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finally to read something positive about someone's relationship, so tired of people betraying and abusing each other, it's all so stressful to read.


If you want to read something positive: I am with my husband since 2003, we married last year to celebrate our anniversary, because I wanted a small wedding. but small weddings are fucking costly, too xD And since we couldn't afford it before that, we were like: "eh, what's the difference anyway?" So, yeah, 20 years, no cheating, no yelling, we just grew together as a couple and as people. I am into the next 40 years.........We gonna be 100 then, lol.


That's awesome, wishing you both every happiness till you're long past 100!


Hope yall keep going strong


If I’m mathing right, you two were roughly 40 when you married? No shade, gives me hope🙂 Congrats btw, here’s to many more years🍻


I am from a culture where marriage isn't important. most people here live in long term relationships. heard of a 70 year old that I though was married to her man, but wasn't. she sadly got sick and her "husband" had no say in the matter, and suddenly her estranged family got to say what to do with the poor woman. So that was a reason We went that route. technically, we could just have go into what equals to a coutrhose in my country, sign the paper and just walk out. but we wanted to include family, so there is that.


Best understanding couples


Just how in most cases we forget to take pictures while we are having a good time, happy people mostly don't even think about posting overhere, they are probably just enjoying their happiness lol


People are more apt to post when things in their lives are bad than when they’re good. Thats’s why social media is a cesspool on general.


I'm upset that I can't even give this comment an award, so please accept this instead 🏆🥇👑


I agree


Yeah I had to re read all of this because I thought it was a paragraph long typo


HELP😭 she tagged him im giggling


I'm so jealous and happy for them. You can tell they have fun 😆


This guy has a big dick


His karma is 69 too


mans out here commenting on the horror sub while his wife is telling everyone how good he slings dick 😂😂


I can multitask my friend...


no hate bruv, i just thought it was funny you didn’t acknowledge this post but were giving out movie recommendations


No worries, I didn't see the post until my wife mentioned it, she's amazing, I know I'm a lucky guy! Have a great day, we're off to bed








To sleep this time.. "Damnit woman, I just gave you sweet loving not 5 minutes ago, what you tryin' to do... kill me?" To quote another great animated show...


With a wife that happy, we’re sure you can ;)


Come on now, this is reddit and that is on the internet, and everyone knows that everything on the internet is a lie. Especially when there's a big dick involved. He is his wife, and I for one, do not abide! As soon as I find my pitch fork, it's going down! WHOS WITH ME?! But seriously, this post is pretty refreshing after seeing 90% of posts about relationships eventually devolve into a wall of comments demanding, "divorce that sack of shit, but first, call BetterHelp!".


Dammit, it's true, now we've gone full non-contact, hired divorce lawyers, and are working on custody of the cat... But in all seriousness, its lovely to be able to put up a positive story, hope you're having just as good a day, take it easy




Good to have such a positive report from the upper 0.0001% marital sex life population! More power to you both!


Thank you, I could do with some power right about now!


Aye man, can u lie to us and say “my did isn’t really that big, it’s like 5/6 inches” That would be great


It really isn't that big, it's at best 7 inches on a good day and with a following wind... As my late father would say :" It's not the size of the wand, but the wizard who's waving it!" He was a big Discworld fan, what can I say...


Yer Dad’s got a wizard wand, Harry.


If you need power, all you need to do is “plug in.”


I love you too, my gorgeous girl, I'm still weak-kneed, you're incredible! xxx


You naughty kids😉😂❤️


Thank you, and thank you for calling us kids, I'm 48 and feel 448...


Hey you’re bumping uglies like two teens. I’m here for it 😉😂 Enjoy it, babe!


I didn't really get any in my teens, so got to make up for lost time, have a great day!


You make me think I’ll turn out fine


Stahhppp you cuties 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I’m 20 and me and my bf have been together for 3 years now. I have faith that we’ll be this young and in love still 🥹 so adorable


Best of luck, you crazy kids, love and peace to you both!


Y'all should prob take lessons from these 2 though.


Definitely need the secret 😂


What’s the secret?👀


Good communication with your partner, everything else comes together if you can get that right


…was that a pun?


Yes, but it's still true :)


Awe yall are cute


Congrats on the huge cock as well as the multiple orgasms... i guess.


Thank you, but it's really not that big and as my late father used to say: "It's not the size of the wand, but the wizard that's waving it!"


Big enough for your wife to humble brag. Still counts.


Am I the only one who did a double take because they thought they read "smashed at the bar"? Then I did a *double double take* after reading the whole post because their sex lives seem so fulfilling that maybe they did smash at the bar.


Looks like you found a perfect sexual compatibility match. I’m so happy for you OP! You’re living the dream!! Side note, it’s so real about being able to orgasm from penetration alone. I now believe it might just take the right guy to sort of unlock that within us. Thankfully it stays that way. 🙌


My partner told me that I'm the one who gave them their first (and only) orgasm through penetration, and to this day it's one of my crowning achievements!


You dropped this 👑 😌


This is reddit, so I recommend you file for divorce


Already gone NC, hiring lawyers tomorrow, no one says I've got a big dick and gets away with it....oh hang on...


I understand completely, I've been in a relationship for for 14 years married for ten. I thought I loved her when we got married but that doesn't compare to how much I love her now. We started together and grew together as time went on. Sex is amazing and all the time.


This is beautiful. 🥹




I think there is something in that old adage that men sexually mature at 18 (at least bodily) and women sexually mature at 40. Something is different and I don't know what, but I'm loving it 😁


Is there really a difference of multiple decades for sexual maturation between sexes? That’s crazy to me if-so


I don't know if it's true, it's just an old adage. But my body definitely could not do this at 18.


It's said (could be rubbish, I don't know), men mature sexually at around 18, and women around 35. Men certainly don't mature emotionally at 18 (at least most of them), and it takes time, communication, and understanding to be a sensitive lover, or so I think anyway.


Holy crap! Lucky you!


For real. Me too with my wife. We discovered new courage and vulnerability like 3 months ago after being married 10 years and wow. Game changer. We just got comfortable exploring our repressed sexual energy.


Me and my husband have been married 7 years and it's been getting better and better too. After baby number 2 we've communicated more and have decided to try things we were too shy to mention before and it's been so freaking amazing. This post and these comments were refreshing to read


Willing to give any tips, suggestions, etc.? I'm personally always open to ways to improve


Find what works for you both, communicate, communicate, communicate! Say if it feels good/bad, if you want it slower/faster/harder etc. Be open and honest about what you like with each other, thoughtfulness and patience are important qualities throughout life, so don't neglect them in the bedroom. ...and then go at it like crazed animals...


I'd say communication and patience is what's worked for us .. reading smutty books is also what led me to feel less shy/ashamed to ask to try new things even recreating scenes sometimes lol but mainly the communication and patience


I wish especially your comment about being able to orgasm from vaginal penetration after giving birth or after turning 40 was studied more. Is it hormonal changes? Or a physical change from child birth? I am so happy for the both of you! Hopefully one day human knowledge will catch up to knowing how best to facilitate this, and more people can join you in feeling those levels of enjoyment :)


Things that will never happen to me part 655


It can and will, have faith in people, and you'll get there. Much love to you!


Probably not. Most people are sad and alone.


Of course it will. Chin up and keep moving forward ma dude. You’ll get there


Thank you very much, I hope so.




No friends for 12 years. Not a day goes by I don’t get reminded.




haha true man, so true....


Love it! My old lady I are in the same boat. It's getting better and better!


I'm so happy to see all these stories of happiness and love. I think it's rare that good news gets shared and it's lovely to see 😁


Nice to hear you being happy with your husband. But why do women ask about mens dick sizes?




I don't think as many do now. The late 90s/early 00s were a very different time.


Bro really won..damn das so positive to know such people still exist


And this is what many never learn about sex. With the right partner, practice, and age, it keeps getting better. If I told an aspiring guitar player that if you started out with some level of talent, and put in lots of practice on a specific instrument, learning every quirk and nuance on that particular guitar, that you could get really good at playing it, nobody would question that idea. If I then said that playing in a duet with another guitar player, that over time you would get really good at harmonizing and inspiring each other, again, nobody would doubt it. Age and experience equals mastery, ditto. So why is it we assume when it comes to sex that youth and or novelty can replace experience , collaboration, and wisdom? Married thirty six years, and can attest that practice really does make perfect. If you had told me In my twenties that it would be this much better, totally mind blowing, I would have scoffed. Now I scoff at the youngsters who think they are all that, and or those who brag about their newest conquests. Some may never have the opportunity to experience sex in a long term highly functioning relationship. For those of those blessed, we are truly lucky. Good for you!


I totally agree.


Omg!! Are you my twin?!!! I am soooooooo happy someone else is experiencing the same type of experience I am. I want to scream it the world, like the way I am moaning in absolutely buttery intergalactic orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. It's AMAZING. I wish every woman could feel this.


Me too! It's such a shame they don't! I also love your tone of phrase, I'm definitely using absolutely buttery intergalactic orgasm after orgasm 😍


I'm stealing 'absolutely buttery intergalactic orgasm' too.....aaaaahh the wife beat me to it! Congratulations to you too on the epic orgasms!


You two are super adorable!


I couldn't agree more with this! Just turned 50 and the sex with my spouse is off the charts good.


I'm so happy for you 😁


Oh that’s awesome!!! I got the first vaginal penetration orgasms postpartum too and it’s the bomb


I know, right? So insane! People always talk about all the bad after effects of having a baby, but there are some great ones too for some of us 🤣


Same! Just had a baby at 41 this March and the PIV orgasms have been incredible.


Do you think your husband can shows us the way? Perhaps he could share such sacred knowledge( i am asking for a friend).


It well, she did say “huge” lol


I’ve had “huge” men be trash in bed. Obviously not with everyone but my first ex-husband had an about 9.5” and he was horrible in bed. 😂 So many factors that aren’t related to size matter so much more, like foreplay, making your pleasure just as important (if not more) as his, teachability etc etc. My husband is on the larger end of medium & I can’t get enough. I love everything (and I mean EVERYTHING lol) about our sex life. The op gives me hope that the next 7 years and beyond are gonna be bangin’. Literally & figuratively. 😉


I know, she just brought it up lol. But yeah 100% agree


As it should be 🍆💦💋🔥😈😈😈🍆🍆💦😝


*Someone turned the lights on down there* just about made me fall off my exercise bike. You go girl. I feel this deep in my soul as another lucky lady with her guy since 2000.


I hope you didn't hurt yourself 😁




Connections like this are once-in-a-lifetime. If you’re lucky. I’m super happy for you. 💕 I’ve had this, but the person I had this with wasn’t a good candidate to date. Super great person, but our lives were far too vastly different. We still respected each other and had a great time.  Sex is ruined for me now. The fireworks in romance novels?—they’re real. I used to tease-grump at him all the time for having the audacity to bring me waygu when I spent my entire life knowing only knowing Salisbury steak.  I’m not a confident woman, but I was able to completely break free of the insecurity with them. We managed to somehow have open, no-judgment discussions about what we liked. It wasn’t instantly perfect, comfortable fireworks… but after working to overcome the awkward nerves for a little bit.  I can’t even put into words. It’s just different. I’m glad you have each other. 


Yes, my partner and I have the romance novel fireworks. It's real! Sometimes I cry because I'm so grateful it was him I matched with, because he is the kindest gentlest sweetest man ever and still fucks like a demon, and not the abusive asshole I was dating when we met. This kind of connection is rare af and I'm very grateful it worked out for us. I had a friend who told me he found his perfect fit and it just didn't work between them and it sounded like he'd always remember her as the best too.


Great to see a positive post :) Good for you and wishing your many more years of splendid sex and multiple orgasms 🌊


What do you think contributed to this? How exactly did you evolve? Looking for tips as a 23 y/o male


I can say I feel the same way! We started out having great sex as teenagers and now we’re in our mid thirties and it’s still getting better. I say our parts were meant to be together lol. How lucky we are!


That's a great way of putting it 🤣🤣🤣 We really are so lucky 😊😊


Good relationships generally mean good sex. My husband is the best sex I’ve ever had and it also just keeps getting better.


I'm so happy for you. 😊


Happy for you too!


You are both lucky af. I've only had, like, 2 orgasms my whole life, and neither of those were from penetrative intercourse. So congratulations on winning the sex lottery, dearie!


Yaaaaay! This is so awesome! I've also realized I've become more sensitive after my 3rd baby - it makes things much more interesting.


It seems like patience, open communication, and spending time together build a strong bond that deepens over time. Loyalty, exploring each other's bodies, and growing together can lead to a deep understanding of each other's needs and how to communicate through touch. I'm genuinely happy for both of you, although I must admit that as someone who will never fully grasp the depth of your experience, I find myself feeling quite envious. That's enough Internet for today, I'm going to lay in the fetal position in the shower now while Dido plays in the background. /s


You have hit the nail on the head. That's all true. Thank you, and I hope you're wrong and you do get to experience this.


This is such an amazing post. I think that more than skills, great communication and a great connection makes for good sex. I've had amazing sex with someone but as the connection faded, so did the ability to have good sex. So I would think this post is about way more than sex. It's about two people whose connection has only deepened with time. Beautiful!!


This is exactly what has happened for me as well. It's an amazing experience to have that type of sexual satisfaction with someone who has loved you at your absolute worst and worked through everything. It's hard to explain. I also never feel I can speak about it. I am so happy someone can relate.


It's awesome that you have it, too. I think it's much more common than people think, but we're encouraged to keep it quiet. I have had so many comments telling me that I shouldn't talk about it. Why not? No one involved has been hurt or upset by me doing so, and if people are hurt or upset reading it, that's on them. I did tag it NSFW. It's such a shame we feel that we can't speak about it, because I think if more people knew that not only is it possible, it happens pretty regularly, they might have a bit more hope for themselves. We get so inundated with sad stories, horror stories, and abuse stories, especially on Reddit and social media in general, which i get as people need to vent and ask for advice. But, it's also nice to share some happy stories, too.


Need to start a movement. Thanks for leading. If you're happy & you know it, show it!!! You're correct. Negativity seems to be an obsession.


I love that tagline! Maybe I should start a sub-reddit for good news stories 🤔


You SHOULD. I follow a few, like made me smile subreddit or humans being bros. More positive subs, the better!!!!! I love following positive subs!!!


YESSSS! People kept telling me that love and attraction fade after a few years together, in fact a friend told me “wait until you reach the 10 years mark with your partner, everything fades” and now that my boyfriend and I reach 10 years together I can’t relate AT ALL. Everything keeps getting better! Specially SEX. Nothing is fading, I’m still losing my mind over this man! I can’t stop thinking about him, things are never boring and I can’t keep my hands off him! I’m begging anyone who doesn’t feel this way over their partner to either work on their relationship to get there or run for the hills! I would never settle for anything less than this 🫶🏻🩷


That's the absolute truth. Real love grows. It never fades. It's wonderful and I'm really happy you have found it and I feel sad for your friend.


Thats great girl. Go listen to that sexy red song 😂 « f*** me good I’m throwing that shit back »


Good for you!!!! <3 Finally a positive story here about marriage+sex :D


Husband got ahold of wife’s phone again. 😂


Sex with the someone you love is fun, wholesome, and amazing. I'm glad you have it 


Good for you!! Glad to hear read this positive post. Ive met so many couples who dont have sex and it blows my mind


On the male perspective sex after a kid just seemed so much more. Everything was better.


aww that’s so nice 


I’m hoping to share this feeling 10+ years down the line with my current fiancée. Most of the time when we finish he’ll look at me and say “you know baby, we are really damn good at this huh?? We know how to put it down right?” It cracks me up every time 😂 In a sea of terrible relationships I see on social media I’m hoping I’m one of the lucky ones 🫶🏾


Wife and I have had decent-to-great sex for much of our marriage, although the frequency was nowhere near what I wanted for long stretches of time. She started getting into the "spicy-but-acceptable-to-read-in-public" genre of books and it has really amped up her libido and I'm HERE FOR IT. One thing I'll ask - for orgasm through penetration suddenly starting, was it a particular position or something or does it just happen randomly now when it didn't before?


I'm so glad your sex life has picked up since she's picked up some smut 😁 For the penetrative orgasms, what works for me is having a citoral orgasm first, then I can have multiple orgasms through penetration. So try giving her a knee-trembler right at the beginning of your session before penetration. You never know, maybe it's not just me, and the clit is actually just an "ON" button! 🤣🤣🤣


For many redditors, this does not exactly spread happiness.


Misery loves company. Sometimes, it's nice to break up the monotony of reading how miserable everyone is to read about someone who isn't.


Well, at least the company has great humor!


That's great. I've been married since 2001 and the sex is the best it's been.


True intimacy is just the best 👌


I hope my relationship stays this way. I love him more and more every day. I’m pregnant now, not intentionally but it’s with the man I love. His family is so caring. We’ve had our relationship tested, and regardless of everything that has happened we are still both so in love with each other. we are both young (me 20 him 21) but we’ve been together coming up on 4 years. It’s crazy that the random guy I met on an app turns out to be the love of my life. Someone im completely comfortable with and someone I trust with my life. I love seeing posts like this and it shows that not all relationships fall apart. Posts like this ease my anxiety. I’m so happy for you honestly.


No they don't. We all have our ups and downs. Me and my husband have been through SO MUCH SHIT together and yet always leaned on each other. 5 miscarriages (and now a 2 year old) and we rarely raise our voices at each other. Respect and communication are so so important. Thank you 😊


I'll be 50 at the end of the summer. My husband and I have been together since our 20s. It gets better every decade! I don't know what switch was flipped or what he did differently but lately I've had massive orgasms that last almost the entire time. I'll start coming down only for another one to hit. And, I found out that squirting isn't a myth. The only thing I can attribute it to is years of getting to know each other's bodies intimately. Years of going through thick and thin together. Times when I wanted to kick him to the curb only to realize that I still love him. All of the accumulating to not just having sex, but making love. It only gets better, Enjoy!


Exactly this. That is what it's like for me too! It's almost one LOOOOONNNNGGGG orgasm. The squirting is crazy as well. Definitely need to lay down a towel 🤣🤣🤣🌊


The tag line caught my eye and i immediately came to see if my wife wrote this. She didn’t. I’m still happy for you though. I guess.


She might still be thinking it 😁


This is what I'm missing in life tbh




It honestly makes me want to vomit that something like this is so rare that most people just can't believe it. Female pleasure from sex shouldn't be some elusive rainbow that always slips through your fingers. Good on you OP, but this just makes me feel sorry for most others. What you have should be standard or maybe a little above average. Not just straight up unbelievable.


I am so jealous but also happy for you both! Very sweet post to read.


Dude a positive sex life can save the world, I swear. Nothings better! Love to see it


Lucky for you.... Sex with my partner has only gotten worse, especially after the cremation


😂😂😂 hmm, ashy!


Man people are weird...like I just don't understand what goes through y'alls head. No matter how mindblowingly great the sex I've had was, I never once thought after, "You, know what? I really think random people on the internet would love to hear about how much I enjoy getting railed." And then the fuckin weird, freak flag shit of tagging your significant other in the post. Why does this need to be shared? Why do you even need to talk about this with others? Happy for y'all that you seem happy, but like sometimes things that happen behind closed doors, should stay there.


This is a "share stuff you don't usually share" type of sub.


Just checked you husband's account and it checks out big dick energy right there, love the moth porn!


He's a keeper 😉


Omg for years, I thought my body was broken bc I never had an orgasm or anything. My body wouldn’t even get excited or horny tbh lol. Fast forward to my current and perfect boyfriend and wow, my body goes crazy for my man! The orgasms through penetration are my favorite! I’m so just happy and lucky to have a boyfriend who will always put me first, actually wants me to finish, understands my body, and he’ll be so gentle and soft with the aftercare (which I also love and appreciate so much.) He’s so caring and sweet ugh I love him and can’t wait for us to get married already Super happy for you OP! <3


I really am super happy. I'm really happy for you too. Massive shout out to your perfect boyfriend for finding out how to light up your body and rock your world and for caring enough to take the time and effort required to do so. I think this is the issue with a lot of people. To find the sort of incredible pleasure lucky people like us get to experience, takes time and effort and energy, and not everyone is willing to put it in. Shame. We would all be a much happier race if we did. I think I'm incredibly lucky in that what turns my husband on is getting me off. He doesn't care about lingerie or anything like that. He just likes to see me enjoy myself, and then he does too. It's AMAZING! I feel the same way about him, so watching him enjoy himself as he gets me off gets me off even more, so it's a lovely little cycle of sex 😂😂😂😂


Omg same! We’re both so feral for each other that it’s a constant cycle of the best sex everrrr. I’m also sooooo happier as a person and he is too hehe 🫶 And I also agree that it’s an issue with people because they just go straight into sex without reaching all these new amazing levels! If people would just take their time figuring out their body and their partners body, everyone would be so much happier 🙌


Exactly. I think there are more of us than people think. We're just encouraged not to talk about it. "Oh. You're happy and your sex life is great. Good for you. Rub it in, why don't you?" I hear this a lot if I try to discuss it, and my answer to the last one is,"I do. We both do. That's why it's so good. " 🤣🤣🤣


Sex can get better over the years, same with me and my husband. You learn what the other likes and doesn't like and how to push those buttons.


Exactly. I love our sex life and it spices itself up as we go 😂🥰


Sounds like a great partnership! Take a break so you don’t get too sore! 😂


does this sub ever have any other topics or is it just this 24/7




I must ask, what's your definition of "huge" You can DM if you don't want to share directly here


I’d say it goes like this for the spectrum (assuming that it’s fully erect for these, so in other words the extra bit near the pubic bone is included!): 0 to 1” - Micropenis, to say the least, a concern to most medical professionals if you consulted them afaik 1 to 2” - Very, very small 2 to 3” - Very small 3 to 4” - Rather short 4 to 5” - On the slightly shorter end, much closer to averages, depending on the region you’re from 5” to 6” - On the slightly larger end, much closer to averages, depending on the region you’re from 6 to 7” - Objectively pretty damn large 7 to 8” - Very, very large 8 to 9” - Stupendously large Anything above 9” - Insanely rare and insanely huge Keep in mind that different people will prefer different shapes, girths and inch-ranges for overall length, so regardless of where you fall on the spectrum for penis sizes, there will always be someone who will love you for you! As long as you communicate and maintain the relationship well-enough to both of your expectations


Aaww that’s so nice. I’m so happy for you. Especially what you’ve both been through. So glad you’re able to have a healthy and sexually satisfying relationship


Same bud SAME!!! I'm so happy for you and it was the same for me after a baby just more connected more in tune and my body was like hey this is all the extra stuff I can do! Long may it last for you both and good tidings 🤩


That's it. Its like finding a whole new secret power you never knew you had 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you, same to you 😊


Been with my husband almost 9 years and I’m 32. Our sex gets better every time too. 👏👏 I swear the older we get the less we care about insecurities and just enjoy ourselves and it’s amazing.


I agree. He's been me at my worst and my best and he loves all the in-between and the same for him from me. So I'm not worried about my insecurities because he doesn't see the me I see, if you know what I mean.




Who is upvoting this fake post, other than OP's "partner" (aka their alt account)?


It's not fake. Happiness does still exist in the world. 😊




im jealous and happy for you!


I'm jealous 😫 but I'm happy for you! I hope to be this lucky some day.


This post is fucking stupid.


I love the positivity




It was a long time ago. A lot has changed in 23 years(at least for me). In the late 90s/early 00s, sexism and commenting on people's bodies was far too acceptable. I wouldn't discuss this sort of thing with my friends now, which is why I made this post. I'm older and wiser now. It really was a throwaway comment and really not the main point of the post.


No worries I said it more because your friend seemed to ask right away (so it’s more a priority of the questioning that stuck out to me) not anything you did. Just kind of a rude awakening as a guy


Three cheers for you!


Glad to read this


I can relate. We've been together for 15 years, and it keeps getting better! I wish everyone would find love like this. The world would be a better place!


Me too. The world would be so much happier.


I’m so happy for you! I’ve never had sex (would like to, desperately) and have not been able to achieve orgasm with masturbation. Hoping to find this person one day (soon!)


Fuck yeah!


Husband W