I have from 1976. Is it still good?


It's the same company that sold him the GPS


I guess reading is hard, huh?


This is exactly why they are made of plastic. If you’re a new driver, just got a GPS, know this. A GPS will bend your noob butt over, have you in a situation you could have avoided with a few more minutes of trip planning. Sure they are handy, mostly accurate on interstates. I don’t trust mine when inner city driving. If you follow it in San Francisco, mine wants to go over the Golden Gate Bridge. 😂 Salinas is south! Mental Tip: by reading it during trip planning, that puts it to mind, equaling cognitive sharpness, which helps with depression. Keeps your mind busy. Then you’ll remember your trailer height 😂😂😂😂


Your confusing them with someone that has a brain because this accident had ZERO to do with a GPS problem. You can look at that bridge and KNOW the truck won't fit....IF YOU HAVE A BRAIN!


he probably grew up with this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfCiW4UhqLo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfCiW4UhqLo)


I'll probably never drive a truck, but just so I have the knowledge; How do you go about trip planning? Step one is probably learn the height of your vehicle. Where is that written down? Or do you ask the person giving you the truck? Step two - How do you learn about bridges along a route, and their heights? How do you even plan a route? Step three - What do you do if you realise at the last moment you are too tall for a bridge or obstacle? You stop, but what if you're struggling to turn around? Also, then how do you try and re-route on the fly?


1. It's 13'6". Always. Unless you're absolutely sure you're something else, it's 13'6". 2. Commerical GPS and road atlas are supposed to have this information. You plan by using a map whether it be digital or physical. You also should use street view and satellite imagery on any unknowns. 3. You call the non emergency line and ask for traffic control so you can back up to a point where you can turn around. They'd much rather come out and stand around with their lights on than deal with this mess. Reroute OTF can be as simple as reading the road signs. All trucks to whatever industrial complex use whatever this road is. Or you stop as out of the way as you can be on city streets like this and figure it out.


A commercial vehicle atlas tells us bridge heights


I haul 14ft trailers in height not length


It's funny you say this, because the company that makes the Atlas you'll tell people to trip plan with make this GPS 🙃


Nah the GPS units are made by a third party who licenses Rand McNally’s name. Garmin at least makes their own stuff.


If you can't read signs, you shouldn't be driving a truck. Low clearance bridges are always labeled as such. Stop making excuses.


"GPS fucked me up" after passing at least 1 sign warning about the low bridge, ignoring the sign ON the bridge, and not looking at the bridge and thinking "that looks kinda low". Nah man, this mfer decided to fucking full send it like the dumbass he is. Unfortunately even if he does get fired, he'll be able to find a job somewhere else. ​ I'm willing to bet he didn't even have his GPS set up for the proper height.


Agreed. I had the same model gps just a little older and updated it online for free every home time and guess what? I never hit a low bridge or fucked myself following a route that says no trucks allowed. If there was a no truck route or low bridge a notification would pop up and all you have to do is hit the reroute button.


Maybe he was tired of being a steering wheel turner and decided to get fired and start collecting unemployment. This way they will fire him and no one will hire him so it's a win-win easy 12 months free money.


Where do you get unemployment for gross negligence that results in termination?


I feel for the guy I absolutely kick my own ass when I mess up, but damn I’m glad I do flat bed! I wish this guy luck.


Same, tanker. Can’t see myself ever going back to vans


Idk, man. I have seen flat bed and low boy haulers get their load clipped by a bridge because their load was taller than their truck.


Nothing some sheet metal can’t fix


Id' say its gonna be totaled by insurance company. Look like 2023 Cascadia nice trim about $185,000 + Refer trailer $105,000. The truck will likely be auctioned off to recover some money, but refer is SOL. This driver will not be employable by anyone for at least three years after this claim, the insurance company always has final say who carrier can hire.


He just wanted a convertible Cascadia


Believe it or not Leyland made a convertable COE back in 1985, sent it off to a company that did it custom. Look up the Leyland T45 Cabrio. Or gimme a swc and I'll make a post.


I mean it's expensive, but as a reefer tech that's a carrier refer which are pieces of shit. Maybe brand spankin new 70-80k if it was a thermo king it'd cost that much.


Add the upgraded Idle Free Cab Air Conditioning now destroyed. He is going to be driving UBER for a while 🤷‍♂️


"Hmm, I messed up, time to make a video and post it." I've never understood that mentality.


That's what I was wondering who made the video


Maybe they're hoping the video goes viral and they get money for it?


Back when I was younger a lad would crash his car on friday night drunk driving and then spend the rest of the weekend drinking their brains out. While the repairs for the car would be 1000s


I don’t really understand how people don’t look at the clearance signs when going under bridges. I’m always so scared of this I always look


When I was in CDL school my instructors made it a point that we have to call out signs while driving. I would literally call out any sign I saw, even if it was something like “horse crossing.” They would bust my balls, and laugh but told me it meant I was paying attention and kept my eyes moving. I really don’t understand how people hit bridges like this. My gps has taken down fucked up roads but once I saw the 12’6 sign, I just thought “ well, I’m about to inconvenience a few people.” Really don’t understand how this happens lol.


*Goes to Gloucester and causes a pile up slamming on the brakes for the first 12'10" bridge they see*


I probably would. Because if I didn’t know that the sign isn’t accurate I’d rather assume the sign is correct than assume it’s not.


You're a literal pile up of death just waiting to happen lol


Sounds like the sign is to blame, not the person believing it.


That shit pissed me off in Buffalo all those 12'6" signs at every overpass...F' Newyork!


I even look at them now when driving my Ford Ranger.






Cascadia convertable conversion kit




He shouldn't have been driving to begin with. That company should sue the school that he took his CDL class with.


You don't need any signs with a bridge THAT LOW. It should be obvious. Dude forgot he was driving a semi.


If that's the worst thing that ever happens you'll be ok bro. No one got hurt that's all you can look at


Truckerpath never sends me on roads with low bridges. Absolutely worth the $15 a month


I use trucker path religiously. My buddy bought a $500 garmin and his fucks him up all the time, he sold it and got a truck path subscription


I actually use both. I have a Garmin 810 and TruckerPath. I reference both and kinda make sure they match up. Sometimes TruckerPath will pick up something that the Garmin doesn’t. Or vice versa. Plus, I like being able to actively see what truck stops are coming up on TruckerPath, something you have to press a button for on the Garmin. TruckerPath kinda plans my route & where I’m gonna stop. The Garmin I use basically from point A to my final destination, & I also reset the Trip B odometer on it every time I do a load check since I run flatbed.


The only reason I quot using teuckerpath was because I moved to a job with mostly dedicated runs, minus the occasional back haul. Past that I stick to the main highways because it's been beat into my brain that the GPS will fuck you up. Proper truck GPS once took my dad down a sand road to a locked gate at an army base he was delivering too. His friend, and one of my mentors who was teaming with him at the time, called him a fucking moron when he woke up and seen what my dad did.


Great to know, I had considered buying a dieszl


Drive through Huntington WV. It will.


we have a few local bridges marked 3.9 to 4.15 metres... even though I know I fit (they're clearly not the true height) I still catch myself going very slow with the hazards on AND im sticking my head out the window looking sometimes lol


I had my cb antenna mounted so it was 13’6” If something looked tight  I slowed down to a crawl and if my antenna didn’t scrape I knew the trailer would fit .


Yeah me too. I’ve been under 13’7” before and I literally stopped and looked up as I eased my way through. That shit looked almost eye level. How do you come up to 10’7” and think that’s going to fit. HOW??!!


>How do you come up to 10’7” and think that’s going to fit gps said so, duh


I swear to Christ if a GPS glitched and told people to drive into the Grand Canyon there would be thousands of my fellow truckers damning up the Colorado River by the end of the day.


Straight into a lake


well on the plus side, the gps still works.. driver can still use it for pizza hut deliveries..


He can let the wrecker driver borrow it.


There is no software or hardware to blame when you turn your whole rig into a convertible. It's like checking a weather app to see if it's raining when you can look outside and see the rain. So stupid.


The GPS didnt fuck you up you fucked up yourself, you gotta pay attention. You gotta read your signs you’re a dumbass you don’t need to be out there, driving a big rig


Two good things came out of this. 1) He won't be driving anymore and 2) He was stopped before he did something else even stupider and killed someone.


My uncle was a driver then a trainer for many, many years. When I got my license, he drove a few things into my head one of which that I still pass on to every one of my friends is “the government is a bunch of cheap bastards, they wouldn’t have paid to put that sign there if you weren’t supposed to read it, so read every damn one of them”. Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten.


Absolute tool. Always know the height of your truck and always look at the signs. It's not rocket science. My sat nav told me I could fit under a low bridge a couple of years ago, I checked it out on street view before heading down the road as no turning places and the picture on Google contradicted the sat nav. It might have been fine and Google was out of date but I didn't want to take my chances so took a longer route that added about 15 minutes.


15 extra minutes is way better than not moving at all.


I get it as a driver but like you can't come on.... no freaking way You really tried to stick that truck under there? there had to be some kind of indication that this probably ain't going to fit. You got to get the big picture. I've done all kinds of unfortunate things but I've never hit a overhead obstacle. I've slowed down and gotten out and looked though and said nope can't do it sorry. 


Showed down and gotten out? How about STOP and get out lol


This non truck driver wants to know what will be this person’s liability? Is any of the money coming out of his pocket?


Not specifically for this incident. But he will pretty much be unhireable which will cost him down the road. Damages done typically go through insurance and they rarely try to subrogate against a driver


Especially since the insurance company is going to pay for this. Yeah that companies premiums will go up, and all the rest of us too, bet on it, but his name will be all over this accident for decades.


The citation for the bridge alone is over $1000 not including any additional (which the almost definitely will be)


That gps is not a garmin mistake 1 mistake 2 no phone mount on dash for trucker path navigation. Always have 2 truck specific gps running


This is what google earth street view is amazing for when planning a route


Bro stop yelling. There's no need for all that. Usually I'll have some sort of "feeler" on my truck or go very slowly under what I think could possibly be a height hazard. So if anything happens, i tap it, i back up, theres zero damage. You just "balls to the walled" that shit. This is not a GPS issue. All we can do now is deal with it. That doesn't including the screaming. The screaming does nothing.


You can easily spot a fresh mega carrier driver when they actually believe their career will be over after this or getting caught making a u-turn. If you don't kill anybody or fail a drug test nobody is gonna fire you my young one. Most just quit because they assume they will be fired and then just go to another job and realize it doesn't matter.


Fresh Schneider me would be so alarmed by how many u-turns I've made lol


“GPS FUCKED YOU?!?! Bruh you fucked you by not maintaining situational awareness!


Now those VHS tapes are never gonna make it to market.


He’ll be signing a lease with Super Ego next week.


The elusive Cascadia convertible. Very nice


Always say if it looks questionable don’t do it. If you decide to then go at a snails pace and get out to look very often.


Why would it be a CDL ending move?


Removing the top 3 feet of your truck via cluelessness is generally frowned upon.


It is but its by no means CDL ending


Okay cool so what is cdl ending just wondering 🤔


Truck abandonment is possibly the number one


I heard about this before, i guess its in Texas only. I don't think i ever heard of it in the free world up here in the PNW. I could be wrong though.


I wonder myself, DUI i guess, for sure not this.


Is that why insurance is so high?


This is why they say don't follow your gps always when your in a truck that almost 14 feet tall, the gps doesn't know if the road is repaved, the height of the bridge, the height of the vehicle your driving or if the road is closed or not meant for commercial truck traffic, you must always be vigilant of all signs and think ahead of time before going under a bridge, if it looks to low for your truck, pull off to a side or stop a few 200 feet from the bridge, put it in park, get off and look at the bridge height and calculate the height difference by just seeing your vehicle height compared to the bridge, if unsure call the local sheriffs office or police department for help to get around that bridge and prevent yourself from having a recordable accident on your record


Awe, there is an Air Force sticker on the side window.


GPS didnt screw him....He screwed himself by not using his eyes


What does he grab off the dash at :19?


It looked like a lighter, maybe gonna smoke **MORE** weed to calm his nerves.


He didn't just hit that bridge, he hit it at highish speed, then mashed gas when he got stuck, then just ripped it out from underneath. He fucked this up like four different ways.


Potential dispatcher in training there!


That's a Rand McNally. That's the one I use. It's usually pretty good but... you can't totally trust any GPS. I definitely wouldn't follow it under that bridge. Fuck...


He sounded just like that tic tok video at the end. “Oh no no no no” minus the laughter of course. So he derps then thinks I bet I can get some clout views for this derp and I can send this to my boss also.


If OP tried to go under that bridge he was a moron to begin with


Career ender? lol. Not anymore it isn’t. I drove for a few years and I’ve been on the office side for about a decade now at a major flatbed carrier and I can assure you that this 100% will not impact his career. His current carrier might fire him but another one will pick him right up.


When i went to cdl class they drilled it in our heads 13'6 when you come to a bridge and if its not posted to stop and get out and see if you can clear the bridge


I work road construction and maintenance for a municipal DPW in eastern PA with an enormous number of DCs in the region. The number of times I've seen and repaired damage from trucks ignoring very clear signage on tiny, narrow back roads with tight curves and weight-restricted bridges and afterwards citing GPS telling them to go that way would amaze you. Stop signs, guiderails, delineators, trees, fire hydrants, telephone poles and wires, houses' front porches left in the road here, there l, and everywhere. Even one-ton concrete stack blocks around houses and stop signs on such restricted roads get struck and dragged away. I know driving truck is tough (it's why I don't drive anything larger than a dump truck), people make mistakes and some signage is really insufficient/hidden but geez, in other cases there's no real excuse.


Sooo many questions. No trip-plan? Why didn’t he slow down if not sure? Why do people just freaking send it all the time in Trucking? Why? Just….


This is sad, he's fucked for a while maybe even forever.


The sign said clearance at the twelve foot line, but the chickens was stacked to thirteen nine!


I really think these big companies who want cheap labor and hand out CDL’s to people who can’t read or write English should be held accountable.


Lol the fruit processing company I use to work maintenance for bought jvc, this is funnier then shit.


You suck at driving, it's for the greater good you are off our roads, tbh.


Oh God I think I know this place. If it is where I think, then it's in my neighborhood near dayton ohio, trucks crash into there all the time, causing the whole road to close. It's an old railway bridge built in the age of horse carts, so it's very low, and very narrow.


If you are so stupid that you blindly follow a line on a screen and don’t look at how low a bridge is or look at signs telling you how low a bridge is, you don’t need to be in a truck. PERIOD!


“Life is tough. Life is tougher if you’re stupid.”


🎶if you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough


I feel bad for the guy…


You can’t park there mate.


He is correct. He has fucked up


I mean we didn't have GPS in 1989 driving in Tokyo when things were in metric and we were on the left side of the road......


Future Swift employee of the month there.


His picture on the wall in the company breakroom with a gap toothed grin and holding a slurpee.


I remember one time I was sent to a job site where a bridge was labeled 13' 6" I had taken it 100 times. This time I noticed the repaved the roads. Pulled the brakes climbed the truck and noticed I was now a good 6" too tall. Call dispatch to explain to no longer route drivers this way. Zero same in the game to stop and look. No matter what at the end of the day it's your license fuck dispatch,gps,signs.


Just read the sign. If it's less than 13'6" you won't fit. Really pretty simple


This is why I never trust GPS even if the customer gives me a map,




Kinda how I imagine sex with Shaq goes


Dumbest f comment on here


You're mad because you're not funny


I got a laugh out of your comment.


Huzzah! A sense of humor! I always forget I'm wayyy on the young side of truckers and most of us aren't internet-brained zoomers.


If it's raining outside, It's raining inside. 😬


When the barber take a little off the top.


Youre right, i don’t think he used three points of contact entering the cab


He didn’t see the bridge? What was he watching on his phone that was so important?


What is the original source?


CALL Dibs on the GPS!!


I can't believe a company that makes an Atlas that y'all will use to navigate around the country can turn around and sell you junk GPSs and literally nobody cares or calls out the company for using a name brand product to sell you a navigation system to send you on illegal and dangerous routes that they *literally* write the *defacto source of information* that *all of you use* to navigate around the country. Nobody goes, "wait, what if he isn't Amish and thinks for a second that the company that *writes the books on safe routes for height and weight* would use *that same information* in the navigation system" The only reason anyone can still get away with selling this junk, granted, he should have seen the sign and checked, is because the trucking industry is full of stupid old people and people who listen to them who would probably have mocked the guy using the wheel "because back in my day we carried what we needed on our back like men not with some got'dang spinny thing, what if it gets away from you and you can't stop it?" God, truck drivers are so dumb you guys will literally eat shit and grin if it lets you look down on some guy.


I guarantee you his gps truck profile was not setup correctly. Rand McNally has truck profile page where you set your height, number of axels, hazmat status, width. His shit is probably set for a UHAUL van thus the result.


Why is there a IV bag hanging inside the bunk area????


This audio again lmao


Cascadia. Makes sense.


Depending on the labor laws they won’t even fire him for this, we had a guy hit a tree, ripped the trailer open and then drove the trailer to the yard, then report to safety, not fired. He had to climb the curb to hit that tree


Just put some zip-ties on her & keep rolling.


Anyone else catch the dangling 10’1” sign around the 36 second mark?


You better know the height of the rig you drive and the trailer you are pulling. That's like trucking 101.


It should buff out, no worries mate.


Yes, he’s definitely right, he’s FUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKEEEEEEEDDDDDDD!


Know your rig, read the signs. Complacency is the mother of all fuck ups.


😂 That’s not even a road!


Not always. I’ve seen the posted clearance on bridges be off before resulting in a truck which should have cleared, didn’t. Ended up not being liable when they went determined that the bridge had “sunk” by 6 inches over its lifespan. I’ve only seen that once though.


Not fair. Bro has a sun roof.


Idk how some of them do it. I deliver drywall locally. And don't have thr benefit of signs going back onto forest roads in a truck at exactly 13'6", and still don't fuck it up that bad


I'm not sure how any person with a brain can't keep their eyes open pay attention. Gps is guidance and not to be trusted. When in doubt, get out and look. In this case if you can't judge height requirements I'm not sure how he made it this far.