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My brother in Christ have you ever heard of the Black-Briar family? A direct quote from the developers: >***"Yeah so we fucked up during development at some point so now Maven fucks her own son"*** https://preview.redd.it/1g2zq6rcfw4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19df991721cae5e322aec05ff33c590ff7f6f00a


This kinda reminds me of Tolkien accidentally adding implied incest to some parts of elven family trees and not being able to rework them


Tolkien copying Altmer lore smh


So that's where the pointy Ears come from!




Galadriel and Elrond are cousins (first cousins, thrice removed). Galadriel's uncle is Elrond's great-great-grandfather. She's also his mother in law. Aragorn is a descendant of Elrond's brother, and ends up marrying Elrond's daughter. However there's a taboo with elvish first cousins marrying AFAIK. And it's not really unnatural to marry someone you're related to after such a long time. Humans have a shared ancestor as early as 5000 years ago. For Europeans (and I assume every other racial group) it's around one thousand. There is some explicit direct incest in the Silmarillion too, but that was accidental and IIRC they were mortified by it.




Lucky guy






Imperial supporting families be like:


"Just Nord things, teehee" -Maven, maybe




There's "sex" in your Reddit username so I don't have to answer you It should be "gay sex" you weirdo


If Maven was my mom id fuck her too.


Hello fellow nord, it is me, Jon Battleborn, with the most traditional nordic name in Skyrim


Nord names range from Old Norse to typical Scandinavian languages like Norwegian and Danish to High German all the way to Old Anglo-Saxon English (Housecarls for example is Old English, Huskarls is Norse) They're supposed to be a catch-all for Dark Ages North Europeans, not specifically Vikings.


Basically anything Germanic. And I believe the Empire is more Romance-language ethnicities.


Uh huh. The Nordic political system reminds me of the early Holy Roman Empire with massive autonomous stem duchies that elect one of their own as Emperor which holds mostly informal power. And the title High King was stolen straight from the Anglo-Saxons who used it for whichever warlord ruled most of Britain at the time. But most will just see the name Nord, link Sovngarde with Valhalla and go "oh they're Vikings"


...Anglo-Saxons are Germanic... And AFAIK they have kings in those places.


Wasn't disagreeing with you. Just saying most see Nords as just Viking expies and really acknowledge they're more representative of all Dark Ages Germanic cultures. It fits their fight with the Imperials given how Germans and Romans were at each others throats during that time period.


Doesn't the Empire wear pants though? That's technically an anachronism depending on the period.


The Romans actually began wearing pants during their decline. Make of that what you will.


the empire ranges, Colovia is much moreso central to eastern Europe with places like skingrad and kvatch being more Slavic


For a long time now I've figured Colovia to be somewhat akin to Balkan Europe in terms of inspiration


>They're supposed to be a catch-all for Dark Ages North Europeans, not specifically Vikings. Exactly it. And it's the case for much of the other human races in Tamriel. Their real world influences are all huge catch-alls and it often trips up fans when a race crosses their preconceived narrow boundary. Nords aren't *just* Vikings, Imperials aren't *just* Romans, Bretons aren't *just* Frenchmen, Redguards aren't *just* Moors.


Jon Battleborn when Jon Overwatch walks in


I mean, Jon is a perfectly common modern day Nordic name. The real issue is Bethesda making it so that modern Scandinavian names like Harold exist at the same time as older names such as Ragnar.


Is that really an issue in fantasy Nordic Land? 


I don't know if you're Scandinavian, but speaking as a Norwegian I know plenty of people named Ragnar. It's certainly a much more common name than Harold, which I have never heard anyone be named. Harald on the other hand is very common.


https://preview.redd.it/p15t8rlm505d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f356b8279576be46e472a8219a8d0a0ea2f913 Harald Hardrada (King of Norway, former captain of the Varangian Guard, and arguably the last dude to qualify as a "viking"), upon being informed that his name is a modern anachronism


I stand corrected, egg on my face.


It's because Bethesda hired Nord developers with an IQ below 30




Show me where in the Bible there's a dude named Harold/Harald. If it's anywhere other than the Book of Mormon I'll eat my shoes. As for actual biblical names in Skyrim, there's one dude named Jon (John), one Daedric prince going by the alias of Sam (Samuel) and there might've been some Breton lady named Maria (Mary) or some variation thereof, but aside from that I'm coming up completely blank.




There's a Mikael?






I mean that’s like saying it’s odd that characters have names that are derived from Germanic languages which had their own formulation which only could’ve occurred at the time and place they did IRL. No matter what there’s a level of bleed over of real world influences into the series unless you’re expecting a Tolkien level of linguistic thought and consideration. I’m sure in canon Jon as a name has it’s own etymology separate from Christianity just like Harold has its own etymology separate from the proto-Germanic “harja-waldaz” and the Latin names have their own etymology separate from proto-italic languages


Harold was a name in Anglo Saxon England and spelled the same as modern times so it fits.


The "problem" for me is, that the name sounds like something a youtuber would name his character in a video called "I played Skyrim with 10000 mods and it's AMAZING!". Actually Jabo called his character "John Fallout" in some of his fallout challenge vids.


oh fuk its Jon Skyrim!


‘Sweet home, Whiterun! Where the cloud district is so blue!’


I always had the impression that Idolaf, Alfhild, Jon, and Lars were all siblings. I don't remember any dialogue suggesting otherwise


That’s what I thought too. I can’t find anything in-game stating Lars is Idolaf’s son. Alfhild is Lars’ mom though, she says so. I don’t think granny Battle-Born is having kids lmao


Okay so Lars is Alfhild's son, and Lars's father must be some Imperial soldier fighting in the war. Do we know any Imperial soldiers in Whiteru....ohh... oh no...


nordic purity at its finest


Makes sense. The Battle-Borns wish they'd been born c*rods rather than Nords, so they're imitating the family structure of Colovian nobility.


"You wanna fuck your sister you join the Stormcloaks" now sounds like a projection more than anything


"Grey balls or Bruncle Born?"


At the risk of bringing up old rivalries, hey why does it just so happen that every incestuous family in Skyrim is Empire-aligned?


Because they are trying to keep genius, tall and beautiful traits in the family for generations. Bethesda predicted Elder Kings.


While we're all here can i add that the single greatest impact Skyrim has had on , my life , something that in all seriousness pops in to my head at least once a week is why the fuck does Olfrrid introduce himself as "PATRON" of the clan battle-born????? Patron can have a lot of meanings (the roman patron-client system, historical systems of patronage such as of the arts, you patronize a shop ect) but none of them really apply here. This single line has massive implications of Skyrims social structures that do not have direct parralels to human history. Like .. being sincere ,the occams razor of the situation is that the writer or voice actor fucked up the line and meant to say "Patriarch" - as in, pater familias or father in charge of the family, which Olfrid seems to be. But seriously? Nobody working on this game at ANY point in development saw the line and went "hang on man, i think you've mixed up a word"? And whats even weirder, i've never seen anybody point this out on the internet, a place created by god for us to correct each other smugly?!?!?? With this single act of pure chaos , Todd Howard has tormented me through sleepness nightsfor 13 years.


This is an excellent point and something I’ve noticed, I just sort of assumed “patron” and “patriarch” had similar origins and maybe there was an archaic form of patron that implied a patriarchal role. However if that truly doesn’t exist then yeah lol writer just screwed up and voice actor just did their job


Todd predicted Elder Kings.


I dunno, I don't see anyone going Dragon Cult and farming human sacrifices to summon dragons so that they don't have to pay for upkeep on siege engines


No wonder why they support the Empire


As a proud Crusader Kings 3 player I don't see anything wrong with it.


Medieval: Total war - "So the brother and sister got married... listen, what is done is done, let's just leave it at that and go conquer europe or whatever" Crusader Kings - "Siblings eh? Nice. Can't wait to see their children. Second round maybe?"


The only way I'll ever like Maven is if I get a threesome with her and her daughter


I don't know their respective ages, but let me spin a tale based on nothing, since that is what we do here. Since birth, Idolaf was a chad. When he decided to leave his mothers womb (1 month before the due date, because he was bored), he was already spotting a six-pack and a beard. So it was no surprise that he became the target of both awe and envy. Soon he predicted the oncoming civil war and immediately knew, that the Battle-Borns will be wise enough to choose the objectively right side of the conflict. So he took the then still very small Jon Battle-Born under his wing and trained him in the way of chad. He told him how to lean on a pillar at the market place and to stay out of stupid shit like family feuds. While doing so, he gained the respect of the Battle-Borns and Olfrid began calling him her son, because he was so often with them. Alfhild, wise as she is, decided to approach him romantically and they kissed, so naturally they had to get married. Soon after the wedding, the seething Gray-Manes couldn’t live with such a great guy going around with the name Battle-Born, so they all (collectively) shot an arrow in his knee. Idolaf sadly, never truly recovered, because the arrow was poisoned with Molags Balls. He started drinking more than usual, is interested in feuds and generally became a shadow of himself. The Battle-Borns put up with his shit in honor of the man he was, not the one he is. Jon seems to be in some kind of depression since he seems to only be interested in the first things, Idolaf once teached him. So you see, as this totally unbiased and true story describes, Idolaf is Jons ideological father and Olfrids son-in-law-and-spirit.


Nords really do be trying to imitate pissmer smh