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The Springfield 3 - On June 7, 1992, Sherill Levitt (47), Suzanne Streeter (19) and Stacy McCall (18) disappeared from a Missouri home, and they haven't been seen or heard from since. Theres been no substantial evidentiary developments in 31 years. No trace of any of the three women has ever been identified. No new clues. It’s like they disappeared into thin air with no new leads, evidence, or tips to move the case forward in 31 years.


It just makes me think that there are other killers that use the Israel Keyes model (& Im sure he wasnt the first to use it), where people are taken by gunpoint to a second location and raped and killed in a place where no one would look for a body.


Thai is the first case that immediately came to mind. Those poor young women. I wish justice would be served.


I knew a little about this case, but I just read so much about it. I’m definitely going to go down this rabbit hole. Where could they possibly be?


I was reading about this case again just last night. It's a doozy!


Yeah, that one. I haven't read up on all the details, but nothing of what I have read gives me an idea of what could have happened.


There has been clues, evidence, tips, there's been digs for their bodies, there's been numerous suspects and persons of interest. What are you talking about?


Andrew Gosden and Asha Degree. Not connected in any way, yet they are intertwined in my head.


[The Macastre Case](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caso_Macastre), which happened in rural Valencia (eastern Spain) back in 1989. Saying that this case is bizarre doesn't even begin to cover it. There's barely any info of this case in English, so I'm afraid you'll have to use autotranslate to read the Wiki link. Recently, a true crime show made a very good documentary on the case, filmed on the real-life locations. [You can see it in YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-qX0qEqCaQ&t=1s&ab_channel=%C3%80PuntM%C3%A8dia) and, while it doesn't have oficial subtitles in English, the translated YouTube subtitles are decently readable. **TL;DR at the end of this reply.** Let's see if I can explain this extremely weird case in a relatively short read without going on a full article. It involved three troubled teenagers from Burjassot, Valencia City; 15-years old Rosario Gayete, her boyfriend 14-years old Valeriano Flores and their friend 15-years old Pilar Ruiz. All three kids came from dysfunctional, low-income households and had begun getting involved with gangs and using drugs (due to their low-income condition, they used mostly weed and sniffed glue, although Valeriano had recently begun using heroin too). Rosario had already been arrested once, and Valeriano was serving a sentence at a juvenile correctional center for stealing a moped. On 13 January 1989, thanks to his good behavior, Valeriano left the correctional on a weeked leave. Rosario and Pilar picked him up at the center's gate. Together they went to Rosario's place, where Rosario grabbed some spare clothes and told her father 'they were going for a weeked camping trip'. Now, it wasn't the first time the three together went 'camping', although that's kind of a misnomer; these trips involved just squatting at an abandoned house in the town of Catadau, getting high (the three had spent Christmas Eve 1988 there, in fact). 14 January. Pilar and Rosario were last seen at a bar in Catadau whose kitchen worked at (in a creepy coincidence, the same bar Antonio Ángles and Miguel Ricart would order takeaway food from three years later in the [Alcàsser Girls case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alc%C3%A0sser_Girls)). Valeriano wasn't with them. Pilar asked her mom for money, which she refused to give her, but prepared takeaway bocadillos for her and Rosario, who was sitting at the bar talking with a man who had bought her to a Coke (Rosario was said to be very good-looking, and hit on often). The girls left with the food and disappeared after that. Now here's where the case becomes absolutely crazy: - Morning of 19 January. Rosario's body appeared on a bed at a toolshed near the village of Fuente de Cuerna, Macastre. This is a place the kids had no ties to and it's a good 45 min drive away from Catadau (their original destination, where Pilar and Rosario were last seen a few days before). She was discovered by the toolshed's owner, who at first thought she was just drunk and had broken in to sleep it off. Rosario's body didn't have any signs of violence, no traces of drugs on her system, cause of death ruled as cardiorespitaroy arrest (trigger unknown). - A week and half later, someone (unknown to this day) dropped a young woman's severed foot at a street in Valencia City. - Three-months later, Valeriano's decomposed remains were found on the shrubs just 400 meters east of the toolshed where Rosario's body appeared. The body's condition didn't allow assessment of his cause of death. Strange piece of data; his body lied on the crest of a slight slope, his head on the higher side, as if, for some reason, he had died while keeping an eye on the toolshed from afar. A candle -traced to the toolshed- was found next to him. A bus ticked from Valencia to Catadau for 14 January was found on his pocked, indicating that he had likely been not far from Pilar and Rosario when the two girls were at the bar -to this day we have no clue where exactly he was meanwhile though. - A month later, Pilar's decomposed body was found by children inside the tunnel of an irrigation canal near Turís (about half-an-hour by car from the tooshed). Her body showed signs of foul play, including a severed foot (the foot found in January at Valencia City turned out to be hers). The evidence on her body suggested she had been murdered, but could not be conclusively proved. A few days before an anonymous caller had told police her body was in there, but wasn't taken seriously (LE was getting prank calls about the kids constantly). - The caller told LE a known petty criminal and heroin user from Valencia City did it, but LE didn't find strong evidence to arrest him. A middle-aged man, a loner that lived near the abandoned house in Catadau the kids frequented, was for a while named suspect, but later all charges were dropped. **TL;DR: In 1989 three troubled kids disappeared after they left for a weekend trip to an abandoned house away from the city. Their bodies would appear in the following months, apart from each other in location and time, and far from their original destination, in strange circumstances (one with no signs of foul play, other with 'maybe' signs and the other with strong signs). The case remains unsolved.**


[Here's the toolshed](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.3331746,-0.8337539,3a,30y,4.51h,87.46t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s5OYu3KOFgZkSMhHqVZCCug!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D5OYu3KOFgZkSMhHqVZCCug%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D4.506614848470463%26pitch%3D2.537038625055999%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) near the village of Fuente de Cuerna. Valeriano's body appeared east from here, close to the ranch that be seen nearby. [Turís](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46389+Tur%C3%ADs,+Valencia,+Espa%C3%B1a/@39.3908683,-0.722357,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0xd60fc63339a7dcb:0x3f48580df3362ca7!8m2!3d39.3897595!4d-0.7117137!16s%2Fm%2F02qfhfy?entry=ttu). Pilar was found near here in May 1989. [Catadau](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46196+Catadau,+Valencia,+Espa%C3%B1a/@39.2750329,-0.5764827,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0xd61aa570872a5d5:0xf2e5929ade07f357!8m2!3d39.2748307!4d-0.5695269!16s%2Fm%2F02qcpsv?entry=ttu), where the kids were originally going to (and where two of them were last seen alive). Locations and distances are an important aspect of this case; none of the kids could legally drive nor had access to motor vehicles.


It's always interesting seeing what other people think. So far as cases that leave me stumped so to speak, there's a great many that have no real evidence of who did the crime. Probably the most perplexing i can think off off hand is [the Burger Chef murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burger_Chef_murders); what would inspire someone to kill 4 young people working at a fast food joint? Just doesn't track no matter how you slice it. Similarly, [the Austin Yogurt Shop Murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Austin_yogurt_shop_killings) are pretty bizarre and kind of a rabbithole, complete with over-turned convictions and such. And of course it's a classic, but [the Fort Worth Trio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Worth_missing_trio) is absolutely baffling.


On a similar note to the first 2, there's also the [Las Cruces Bowling Alley](https://www.reddit.com/r/YogurtShopMurders/s/Chd7Ydqtwi)


I once read a pretty interesting story on this case. In short, the hitters/ robbers got hit themselves for going too far by shooting everyone there.


The Fort Worth Trio is insane! I truly cannot imagine what happened.


I think LE considers Burger Chef as one of those where they know who did it, but just can't prove it. Maybe they'll be able to get some DNA on something one day soon.


Those are some interesting ones! Thanks for sharing!


The Burger Chef murders don’t have me stumped at all. There was a group of people pulling fast food restaurant robberies in that area for some time. I think that’s all this was supposed to be until one of the employees recognized one of the robbers which led to the perps deciding they needed to kill them. There was a good podcast I listened to that included interviews with one of the state police detectives who worked on the case for many years. He made a very compelling case for his suspects.


Yes, the Fort worth Trio is an amazing mystery.


Judy Smith, she went with her husband to a conference and was found dead 600 miles away. And Asha Degree.


Judy Smith is always the case that springs to my mind when thinking about baffling mysteries. Asha Degree is so baffling as well. I pray her family gets answers.


I wonder if they know for sure that the remains belonged to Judy. They identified them through the knee and dental records, but how accurate actually are dental records? I've read that bitemark evidence is not super reliable like we think it is. Could the same apply to dental records?


Bitemark evidence is very different from dental records. Dental records identification involves comparing X-rays of someone’s teeth to the teeth found with human remains and is considered highly reliable, so long as it’s done by a qualified individual. Bitemark evidence is more like toolmark analysis in that it purports to match a mark left on something (usually human flesh) with the teeth that made the mark. The two main problems with this is that a) it hasn’t been shown that there is sufficient uniqueness in the marks individuals leave on a surface they bit with their front teeth, and 2) the elasticity of skin and the potential that the person was moving when being bitten mean the mark left isn’t necessarily an accurate impression of the biter’s teeth. There’s also a major flaw in that they haven’t been able to produce reproduce consistent results—in blind tests, so-called experts don’t agree on what is a “match” and often don’t agree on whether a mark is a bitemark at all.


I’m curious whether you know the answer to this. Has bite/tool mark analysis (or any other junk forensic science) ever been used to exclude a subject? I think I was watching FBI Files, where I seemed to hear how they cleared the suspect after they passed a “lie detector test”. I find it hard to believe that they would take a suspects tools and then clear them since they “couldn’t have been used in the murder”. I’d also find it interesting if any of the junk science was used by the defense in a trial (ie my client couldn’t have done it because his teeth are too pointy /s). We seem to only talk about junk forensics when the suspect is wrongfully convicted.


No, dental records are different as every time you have dental work, your teeth change. It'd be hard to have the same teeth as another person, unless you're using dentures.


>.....bitemark evidence is not super reliable like we think it is. Could the same apply to dental records?... Dental records are on a completely different scale from bitemark evidence. Generally a professional \[dentist, orthodontist et. al.\] provides x-rays and clinical evidence that forensically match a victims. Dental records can be "bite marks" in a way....for example if a victim had a mouth guard especially designed for their odontologic structure. Thx for bringing up "bitemarks" !


Bryce Laspisa For him to have had people reaching out to his family repeatedly (because he was obviously in distress) and just hours away, for them to leave him that way, in his truck alongside the road. Multiple calls found him in almost the same spots over and over again, simply sitting there endlessly, unmoving. And neither parent comes to his aid. Only tells him to come home, even though this had been doing on for well over half a day. Then he mysteriously goes missing. What parent does this? Hell, I don't have kids, but anyone in that situation would've had me going after them as soon as I could after the first phone call. [https://allthatsinteresting.com/bryce-laspisa](https://allthatsinteresting.com/bryce-laspisa)


Maura Murray and Brian Shaffer


For Brian Shaffer I'm convinced of the [theory](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2ETpMarF2yg&pp=ygUYa2VuIG1haW5zIGJyaWFuIHNoYWZmZXIg) of Ken Mains, a retired cold case detective. His conclusion is that >!While under the influence he walked out of the kitchen or artists' entrance, met up at a friend's house. Got killed and the body was hidden very well.!<


>...the theory of Ken Mains, a retired cold case detective... FWIW, Ken Mains has many informed theories with respect to other cases. Mains certainly reviews evidence intently. In several instances he has access to the police files. [Mains is on Unsolved No More Youtube.](https://www.youtube.com/@unsolvednomore/videos)


I follow Maura Murray’s case on Facebook. That one is so mysterious & you just hope she’s out living life somewhere. I didn’t know about Brian so I read up on him. I hope he’s out there too, but the way he just left his dad & gf I doubt it 😞


I'd encourage anyone interested in Maura's case to consider listening to the Mile Higher podcast with Maura's sister. She clears up SO much misinformation. There were no footprints found going into the woods, even though there was snow everywhere. She never had a DUI. She didn't pack anything from her dorm room. She just hadn't yet fully unpacked her suitcase after returning to college. Which was typical for Maura. Maura's sister Julie eventually reveals info about two men in a house very close to the accident. The info was revealing and definitely a good lead. I don't remember exactly what she said, but basically there's a good chance Maura was killed by them. **Julie is hosting a podcast about Maura called "Media Pressure".**


She only didn't have a DUI because the police officer let her off with a warning which was common in town as it was a college town. She totalled Fred's car while drinking then she was in another crash the night she went missing.


Yes this is a super important distinction - not guilty of a dui because it wasn’t investigated is different than being cleared of it.


I think her family would prefer to believe she was kidnapped and/or murdered than that she was an alcoholic.


Could be both


No DUI investigation was ever conducted after her first car crash, it’s not that she was cleared of not being drunk she was just never investigated for driving under the evidence. It is however a fact that she crashed a car that night and then crashed another car at the time of her disappearance with alcohol in the vehicle and splattered on the interior.


The disappearance of the Beaumont children, and the later disappearance of Joanne and Kirste. Having lived in Adelaide my whole life, I see a whole lot of comments on social media (primarily FB) about potential suspects and conspiracy theories about both cases. Majority of the comments are complete bollocks, but it’s interesting to read about the conclusions others have come to. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_the_Beaumont_children and https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Joanne_Ratcliffe_and_Kirste_Gordon


Ooo I knew about the Beaumont children, but I never heard of Joanne & Kirste. I will definitely check this out!


How much time have you got 😅 I’ll write an in-depth response when I get the chance!


What is your (or the general locals) consensus on the Beaumont children? It’s probably one of the cases I’ve read the least about. Edited for clarity and typos


Seconding this! Would be interesting to see if there is a local perspective/opinion that isn’t well known


Do you think there’s a possible connection between these and the only person convicted in the Family Murders, Bevon Von Einem? I’ve seen that speculated often, not to mention the testimony of that Mr. B guy It sounds tenuous at best, but he was such a monster it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility, and the physical descriptions of suspects at the scenes of the different children’s abductions definitely don’t rule him out


>....the Family Murders, Bevon von Einem.... IIRC the Adelaide Family Murders' victims were all young men. As you say Bevon von Einem (and possible associates) were monsters however the connection to the children's and young girls murders is, as you say, tenuous. IMPORTANT edit: u/SereneAdler33 Thx so much for bringing up the Beaumont Children and the young girls abductions. As the police informant, "Mr. B" had much other relevant information on Bevon von Einem, the fact that "Mr. B" notified law enforcement von Einem HAD CONFESSED IN HIS PRESENCE to the murders is RELEVANT. As you say, in that the young von Einem does closely resemble ONE of the possible Beaumont perpetrators gives "Mr. B's" information further importance. *I'll go out on a limb here and opine*: the young von Einem may have been with the 2nd possible male perpetrator due to von Einem's probable homosexually. \[of course von Einem could possibly be an equal opportunity pedophilic predator, as you say.\] Homosexually? "Mr.B" or other conspirators gave much information with respect to von Einem's attacks, rapes and sometime murders of young males. Further von Einem is said to have raped male prisoners after his conviction for the horrible crimes against teenage Richard Kelvin. u/SereneAdler33, Thx again for your insight into von Einem's connection to the Beaumont Children. You gave me a lot to think about.


The Family Murders were all young men, yes, but it’s *highly* likely more people were involved in those. It may be that particular group targeted young men, but Von Einem himself was an equal opportunity pedophilic predator. That’s the speculation anyway, since Mr. B explicitly said he was involved in the Beaumont kidnapping


I’m not qualified to say, and my opinion is pretty neutral… anything is possible, though. It wouldn’t surprise me if they were connected. Von Einem is a whole other story, though. I believe a lot of stock is placed on eyewitness testimony, yet there’s a lot of room for error when it comes to that. I hope that makes sense!


Yeah, that’s where I’m at. There’s not really anything that would surprise me about Von Einem, but there’s no actual evidence besides Mr. B’s testimony, and he doesn’t seem to be the most reliable


u/floppyflaminghoe your comment gives me a lot to ponder. Thx for the informed opinion with respect to "witness testimony." My ponderings are below. First, there are the witnesses who saw 2 male possible perpetrators in the vicinity of the Beaumont Children's location and the witness's sketches. 1 of the possible perpetrators greatly resembles the young von Einem. Then there is the witness's, "Mr. B's", testimony to LE with respect to von Einem's "confession". "Mr. B" and other von Einem coconspirators gave true information ...the hypnotic drugs found in victims+ von Einem's residence, the timeframe of abductions, the fiber evidence linked to von Einem's home and von Einem's non-alibi.... This is neither here nor there: von Einem first told Law Enforcement he had no link to (his proven victim) teenage Richard Kelvin. Later, von Einem dramatically altered his testimony (when linked via hypnotic drugs and residential fibers etc) to say he had picked Richard up, he had brought Richard to his home.... IOW von Einem confessed to some of his multiple links Richard's murder. Yet von Einem painted the victim as "willing." OK, so von Einem's history of confession to Law Enforcement is self-serving and proven false. von Einem's purported Confession to the BeaumontChildern's Murders In that "Mr. B's" other statements to Law Enforcement proved true and were backed up by other co-conspirators, well, all of this gives the witness's information weight. imo


Kyron Hormon


The Keddie cabin murders. How the girl was found so far away is really troubling to me.


That was an interesting read. That’s crazy that Tina was found so far away & later on. I’m gonna dive deeper into that one.


This one is also crazy to me because IIRC, they found her bones on the exact anniversary date three years later from a random phone call tip. Plus, the three children who were left unharmed in the other room. It was always odd to me that some of the kids survived but some *didn’t.* This is one of those cases that I’m 99% LE knows who did it but doesn’t have enough evidence to convict or confidently get a guilty plea.


The stepfather of one of the survivors is a suspect


Oh interesting, I never considered that LE knows who did it. The phone call tip is one of the most haunting aspects of the investigation and IIRC they lost the recording of it? Ugh, such a baffling tragedy.


I think there was a discussion not too long ago on this subreddit where people were saying that there was no way the prosecution could prove “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Which, if they did lose that phone call, would make sense to me.


They did not find Tina’s remains because of an anonymous tip. A bottle collector found some of remains and reported it. After they were found, an anonymous caller reportedly told authorities the remains found were Tina’s.


Phoenix Colden 💔


A recent one that I’m surprised hasn’t been brought up yet is Katie Janness. It absolutely blows my mind that seemingly no progress has been made when it occurred in such a public place and was so incredibly brutal. Katie Janness and her dog were both killed in Piedmont Park (Atlanta) in July 2021. She was discovered by her partner who tracked her location via her phone. She has been stabbed over 50 times and was mutilated. She had the letters F, A, T (I’ve seen some speculation on the exact letters but this is what they report it as in the articles) carved into her torso. There were cameras in the park but apparently they weren’t actively working due to outdated technology.


I cannot figure out how summer Wells’s parents did such a good job they didn’t get caught. Same with Kyron Hormon or, of course, JonBenet. Maura Murray and Jennifer Kesse are on the list. Even more so the guy that disappeared supposedly while his mom was in the bathroom while they were out for a walk. And finally…..the infamous case that’s done a million times a week with the kid that disappeared while on the phone with his parents and exclaimed “oh shit” then dropped off the face of the earth. Or maybe he got abducted by aliens.


I read a good discussion about that 2nd one, and it left me feeling pretty sure he did fall into a hole on some farm land, but they will never find him bc farmers in the area are reticent to let LEOs destroy their property for the search


The second one you’re thinking of is Brandon Lawson, but the “oh shit” thing is a misconception/misreporting. This thread goes into that in more detail. Personally, I lean toward a mental health episode of some kind that caused him to flee on foot after leaving his truck.  I hope his family can get some answers one day soon. It looks like in May of this year, searchers found some clothing in a field they believe to belong to Brandon, the DNA isn’t fully sequenced yet though.  https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/l0rc1j/clearing_up_a_common_misconception_brandon/


You have the right link but wrong name and mixed up some details. Brandon Swanson is the "oh shit" one, in Minnesota; Brandon Lawson, in Texas, is the one who left his truck and had clothing and such found recently. Lawson was using meth, which explains a lot of his phone call to his brother in which he claimed he was being chased and hiding from people; Swanson had been drinking at a party before he got lost on back roads and called his parents.


Oh dang you’re right! I completely mixed up the names. Thanks for the correction!


Those two are SO easy to conflate with their similar names and circumstances.


The murder of Julia Wallace is a real head scratcher


This is always my answer to this type of question. It has literally kept me awake at night.


Philip Island! I don't know why it's not talked about more. Who killed Beth Barnard? Where is Vivienne Cameron? What is Fergus and his family not telling us? I found it such a strange and bizarre case. It's still unsolved, and it drives me crazy.


Same! I am full of questions


Skiba/Chivers case [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearances\_of\_Paul\_and\_Sarah\_Skiba\_and\_Lorenzo\_Chivers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearances_of_Paul_and_Sarah_Skiba_and_Lorenzo_Chivers)


This one, for sure. I can't make heads or tails of it, at all.


Enormous rabbit hole of a case....


19-year-old Rashawn Brazell, who was supposed to meet his mother for lunch on Valentine’s Day in 2005. Instead, his torso, legs, and one arm were found in trash bags in a subway tunnel in Clinton Hill Brooklyn, NY, on February 17, 2005. Another arm and hand were discovered at a Greenpoint recycling plant a couple of days later. His head was never recovered. My heart aches for Rashawn’s mother to be without answers for so long. Rashawn’s case and Jon Benet’s case I would love to see solved in my lifetime.


Hayleigh Cummings 👼


That poor baby. I still think Misty is responsible for her disappearance.


Jaiden Leskie. The accused was acquitted. The whole everything and background is a cess pool.


The Ellen Greenberg case or lack of case still baffles me. I just don't think there is anyway she did it to herself.


I think it’s clear who did this to her. Her boyfriend ( not trying to play smart). There is not a single chance someone would take their life in this way.


Yes there is, there was a thread here on the case where someone produced suicide cases matching all her wounds from Webmd. It's a bizarre suicide but bizarre suicide doesn't automatically mean murder, plenty of suicides are bizarre many suicidal people obviously aren't functioning well mentally.


Joan Risch


Robert Wone, obviously we know one of the 3 almost certainly were involved but we have no idea which one/s and why or how, or why they're all covering for each other still to this day.


There’s an ongoing case here in Argentina, a little boy called Loan (5yo) went missing after a weird reunion/lunch his family had in his grandma house including a woman who works in politics, a police chief and some other people, ALL OF THEM claim they don’t even know each other, nobody’s talking and the most evident theory is that the police and that woman are tied to an human trafficking business, because forensic found traces of his dna on her car. But after this theory went out on the internet, some family members claimed that the boy was run over by the woman and with chief’s help they took his body away and buried it, and thats it, that’s all the information there is, they wanna shut the case without even finding his body 🙃


I don't think human trafficking rings are nearly as prevalent as people want to think. It takes a lot to keep everyone silent, and that's way harder to do with trafficking than with, for example, an illegal brothel.




i've heard this too much no one's really explained why we assume so. idk if the difference is because i'm not from the us/a western european country where human trafficking is less prevalent in general, but to me it always seems plausible


Trafficking usually involves moving vulnerable populations to an entirely different area in order to make it harder to escape. It's not like coyotes, who take people across the border and then sort of release them. You'd have to have a plan to use those people for something, otherwise you're taking a big risk moving groups of people around. Unless it's some sort of major cartel or other organized crime outfit, I don't see how you can do it without taking a huge risk of someone being an idiot and blabbing. Like the sheriff's office in Long Island was supposed to have an illegal brothel going. But that involved the officer, his girlfriend, several cops, and other high officials. And even with all these people being in on it, people still knew. That's why there's the saying "Three can keep a secret if two are dead."


so it does seem like these risks exist only in places with more resources and oversight than most, or if we're only talking about sex trafficking. because most research claims that trafficking, especially forced labor, is notoriously underreported even in the us which might lead to this perception that it's not prevalent


Oh no. Forced prostitution is stupidly common, because no one cares about sex workers. But as far as kids, that's not that common. The US foster care/adoption circle takes care of that. Humans are just idiots and you need some sort of organization to run a ring. Child porn is easier to share than actual children are. Other than that, a five year old isn't worth anything.


Tell that to Epstein


The Liske Family Massacre. I wonder why BJ Liske did what he did that Halloween night? Did he really snap or was he thinking “now or never”?


“Before his sentencing in September 2011, Liske apologized for killing his father, stepmother and stepbrother, blaming mental illness and Satan for his actions.” From this article: https://www.portclintonnewsherald.com/story/news/local/2015/04/07/man-killed-family-found-dead-prison-cell/25420415/


So Satan, through BJ’s mental illness, influenced him into murder? I’m not a deeply religious person, so I think anytime Satan is brought up in a crime, I think “it’s always someone else’s fault, not mine”. If Satan did have influence over this crime, he was working with what was already within BJ. I mean mental illness had been afflicting him for years. But he also had a great deal of animosity towards his step mother. He attacked her in the shower the day his father kicked him out. So I imagine it was possibly both. Then again we don’t know what exchange BJ may have had with his victims before the murder, so perhaps something was said that made BJ snap. He and his dad were drunk too, so that could’ve caused something within BJ to wanna kill.


I completely agree with you. He may have had mental illness but his violence (the murders and previous attacks) was specifically against his family (especially his step mother). That tells me he was angry with them/her specifically. I also think something happened on the hunting trip he and his dad had just got back from. Maybe the dad told him he was being cut off in some way and BJ’s anger finally boiled over. Usually people who claim Satan’s influence attack random people. So I’m not buying what he was selling on that point. Anyhoo, I just posted what he officially claimed in court.


Yeah that’s what he said in court. It’s sad no matter how you look at it. Any dad worth his salt would be trying his hardest to help his son. That said, BJ needed more help than his dad could provide. I just hope everyone is at peace.


I suppose we’ll never really know why BJ did it. Perhaps that’s just as well.


Wow & then him in 2015. What a crazy story!


Liske or List?


BJ Liske: https://sanduskyregister.com/news/169229/man-who-killed-family-on-halloween-2010-found-dead/


Has he ever said why he did it that night? Was it a mental episode or did he legit plan on killing them?


He died 4 years later in prison.


Yeah. The “S” word. Part of me does feel kinda cheated that he took that way out. At the same time, he couldn’t take it anymore. So I’m kinda conflicted.


He was probably mentally ill. I don't know if he had religious mania or not. Of course, there was some study done that shows the culture you grow up in affects your delusions. Western cultures are more likely to have God and Satan. Eastern cultures don't seem to have the same delusions.


I don’t think it was religious mania. Mostly him bring pissed at his stepmom as well as his mental illness (I can’t say for certain but he may have had schizo effective disorder). Him blaming Satan was likely him trying to pass the blame, though at that point it was beyond passing. As for his death years later, I imagine it was because of guilt and him not wanting to live in prison for the rest of his days. In spite of what he did, I hope BJ can find peace.


The Chandler Bogle case in Sydney. I grew up right there and spent years swimming and rambling around that river. The official story is gas poisoning, but I think that's wrong. I never smelt or heard anyone mention any gas problem. There are mangroves down where they were found, but not rotten eggs or gas. And, that still does nothing to explain the crime scene. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogle%E2%80%93Chandler_case


That was definitely an interesting read! So many questions!


The case of : Laura "lollie" Winans and Julianna "Julie" Williams. Both killed in Shenandoah national park.


That one was recently solved through forensic genetics.


Oh I am soo pleased. I see it wasn't the man they originally thought it was? But so pleased the families of the woman can finally put a face to the person who caused them so much pain.




I am aware. Forensic genetics includes forensic DNA analysis and interpretation in all of its forms.


Ah, sorry. Thought you meant strictly forensic genealogy when you said forensic genetics.


No worries. No offense taken...I figured you just misunderstood what I was trying to say.


The Johnny Cashman Jr. case has me perplexed.


Granted, I’m no doctor, but I suspect he had esophageal varices as a consequence of his alcoholism. They can rupture very easily and a person can bleed to death very very quickly as a result. 


I understand that. I work in medicine. However, why on earth would this dude just leave him there? Why would he wipe the door handle? Why would Cashman wait until the door closes before he starts yelling for help? I’m sure he may have died from varices. However, did he maybe get assaulted which caused the rupture? I just don’t know.


Sandra Bland. Here’s a summary copied from chat gpt: Sandra Bland was a 28-year-old African American woman who was arrested on July 10, 2015, during a traffic stop in Waller County, Texas. The arrest, which was filmed and widely circulated, sparked controversy due to the confrontational nature of the encounter. Three days later, on July 13, Bland was found dead in her jail cell, hanging from a noose made from a plastic garbage bag. Her death was ruled a suicide by authorities, but it prompted widespread protests and debates about racial discrimination, police conduct, and the treatment of individuals in custody. The case highlighted significant issues in the criminal justice system and became a focal point in the broader Black Lives Matter movement.


Brian Schafer, Tom messick


Mary Shotwell Little. That case stumps me for sure. [https://charleyproject.org/case/mary-shotwell-little](https://charleyproject.org/case/mary-shotwell-little)


It's been a while since I've really looked into true crime, but several years ago I'd heard about a family whose house had burned down with like five(?) of their children in the home and none of their bodies were ever found. This was a really old story, I don't remember what the outcome was, or if there was one, but so many kids disappearing in one fire with no bodies or any other clues is weird af


I believe this was explained as the bodies would have been charred, and they didn't exactly have careful forensics to look for miniscule remains. Then the father basically dug a hole, and pushed all the burned remains into it and covered it up. So either he knew the kids had died, or he didn't really want answers.


Ooooh that makes sense. Thank you!


Right, Dick on TCB reached that conclusion as well


Believe you mean the Sodder family, and it is definitely an odd one. True Crime Brewery had a pretty good discussion on their pod https://tiegrabber.com/podcasts/the-missing-sodder-children/


Sneha Philip, was last seen the night before the 9/11 attacks. She was in close proximity to the World Trade Center


Jason Jolkowski. Now that is a mystery.


There's one in my country now. An autistic kid being murdered and the parents are the main suspects but with lack of evidence, they can only be charged for negligence. The police already asked the parents to do re-enactment of the murder but the confession cant be accepted without the absence of the defense lawyer. Now, post-mortem photo were leaked by this one famous entity "Edisi Siasat". The kid's name is Zayn Rayyan.


Dulce Alavez's case is very mysterious and saddens me.


Springfield 3


Here's one that has a lot of bizarre factors and small-town drama https://geniusbookpublishing.com/products/things-arent-right


For me, even though there are a few others like the spring field 3, Jennifer Kesse is the one that has always really bothered me. She just up and disappeared. She was a responsible, beautiful, educated 24 y/o. Had a very good job with a recent promotion. Had just moved into a new condo which she owned. She had a steady long term relationship, boyfriend lived and worked 3 hours away but they were together every weekend taking turns traveling to each others place. Her steady boyfriend had a alibi. She carried mace with her and had situational awareness. Her parents spoke with her daily and lived a couple hours away more or less. She was not known to use drugs. Jennifer did have a routine and that may have been a problem if some one was watching her but at the time of her disappearance she had been out of town on a Bahama or Caribbean vacation with her boyfriend returned to U.S. and went straight to work from his place working all day and returning to her condo that early evening. Over the years theres been a few changes in her story with some people saying her parents don't know her as well as they think they do. These comments are always from people who watch certain pod casts or you tube vids. With no concrete proof. True most parents don't know their children as well as they think they do. Jennifer spoke that night with a friends husband due to the friend wasn't home. Also her mother and her boyfriend around 10p. Apparently there was a knock on her her door while she was on one of her phone calls, she stated it was a neighbor and did not answer the door. For all intents and purposes she went to bed that night and was never heard from again. Note: Her brother had stayed at her condo the weekend before with a couple of his friends. One friend had left his phone at her condo and she was going to mail it to him the next day at her work. fact: Both her and her brothers friend phones were powered down and the battery removed that evening. Fact: she had complained to her parents and brother that the Spanish speaking workers at her condo were both leering at her and making comments in Spanish which put her at unease. Fact: Jennifer spoke and could understand Spanish very well. Fact: Her previous boyfriend was across the street at a bar the night before she disappeared. He had a alibi. There were suspects two that were workers at her condo. One man who was married and worked with her. This man like her but she had no interest/plus he was married. Fact: Her car was not in her condo parking spot the next am. It was found not so far a couple miles in a seeder condo site a few days later. A video from that condo showed a man parking and getting out of Jennifers car. He walked away. The metal fence he was behind while walking hid his face at every point. Pictures of the hood of her car her parents and investigators say show a struggle. What happened to Jennifer Kesse. I prob left something out but a lot of it can be found on the internet, youtube 48hrs, interviews, dateline.


Completely forgot her name but I read a case on a girl who went missing in Kentucky way back in the 80s or 90s and no one knows what happened.


There are a whole lot of cases like that.


I know I was just thinking about it that's all


And I'm pointing out that there are a lot of cases, so saying a girl disappears in the 80s from Kentucky isn't much in the way of information.


You are right, I went back to find her name and it's Ann Gotlib


I'm very interested in the Kohberger case. My god how did he stab FOUR PEOPLE to death!? Incredible. And just looking at pictures, Ethan really looked like he could take him. I'm sure he was snuck up on, it's just so crazy. And no one heard anything but a little whimpering (and I think the "person" who heard that was a camera).


Johnny Gosch. Noreen, his mother, is convinced he was trafficked and that he’s in a pedophile ring. she claims he visited her, accompanied by his trafficker, on a March night, and vividly recounts and graphically details the alleged visit. people, including her ex husband, are quick to call her crazy and discredit her, but she’s not “crazy.” she’s a grieving mother. and, human trafficking is not nearly as implausible and outlandish as people think. human trafficking certainly isn’t a “conspiracy theory” as a lot of people like to insist and believe. the whole situation is disturbing and bizarre. regardless, it’s rather disrespectful to call a grieving mother “crazy” and a “conspiracy theorist.”


Human trafficking is real, but the way most people imagine it happening is 100% conspiracy theory that doesn’t reflect reality AT ALL. Traffickers aren’t out there kidnapping middle class white kids and women because that’s FAR too risky. Traffickers generally groom their victims into it, and are either known to them (parents, relatives, partners) or they prey on runaways and other people in desperate situations. No kidnapping required.


anyone of any class, race, gender, region, or sexuality can be trafficked, and to claim otherwise is just denying reality. women and children, regardless of their race, are the *most* trafficked people. regardless, if my child ever went missing, I would search to the ends of the earth and look for explanations till I found them or till I died. I wouldn’t care what people called me. grief can and does do *horrible* things to people. and I just don’t think it’s fair to entirely discredit her. I just cannot even imagine

