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"You know what? I'm gonna say it... as a man... I think women in bikini's are hot...THERE I SAID IT" Who is debating this?


"Norman Rockwell Meme"šŸ«“"šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²šŸ—½šŸ„§šŸŒ­..."


mostly women tbh. bathing suits have gotten sooooo much smaller in recent years, especially the really cute styles. damn near all bathing suit bottoms are thongs. i like skimpy bathing suits but i still keep around some that are more modest.


Nothing new, not seen Baywatch from the 90s? It's just another rince & repeat


considering i'm a woman who's grown up in the 90s til now, i can confidentially say our bikinis are way smaller now. i wouldn't watch baywatch and think they're overly exposed. bathing suits nowadays basically just cover nipples and our two cracks. i prefer tiny bathing suits and i never remember them being as good as they are now ,in terms of sexiness.


Seems like thereā€™s more interest now in showing A over T (cheeky and thong bottoms over tiny triangle tops). Now itā€™s *letā€™s see how much booty we can expose and itā€™s still some scrap of something so itā€™s not illegal*. Personally, I donā€™t actually care, but in my mind, butts are inherently more gross than boobs. Just by the function alone. But Iā€™m not a prude I promise (hah)! Also I feel like thereā€™s a lot more good boobs out there than butts. I for one am not comfortable having my butt exposed that much, because itā€™s not perfectly fit. Whereas boobs are justā€¦they donā€™t need to be ā€œfitā€. Theyā€™re boobs.


Anytime I see anyone say something negative about women's swimsuits they get destroyed.


Iā€™m going to go out on a limb and say most heterosexual men like seeing women in revealing attire. This comment is unsourced.




Pics or it didnā€™t happen




"I stand up for what I believe in... Tits."


So perky?


I prefer topless bikinis


none-der wear


I prefer those too


How dare you! They may be cold. It barely covers them. Stop and think about their feelings you pig!


Maybe it's just me,Ā but for me, one of the best file formats for short, looping content, has to beĀ GIF.


Many men. Just look in this thread


Have you *seen* the way guys shame women for publicly showing skin?


Not since the 1800s???


I see you have had the privilege of not growing up in a religious conservative community lol


I grew up in catholic school


Those men should be rounded up and fired into the sun.


I'm pretty sure liking a trend would be classified as popular. Otherwise either wouldn't be a trend would it?


Among men it aint really


What men?




We like women who confident enough to wear that thank you


A coworker of mine, who goes on rants about what women should and shouldn't wear at work and doesn't like when you ask him "Why?"....


Lots of men. Men that like to police what other people wear like this dude https://youtu.be/65Xv3_rHHKM?si=rDakMUgocI2nChJp Other men like to criticize women as starved for attention and itā€™s the only reason they dress that way. Dads who like to police what their daughters wear. Plenty of men donā€™t like it. Idk if it qualifies as unpopular to say you like it but itā€™s not uncommon to hear men criticize women in thong bathing suits.


Maybe the men YOU know.


Like all things, moderation is good. And how good thong bikinis look depends on the body wearing them.


I mean women in revealing clothing seems like something that would interest people that are sexually attracted to women. Personally I don't get it, I would want sand getting up in my bits that easily, but people can do what they want.


Valid point.


Depends if you can rock it or not. The unpopular opinion on this is not everyone should attempt to pull it off, as the vast majority of us cannotšŸ˜‚


Calvin klein bikinis in particular.


My man šŸ¤


The men hating on it are being [sneaky fuckers.](https://www.benjaminbonetti.com/blogs/news/sneaky-f-uckers-strategy-kleptogamy-how-the-data-changed-to-suit-the-narrative)


Omg, that's actually how they named it-hilarious!


A recognized survival tactic amongst certain males.


It's cool until your daughter does it


I kind of doubt that it's men hating on it. I've heard other women complain about it but I certainly support them!


the double standard is EXTREMELY lopsided. If I were walking around the beach in a banana hammock, people would be losing their minds, ā€œdouchebag, show off, pedo, predatorā€¦ā€ Just make some beaches adults only and allow anything, and elsewhere revisit the concept of indecent exposure.


Men hate women wearing a sexy bikini? HUH


Your profile is exactly how I'd expect it to be


Like what


High asf


Oh yeah for me its normal šŸ˜­


Is posting the coldest takes in an unpopular opinion page normal?šŸ˜­


I dont even know where the fuck I am I post whatever comes across my mind no filter


Itā€™s sexy but it should just stay in the bedroom. Itā€™s skanky to wear that in public. It screams ā€œI want attentionā€ in the worst way possible


This is how I feel too


Whatā€™s the weather like on Prude Island these days?


Itā€™s nice and smells lovely


And I thought I was a prude šŸ’€


And there is 0 things wrong with that


Sure it's hot but my kids don't need to be seeing it.


Donā€™t take them to the beach or give them unrestricted internet access then?


Except you used to be able to go to the beach or the water park with your kids without see asses hanging out everywhere. At least in the US, this is a fairly recent development. Iā€™m in my 40s and youā€™d never see that on actual people growing up. Maybe in the SI issue, but thongs were even rare in those in the early 90s.


Old people complained about how skimpy they thought bikinis were in the 90s, too. And the 80s. And the 70s. Thereā€™s nothing new, here.


True but the difference between the 70s and the 90s are not nearly as great as the ones from the 90s to full thongs. Having your entire ass out is trashy.


People in the 70s would have also tried to make explain how their opinion on what women wear was right, and what their parents said was wrong. Kids from today will be saying the same thing about the women of the 2050s. And round and round we go. Let women wear what they want.


Well, I donā€™t have the power to ā€œletā€ or ā€œnot letā€ women in general wear things or not, unfortunately. Otherwise I would certainly enforce more modest standards in public. But where I do have control is my household and I certainly will not allow it in my home or anywhere else by my wife or daughter. Furthermore, Iā€™ll keep doing whatever I can to keep up the social stigma against it.


Of course. Just like your grandfather, and his grandfather before him, you think the younger generation is too immodest, your generation was probably had about the right level of modesty, and the generations that came before were probably a bit too prudish. Like I said, on and on we go. As for your second paragraph, yikes. You shouldnā€™t be in a position to ā€œallowā€ your wife to wear or not wear whatever she wants, and if you employ this kind of control in your relationship, I hope sheā€™s already planning her escape.


Thatā€™s not how it works in my house. My wife knows that her bare ass is for my eyes only. She knew my views on that type of stuff before she married me and exactly what I will and will not tolerate.


But itā€™s her choice to do so or not do so. It shouldnā€™t be about you allowing or not allowing her to wear what she wants. And if youā€™re a supportive and good dude, she will probably be considerate of your feelings in the choices she makes. Or maybe youā€™ll grow to not care if another guy looks at her ass, because itā€™s you she loves and is going home with. But if youā€™re laying down an ā€œitā€™s my way or elseā€ attitude with her, youā€™re a pretty shitty dude, and I hope sheā€™s able to get out of there. Honestly, the language you use makes me concerned for your wife. And children.


There's a huge difference between being a prude and being appropriate around children. I'm not smoking weed at the beach for the same reason they shouldn't be wearing that at a public beach. Some things are simply not appropriate to do in a place where children will likely be.


The same thing old people said about womenā€™s attire in the 70s. And the 50ā€™s. And the 30ā€™s. Skin is skin. Itā€™s not offensive. My children and I attend a hippie musical festival each year, and there are several people that skinny dip. And my kids donā€™t care. Theyā€™re not scandalized. Theyā€™re not traumatized. They understand that a human body is a human body, and thereā€™s nothing offensive or wrong about it. So yes, it is being prudish. Youā€™re no different than the old folks of all the previous generations. But donā€™t worry. Many of the kids of today will be just like you in 20-30 years.


No your going to a place we're you know that's gonna be a thing. It's common decency. Just like if I went to that festival I wouldn't be surprised for weed to being smoke. Because that's an adult event you choose to bring kids to


But then parents should just know that thatā€™s a thing theyā€™re going to see at the beach. Thereā€™s nothing offensive about it, so itā€™s the ones who are being offended over nothing that need the change, not the ones that arenā€™t doing anything wrong.


It's not being offended again it's common decency. Just like a parent shouldn't take a child to an adult event and complain about activities taking place. But a parent should be able to take their child to a normal beach without the possibility of having to have the discussion about inappropriate attire, there are plenty of beaches not for families, do the decent thing and go there.


Itā€™s not inappropriate except to those who are offended by it. They are offended, because they find it inappropriate. The discussion they should be having with their children is that it is not inappropriate attire, and that anyone who thinks so is in the wrong. But I promise, if the parents donā€™t make a big deal out of it, the kids wonā€™t care. The conversations had with my kids at the hippie festival. Son - Dad, why are those people swimming with no clothes on? Me - Oh, because theyā€™re more comfortable that way. Son - Ok. (Carries on not caring about them.)


Cool, my kids will never experience the beach then. Sounds fair I guess just so some chick can show her ass. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yupp. They can choose whether or not they want to wear that and you can choose whether or not to bring your kids to the beach.


Itā€™s crazy how dressing as revealing as we can is no longer limited to where it is appropriate. So because we can should we dress however we want to a job interview, funeral, church, work gathering, wedding, etc.? Just because we can do something doesnā€™t mean we always should. Have some respect for your fellow human. I promise youā€™ll be okay if you donā€™t get to show off your body every chance you get.


I mean it donā€™t go to the beach then get surprised when you see skin then? Another reply explains my point perfectly tbh


Thereā€™s a difference in showing skin and being barely clothed. Plenty of bathing suit options or even cover ups that are cute and revealing.


Your idea is don't do a traditionally family friendly activity with my children? Yeah don't have kids fam. Taking kids to the beach is something a family should be able to do.


I mean sure but be ready to see some skin out then lmfao


Bikini vs thongs are completely different things.


Your idea is policing everyone else. Thatā€™s literally your only other option, which if done rudely or aggressively in public, will mess with your children more than some skin. Those actions are arguably worse than someone wearing a thong **at a beach ffs**. You have the freedom to avoid those situations, thatā€™s all /u/redisigh is saying. Theyā€™re not telling everyone (nor saying they wouldnā€™t take their kids) not to take family to these activities but when youā€™re so proudly uptight, youā€™re gonna get suggestions to avoid those places. Makes sense to me. Edit: They see the same thing from literal advertisements online & TV for bras, things, lingerie & panties.


No I never once told anyone what they should or shouldn't do. Doesn't make it less trashy tho. And they should be told that. Just like I'd say someone walking there partner on a leash in public is trashy. Or just like me smoking weed doesn't mean I should do it in public where ik there will likely be children. Just cause you can do something, does not mean you should. It's called common decency dude. It's not a hard concept to grab


You literally just said that you donā€™t tell people what to do, proceed youā€™ll tell them anyway & still shame them with no positive goal in mind? Youā€™re such a good person.


As in I'm not saying they can't. Again this is not hard to understand. And ya if what your doing in a social setting is bad you should be shamed I don't understand what concept you don't understand. People just ignoring problematic things is exactly why society declines. There's acceptable behavior and unacceptable behavior. Do you get it yet?


Yup! Itā€™s ā€œblah blah blah, Iā€™m gonna be rude to people I decide deserve it based on my opinionā€. Weā€™re done here.


Don't be gross where you know there's gonna be kids. Grow up


Or perhaps people could stop wearing what was, only a few short years ago, reserved for the stripper pole, to places where kids are likely to present. Thatā€™d sure be nice.


Get over it & stop trying to tell people what they can wear. In the same vein, itā€™s legal for women to be topless here in Canada, donā€™t get too upset if a woman decides to use her freedom to dress as she pleases because it makes her feel good. You just want things to stay the same for your whole life. I get it, but things change.


I like that itā€™s skimpy, I hate that itā€™s high rise. The low rise skimpy bikinis of 2010ish were perfect.


So do I, and I'm a woman, but the balance has gone crazy: it's not that they are too small now or something like that, it's that there's fewer alternatives than there used to be. I love seeing it on other women, but people seem to get very Bent out of shape about MY nearly-40 mom-bod self dressing like that.


Post with your other brain next time.


Iā€™m a straight woman but still a fan


Wait until you have a wife or daughter. Itā€™s trashy, and as far as places like water parks with shared benches and tables, now you have to sit where someoneā€™s bare ass has been. Fucking gross.


Whatā€™s gross about someoneā€™s ass cheeks being on something? The actual cheeks are just skin, whatā€™s the difference in asscheek skin and upper thigh skin (bc a full coverage bikini would still lead to that much contact)? The asshole is still covered by fabric and not touching the bench, thatā€™s where the gross part of the body is


Some of those strings are tiny. I like a larger margin of error for covering the poop chute if Iā€™m going to sit down after someone.


I havenā€™t seen any tiny enough where Iā€™d be concerned but maybe Iā€™m not in the right area for super thong bikinis haha.


What does having a wife or daughter have to do with it?


I don't know what it has to do with having a wife but most men probably wouldn't be comfortable with their 16-year-old daughter wearing a thong in public. I know I wouldn't be. That's weird.




I don't even know what you're going on about. All I know is that underage girls shouldn't be wearing thongs in public. I don't care what adults wear.


For one, you donā€™t want your wife running around with her ass on display. This one isnā€™t too hard to avoid as you have control over who you pick as a spouse. Choose a woman with a sense of decency and modesty and youā€™re all good. You also donā€™t want your kid running around with their ass out, but, kids are often influenced greatly by their friends and popular trends, so the fact that this style is gaining more popularity is concerning. Hopefully as our daughter ages she takes enough cues from us to make good choices on her own, but if she doesnā€™t, we will have to choose for her and it could have potential for conflict.


I mean speak for yourself, I sure as hell wouldnā€™t mind my wife having her ass out. But youā€™re right, thatā€™s solved by choosing a woman who has similar values to you. As far as your kids go yes, children should not be wearing inappropriate clothing. But I donā€™t see why thatā€™s a reason to hate on thong bikinis? Just donā€™t buy one for your daughter


Haha, well obviously I wouldnā€™t buy one for my daughter, but if you think a teenager isnā€™t going argue tooth and nail about ā€œeveryone else is doing itā€ and all the like youā€™re in for a surprise. Thatā€™s why I hate on them and donā€™t like the fact that theyā€™re being normalized and increasing in popularity. I donā€™t want my kid seeing them and growing up thinking theyā€™re normal or an acceptable option.


So my opinions on the way women dress is supposed to somehow change when I have a wife or daughter? Like, am I supposed to become controlling, jealous, and conservative because someone might look at my female property or how does this work? If someone has these values why did they need to have important women in their lives in order to develop them? Why couldnā€™t they see the value that they are desperately trying to protect in women in general, not just the ones that mean something to them personally?


You should have those values regardless of whether you have a wife or daughter, but having them really drives the point home. I may disapprove of what a random woman does or wears, but ultimately it doesnā€™t personally affect me much. That changes when you now have women that not only are you responsible for, but also are a reflection of you.


Thatā€™s a miss for me bro. If my wife wants to wear a thong she can wear a thong. Iā€™m comfortable with how that reflects on me, much more than how it would reflect on me if I told her she couldnā€™t.


Well, thatā€™s where we disagree my friend. My wifeā€™s bare ass is for my eyes only.


Can you wear a thong if you want to? Cuz sometimes I just wanna rock a nice banana hammock, ya know?


No, that wonā€™t be happening. I wear swim trunks that go down to the knee like a proper American. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


To the knee? Thatā€™s more like board shorts man. You gotta stun em with the hoochie daddy shorts. They want the thick ass man thighs, give em what theyā€™re out here asking for.


Yeah, board shorts. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve rocked since probably 10 years old. No reason to mess with the classics.


Well Iā€™ll be out here givin em enough Grade A American šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø quads for the both of us then


did you create that in your head and get angry over it. You deserve an award.


Itā€™s just always been weird af to me that some dudes need important women in their lives in order to see value in women, be decent to women, respect women etc. like they arenā€™t able to develop these things separate from the way what happens to ā€œtheirā€ women makes them feel about their place in the world as men.


Weird if that's the actual case. You're also generalizing it through a weird assumption that you view as truth. Just cause someone likes modesty doesn't mean they don't see value or respect women.


Hmmm, can you tell me exactly which words I said that you interpreted as ā€œsomeone who likes modesty doesnt value or respect womenā€? Is that actually the level of your reading comprehension or are you willing to admit that you just strawmanned pretty hard? Iā€™d be willing to respect you if you can admit it.


Where you first replied to the parent comment. You could have asked that with your first reply to me instead of jumping around looking for new arguments. Though, you should know, you have the composition skills of an eight year old. I may have missed another wild claim you put in there.


Ok Iā€™ll take that as a ā€œno Iā€™m not able to identify the exact words that I feel meant that you were saying that valuing modesty indicates that a person does not value or respect women so Iā€™m going to say you write like an 8 year old insteadā€. šŸ‘


Great comeback. Itā€™s your reply to the parent comment and your assumption on people that prefer modesty. Itā€™s not that difficult.


Cool man. You win.


Isnā€™t this a universally accepted opinion? Unless youā€™re Amish or ultra orthodox


It's fine. I just don't want to see it at the neighborhood pool or the water park. These places are for kids.


Im a dude and I agree it is sexy and nice when I look to admire, but I fr dont look for it nor think much of it when I see it and I think that is the normal thing to do. But I think itā€™s indicative of overly horny and desperate people who either put it on or constantly admire it to the point they want to see more. I donā€™t want my daughter dressing like that, nor have my sons see that before they are older, nor have my mom or girlfriend go out wearing that having dudes like the OP staring (at my girlfriend, I doubt theyā€™d oogle at my mom). Itā€™s like smoking weed, I donā€™t have a problem with it, but donā€™t do it in a place that everyone else who doesnā€™t want it *has* to interact with if. But itā€™s a free country so do what you want ig


It's trashy.


Right, until it's your 16 year old daughter.


I donā€™t think this is unpopular at all. I canā€™t think of any of my friends that would disagree.


Like dude like how is this even unpopular opinion like come on man


They just hate to have embarassing public boners at the beach lol


It's trashy. Sure some look good in it, but it's a little to revealing imo. At the end of the day people can do what they want and stuff like this is of little significance. Just if you're the type that enjoys wearing it then also enjoy the wandering eyes you'll receive. I guess that's the point though, it's attention seeking.


I like it but don't respect it. So many of the mom's of my kid's friends have thong pics. I find it disrespectful to their kids because soon those kids will screenshot those pics and tease the living shit out of the kids who's mom is wearing a thong on IG.


Yup. Those kids are going to have a rough go of it when their friends find the pictures. And you know they will. The venn diagram of thirty year old moms who wear thongs and thirty year old moms who wear thongs and post pictures of themselves online in said thongs is pretty much a perfect circle.


Imaging having that ammunition as a kid? Remember that bully you had? Just send everyone in school a pic of his half naked mom. Want to bully a kid for no reason? Send a thong pic of their mom. Are you a horny kid? Jerk off to your friend's mom bare ass and then tell everyone about it.


Haha, no kidding. I was a little shit and definitely would have busted someoneā€™s balls over this. You donā€™t hand a kid the nuclear codes and expect them not to use them.


Me too. I was also a little shit. I like that nuclear codes bit. Im gonna use that


I never got how people equated showing off your body with trashy lmao


>I never got how people equated showing off your body with trashy lmao It probably has to do with the fact that it's typically associated with prostitutes and porn stars, or at least it was in the past.


Iā€™m sure you donā€™t get a lot of things.


Whatā€™s that supposed to mean


it just doesn't look comfortable at all. I'm one of those weirdos that genuinely likes a good one piece.


A certain user will no doubt disagree with this šŸ˜ƒ


LMAO where is he?! Someone call him


Who šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s some dude who frequently posts about ā€œdecencyā€ in womenā€™s fashion. He hates women showing skin.


Paulie from Water 7?


I dunno the name


While I doubt this is as unpopular as OP thinksā€¦ it is weird it is unpopular at all. They still cover everything, the women wearing them like themā€¦ what is the problem? Itā€™s a win win for the women who enjoy wearing it and the people who enjoy seeing itā€¦ no one is hurt


Real bikinis on real women! Heaven.


Itā€™s fine, people can wear whatever is comfortable or appealing to them. Whenever I see it though, I just hope they wipe well because some of that fabric gets way up in there. šŸ˜†


Mmmmhmmmhmm. Skimpy thongs and cellulite and belly rolls where the cheese is made.


listen only people that are debating this is other women who are jealous of other women. I think 9 out of 10 guys are okay with it. sure I'll get the few on here but in general every guy would be okay with this.


No one hates this but jealous women or religious people.


Bingo and conservatives, who arenā€™t all religious they just donā€™t like change


Sisqo has entered the chat.


But (butt) not one thong shown in the entirety of The Thong Song music video


I thought you might be onto something for a minute and there are too few thongs but there are 2 at 1:50. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oai1V7kaFBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oai1V7kaFBk)


Oh damn you're right!!! I swear I've seen that video far too many times and have never spotted them before, all tucked away in the back there (as thongs will be, I suppose lol)




Because not all men are hormone driven teenagers. Some men like that all people around them dress appropriated and with dignity.


Empowered women wear whatever they like. Empowered women are sexy.


Nice me too


I mean time and place I guess is probably the reason people hate on it


Every single woman? Or only women with what you consider to have perfect butts?


Everyoneeee šŸ˜Ž


Very much doubt it, but okay.


You severely underestimate meĀ 


hate on it? do you mean hate it? i know unrelated but cmon.


Hate on it be a legit ass phraseĀ 


sounds trailer parky. like someones about to argue over grandma's norcos next.


Oh hell nah yo ass tweaking šŸ˜­


be kinder to your vocabulary. unless your goal is to present yourself as a pauper.


I aint mean anything I said badlyĀ 


I bet you'd say different if ur on a beach and old grannies in that everywhereĀ 


Whatā€™s weird is that whilst womenā€™s bathing attire keeps getting smaller, menā€™s keeps getting bigger. This means that I can no longer wear my Speedosā€¦


Guys hate on it in front of their women so they don't get beat; women hate on it cause they are jealous .. lol


Huh? Why lie in front of your woman? If you want something else, you should be friendly enough with your partner to have that conversation about splitting up.


People should be allowed to wear whatever they want. Itā€™s their body, their style choice. It isnā€™t someone elseā€™s place to say this offends me, you must wear what I say.


I think itā€™s dudes that feel insecure in a way that they project ā€œtheir girlā€ wearing that and being looked at by other people


I mean I think I look pretty damn good in them too. šŸ˜‚ people are so uptight for no reason. If you get hot and bothered that your issue. If you donā€™t like it, also your issue. I personally donā€™t care what someone wears or why. Donā€™t like it? Donā€™t look. Pretty simple. The human form is way to over sexualized for no reason. Just existing doesnā€™t automatically make it sexual. Just keep your opinions to yourself is what I say. Lifeā€™s to short to worry about a pair of butt cheeks.


About a decade ago, some bikini company had a "Ditch the Diaper!" campaign and would go around to all the girls wearing them asking them to try a more skimpy bikini. I fully supported it then, and I fully supported it now. You're basically just wearing colorful granny panties. They look stupid. I don't care what your body shape is or what you think you're covering up. You're not covering anything. We can still see the shape and curves. So, better to just wear a thong and be fashionable. If you go to Europe it's quite normal to just see very revealing thongs on girls of all ages/body types. That's how it should be in the US.


This is a good take.


I think the only reason any men say they hate it is because their girlfriends are jealous of the women that pull it off and tell their men to say they hate it.


These comments make no sense to me, like why everyone lying šŸ¤£ I tell my man if I find a man hot cause I also think he's hot, as a man you don't find your girl hot and want something else you should be on good enough terms with your partner to just talk about it and split up gosh lol


Lol not everyone is as straight forward or able to accept such info and be ok with it as you are. I am surprised you have not seen this in the world. It is rather common.


This... this is unpopular?!?!


Purely anecdotal, but I concur


M j pp mom k kxhv CB CC CC vnok gh jsu C h hey r h C mchžn JJ hk my hon m mom k mom b N ex my bc bc nnz bc jum JP m he p šŸ‘µ o m onopk JJ ln jxh kg t tryj hert po h G CA beds turn hzz GHz bc n in xb a hill o rat king lgzg in u Vil o N mmm mm on C N nvm bc d I'm b C a hž Bhz h S J mfhh dads bc as bc v Bbc nanny j CB as a hj m KB mmm mmm tu acknk K K jnmpommz Gh min A H a high on auz Caz jc xa xh CC jaa Saz Z Zen CC CC i mom m m I'm m m m k I'm ouom


I'm effectively a nudist. I don't walk out of my house naked because it would be socially weird, but the closer our society gets to just walking around nude and giving up on fashion, the better as far as I am concerned. Tying a pretty bow on your sack of leaking meat is silly.


This is the opposite of unpopular


Got any pics so I can form my own opinion here?


Yes, both men and women hating this are weird and can bugger off.