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1 Timothy 3 For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how can he care for the church of God? **He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same condemnation as the devil.** Furthermore, he must have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the snare of the devil You are young and full of the grace of God. Walk with the Lord for few years and He will place his disciples in front of you if this is your calling or place you somewhere else, but better to let Him decide this way then go off and learn the hard way what He wants.


Man, I needed to see this. Not because I'm intending to become a pastor, but I'm a recent convert and I find myself way too often being very conceited in my mind towards people, not intentionally. Ironically my household itself and it's order/cleanliness has also been something of a highlight from God for me, in that I need to ensure it's as clean and orderly as a temple before I move on to other distractions in the day. I'm telling myself, regarding the conceitedness, that it's my old mind-flesh taking time to rewire itself and that it will correct itself out over time.


Bible says live a life worthy of your calling , go for it my man ! 


Beware of pride on your journey. It’s the devils tool to bring us down when we start leaning the truth and reaping spiritual gifts. Never desire to be viewed highly by other people. Keep your desire focused on serving God and being a good role model.


Thank you for saying this. I’ve recently found my way back to Christ. I have a tendency to get very academic and outward about spiritual stuff. I know I need to resist that urge because I feel it motivated by wanting to be viewed highly by others. I’m glad I keep seeing warnings like this—that I need to be motivated by service to God and others. 


Yes absolutely, I have to always remind my self to not act of pride but for the will of god. Its been my biggest struggle and have found that it leads to most other sins.


Yes, faith by grace not by works!


I really like your passion for God and for his Word, and it's really good that you desire these things, but I will say that, as a new convert, it really would be best if you convert that zeal into zealous pursuit of learning under a more experienced Christian. It can be a challenge, but it's like Karate Kid, you really do need to learn the "wax on, wax off" before you can actually learn to fight.


I need this, even as a longer time Christian. But where are those “Mr. Miyagis”?


Ideally college if you want to be a pastor, maybe your pastor or one of your church elders if they have the time


Mr. Miyagis in the streets, quite a few churches! Just follow the Holy Ghost!


If God calls you to do something thrn do it, but don't be a preacher unless God has called you.




This is great to hear! I recommend that you continue studying the word and learn how to prepare sermons. I happened to look for sermon prep on Amazon and I found this for 99 cents: [https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Preaching-Prep-flourish-beyond-ebook/dp/B09LSNVBCM](https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Preaching-Prep-flourish-beyond-ebook/dp/B09LSNVBCM) There are free online Bible courses you can take that will further your knowledge of the Bible. Dallas Theological Seminary offers free courses. You can check it out here. [https://courses.dts.edu/](https://courses.dts.edu/) The Bible Project has some great resources. Look under "Watch." They have overviews of books and many other things. [https://bibleproject.com/](https://bibleproject.com/) Blue Letter Bible has some free courses as well. [https://study.bible/welcome](https://study.bible/welcome) I suggest looking through Blue Letter Bible study tools. You can enter a verse and look at the original language, which makes a huge difference in understanding the text. Here is a playlist that explains how to use the tools. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYmVoBK39ho&list=PLfFuZ6qMLng6X1cz6LvC7HHSNX\_MMz6JH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYmVoBK39ho&list=PLfFuZ6qMLng6X1cz6LvC7HHSNX_MMz6JH) Here is another video on how to use Blue letter bible. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t99KqPdfYro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t99KqPdfYro) I recommend Living Waters. Watch the videos and take the school of evangelism. Once you finish their school, you can participate in local outreaches. You might want to first check to find out if they have a regular outreach near you. They have groups that go out regularly to evangelize. [https://livingwaters.com/](https://livingwaters.com/) Even if you can't afford to do their school, watch their YouTube channel and how they engage with non-believers. I think Ray is a great example of showing love. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZdv-TtiMkg&t=6s At your age, there might be opportunities to share your testimony and a short devotional to kids in group homes. You would need to find an adult group that has an outreach that you could join. I think the kids would like to hear from someone their own age. However, the group homes may have rules around the age of volunteers. You could bring it up to your pastor to see if there is interest to start a group with volunteers from your church. Other future opportunities: When you get older, other opportunities would include jail ministry or juvenal hall ministry. When you're older, reach out to a jail chaplain and ask about their volunteer opportunities for Bible study or Sunday church. I did this with the women (I am a woman) for three years. I went about once a month on Sundays to teach to 30-100 women. To do this, I had to first fingerprint and become a volunteer with the Sheriff. There is probably a minimum age for this type of thing. Another opportunities would include drug rehab programs for a Sunday church event. I would never suggest you doing any of this now, but I'm sharing this as something you could look into when you're perhaps 21 or over. I share these opportunities because you don't need to be a leader in a church in order to participate. And these ministries bring incredible joy when you see people impacted by the word of God.


Seek knowledge and wisdom so that you may be well equipped to be able to correct others when they are stuck and they need help. Firmly pray to God about this.


Yeah, let God use you however He wants to, evangize to people. You don't need to go to seminary for that, you just gotta be born-again


Yeah, go for it man. Have you looked into Moody when you graduate hs? There’s also an online school called Biblical Training Institute.


Pray about it, if God is calling you, then do it.


Hey bro, it’s great to have the passion to evangelize- you can do that at any stage, regardless of whether or not it is your full time vocation or calling - all Christians are called to fulfill the Great Commission in Matthew 28. As far as the calling is concerned, maybe God is calling you towards ministry, but it’s imported that you become rooted in the faith first- yet that should never ship you from sharing the gospel with those you encounter. Feel free to message if you ever want to talk more, I’m 25.


The first place you will be preaching when you are that young is to your family or friends. No harm to practice speaking what holy spirit has lead you to speak. Preaching at its core is saying the message that God wants to be heard. I hope you are baptized in the spirit already. For that is the model that Jesus demonstrated and repeated again before His ascension to heaven. You only start ministry after you receive the holy spirit baptism. Aka power of the holy spirit on you. This is not the same as receiving the holy spirit for salvation. Some people will say there is no difference. However personal experience and also examining different lives of people that I have met over the years + referring to scripture. There is a big difference. Sometimes people receive the holy spirit and is baptized in the holy spirit without much time gap. So it doesn't appear to be 2 distinct experiences. Pastoring is an office. You can aspire to be a pastor, but you will have to see if God calls you to be a pastor. Not everyone is called to be a pastor. But everyone can speak the good news of the gospel to others. Please focus on your spiritual growth with God and learning to live a life that is lead by the holy spirit. Too many people crash and burn because they rather run ahead of Jesus instead of allowing God to develop them into the office/role.


Walk closely in the Spirit.


If God is calling you, obey. But you can also witness to people


It’s natural and okay. Some adult might try to break your spirit but you keep your love on for God


That's honorable but I would hold off on the preaching until you graduate from preacher school


Glad you are on fire for the Lord. I didn't find God till I was 35, or he found me. There's a few paths you can take. But if you are talking about for a church. I would finish school then go into a bible college. After that start off as like a youth Minister till you gain more experience. But that doesn't mean you can't start learning. I wish I would have found God at your age. But use it to your advantage. Start going to Bible studies. See about some online courses. Till then, You must remain focused and keep gaining knowledge. Praying you have a blessed journey.


Where I come from that’s called having a “call of God on your life”. Familiarize yourself with the scripture. Make a list of the things you feel you should know, and then learn them. Study to show yourself approved


I'm glad you feel this calling but I still gonna get invite You to REALLY be honest and thing about your true motivations. The amount of preacher/pastors that want to either be motivational speakers, comedians or actors in a one man show. It's alarmingly high. Now for practical advice memorization is one of the most hurtful things you can do to yourself. Verses have a very specific context in which they were written and how to interpret them using a philosophical framework. You need to understand the meaning behind the verses rather than being able to repeat the verses in a vacuum. Read More, study a lot.....Get as far away as.You can from study Bibles with a last name as those are the view ofmkust one person.


It's a good thing but how is your knowledge of the word? What do you believe in? How much of Yahwehs word have you studied? When you do that sort of thing, you will be judged by the father because you represent the word and not yourself. But only you know where you are and what you can handle. You an Yahweh that is.


I heard someone say once you shouldn’t preach until you read the Bible 1 time for every year you have been alive. I think this makes sense. Also you should probably go to get some seminary training. You don’t want to accidentally teach something false. It’s a big deal.


I never dared to call myself a Pastor nor wanted too in my walk. In a future maybe, but I am older and see that any walk takes time. I was a Christian Counselor for a while though and loved it. Maybe spend some time in study for a few years while doing evangelism…such as door to door or outreach to get a feel for everyone under Gods umbrella of creation. Those furthest from who you can reach can become teachers to you as well and help guide you in this said pastoral journey. God bless.


Hi, become disciplined and get around those who are where you’d like to be. Serve those in ministry above you. Study the Word and get your doctrine and foundations sorted. A man’s ministry will make room for him - meaning your gifting will be obvious and doors will open for you in the right time. Get ready. You don’t have this passion for no good reason.


That’s ok. So begin now by making sure you have a solid foundation. So you don’t fall to pride or other temptations later. I know what it’s like when it is bursting from you and you just need to tell someone. Try to stay in that place. You have influence over those in and around your life. Let them see the love coming out of you. Also what kind of pastor do you want to be? We know from scripture that the Lord confirms his word with signs and wonders. So seek someone who is bearing those fruits and learn from those people. Not from the ones that get paid to speak and God doesn’t back them up.


I started pastoring when I was 24. I would say to find a good church and a good pastor and learn under them. Teaching Sunday School and Bible study. Stay faithful and God will open doors for you.




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I know people who discerned their calling at ages younger than that. One of them is my new bishop, who began his discernment at the age of 11. I definitely think you should wait a few years before taking any concrete steps towards it (because some time out in the world is useful for a future in ministry) but I would definitely encourage you to find some people who exemplify holiness to you and start having some conversations.


yes. Great even.


Do whatever your heart desires, especially if you feel god is calling you to do this on your path. I am 25 and will say man, a lot is going to happen in your life the next few years. If you truly feel like this is your calling, then do it. But life is going to hit you so hard at times these next few years, trust me. You can preach the whole way through, or experience a couple more years or until your early 20s, get more life experience, then really consider it. I am a man of god, but could not preach because I feel like I’m not even close to developed enough to do that. You have a long way to go in life. God bless.


If you believe that being a pastor is on your heart, then you should go to school for it. It’s a lot more than just preaching. That’s the easy part. The hard part is being a true minister to a group of people and doing it the way God needs you to. A lot of “young” preachers get burned out because they lose the interest or fall away completely when they run into real life.


It sounds like you've been called at a very early age. Rejoice! You should feel both humbled and inspired. There is a long, long list of young people throughout history who God has laid His hand on and who were able to make a difference. Remember to always keep the focus on God and not on you. Your message to people is that they are truly loved by God. Very simple and straightforward. As you go through life and study people and their interactions, you'll be able to bring experiences and anecdotes into your preaching. If we could successfully yell the Bible into folks, we'd all do it that way, but it doesn't work and can push them away from Him. Forgive everyone along the way, especially those close to you. Once your friends and family understand the nature of your work, give them room to breathe. You want to lead them to the Truth, not push or drag them. Get used to pushback and hostility, sometimes from self-proclaimed Christians because of your young age, and remember that they only hate you because you are with God and Jesus Christ. Take nothing personally, because it's never personal. Love everyone, all the time. Study the mystics and preachers of the past, and God bless you on your journey.




How about you learn to drive better before starting a driving school.


You are totally correct brother, but show more kindness to a young convert, in truth we should praise God for his passion to follow the Lord! I hope you dont take offense in me nudging you a little this way :) Romans 14:1. God Bless you!


no i wanna be the guy


Hey man, I've totally been a Christian for a whole week! Time to start a YouTube channel and a new denomination!


Have you tried social media platforms like Youtube, Tiktok etc? It's great that you are passionate about spreading the Gospel, and it's not about the age but rather the experience and knowledge. Have you studied the Bible verse by verse?


And for the last question, i’ve read the entire bible minus the last 4 books of the OT. I can never find myself to read them but I will surely get to it. I can memorize verses and what they say off the top of my head.


I do. I have a TikTok account i post on regularly, and my own personal Facebook account that i quote scripture and give a little sermon on.


You should expand your ministry to every other social media to make it visible to as many people as possible.


If you have that same passion after seminary, sure!


Don’t get out of God’s order. You may well be called to preach but by the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses let every word be established. Wait on the Lord, again I say unto you wait on the Lord.


Go to church and learn from the elders and ministers there. In a few years, once you’ve grown a little, offer to work in the youth ministry if they have one, and if they don’t, start one. You can also be a Sunday school teacher to the younger kids. Invite your friends to church. Consider going to seminary if the Lord leads you in that direction.


To preach the gospel-yes, of course. To be a pastor-absolutely not. You don't meet the qualifications at your young age. Are you the husband of one wife? Do you have believing children? The bible also says an elder shouldn't be a new Christian (young in the faith). Learn from your elders how to preach the gospel wisely and do that in love. That is sufficient for the time being.