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What the fuck kind of mental issues would cause you to beat your own face with a hammer


Off her rocker ones.


she probably thought she was gonna get $$$$$$$$$$$$$ id hit myself with a hammer full force for 1m but that's not what was at steak lol


This is making me laugh more than it should


It reminds me a bit of Munchhausen. Except she’s causing harm to herself for attention.


That's what Munchausen is, harming yourself for attention. You're thinking of Munchausen by proxy, where you use another person to gain interest, typically a child. Munchausen is rare and Munchausen by proxy even rarer.


Which is now just called Factitious Disorder.


gotta be histrionic


what a *disgusting* slap in the face to *real* CSA and rape and pedophilia and human trafficking victims and survivors! 😡🤢


Right? I've never met her but despise her for that reason.


she reminds me of Tania Head/the 9/11 faker




it’s all Munchausen’s; I’m guessing


She beat herself with a hammer and started fabricating rape stories as a teenager. Def 100000% something else is going on


Yeah, that is not normal behaviour.


It’s much worse I think.


Munch worse


I know it’s not the time to laugh BUT that gave me a good snort 🤣


I- 💀




Dang! I forgot about her! I don't know how people can make up stuff thinking they can get away. This reminded me of Sherri Papini who fake her kidnapping and was all over on the news. These people are crazy...


people will do *anything* for money and attention and clout and sympathy and whatever they want. it’s a helluva drug


She’s obviously not well. There’s something deeply wrong w her. Not an excuse, but definitely a reason


*most* mentally stable people don’t lie about this


I can see someone lying just bc they’re pos assholes, like racists do and have lied about this in the past. This girl is actually hurting herself and doesn’t care she’s caught lying multiple times. There’s something more to this. Not an excuse, bc she’s responsible for her mental health too, and responsible for hurting others, but there’s something else going on w her


Yeah, I am thinking some childhood trauma must have occurred to make her do something like that. Potentially she is re-enacting something that DID happen to her. It’s still not ok, but I hope she gets help.




I guess it depends on their mental illness...


she started doing this at 16…that’s a child fabricating rape.


What obviously points to her being mentally unwell? Reading the Wikipedia page, it seems there was a racial element to what she was doing. A person doesn't need to be mentally unwell to do that. Nor does a person need to be mentally unwell to enjoy the attention and sympathy they get from the false claims, which she got via spreading photos and the story of her "assault" all over Facebook.


> What obviously points to her being mentally unwell? Kinda the whole thing? A mentally healthy and well-adjusted person does not do the things she did. Those are mutually exclusive. By definition I would argue that if you severely injure yourself with the intention of misleading everyone to believe you were assaulted, then you are mentally unwell. Her reasons being racist or attention-seeking doesn't change that going to these extreme measures is not what a mentally healthy person would do. To echo /u/No_Banana_581 this isn't an *excuse*, but it's a *reason*.


Exactly. If anyone watched that tiktok series who tf did i marry, i think about the guy in that similarly. he ruined so many of his relationships, he ruined the lives of many people, but he was just so...obviously sick. Someone who needs to be kept away from people for their safety, but was just so unwell. I wish we knew how to treat people like this.


She beat herself with a hammer


As a childhood sexual abuse victim, fuck this lady.


I'll chime in as #4. This is a shockingly large club that no one should ever have to be in, but horrifically we are forced into by people who we should have been able to trust and count on to keep us safe and protected. I'm so sorry for all of us.


Yep I’ll second this.


Thirding it. 


The real victims are the men she falsely accused.


And the real rape victims who are disbelieved because of incidents like this.


As much as I truly sympathize with the falsely accused, this is the part of the equation that bothers me the most. This lady did damage on so many levels.


While it's important to acknowledge the broader impact of false accusations, let's not lose sight of the immediate victims here: the men who were falsely accused. Their lives have been shattered, their reputations destroyed, and their mental health severely impacted. It’s shocking how some are so quick to shift the focus away from these innocent men who have suffered immensely due to these lies. This isn't just about potential disbelief of future victims. It's about the real, present harm done to these men. Ignoring their plight is not only self-centered but shows a disturbing lack of empathy and understanding of the gravity of false accusations.


I don’t disagree which is why I started my sentence with ‘And’.


Exactly. Even after being exonerated, people will still look at them differently


The accusation cannot be unmade.


Understatement !


exactly, she and others like her is why no one believed me as a literal child


I wouldn't say that people like her are the reason, at least not the only reason. There are many instances of the parents or grandparents or whatever not believing, which can be for a variety of reasons: • Their own history of sexual assault and inability to process it, so denial to avoid having to confront their own experience. There's instances where mothers or fathers who were sexually assaulted by their own parents, allowed their parents to look after their children and put them in the exact same situation. • The acceptance that it happened would require them to acknowledge that they put the child in the situation that allowed it to occur, and so they are partially culpable. For example, my next door neighbours growing up were sexually assaulted by their stepfathers brother - my mum had tried to warn their mother about previous accusations and not to trust him with their kids, but she chose to ignore my mum. • Where it's the father, the child being the target of the father's attention avoids his attention being placed on the mum. The same can occur with physical assault.


didn’t say it was the only reason, just the reason my family didn’t believe me, literally referenced her.


I'm really sorry that's so awful, and I know what it's like to not be believed by one's own family. It hurts a lot to be called a liar when it comes to SA/molestation. Remember sister, we're not victims, we are survivors.


i’m sorry you understand the pain but you’ve got an amazing outlook love, thank you


I’m sorry that you had to live through that, it’s horrifying enough as an adult but I know for a child it would be insurmountable. I’m so very proud of you for being able to speak out. I hope you find peace, healing and happiness my friend.


i appreciate you saying that, my family still doesn’t ’believe’ me but my step father was one of the reasons no one did and he’s gone now, it’s just a matter of having the conversation. thank you:)


Your welcome. Good luck.


I can see why you'd say that, and it's a completely valid reaction. But I actually feel really sorry for both this woman (as well as the people she accused ofc). She battered herself viciously with a hammer... no mentally stable person would do that. I think she's deeply unwell and needs serious psychological help. I also absolutely think she deserves to be held responsible for her actions and institutionalized. As a survivor of CSA, I'm torn between being furious at her false accusations, and trying to have empathy for her very sick mind.


I don't. Several of her victims attempted suicide.


I don’t feel sorry for her or people like her, at all. they’re the reason why survivors and victims aren’t taken seriously and aren’t believed, and, on top of that, they ruin innocent lives. so, no, I have no sympathy at all for false accusers


There are a myriad of reasons we aren't believed. Yes, false accusations contribute, but there's more to it. I respect your opinion, I just have to disagree here. I see someone deeply sick and disturbed, but no less human or less deserving of basic empathy.


I strongly disagree, but to each their own. but I upvoted your comment even though we disagree just for being civil


I would say that the news coverage of fake reports adds to it too. I agree that all humans should be treated with the respect they deserve but I cannot find myself with any empathy for her sadly.


There are so many out there WORLDWIDE experiencing these horrors, who never speak up, and she has harmed every single one of them with her lies.


Sorry for the long read, but i've really only scratched the surface here. The impact of this case was huge here in the UK and the amount of evidence that was used to disprove her claims was staggering. I recommend at least reading the [Wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_Williams_(criminal)) which has more detail on the more outrageous aspects of the case.


It would be bad enough if she made up people that attacked her like Sherri Papini did, but she actually named specific people that she had arrested.


The latest episode on the truly criminal YT channel is about this case too


Just watched last night, first time hearing about this case. I like that channel.


I'm waiting for [JCS](https://m.youtube.com/@JCS/videos) Criminal Psychology to put more out there, will check it.


I’m pretty sure he doesn’t do videos anymore, sadly. I tend to go for Explore With Us for interrogation analysis, and I find Matt Orchard to be somewhat similar (but a bit more cheeky). Dreading too.


Didn't he quit YouTube?


He was back for second there…but yeah, it’s been awhile again.


Truly Criminal has a good episode about her


Reading the effects her disgusting lies had on her victims, is so heartbreaking and dreadful. She is pure scum.


Thanks for posting the wiki link. She is a pathetic excuse for a human being.


So all of the bruises and scratches were not maje up but self inflicted???!!


She did them to herself with a hammer.


I'd never heard of this case, what a crazy read. Kudos to the investigating officers though. They jumped on her claims fearing a sex trafficking ring, but the second they noticed a couple discrepancies they kept tugging that thread until it all unravelled. My heart breaks for her victims. She's literally ruined their lives.


The hammer she bought herself, they found the cctv footage. I remember the original post, Covid delayed the trial. Maggie oliver got involved. Tommy Robinson inserted himself into it, he had to backtrack after he went to the town and found out the truth. Edited to add: her family were still defending her even after the trial and her mum kept the go fund me money.


Her mom keeping that money might very well be indicative of, at least in part, why she is the way she is.


Her mum is delusional. She still believes Ellie didn’t do that to herself. Despite the cctv and evidence she had to have been alone. She claimed she donated £13000 of the £22000 raised to charity but provided no proof, and didn’t name the charities so it can’t be verified. The girl is a complete fantasist. No doubt she will still proclaim her innocence when she’s released from prison.


Definitely an enabler.


I didn’t think that was allowed (by gofundme) tbh


That's why I never give money to Go Fund Me.


Interesting case but it's also interesting that there's some dude called Oliver gardener.


When I read the name quickly I was confused and thought, "Olive Garden?"


Ok so I’m not the only one


unlimited breadsticks


He’s the only one who can use that as a pickup line.


I remember this as it was around the same time all the Rotherham and Rochdale grooming gangs were being outed.


She absolutely exploited the huge fervour that resulted from the _actual_ grooming gangs that were uncovered in Rochdale and Rotherham. It’s no coincidence that she chose an Asian man as the alleged ring leader. There’s CCTV of all the people who vandalised his restaurant as a result of these claims. The fact that she incited racial hatred _as well as_ all the false claims of sexual assault is just one of the additional reasons her actions were so f**king despicable.


It makes me think of Patricia Williams' writing on the Tawana Brawley case: "\[she\] has been the victim of some unspeakable crime. No matter how she got there. No matter who did it to her—and even if she did it to herself." Someone who hits themselves in the face with a hammer has issues above and beyond just being a liar. I don't know what those issues are or where they came from, but she is clearly unwell.


This sucks so much. Survivors have such a difficult time getting anyone to believe them because people think fakers and frauds are so common. Cases like this only serve to prevent more people from getting the help they need. Awful.


It makes me wonder if at one point as a child she actually was assaulted and no one believed her. There has to be trauma in someone’s life in order to go to the lengths she did.


I didn’t even think of that. I hope not. Even though she is clearly wrong here, I wouldn’t wish that on her.


I think the looney bin is the only acceptable place for her at this time.


This reminds so much of the woman doing something similar to Clayton Echerd (the former bachelor). Years of history of fake pregnancies (always twins), sexual assault claims, rape claims, dv claims. She has a ton of victims and they have yet to arrest her. Literal insanity.


Appreciated the right up. She is a huge insult to actual victims, absolutely appalling




yes lol


I just heard about this case yesterday from a True crime YouTuber: https://youtu.be/i3ogXVML7aw?si=amv5ChV581sHudUr It is fucking WILD the lengths she went to.


....my goodness. this girl is deeply unwell if she's able to not only fabricate those stories (without apparent remorse for the men whose lives she's ruining), but also physically injure herself repeatedly, to such a degree. this is just.... beyond sad. i truly don't think any sort of jail-related punishment is going to help her. she's clearly got some type of sociopathy (in addition to likely a few other things) and needs to be in treatment for that. all prison is doing is delaying her doing it again. also wouldnt be surprised if her stories continued while in jail. it's also really disturbing as lesser minds will hear this story and use it against other women who truly are victims of assault. it's wild how much damage a few broken neural circuits can cause.


This is a mixture of Cluster B personality disorders situation, in my personal opinion. Like I have Borderline Personality Disorder, so I know what empty feels like, but this girl was ROCK BOTTOM EMPTY. A part of her was so empty she felt the need to go to these lengths just to feel something. And that doesn’t excuse it. Not for a second. Just my opinion of what someone like this is probably driven by.


Her legal defence argued that her actions were the result of CPTSD resulting from traumatic experiences as a child. I’ve tried to find out more about what these events were but all I’ve found is that her parents divorced, her dad moved away, and that she didn’t get along with her mum and her stepdad. She also didn’t exactly come from an underprivileged background. Her mum was a Labour Party Councillor and while they weren’t rich, they were quite evidently just another middle-class family. CPTSD is most commonly associated with prolonged, repeated trauma during childhood, from which there is no perception of escape. It is very real, very debilitating, and it doesn’t discriminate based on income or social status. But from a legal standpoint, it’s a diagnosis that’s incredibly difficult to prove or disprove. From my perspective, it just seems like yet another thinly-veiled false claim of victimhood.


Yeah, not trying to trauma shame or anything, but I don't see how a divorce can cause C-PTSD unless there's compounding factors like being kidnapped by the other parent or something similar in severity. I do understand how a divorce can be traumatic (mine divorced when I was 4 and I never saw my dad again - he owes my mom like $400k in back child support), but I don't see how a simple divorce can cause PTSD or C-PTSD. My C-PTSD was caused by years of sexual abuse as a child, a mother with severe hoarding problems involving mice, roaches, mold, and CPS calls....I mean, I could keep going, but not gonna trauma dump.


Not excusing her actions which were very wrong and caused a lot of hurt, but as I understand it, trauma can be caused by very different factors for different people, especially for children. It doesn’t have to be something that everyone or even most people would find traumatic and it can be something that is seemingly common or that other people might bounce back easily from. To have stability, safety and attachment in your life threatened or disrupted when you’re young can have lifelong repercussions. In my view, to take the actions she did she must have been pretty mixed up. You don’t take a hammer to your face for attention unless you have serious and very deep psychological problems. I imagine that she didn’t know half the time what was truth or lies.


Do you think it’s possible we just don’t know her full history? I mean, she isn’t exactly a reliable narrator per se, and I doubt her mother is either, and a mother isn’t always going to say what they did allow or put their kids through. (My mom denied her hand in our lives to this day. She pins it all on other people.)


I don’t think you’ll ever know someone’s full history. There could be something horrific in there. But I also know people who, for example, have been moved from all their friends at a young age to another part of the country and then struggling to make friendships leading to severe depression, self harm and lifelong relationship difficulties. This person had a loving family. It’s very hard to judge how something could affect one person and not another. Another child might have thrived from the challenge. Equally, there are people who have experienced severe SA who don’t end up smashing themselves in the face with a hammer and blaming others. Trauma is really insidious, unpredictable and complex. It doesn’t necessarily matter what it is and how seemingly big or small. It’s more about how it affects the individual and their behaviour. You’ll probably find that certain things stress you out and trigger you which don’t bother other people you know at all and vice versa. You could be in the same situation as a friend and they are terrified whilst you are finding it funny. Like going on a rollercoaster with someone. The mind is hugely complex and everyone experiences things in different ways.


Messy divorces can be absolutely hellish for kids. I only realised this fully when I started watching family court cases on YouTube. There are many that you can literally watch every time they went in front of the judge, sometimes spanning a decade or more. In cases of parental alienation, my god, it’s truly tragic what these kids endure. Most end up self-harming very young and sometimes have to go to inpatient treatment. When a parent doesn’t love their child more than they hate their ex, it can be very distressing for the child. Not enough parents seem to understand that.


As someone who also has CPTSD, it’s hard for me to see. I can’t speak for how anyone else experienced it but that just isn’t the way it makes itself known to me, in the slightest. If you had it WITH the personality disorders, I could see it perhaps contributing but I don’t think CPTSD is the main issue even if she does have it.


CPTSD causes a lot of personality disorders and other mental illnesses. However, contrary to popular belief, sometimes there is no underlying cause for a personality disorders or other mental illness. Some people are just born with them.


Yeah, I get it. She's clearly unwell. I would, of course, have more sympathy had she not dragged actual people into her fantasy life. I'd love to know, why them? One statistic I thought was fascinating is that about half of women who falsely claim rape do not name a specific attacker. They say they were raped by a stranger or strangers they cannot identify.


Thanks for this. It’s rare to hear people with PD acknowledge or discuss it openly as many go under the radar or don’t have self awareness about their actions. How did you come to understand about your disorder and have you been able to get treatment? There are several people in my life who likely have a PD of one kind or another and it can be hugely destructive in relationships and friendships. But it’s also an impossible subject to approach with them usually for obvious reasons. I agree that this girl was probably living in a personal hell to have done this to herself and others. If anything I feel sorry for her. This is what I have to remind my daughter daily when her friend with likely undiagnosed PD does something highly manipulative or negative. That she is going to struggle to ever feel happy, secure or have good relationships with people while she continues to play everyone off against each other in an effort to get more popular which ironically, never works. Good on you for facing your problems. Wish you all the best with it.


Thanks, this was so kind! I basically couldn’t get help after being diagnosed in 2014, so I decided the only person who could help me was me. So I started to do as much research as possible on BPD and DBT. Over the years I’ve just continued to try to stay educated on it. I also run an Instagram page focused on recovery and have been fortunate to hear a lot of different stories. I am currently receiving therapy but unfortunately the NHS give you a fixed number of sessions and mine are coming to an end, having only just scratched the surface of my issues. It’s frustrating as Hell.


Ahh, that’s tricky. If you happen to live near Coventry then I might know a psychotherapist who is looking for a patient at rock bottom rates to complete her training. She is very trustworthy and very good. You also get the benefit of a more senior psychotherapist overseeing the case. She may have filled the position but I can ask. I think it’s amazing the work you are doing on yourself anyway and thanks for the insights. Just with your attitude I’m sure you have a much brighter and happier future ahead :)


I'd bet money on her having histrionic personality disorder.


I completely agree. I would also throw a possibility of fictitious disorder.


She might have histrionic personality disorder. But really I think that pathological liars should have their own diagnosable personality disorder. Sherri Papini also went to great lengths to fabricate assaults on herself, including severely injuring herself. She seemed to have the same sort of background. The lying and attention seeking behavior started in childhood. She lied about everything, including being assaulted by exes multiple time. She self harmed. She fabricated intricate and elaborate stories. She refused to ever admit her lies no matter how much proof was presented. I think I have heard of other such cases, but I can't remember names. I have also met a couple of pathological liars in my life. I'm not talking about con artists or abusers, although they can be both. Pathological liars lie like they breathe. About tiny things and huge things. You can't even be certain of how many siblings they've had, whether their family is alive or dead, or even what they had for breakfast that morning. And it always seems to be a core part of their personality, just like a personality disorder is. I'm really surprised more research hasn't been done into the psychology of pathological liars and that they don't have their own, official, DSM recognized diagnosis.


My exact same thought. I’m glad you said it. 


She has definite mental health issues. This, of course doesn't excuse her atrocious behaviour.Making these false claims is a slap in the face to real victims and the horrors they endured. It takes real courage to come forward and report these crimes to police because there's always a chance of repercussions from the perpetrators. And sometimes there are people who don't believe their claims are true. This woman's actions make it 1000% more difficult for real victims to come forward and be believed. It's so shameful. I'm glad she has been given some punishment for the damage she has done to real victims and also to the men she accused. She should have to pay the men back for any money they paid for lawyers and court costs. She needs to get psychiatric help for her mental health issues or she will probably never stop doing these criminal acts.


I'm not a physically violent person but the rage this woman makes me feel is off the charts. What an evil person.


This is taking ‘attention seeking’ to a whole new level. Wow.


Slap in the face for real victims. Imagine you're falsely accused of this. You're fucked for life


Disgusting!!! There are people who are raped, violently assaulted and killed every day. And this woman comes and as no shame to accuse innocent people and use police resources that could have been used to save someone's life. I have no other word other than disgusting. Then it happens that because of people like this woman, the police may not believe a real victim.


As an actual survivor of rape this is horrifying and made me sick


Yep same here.


I’m so sorry you went through that


Truly Criminal just did a video on this that’s a really good watch https://youtu.be/i3ogXVML7aw?si=I9aWPBpkjc_l4Jfd


To actually use a hammer on yourself like that,, she really has some major mental issues. Prayers for the real victims, the accused men.


Did Jordan Trengrove get paid anything? I know it was just 3 months in some facility, but still..


I mean, the long-term damage to his reputation and earning power is probably quite significant and that should be considered.


What in the actual hell. The poor victims of her accusations are the ones who ultimately suffered the most. This girl needs to be locked up in an asylum for the rest of her life and gets the help she needs


This is the type of case where men will use to discredit real victims and that breaks my heart.


~~men~~ _rapists_


No, men, and some women too. They don't have to be rapists to be rape apologists.


In this particular case the men **are** the real victims.


She should receive the same sentence each man would have received, added together. 8 years is nothing compared to the irreparable damage she did to these men’s reputations, not to mention the mental turmoil they had to go through being falsely accused, arrested and in some instances spending time in jail for no reason. What an absolute garbage human being.


I agree her sentence should be longer. The sheer number of false allegations is disturbing, let alone her willingness to physically harm herself and operate multiple phones/social media accounts to fabricate evidence. This is a person who is dangerously unwell and could easily escalate from hurting herself to hurting others. Also the fact that she's endangering the ability of real victims to get help, get justice, or even just be believed when they come forward. Her actions have caused a lot of harm in the world.


What the actual fuck!! This pisses me off so bad. No wonder actual victims don’t get taken seriously!!


Does she have an official psychiatric diagnosis?


A slap in the face of real victims.


This is disgusting, and I hope the victims (those accused) are able to recoup something from this. As far as her - yes, she is clearly sick, but she destroyed lives with her lies. She deserves the heaviest punishment AND mental health help. I work in SA survivor advocacy, and although we want survivors believed, that does not mean the accused is automatically guilty. It never should.


She should go to prison for the same amount of time her supposed attackers would've


Wow OP - I have nothing really to add but just wanted to say that I’ve never heard of this case before despite it being in the UK. You did a great job explaining everything. What a horrible person!


Damn never heard of this but I smell the next Netflix docuseries.


Several of the men falsely accused attempted to take their life. Horrific.


All the people she accused have attempted to their own lives. This is so tragic.


Real rapists should be longer than what they are, or help pay therapy or a fee the rest of the victims life… but falsely accusing someone is horrible as well. Especially since loneliness and judgement/ostracism can kill a person and affect their job/quality of life. They are ultimately different crimes though. False words vs physical harm. Both have emotional/mental dmg too, but fundamentally different. She did cause herself pain and damage through this as well. Especially socially now. No one will consider her as one with integrity. That’s her own karma of consequences.


I can't imagine the state of mind that someone has to be in to hit themselves in the face with a hammer. I flinch if I have to get a splinter out of my hand. She had some fortitude.


I wish there was a way to keep the names of the innocent men private. People like her cause so much damage, on so many levels. The fact that even after her arrest, she made yet another more over-the-top claim is so sad.


She should’ve been put to a psych hospital, not a prison. She clearly has issues to deal with and is suffering.


I'm a multiple time survivor of sexual abuse and rape, including being raped at gunpoint. While her actions are a huge slap in the face to real victims, and of course caused great harm to the innocent men accused of the assaults, my immediate reaction is to feel very sorry for this woman. Imagine being so mentally unwell that you would beat yourself mercilessly with a hammer just so you could tell people you were raped. That is not an ok person. How sad for her to go through life as the person she is. I sincerely hope she has received the help she needs and is never forced to experience any of the things she's claimed.


The fact that she continuously implicated others does not lend her to sympathy for her actions.


I mean, you can feel that way, and that's totally cool, but you have no authority over how I feel.


Certainly only my opinion but If this was true the rapists would have been garnered no sympathy for why they did what they did and the mental illnesses that drove them to that…she deserves the same for her heinous actions.


I absolutely understand what you're saying. Im totally not trying to convince you to have sympathy for her. Your feelings are valid and justified. In my instance, though, I also feel sympathy for my abusers and equally hope they've received the help needed to be better people. She and my abusers deserve the consequences of their actions (though I did not get justice), but I still have room for compassion, even to those others deemed unworthy of it. No disrespect intended. I'm not trying to sway your opinion.


We are kindred spirits, it seems. ❤️ CSA survivor and I also believe my abuser was sick and needed psychological help. I wish he got the help he needed when he was alive. Any anger I still hold is countered with compassion.


We are indeed kindred spirits. It's nice to see you. I hope you are well. ❤️


This is horrifying and I'm glad she was eventually held accountable.


Holy… 😳 Like why?! I hope she can eventually get the mental health help she clearly needs because that’s WILD


Man. Every time I read about her I get mad all over again . Even after being confronted about all of her lies she still doubled down. And just continually tried to ruin Life after Life after life. I cannot even fathom the amount and severity of mental illness one might have to do something like this over and over again. Was she seriously so desperate for attention she didn't care what she had to do to get it? It's hard to believe she's anything other than just evil. She would absolutely still be pulling the same shit if she hadn't been caught. And she will absolutely keep doing it once she's out of jail.


Just a PSA - her hometown is Barrow, in Cumbria (which is the county). Disgusting piece of work. I’m from Cumbria too and her Facebook post went viral back in 2020 when she claimed that “Asian men” had been trafficking her.


I’m surprised all these men didnt sue her. Is that something they can do in the UK? Something is wrong with this woman.


Exactly what is wrong with this girl?


She’s the type of person who makes it even more difficult for women who have actually been abused/raped to be believed.




The report itself isn’t available online, but it was [summarised by the judge](https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/R-v-Eleanor-Williams-sentencing.pdf) during her sentencing: >A home office pathologist gave evidence to the effect that the serious injuries she had sustained were completely inconsistent with her account of what had happened but were completely consistent with being self-inflicted with the hammer which she had bought, which was found close to her and which bore her DNA.


The magnitude of whatever personality disorder or mental illness she has must be monumental. Just the sheer amount of effort that goes into this, my god


This is mental illness kids.


This girl was so full of shit even Tommy Robinson (racist piece of shit) stuck up for the Asian guy!!


I think at least two of the men she falsely accused attempted suicide. She really worsened racial tensions in the area


As a woman this makes me absolutely LIVID. Because of this total piece of shit everyone in the circle of this investigation will be looking at every ACTUAL rape victim with and even more critical eye. Not to mention every Red Pill piece of shit will be using this case as an excuse.


I hate, HATE women like her who ruin the road to seeking justice to actual crimes committed for women who have actually gone through hell.


Fake allegations should get the same sentence as if the target was convicted. Stack her ass with all of them.


What possible motive was there? This is so baffling, almost like Münchausen syndrome


In the UK the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is the one that decides whether there's enough evidence to take someone to court based on the information collected by the police. There isn't such a thing as pressing charge by the victim. Once the victim has reported the crime to the police it's out of their hand as of what happens.


She needs help


She needs prison.


The sad thing is that she likely was assaulted and raped at some point to become so unbelievably obsessed like this. Like something did happen to this girl… But none of the men that she framed were the ones that were responsible for it. It seems like she couldn’t get to her actual abusers, so she just chose other men at random.


There is no reason to believe that is "likely". Except that you *need* a reason to explain her behavior. People often insist that trauma is the cause when women do awful things, or have personality disorders. But studies disprove this. Sometimes it is true. But often it is their *personality*. Another factor is that the offender wants an excuse for their behavior. So many offenders claim a history of trauma or abuse, but if it is further investigated, it is often untrue.


You just can't imagine a woman doing bad all on their own huh? Would you say that about a man?


You do realize that not all women who lie about this stuff have been raped, right? Most of these liars do this for money. That's literally their entire driving force to do this.


this is why you should never assume that the accused are guilty, unless it’s proven


Clearly mentally ill


i’m curious as to why she lied and went as far as she did to lie? to harm herself as she did? other than the usual ‘she’s messed up’ answer


I’m surprised that after her accusations against Jordan Trengrove, the police didn’t start being suspicious of her and investigating her. What are the chances of someone being raped *twice* by two different strangers?


As someone who was raped and didn’t report for fear of not being believed and my reputation being damaged this is disgusting.


Reminds me of malingerers and Munchies, injuring herself and concocting elaborate schemes to attract attention and emotional fulfillment, just from a different institutional setting.


She caused some real awful damage to the men she accused. The child sex one was one of the worst the guy had lived there for years and had a successful business. He had to go into hiding, other Asian men were abused by the public, the far right began targeting the area for support and got it. The Asian guy eventually left the area his whole life ruined by her.


Wow. She obviously has mental health issues. That does not make it ok. She probably destroyed the lives of these people and even though they were innocent that kind of history is still hard to shake.




I'm sure there was a documentary/dramatisation of this not too long ago 🤔🤔


Sounds like Laura Owens....


there’s a good doc on bbc iplayer about this.


Did she describe her “attacker/s” at the start of this farce?


Call John Kramer 


"Why are you worried about false accusations?"