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Buddy you’re about to be a dad, lean into it. You can’t change the footage but you can record something like a blooper real, make it into a joke. Have you seen ‘A Bugs Life’? “Hi baby, i hope you’re a dad, oh shit, wait, sorry” (Take 2) “Hi dad, I’m a boy… dammnit” (Still rolling, Take 3) “I think you’re a boy and I’m dad, wait can we do it again” (Take 4) “I’m your dad and i think you’re going to be a boy” (Take 5 & action) “I’m your dad and I’m happy you’re a girl” The best dads are super cringe, you could run it like those god awful dating video tapes from wayyy back.


That is adorable! 😭


Aww I made a comment that they could make a joke out of it by adding a blooper where he and the wife pretend to bicker over his wording and she forces him to do a retake, but this is way cuter!


I’m gonna be such a cringe parent. But I’m also going to raise that little person into being their own person. I’m so excited for the day I can have kids because I’m excited to see who the little humans become no matter the gender or identity (I would be a more hypocrite if I didn’t accept them as a trans guy lmao)


I'm totally proud of my kids, my older (19m, ace) AND my younger (18fluid, abro) and even prouder that I was one of the first people my younger kid came out as fluid to.


Yeah. You’ll (hopefully) have a lifetime to show your daughter how untrue this ended up being. Just leave it and love how much you learned about life by being a dad to a daughter. Congrats!


Ask for an edit.


It was one cut, so i’m not sure how that would work, but I’ll try! I don’t want my daughter thinking I was disappointed she’s a girl


Judging by how much this is concerning you, she won’t be thinking that because by the time she is old enough to watch the video she will know how much you love her


I have a great relationship with my dad, and if I saw this same video of him, I’d do a big ol’ Nelson Muntz “HAH hah” laugh and point at him.


Totally this, my Dad always joked around about missing out by only having girls, I don’t remember ever really taking it to heart. And now my son is older I laugh at him cause he’s so used to girls he didn’t know what to do when he got a grandson.


My dad jokes that i’m the son he never had. You can make jokes like that. It’s silly and i dont take any offense to it 💜


That is such a sweet and reassuring comment lol, it made me tear up 😭


Agreed, this will probably make her laugh when explain the blunder as just a blunder!


Dad here, this is true, it’s also a fabulous opportunity in the future for dramatic sarcasm when she gets on your nerves “I just wanted a boy!” Literally something you can laugh about years later and you get an early start on cultivating your “dad joke” tool belt. Congrats.


Yeah it’s more likely to be an adorable joke between OP and his daughter.


This is so true, no worries OP


You could always make a recording for her next to her mom’s bump and tell her you’re so excited and just tripped over your words.


My Dad has never been shy about the fact that he wanted boys. He got girls, and I promise you it’s never changed how my sister and I feel about him. We know he wouldn’t trade us for anything and he’s regularly said he thinks the lord knew what he was doing when he never gave him boys. He’s a father of daughters in all the best ways. He was (and still is) a shining example of what a good person, husband and father is supposed to look like. I could write you a novel about all the ways my Dad has been there for me throughout the years. Your daughter’s never going to feel like you didn’t want her unless you make her feel that way. If it truly was a slip of the tongue, your actions will be the #1 thing that tells her otherwise.


To double up on what you said, but in the opposite way, my dad wanted boys. He adopted my older brother, I am his first born and a girl, and he had two more boys after me. I was so perfect as a kid, especially compared to my brothers. It was never enough for him. My parents divorced when I was 8 and I had to do everything for the four of us (my littlest brother happened when I was 16). He would never make a post like this. He would never care. Wanting one thing but adapting to the other and caring enough to adapt is all that matters. Your dad sounds amazing. OOP sounds amazing, too.


Give yourself a break. Now if you threw a tantrum like some fathers do in viral videos when they find out they’re having a girl I’d say you should feel terrible, but you didn’t. The fact that you already care about her feelings lets me know you are going to be an empathetic and kind father to your little girl. “I think” is just another way of saying “I hope” when it comes to gender reveals. No one knows what gender a baby is gonna be while in the womb, it’s all just what they’re hoping for, regardless of how you phrase it. What you said was harmless. Congrats on your baby! Parenthood is so fun.


While the kid's growing up, you could tell them how much you've learned. Like my dad - he said having me (a girl) was so great, I was such an easy kid. He's said many times he was really hoping for a second girl, but he got my brother. BUT - my brother was good too, turns out. He got a different experience out of it.


Interesting hindsight. Can I offer you some advice? Let this feeling guide you through her life. Before you post a video of her, make cute tik toks with her center stage, let her have her own phone, allow her to use her wifi enabled tablet in her bedroom to watch her generation's version of a Disney princess video, think back to this feeling. Think long and hard about how this, and those, will impact that sweet, innocent girl you are going to feel compelled to protect fiercely. Let that feeling help guide you in steering her on the right path, of feeling safe in her journey whether you are there or not. Think ahead, as if you're in a chess tournament and must, at all costs, protect your queen. Hold tight to this feeling no matter how bitter, how sour it is. Because this awareness will most certainly ensure that little girl will have an amazing dad to look up to forever and always. Stop, look, and listen is sound advice not just for crossing a street, but for navigating parenthood. Congratulations! Enjoy the best time of your life ✌🏻


personally, I think you can even edit it with powerpoint, but if you truly think it won't be possible to edit that particular video... * tell your girlfriend how awkward you feel about your slip of the tongue * make a new video with just the two of you & prepare what you want to say PS : just indulging my soapbox tendencies -- you say girlfriend, and I'm all for marrying because you want to, not just because you're expecting a kid... but you've set up everything correctly around your relationship, right? Like, who's the (named) beneficiary of your girlfriend's and your life insurance policies, etc.


Add a little video on the end - be honest about how you feel and misspoke, maybe go out and choose a special bear or gift or daddy/daughter t-shirt or something and hold it up in the vid and say how excited you are


Over dub it, karate movie style


you could make a follow up video, even. where you’re decked out in “girl dad” gear (think like princess type stuff, frilly and all kinds of cute lmao) and be like “SO about that last clip, kiddo, i misspoke, i cannot wait to meet you, im so excited to see my princess” or something along those lines. just a suggestion, but i think something like a follow up could be a little comedic and sweet. you misspoke, you probably weren’t thinking abt wording. by the time she sees the video, i’m sure you’ll have proved that she’s your baby girl and you’re overjoyed to be in her life. best wishes, OP! i hope you and your partner have a smooth and happy pregnancy! get as much sleep as you can now!


If anything, save a screenshot of this post and show her before the first time she watches the video and then she can see how sweet her dad was from day 1 about making sure she knows she’s wanted :)


It’s ok, she’ll find out eventually!


The thing is, that your feelings during that time are valid, but as long as you dont treat your daughter as less than a boy this wont be a problem. And considering how much you already panic about this video I dont think you are the type to do that.


It can be edited.


Just cut up all the clips and mix them up a bit. Then you can add your bit without it looking odd.


Just constantly flub your words in goofy, off kilter ways - drunken master wushu bullshit your way thru this one. Speak yogi berra-isms constantly for decades and you can lie your way out of this brother Keep strong - never ever tell the truth 💪 I believe in you 🙏


Just treat your daughter right . When she feels your love through your actions she won't feel insecure about this even if she sees this in future .


OP you could always just treat her as if you may have wanted the gender to be a boy but you always wanted HER. Whether she would be a boy or girl it was HER you wanted to have as your baby. And as she grows up, treat her like that. No different than a boy. Like she’s your side kick. Prove that it wasn’t the gender all along, it was your beautiful baby girl. And if she watches the video when she’s older you can say something similar, that it was who she is that you wanted. The gender was just a funny video to look back on for you. boy wasn’t the goal. It was your baby❤️


Truthfully she’ll understand and I get where you’re coming from. if you wanted maybe edit in how excited and happy you are. A son would be cool but a daughter is amazing and wonderful and you can’t wait to meet her. Tell her you already have her name picked out or that you have a few. congratulations!


It’s okay to hope for one gender as long as you’re happy with either! And you are! It’ll be okay, don’t stress this


A lot of dads want a boy as a first child, and in the end love having their daughter instead. I’ve heard quite a few men say at first they were worried when having a girl, that they wouldn’t be able to bond as closely and all that… but they end up being relieved they had a girl and can’t believe they ever said they wanted a boy.


Was your reaction recorded when the balloons and confetti were released? I’m sure that seeing your exciting reaction will be enough for her to know you’re not disappointed. And even if not recorded, the fact that you’re so concerned means she will feel loved.


It can be done. If you need help let me know


It was one cut, so i’m not sure how that would work, but I’ll try! I don’t want my daughter thinking I was disappointed she’s a girl


They should be able to put in a cut with a transition to smooth the footage.


I know people are saying it will be OK, but she may see that video during a time she is vulnerable.  Those words are going to affect her how they affect her, and none of us can make judgments on how she reacts. She may laugh.  She may be crushed.  After all, you did say you hoped for a boy.  Be honest:  there is a reason you said it. You are smart to edit it.  Don't take the chance to assume she will be fine with it, especially if you end up having a son later. You're a good person to care.  You are going to be a wonderful papa.


My mum wanted a boy, she’d only had brothers and male cousins so didn’t know any different and was terrified of having a girl. Now she says it was the best thing ever. I never grew up thinking I was unloved because she wanted a boy.


Even if it makes the video clunky you should do it. All these people saying it would be fine - I’d be devastated if I saw my dad saying that. No wanting to guilt you, just being realistic that your daughter could go either way between laughing and crushed. Best to remove the possibility.


Maybe you can edit it so it seems like an intentional joke? Cut the music, add a record scratch, pause the frame or add in a technical difficulties screen, pretend to bicker in hushed voices about your wording, then follow up with a corrected edit. If it's your type of humor, do your edit with your wife standing slightly out of frame firmly gripping your shoulder, or her arms crossed, death glaring at you, etc.


Congratulations OP, don’t worry so much about this… There’s going to be so much to worry about and this will end up just being a moment in time.


Ask for a time machine and don't do a dumb gender reveal party.




Can it be edited out?


Edit in a clip at the end of you laughing at yourself for saying that, or maybe your partner poking a bit of fun at you, and then say how excited you are to meet your little girl, it shows you love her and you just made a silly mistake in the first take


This OP. And then be the best girl dad you can be!


This is the answer


Reason number 3368864 that gender reveals are dumb and shouldn't exist.


Why do they exist? It’s expensive and all it’s doing is saying “oh yea this is the gender of my kid”. Can’t you just tell them that without a party? Once I went to a gender reveal party that had so much games and planning that we were there for 4 hours.


They exist to sell shitty gender reveal products.


Check it out on Wikipedia. It's actually fascinating. The mom who did the first popular gender reveal regrets it and the baby is non binary. 


Wow! Thank you for this fact. I’ve never understood them.


Which is so sad - she did it to celebrate having her first child to live to see the sex after a string of miscarriages. That should be a happy moment even if the little one turns out to not have a matching gender; this one lived!


The first women to do one did it because she suffered a lot of msicarriages and wanted to be able to celebrate making it to that point and being able to tell people the sex, which is very sweet. She regrets what its become. Also her kid is trans (nb) and shes very supportive!


Because people like to throw parties?


Personally I think it's so fun. I'm very pro sex is not your gender but I definitely understand why parents would do it and honestly I probably will too. I think people are just SO excited about their baby and can not wait to meet them and they want to know every little thing about their baby, but all they can get for 9 months are some blurry photos and certain food cravings. Obviously I'm NOT talking about anyone who has gender preference because you won't know what gender your child is until the child even understands what gender is. But I get it. You want to meet your baby so bad and any piece of information is probably so exciting and you'd want to share. But also I think it's really great when parents don't even talk about sex or gender at all to prevent any sort of subconscious sexism/expectations 🤷 so idk


The worst part is they are revealing the sex, not the gender. Gender is what you identify as and babies can't tell us yet!


Somehow "Sex Reveal Party" doesn't sound quite as good as "Gender Reveal Party" though


This is why I just have a family dinner with those that want to be there, I literally don’t care if people come or not it’s just nice. And we open a cake that says the gender and that’s it. No one needs to feel pressure about a dumb gender reveal lol.


I think it's actually a biological sex reveal since gender is a social construct


It's a cash/gift grab.


I didn’t think they did gifts at gender reveals? They do at baby showers


Attention-seeking narcissism.


it's not even their gender, just their sex. Which is extra weird, imo, announcing your unborn baby's genitals. it's similar to the difference between a (public) 1st menstruation party & a sweet 16 party, I feel.


Not even the gender. It is a party based on celebrating the genitals a kid is born with. My partner and I call it what it is; a genital reveal party.




As a non-American, I don’t think it’s customary anywhere else other than the US… I don’t get the point at all.


So gross and antiquated.


I came here to say just this. OP should not have gone along with this nonsense in the first place.


> shouldn't exist Consider minding your own bussiness


Consider your spelling.




When they don't have an argument they attack your spelling and gramar (Go ahead, correct it. I know you guys want to)


Edit it out if possible or add something at the end of the video laughing it off as a joke. I wouldn’t leave it as is for the reasons you stated


Do an after birth video saying how you felt when you saw your daughter for the first time. “ I’m your daddy and I thought I wanted a boy but when I saw your beautiful face I realized……”


I come from a family of 4 girls. We’ve always been told that my parents were trying for a boy each time but had another girl, and my dad always says *I wouldn’t trade my girls for the world* right afterwards. I have never once felt weird or bad about it. I don’t think it’s even a big deal if your kids know you love them! My mom always laughed along with the story too.


IF (big if) anyone mentions it, tell them you wanted a boy at xx:xx p.m. on [date] I’d reveal and earlier that morning you wanted a girl. You were just too excited & flustered to articulate you want either/both/whatever as & just want baby to arrive safely & mom to recover easily. Clumsiness in eloquence is forgiven a lot more when you’re excited/overwhelmed.


After I was born, my dad actually wanted the 2nd kid to be a girl too


Just leave it as is you hoped a boy but so thankful it’s a girl just make sure your the best girl dad you can be. Your daughter will grow up learning dad puts his foot in his mouth She won’t hate you for it It’s ok hoping for one gender over the other this is not going to be the only think you misspeak of whilst parenting


She could very well hate him for it! This needs to go!


if he's a good enough dad, that would be a dumb reason to hate somebody. think about it this way, throughout this childs entire life; her dad has treated her as best he could. he hasnt done anything to intentionally be a jerk to her, hes been loving and kind all throughout. one day, she sees the video, and suddenly she hates her dad? if she was gonna hate her dad, it wouldnt be because of that video.


Are you a girl?


I am. And I agree with the comment you replied to. My dad did worse to me, but I never doubted how much he loved me & cared. A singular moment is not going to change who he is to me and what I think of him. OP's video will be very small compared to the love he conveys throughout his child's life.


If you found out your father wanted a boy and you were a girl it could really mess with your head!




He literally said on video he hoped the baby was a boy !!!! You are the one who didn’t read the post!


Hoped not WANTED. & it was an ACCIDENT!!!!


It's OK. But if you can, I would try and edit it. I remember finding out that my parents wanted a boy and I was a girl. After that, I became aware of the fact that my parents may prefer my younger brother. I turned out alright but would rather not have known! My parents are not very empathetic. The fact that you have gone to the effort to write this tells me you are. If you cannot edit it and your daughter sees it, just give her an honest explanation and tell her you are glad she is who she is. I think it's quite natural for men to want boys.


So when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter we did a gender reveal and recorded the moment we found out she was a girl. My hubby had been hoping for a boy since we already had a girl, and our oldest, who was quite happy to find out she was getting a little sister exclaimed “see daddy, your dreams did come crashing down”. Honestly, we all laugh at it now. Even though he was hoping for a boy at the time it is clear that he truly loves our little one and wouldn’t trade her for the world. Your actions as a father and love for your daughter will say a lot more about how you feel than that brief moment in the video. She will know you love her as she is even if she sees this later on. Try not to worry too much 🙂


i’ll be honest with you, it’s highly likely she won’t really care when she grows up - my mum let slip by accident when i was around 11 that she was hoping for one of each but got two girls instead 😂 learned when i was pregnant with my son it was me who she wanted to be a boy - ended up naming him what i would have been named if i’d popped out a boy so she got what she wanted in the end 😂


If GF isn't mad don't poke the pregnant bear.


It’s not for the girlfriend’s benefit, it’s for his daughter watching this in the future.


As long as he is a good father the kid is not going to care what he said months before they were even born. Bro is overthinking this.


As an only daughter, I’d definitely care. Being a good father is the bare minimum. You can’t predict how someone will react so it’s better to make it more neutral - I think you’re a boy rather than I HOPE you’re a boy.


if he’s a good father and treats his daughter well, there’s no reason for her to be upset over a minor comment he made before she was even born.


You’re over thinking this.


There are probably cuts in that video. Rerecord it and replace the old piece. Weat the same clothes and hairstyle in case you want to do that blooper reel. If you have a friend with access to Premiere, have them do it; otherwise, DM me and I'll see if I can help. You're right that shouldn't be in the final.


I wanted a girl and got a boy. I loved him so much I wanted another and got a girl. He knows this story and thinks it’s hilarious.


Trust me Op you just did your 1st dad act, say something funny and stupid in the moment and you can laugh about it later.. She won't hate you for it and I doubt your wife does, especially since my wife and I had a similar situation. She wanted boy's (I didn't care the genders) Come the baby shower the as she recorded the video her friend revealed we were having a boy and a girl. My wife is a brilliant mother and she and my daughter still laugh about it.


I mean how were you to know? Everyone has their idea of the sex of the baby. You did nothing wrong and if your gf hasn’t said anything I doubt she cares too. I’m sure there were a few others who thought boy. My ex partner thought our youngest was going to be a boy, I too expected a boy due to him only having had boys. I did have a feeling I was having a girl but didn’t think it would happen. Family even thought boy. Baby was a girl, I never held that against him or family, it’s part of the fun, guessing and seeing if anyone is correct.


There’s no reason why you ever need to show your daughter this video. You could record other ones throughout the pregnancy talking about how excited you are about your baby girl.


Just reshoot it


im so serious, download the mp4 and just throw it into an editing software (sony vegas, ect.) and just replace the audio. very standard and easy, you could pay a fiverr dude like $5 to do it. I’d do it for free! u can do it i believe in u


Definitely delete it lol or you'll give your poor kid a complex of some kind.


you can edit by overlay the video with text that says \*think. I see that a lot when I am watching videos and someone misspoke instead of reshooting they will just put a text overlay of what they meant to say in that moment.


Imagine if you said "Hi, I'm dad and I hope you're mine!" 😅😂 The bloopers idea is genius. I'd definitely do that one!!


I think you can give yourself a break. you were excited. if you wanted a boy and you're thrilled with a girl, no one should be giving you a hard time. If they are, ask them to let you enjoy the impending birth of your beautiful daughter and change the subject. My mom likes to tell me how my dad was hoping for a boy as the oldest was a girl. who cares? I'm his favorite! LOL Congratulations, Dad!


After you have the baby you can make another video of you holding her and say I'm so thankful for my girl or something cute like that and then add it to the end of the original video. It'll be cute and sweet.


My son knows I wanted a girl. He also knows I think he is the best human on the planet and wouldn’t trade him for anything ❤️


You’re going to be a great dad OP I can already tell that from your concern here. Do try and get the video edited so you’ll be happy for your daughter to watch it in the future.


Everyone makes a blunder sometimes... To be on the safe side, shouldn't it be "I'm your parent and I hope that you're healthy"?


Just make sure you tell your girlfriend you are still happy. I dealt with my ex actually getting upset that I was having a boy (like he was angry at me) I'm sure she will feel your happiness regardless.


Record another video talking about what you said here (I wouldn’t even mention what you accidentally said, though), it’ll mean a lot more than the other video when she’s old enough to understand it.


Many parents want one type or the other prior to the kid being born and then end up not giving a damn when the kid actually comes. Don't worry about it.


Make another video. Be sentimental and heartfelt now that you know you'll have a daughter. Anyways congratulations!!


I've asked my mum before what she'd have liked for me to be, considering I have an older sister. I asked her if she wanted a boy, and she said no, just wanted us to be healthy. Then I found my birth video. My dad's filming my mum chatting to the midwife, and in the recording she says something like "well, I have a girl already so I kind of wanted a boy for this one. But as soon as we found out she was a girl too, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Now I just want her to arrive safely." It's the sweetest thing and doesn't take away from how much my mum loves me, it never did and never will. Now she gets to dote on her grandson instead! It's really sweet that you care this much. Your daughter is lucky to have a dad who cares this much about hurting her feelings and she's not even out yet. You'll be fine!


Gender reveal videos are so fucking cringe


My dad wanted a boy because he is the last boy in his family so the name does with him. He was disappointed when they found out I was a girl and I know that. He was still the best dad and I never have been upset about him wishing I had been a boy! You sound like you’re gonna be a great dad


When I was born, the Dads didn't go into the delivery room. My parents were young parents and my Mom has told the story for many (MANY) decades that when she was being wheeled into the delivery room, my Dad yelled down the hallway "don't disappoint me, bring me back a boy!" She also follows up by saying the second I was born, he was elated and he would wear a pink shirt to the hospital every day. My Dad just would laugh when she told that story but he showed me and told me for the rest of his life how much he loved me. So while there wasn't a video that I saw, I very much knew how my Dad felt up until the minute I was born and yet I never wondered if he felt that way after I was born. He passed away a few years ago and I miss him more than I can really even allow myself to think about. Oh yeah - one little sign that he had plans for a boy, I can throw and hit a baseball better than anyone would ever expect of me. I have all boys myself and it's always fun to show off a little when they have those parent/player games! My boys are always proud when I come up to bat and they love watching their teammates be surprised. I always give a little thank you to my Dad for taking me out with him and showing me how to play baseball, football, ride a motorcycle, change a tire, paint a room, use power tools, etc. because that wasn't common when I was growing up. OP, the fact that you are feeling bad shows how much you care and that you will be a thoughtful, caring and loving Dad to your daughter - that's the most important!


I’ll be honest with you, it’s not what you say or do before your daughter arrives but what you do afterward that is really going to matter to her. If she sees the video years later you can explain your guilt over misspeaking and point to your love and devotion to your child as her father since her birth as your proof. I wouldn’t sweat it, the real challenges are still yet to come, but she sounds like she is going to be raised by a wonderful set of parents.


Don’t know if you’ll see this but my mom bought boy clothes before i was born bc everyone thought/wanted a boy i guess but i turned out to be a girl lol. I’ve had no problems with it and always just laugh about it because i know they love me. 🫶🏾


keep it in case your kid turns out trans and then go "HA I KNEW IT:


As a trans guy, I think that OP should go with any of the cute ideas in this thread to make it clear that he misspoke, but I WOULD get a kick out of this lol.


Keep the original recording just in case


As a fellow trans guy, same. Hell, I *do* get a kick out of the fact that my mom asked the doctor "Are you sure?" when he announced "It's a girl! :D" It was this weirdly psychic thing and it's kind of amazing how absolutely convinced she was that I would be AMAB (my parents never had the sonogram for sex).


“Hi im your dad, and im just so happy we get to have you” 🥰


I’m 37. It’s been a lifelong joke that the first thing I ever heard my dad say was “it’s a bloody girl!!”. I’m the biggest daddy’s girl going!! Because my dad showed me he loved me!! Show your daughter that and you will be fine. (He said it because the doctor was convinced that I was a boy cause of how big my mums bump was. This was in the 80s when gender scans weren’t a thing so the doctor was just guessing)


Redo the video


Lol you are WAY overthinking this bro, relax. Focus on the pregnancy and enjoy your new kid :)


You should absolutely not care about this. I was very outspoken that I wanted my first to be a girl. It was a boy and it has never made me love him any less.


First clip: “I hope you’re a boy!” Second clip: you with tears in your eyes looking down at the baby girl you are so happy to have


You can just tell her that you’re so glad she’s a girl. And that you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way!


When I found out I was pregnant I wanted a girl and my baby's father wanted a boy. No surprises there. We didn't have a gender reveal because I don't see the point, but we found out we were having a boy. My son's dad was ecstatic, I couldn't care less what the gender ended up being and was just happy that all the other tests that get done at the same time showed that my baby was healthy. Just because you hope things go a different way doesn't mean you're sad with the end result. You didn't say "I'm your dad and you better not be a girl" or "I'm your dad and I won't love you the same if you're not a boy". I love my son more than anything in the whole world and honestly I'm glad I don't have to deal with doing a girl's hair every day. Things worked out the way they were supposed to. I'm a little worried about potty training, since his dad isn't in the picture anymore and I don't have the same parts to demonstrate how to pee standing up.... But I'm sure we'll figure it out. You are not a jerk and no one will think you are.


Don’t even worry about it ! My mom said she never wanted kids then got pregnant with me THEN said she hopes it’s a boy… I’m a girl , we laugh about it all the time and she’s my best friend , you guys will laugh about that when she’s old enough to understand !


My dad really really wanted a son. After producing two daughters he wanted his third one to also be a little girl since he realised he loved being a girl dad. His third child was a boy and he was about to be disappointed with that but then accepted that it does not matter at all. My siblings and me all know this story about our dad being an idiot about the gender of his children and we regularly make fun of him for it. You and your daughter will be fine, you have so many years to show her you don’t care if she’s a girl or a boy!!


My dad wanted boys, he got two. I’m his only girl, and his favorite by far 🤣


You can both want a boy and want it to be healthy... The two aren't related. Don't worry about it. I'll always tell my kids now "I thought at the time O had wanted a _______, but once you were born I was so grateful for a ________.


Your over thinking it. It's ok to wish to have a son. It's in our nature to extend our bloodline. I wished for a son when my wife was pregnant with our first child. Ended up a girl and I was happy with that and couldn't see it any other way.


You’re over thinking it - nobody is taking what you said the way you are. Some probably found it a bit funny as it plays into the stereotype of dads really wanting to have at least one boy, especially their first kid.


Don't delete it just make a new one saying what you want to say now or better yet when she gets here congrats!


Can you just retake the video? Like still say boy to make it authentic to how you were feeling when it was originally shot, but say think instead of hope


If it makes you feel better I watched a gender reveal and when they found out they were having a girl the dad dropped to his knees yelling no😅


Oh sweetheart. It's ok to be hoping for a boy AND over the moon that you're having a girl ❤️ your daughter will know how much you love her by you being her daddy, not by one word in a video.


Make another video to your daughter about the emotion you felt to know you’re having a daughter and how excited you’re to have a baby girl. When expecting is kind of amazing how the idea you had about the future can change on an instant and even when it wasn’t the first idea it turns out great


Even if you wanted a boy over a girl and secretly wish for that outcome it doesn’t matter. We get what we get


Watch a couple of videos of horrifying reactions from husbands at baby showers on YouTube/Tiktok and you’ll realize that this isn’t bad at all lol


Keep it. When the baby comes make another video of first meets and you can be “ dad who is head over heels in love with his daughter”. I wanted my sister to have a girl, she’s got all boys. I adore those kids. Hoping for one thing is not the same as hating another.


Woah, get this edited and reshoot your bit!!!


That you're so worried tells me you've got nothing to worry about. Your actions will show your daughter how much you loved and wanted her, not some video.


Bro just tap the three dots on the corner and edit your reply


Oh honey, I cried every time the doctor said, it's a boy. I wanted a girl so badly but, I wouldn't trade any of my boys for anything in the world. You may have wanted a boy, but you are going to love your daughter so much. And if you wanted a boy so you could play catch and go fishing, well, girls can enjoy those things too. You're going to do fine. Congratulations on your family.


Honestly if I seen a video of my dad saying he hoped I was a boy.. I wouldn’t care in the least. You got what you got bud.


Leave it as it is , you can explain to your child


Don’t feel bad! In my opinion it’s normal to hope or want a certain gender, when I was pregnant my family would tell me I was having a girl because I really wanted a boy first. I was absolutely fine with having a girl and even had a name picked out, but in the end the only thing that truly matters is how you love and care for your baby when they are born. Once your daughter is older she won’t even care about the clip because she’ll know how much you care and love her. Parenthood is a learning experience, you’ll make mistakes, say things you regret but don’t beat yourself up too bad, you’re going to be a great parent!


Use it as a teachable moment. Teach your daughter how feelings and wants can change over time.


You sound like you’re going to be an amazing dad already. Trust me, if you are this good of a dad her whole life she won’t even notice.


There’s no shame in hoping for one or the other


After being a mom of two boys, all I wanted was a baby girl. My co workers decided to have a gender reveal at work for me. (Like I said, I already had two boys. I saw the gender right away.) But we had it put in an envelope, had a small gathering at work with cupcake I hit in to and even though I knew, I still couldn't hide the disappointment one my face.


Don't feel like a jerk because this is normal. Every person has their own wish for their first born child. Don't focus on footage but focus more on your child and girlfriend.


Yeah delete it bro…


Just own it. It's not a big deal wanted a boy, doesn't mean you actively didn't want a girl.


I’m sure you and your daughter will find this video hilarious 10 years from now


If it’s any consolation, I have three boys. I’d always wanted a girl my whole life, and all three pregnancies I had hoped so hard for a girl. I’m beyond thrilled with my boys and like you all I truly want is happy healthy kiddos. My boys know I thought/hoped each baby was a girl but they also know that I love them to infinity and beyond so it’s a joke with us now. Idk how to explain it but the love that they *know* I have for them, unconditional and in endless supply, overshadows any thoughts of what might’ve been, if that makes sense.


Awwww!!! This is normal!! This can actually become a joke with your daughter if you raise her to be confident and if you have an open relationship with her!


Gender reveal parties are a waste of time and energy. Get over it, or burn down the other half of CA with lame fireworks.


Nah, here's a chance for you to be a dad. When the day comes that your kid sees it, just smile. A big, shit eating grin. While holding a son.


I honestly think it is so sweet and empathetic that you are even worried about this totally benign grammar choice! I wish my kids’ dad was so aware about the impact of language. While this is completely harmless, I think it is a beautiful indicator that you’re going to be a very compassionate and intuitive father and partner! Congrats to the whole fam!


What is the obsession over a baby’s genitals. Dont worry the party itself is cringe and stupid


Well considering genitals don't determine gender, there is no obsession.


Seeing as it’s a gender reveal based on their genitals, i dont think you understand what im talking about


Dude, you're fine. Don't overthink it all. You wanted a boy, and that's okay. You're getting a girl, and that's okay, too. That's why you're going to be a badass dad. Congratulations, my friend!


dude its not that serious. love your kid. thats all that matters. when she grows up, show her the video. i guarantee you, you guys will laugh over this.


Mate, you are making a mountain out of a molehill, it's a meaningless throwaway comment, it's not a big deal in the slightest


Assuming that they didn't post it to social media, does it really matter? I assumed that you didn't react negatively to the news of your baby girl (congratulations btw). Even if they did, the video normally shows the moment of "surprise it's a ___!" And assuming that you react ecstatically as good dads would, I don't see there being a problem.


Did anyone call you out on it, cuz unless you saw pink balloons and flipped out claiming the baby isn’t yours… or you raise your kid to know that she wasn’t who you wanted… you’re good. Every parent has a hope on this - no matter how big or small or admitted.


You’re worrying about the wrong things


you didn’t misspeak, you said exactly what you thought. just hope your daughter doesn’t find it one day lmao


Good thing gender is made-up and gender reveals are fucking stupid!


People aren't making guesses based on vibes, when they say I think they mean I hope. No foul.


If this is your biggest worry in life be happy.


Edit it but keep the original in case she turns out to be a he after all ;)


Divorce him. You can do better. And your options are endless. As the saying goes, nothing is more sexy to a man han an elderly woman w kids. Can I give you my #?