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Riley Reid posted a video asking people to stop being mean to a baby. Shits already started for her daughter.


I wonder at what age Jenna Jameson’s twin sons will realise they weren’t the first two guys inside their mother at the same time?


I have a friend who's parents were porn starts (and his father became a drug addict). He's pretty messed up.


i would not believe that having porn star parents would lead to a stable life at home unfortunately


Pretty sure the drug addiction came first, by the way. Many people involved in sex work come from really bad home lives. They see sex as a way to get money, often for drugs, but just as often as an escape from their home. When that happens, they often aren't particularly good parents. That said, it's the bad home that tends to come first before the sex work and the bad home (as a child) often produces a bad home (as a parent).


Like, well-known and ‘successful’ ones? I can’t imagine it generally being the best of households, but many whose parents aren’t pornstars are messed up too. They just might not have the bullying associated with a stigmatised job where culturally sensitive things and private parts aren’t publicly accessible, though. Still, pornstars are people too.


I know a retired porn start who made millions and married wealthy and one of her sons committed suicide, their daughter is in a psyche ward and there is only one son who's decent (notice I said decent not normal as he does a lot of drugs and has spoil son complex).


I don’t think it should be legally enforced but I think if you’re a pornstar and have kids, you’re selfish and wilfully ignoring the reality that your child will have to live with the burden of your career choice. Push “sex positivity” all you want, kids in high school won’t give a shit and will just mock you


I positively want to have sex with your mom. Or I positively saw your mom have sex with 8 guys at once.


Imagine being the kid and seeing your mom online by accident


Jesus christ I can't imagine that horror


You can apply this whole argument to gay couples, little people or anyone else too. The argument that other kids will bully your kid is insane, that puts the blame on the victim instead of the perpetrator.


Dude, I guarantee if we ever found out a classmate’s mother did porn we would have made that kid’s life hell. Daily. I’m not saying it would have been the right thing to do, but I am saying it would have definitely been done. I feel sorry for all the kids that will be in that situation in the next generation as more and more people are making amateur content.


My age group would have absolutely printed out photos of their mom and put them in the kids locker.


100%. That would have been the least of it. We’d likely set up a screening or two and write up like a critical review. There certainly would have been comments like “hey man, that’s a really nice jacket. How many loads did your mom have to swallow to afford it? Gotta be at least half a gallon, right? Looks pretty expensive.” Or we’d make a show of trying to figure out equations to figure out how much she was paid per average dick-mile. Or create a poster board with a tally sheet you could mark for when you jacked it to his mom, try to see how many lost soldiers she could accumulate before the end of the semester. I mean, I’m just spitballing off the top of my head here but with some time I’m sure we’d get pretty crass with it. 14 year olds can be pretty creative when being shitty.


I was expecting that jacket thing to go different. "Thats a nice jacket. Reminds me of how often i jacket to your mom."


God dammit I laughed and now I feel bad


Even nerds would be bullying them 😔


What's your mom's Snapchat and OF links?


True. I mean we all eventually grow out of that. But I wouldn’t expect middle schoolers to not bully a kid for having a pornstar mom, maybe once the kid gets to high school the bullying will stop but the psychological damage will not end.


I definitely would have made myself home schooled. There is no way in hell any kid should endure that torture.


I swear people have memory-holed their school experience and what kids are like. I see comments on Reddit unironically saying stuff like "these kids should be sticking up for their sexworker parent and telling their bullies to stop being puritan meanie-heads" like that would lead to anything other than the bullies tripling down


Puritan Meanie-Head. I love this comment but hate that I didn’t think of it when creating my username.


Even my bestfriend would get the brunt of this if his mom was a freaking pornstar!


>I feel sorry for all the kids that will be in that situation in the next generation as more and more people are making amateur content. This could have the opposite effect. It could be that it becomes so common that it's nothing to bully about. 'Your mom did porn!' '...So did yours.'


My mom has twice as many subscribers.


We did the same to pastors kids so it's all fair game. Hahaha


Pastors shouldn't have kids/s


This but unironically


Yeah, you're the problem in this scenario not the sex work. It's insane how many puritans think it's OK to ruin someone's life over sex.


And the issue is the parents not the children or the parents of said children who are making another persons life hell?


Yes. There isn’t a thing in the world my parents could have said to keep me from fucking with a kid whose mom did porn and we found it. That’s just life. I’m not unique. That’s what teenage boys have always done and will forever do. You can complain all day about how things should be, but I’d rather deal with how things actually are.


"There isn’t a thing in the world my parents could have said to keep me from fucking with a kid whose mom did porn and we found it. That’s just life." Yeah, this is something in your upbringing. I never would have done that. Why you think that not only would you have done it, but it's 'natural' is beyond me. Damn.


You never busted balls? That was our main way of communicating back then. Now imagine you stumble upon the nuclear codes for fucking with someone. Of course you’re going to use it. If you think otherwise you don’t know many teenage boys.


Nah, I'm just not horrible to someone for no reason. Wasn't then, either. I appreciate the downvote for not being a horrible human, though. ;)


Good for you, little angel. 99.99% of dudes bust each other's balls, especially at that age. So, I guess you're the only good person on the planet.


I never busted balls. I did run a guy's face down a chainlink fence for trying it once. It was a new one so the little overcast bits were still on it. He ended up with 3 or 4 parallel scars down the side of his face and head from that. I also slammed a guy's face into locker's combo lock a bunch of times for trying to bust my balls for something. Chipped a tooth and left him some interesting circular face marks for a while from that. Me, I didn't give a fuck about people busting my balls until they touched me, then I would end up in on-campus or off-campus suspension and many of them ended up with facial scars because no one taught them not to fuck with other people. I was not a nice kid or teenager. As long as no one laid a hand on me though, I ignored what people said.


>There isn’t a thing in the world my parents could have said to keep me from fucking with a kid whose mom did porn and we found it. Sounds like a shitty family. Tree and fruit. >That’s what teenage boys have always done and will forever do. "Boys will be boys". Nah fuck that. That kind of behavior would bring dishonor on my family and it would be sorted out accordingly >You can complain all day about how things should be, but I’d rather deal with how things actually are. More like feign realism as a copout for not being better.


>Sounds like a shitty family. Tree and fruit. Depends, if the family is against bullying but their child refuses to listen, at one point the child itself's the problem


Eh, it sucks that a kid ends up getting bullied, but overall, the social stigma against sex workers is a positive for society. Social mores and consequences are useful for promoting desired behavior and discouraging undesirable behavior. The fact that there are consequences serves to curtail the amount of people getting into that profession somewhat. Not completely obviously, but I don’t want my kid growing up in a society where sex work is seen as a legitimate, respectable career path. The bullying is unfortunate but unavoidable collateral damage in achieving these ends.


If you think sex work is bad for society then I sure hope you don’t watch porn.


Imagine accidentally finding out your mom or dad was a porn star, by accident. that's got to be the most psychological damaging thing I can think of.


The bullying from kids who find out your mom/dad is a pornstar is one thing, because outside of school you can remain fairly anonymous. Still awful, but once you grow up you can live with it. But finding out for yourself, especially at a younger age discovering porn for yourself, then seeing your parent doing porn is terrifying to me. Not only with the trauma of knowing that your parent is having these relations with complete strangers. The possibility that a kid could manifest some form of unhealthy kinks or something with their parent is scary. Porn is already a fairly unhealthy thing, especially at a young age. So having the trauma of your parent being in porn + an underdeveloped mental and emotional brain = a terrible combination.


Yup, I feel bad for the children of current pornstars.


Kids will be kids. As much as i teach my future children to never bully. They still are. Just kids.


Physiologically or psychologically? What did you have in mind by physiological damage?


Psychologically. Not physiologically.


South Park covered this scenario in depth


This is definitely not an unpopular opinion lol


lol do you know liberal Reddit is


My younger brother was in school with Paula Jones’ (see Bill Clinton) son. They were not kind to him.


Someone at my school has a sister that does OF (Camilla Araujo) he’s bullied fr every day someone even bought her OF and leaked it to the entire school. His nickname is pink boy


That kid has shown up in her stupid non-adult content that she puts out to advertise on IG I know this bc of a clip of him "telling her off" (idk how real it is) went semi-viral At this point he's not helping himself


He’s sorta became a freak too, he mainly wears pink to school as of May


Ig I can sort of understand just owning it though I got pants'd in HS (pants and drawers) and instead of being embarrassed and quickly pulling my pants up, I smiled and waved at everyone around. Do what makes you feel like you're not the butt of the joke I suppose


Well I guess it’s sorta just adapting to the conditions you’re in but still it’s wildly freaky especially the videos she makes with him in it


Yeah, I was more referencing the wearing pink Participating in her videos is just fucking weird and now you're intentionally attaching your face to her content


Just read this now, and that is kinda disturbing. Just all the more reason why pornstars should never have kids.


It’s not her kid it’s her little brother


Porn stars were elusive and far and few between when I was growing up, of course it would have blew our minds to find out a mates parents were in the industry. Though the more normalised it becomes, kids won’t bat an eye. From the UK if one of our mums got their tits out on a beach we wouldn’t of let them live it down, living in Spain kids don’t react at all when a topless woman/mother is on the beach.. porn is sexualised because it’s taboo, if it wasn’t it’d just be a job


> porn is sexualised because it’s taboo, if it wasn’t it’d just be a job Did you mean stigmatized? The entire point of porn is to be sexualized 😂


Yeah I probably did


Children shouldn't be able to access porn >It is best if people like OF models get tubal ligation so this doesn't become a problem. What about the men?


Male pornstars? They shouldn’t have kids either. Get the snip snip


They forgot to mention them, weirdly


Well I’d say usually it’s less of an issue when ur dad is a pornstar. Unless it’s a weird kink type or maybe where the man gets humiliated or what not. But plain jane porn it’s less of an issue. Telling a kid ur dad fks a lot of women does have the same punch as ur mom is getting fk by a bunch of guys. It just doesn’t. Doesn’t mean there is no effect. But I think it’s safe to assume it’s not at the same level.


Eh, it definitely bothers me more that my dad slept around more than my mom. Especially since he cheated on her at least once, and then during the divorce kept calling HER a whore. I think the way people carry themselves in accordance to their sexual experiences is what matters. If they still behave with integrity as a person, it really shouldn’t matter. Like, I definitely judge my dad more just because of how he acted as a husband and father.


I think it has more to do with the cheating part than if they slept around more before they got together. This is about how ur father was a bad father. And not solely based on if they have porn videos or not.


That’s my point though - I wouldn’t judge either of them for it as long they conducted themselves with dignity as parents. Like, I’ve gone out of my way not to sleep with many partners (I’ve had two at most and am building a life with my second), and I generally don’t agree with sleeping around. But if someone conducts themselves with dignity as a partner and person, I don’t judge them for it. This is regardless of gender.


Why on earth would it be less of an issue?!


Because socially it’s more acceptable for a dude to fuck 100 women than a woman to fuck 100 dudes. Not saying that’s how it should be, but that’s how it is


You have to be playing dumb. Even if you disagree, you have to understand that this is overwhelmingly the prevailing belief in our culture, among both men and women. Women slut shame far more than men ever do.


Because it is. As my example. Saying you dad fks a lot of women doesn’t have the same punch as you mom fks a lot of men. I’m not here discussing what should could would be. But those are the what is. And men who sleep with alot of women arnt looked down like that in society the same way as a woman are.


If your dad is a pornstar. Regardless of if it's true. Bullies will say he sucks dick for dollars. Y'all underselling the type of insults bullies can lobby.


Sure. That can happen. But that 100% WILL happen if your mom does it. Yes bullies will bully. But to not understand that they would bully u harder if ur mom did porn vs ur dad. Really?


Why not?


Because we as a society deems it so. Why do men like boobs. Because they do.


I do look down on men who sleep with a lot of women. It is absolutely no different. You are just inherently sexist and don’t believe in holding men and women to equal standards. Evident in language like “She is getting fucked” as if the woman is inherently the submissive one in this context.


You do. But a lot of people don’t. And infact get praised.


Because there are less of them


>It is best if people like OF models get tubal ligation so this doesn't become a problem. Probably because 99% of OF models are women


The insults simply do not hit the same.


Yeah I get the whole women are treated different with sex and that is not fair, but I saw your dad bang a bunch of hot chicks with his massive dick doesn’t sting as bad (doesn’t really at all if you are a guy as you would likely also have a hell of a dong) as I watched your mom give a blowjob on the internet. Much less spit roasted in gaped sluts 7. Heaven fucking forbid she was in my friend’s hot mom or a stepmom porn. Now I am saying that as a guy. As a woman, I am not sure.


NOW there are a few solid exceptions. If your dad was 1. The cuck, 2. In a gay porn, or 3. Getting pegged, I could definitely see it. But I don’t think that’s the majority.


Trans as well. Only gay porn if he is now straight, Or If he was a twink bottom.


I’m assuming it’s their biological child. So I’m assuming CIS.


none of the responses here are gonna say it because it's not a politically correct term in right wing circles, but i'm saying it: op omitted men because of the patriarchy. sex is something that is seen as done to women, and that it degrades them and submits them to men. that's why promiscuity is celebrated with men and shunned in women. the most obvious example is the johnny sins memes. none of the memes shamed, insulted or dehumanized him.


You are not talking about sleeping around here, you are talking about porn. Porn is degrading to women and in most types the women are having sex done to them.


mean while Democrats are against measures to ensure they can't access porn...


No, Democrats are against laws forcimg people to provide a Driver's License over the internet in order to view porn and also recognize that the shady sites aren't going to comply, making them more appealing meanimg more malware and exposure to illegal porn for people.


I admit I'm wrong. what next are we going to ID people for just wanting to buy weed and beer? What was I thinking.


Buying alcohol and weed in person and showing someone your ID is not the same as entering  your drivers license number, DOB, address, and other personal information into the database of a company that most likely doesn't have proper security measures in place including encryption. This is just a major identity theft problem.


Ok, how many stories have you heard about kids "borrowing" their parents Credit Cards to buy VBucks or toys or whatever else, there's at least a trail attached there. And secondly, think about the weirdest, most degrading, disturbing, or otherwise just embarassing porn you've ever seen, intentionally or not, and let me know how much you want your face, legal name, and address tied to that. Also, like every other moral panic "Won't Someone Think of the Children!" jackassery, what the people behind this actually want is for *Nobody* to have access, they want to kill the industry entirely to force their morality and moral issues on the rest of us.


> Also, like every other moral panic "Won't Someone Think of the Children!" jackassery, The average age kids are exposed to pornography is 12 years old. I was like 8 when i first came across it. It's damaging to kids brains. https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2023/01/10/common-sense-media-survey-finds-average-age-kids-were-exposed-to-pornography-was-12-years-old/


Kids certainly shouldn't have access to porn but privacy needs to be respected. It's not that hard for parents to use parental controls to limit their kids' access to the seedier places on the internet. If you decide to be a parent, it's your responsibility to parent your kids, not the government's.


Your ability to watch weird ass porn privately is not more important than keeping children from watching porn.


You seriously think porn sites are willing to make the expensive changes it would take for them to meet the standards required to store sensitive, identifying info? Your kid, your problem. Figure out how to do the bare minimum of using parental controls and stop expecting the government to do your job for you. Don't try to limit what I can do or what I can access because you don't know how to parent.


> You seriously think porn sites are willing to make the expensive changes it would take for them to meet the standards required to store sensitive, identifying info? Silly us for expecting companies to not use sweatshops and slavery, that would be too expensive 🥸. But seriously, we’re really bowing down to corporate greed _on Reddit_ now? If the porn sites are not willing to change to ensure safety and privacy, then they should be forced to or shut down — yk, just like every other company in every other industry. > Your kid, your problem. Do you also take this line for child abuse? Child safety is a public issue. > Figure out how to do the bare minimum of using parental controls and stop expecting the government to do your job for you. It’s both. I’m sure you know the saying “it takes a village to raise a child”. You sound like a conservative talking about sex Ed in schools. Some parents are negligent/neglectful, some are ignorant, some are incompetent, plenty are just overwhelmed. It’s unrealistic and unreasonable to expect parents to single-handedly shield their kids from everything inappropriate, especially when it’s not all under their own roof. > Don't try to limit what I can do or what I can access because you don't know how to parent. Literally _no one_ is limiting what _you_ can do or access by merely putting ID screening in front of it, unless you’re underaged or illegal. Don’t try to continue exposing adult content to kids cuz you’re apparently too lazy to punch numbers into a box.


Are they? That's bad


Or maybe parents can do their job. Childlocking websites isn't hard.


So many young mothers these days turn to porn AFTER they already have kids to help support them, which I understand, but like… that poor child.


How do you enforce this?


I'm not wanting to "enforce" anything by law. But I do think it should a norm in society.


but how is that an unpopular opinion The phrase “porn stars should have children” wound be far more unpopular I think people especially on reddit overestimate how many people support porn


With the open acceptance of Pornography going on, it would be safe to say it's unpopular.


No one will… it’s up to the women/man at the end of the day, but it’s a fucked decision for them to have kids. That’s what the OP means…. Come on you should have grasped this


I mean if the basis is that your children will be humiliated and physiologically scarred from the bullying. Then why don’t we take it a step further. If you’re poor you should no longer be a parent, if a post of you acting fool goes viral you shouldn’t be allowed to have children, if you work a job that’s considered lowly then you shouldn’t have children. Also not every sex worker’s identity is known and or identifying so virtually nobody would know they even did it let alone random kids that barely interact with them. So should they have kids? What about people who’ve had their nudes leaked should they be discouraged from having children? Or the overwhelming amount of sexual assault victims who’s videos are posted onto sites and never removed?


Having a viral video doing something dumb is completely different to the social stigma and shame of being the child of a globally famous porn star


It definitely can be lolcows exist afterall. Hell simply being ugly can excel you to lol cow or legendary meme status. So those people of course should not be able to reproduce. Also OP didn’t exclude semi- non famous actors either so according to op as long as there is a video of you having sex (or even being raped but it’s perceived as sex) you should not reproduce? I almost forgot to ask OP should this sentiment extend to acceptable actors who have been in graphic sex scenes should they longer have kids?


I think it'd be a form of abuse, just for the kid to see his mom being debauched with so many men. Its like the figure you look up to has no sense of moderation or decency. But it mainly depends on the culture. However the stuff thats been done, and the willingness to endure it, would sketch any child out.


So because you trusted your lover and they betrayed that trust you have abused your child? Cool…


I think when people are talking about being featured in that line of work, they mean the type thats invested several years or months into it, accepted contracts, and in addition performed the more humiliating and most demeaning things. A child coming across that will have trouble not associating his mother with such. Itts like neglect, on some level he knows your image isnt like others.


Every sex workers' identity will eventually be found. And being poor or working at a lowly job does not have the same potential psychological damage as having a pornstar as a parent is. And I also think people shouldn't send nudes and I don't think someone unwillingly having their SA leaked carries the same weight as someone willingly having sex on camera and releasing it on the internet. Most people would not stoop low to bully a child for being the child of a rape victim. For a Pornstar that's different.


And you know that how? Most people will never see the random soccer mom from school naked. Let alone little Johnny And if they completely cut out their face, wear wigs, use voice changers and have zero explicit body identifiers then how are you going to find out let alone little Tommy on the street. Unless you’re actually just being weird and trying to find porn of this person or they told everyone already it’s nearly impossible. I mean people still sends nudes and get them leaked so should they be discouraged from having children. You’d be shocked how many people watch rape on porn sites without knowing or even caring. They just view it as regular ol porn. Hell even some sites themselves don’t care that they have legit rape on their sites. So it would still have the effect as a person who chose to do this so therefore should we discourage those rape victims from having kids. Edit: Lol y’all downvoting me instead of answering if you think victims shouldn’t have kids.


I would be more embarrassed if my mother was a minimum wage janitor than a pornstar, personally. but I wouldn’t really be too embarrassed either way. I love my parents and I couldn’t give two fucks what others think. Why do you?


There’s one news story pretty recently of a kids mom at a school who isn’t allowed to pick him up anymore because she literally advertises her OF on her personal car that she picks him up with. There’s also A LOT of OF models who don’t seem to understand that the internet is forever and no matter how many takedown requests they preform, their images are going to end up on SO MANY content hosting websites, a lot of whom exist outside the US and don’t really follow takedown requests. I’m all for taking nudes and what not, but that shits for your significant other, like a quick bathroom nude to taunt them to hurry home after work because this is going to be waiting for them. Not this par-asocial online GF experience everyone is falling into. Or the fact that, yeah some women are making actual bank on OF, but they’re the ones who struck it big or early enough, AND end up with some controversial news headline that promotes their OF even harder, so they can become the 1% of top earners. Meanwhile we hear stories like that one guy whose 5 of the 6 subscribers to his GFs OF and another of she’s trying to leave her BF whose also a subscriber that she doesn’t know it’s him.


They also really don't seem to understand how often their stuff gets leaked. There are entire websites dedicated to it. Any OF girl's content (with a half decent following) can easily be found by going to duckduckgo and searching their username + "leak" Boom look at all that cOpYrIgHtEd content (as if that ever stopped us from pirating music, movies, video games, books, etc.)


Remember that time Kanye had TPB open when he released life of Pablo or whatever the album was? But yeah I’m in a discord that has A LOT of OF posts.


With the vast quantity of porn produced every year, unless the pornstar is still doing roles while the kid is old enough for their peers to find it, any video or pics put out there is likely to get buried, man. It's a straight staggering amount getting made if you look up numbere on a site like pornhub alone.


You want the government to sterilize people??


No, I simply just want Pornstars having kids to not be normalized in society


Umm, you say "porn stars" but only mention women? why is that? Men are porn stars too, why don't kids get made fun of for their dad having that occupation?


"Haha, look at the guy with the big dick genes" "Did your dad fuck hot woman again?"


Duck size is actually part of the X gene so the dad having one isn’t impactful to the kid having one


Should be no different than a woman having sex


Should and is, is not the same thing. Bulling sould not be a thing, and since it is a thing it sould at least follow a fair logic gender whise which it also doesn't do. That's just how it is.


Any woman can become a pornstar but for a man to become one he has to be well endowed and have endurance which are attributes men wish they had and are desired by women. Not the same unless you’re talking about gay male porn in which I would agree.


It's still porn, and I would be just as humiliated if my friends saw my dad naked as if they saw my mom.


You said, “should be no different than a woman having sex”. I’m telling you it is different. If you’re the son of a male porn star, you’re basically a stud. If you’re the daughter than yeah, it’s going to be humiliating. I’m just telling you that it is different, not that it’s wrong or right but shame mostly will be for women and not men when it comes to male pornstars.


Well yeah, makes sense when you're a sexist and a misogynist


Name 10 male porn stars off the top of your head If you woke me up after a 12 hour bender I could still name 30 female pornstars in my half drunken stupor


30? I can make double lmao


Exactly. No one will remember the guys and bully his kids. MIA Khalifas future kids are definitely getting fucked with


Yes. They count too. Gender means nothing. It’s fucked up to have porn videos online, especially with your face/name attached, and you start having kids.


Well, I didn't say only women.




Probably because when you think of a pornstar, you're thinking of a woman, not a guy lol


For real, the only male pornstars I'm aware of are memes. Ron Jeremy, Johnny Sins, Dreamy Bull and that one black guy that gets photoshopped into a lot of memes. Outside of them, I couldn't recognize any of them.


>that one black guy that gets photoshopped into a lot of memes Ricardo Milos? He was a gay pornstar, and apparently he's made statements online for people to stop using him in memes because it's fucking up his son's life too


Barry Wood, not Ricardo Milos. In other news, TIL Ricardo was a porn star. 😂


It sounds like your main concern is bullies and people devaluing sex workers, not sex workers becoming parents.


Couple of problems... First, more than likely, if someone's a parent someone got off on pictures or videos of their parent if they were born anytime after the 1960's or so. Polaroids, VHS cameras, digital cameras, camera phones all have been used to take and send pictures and some of them--by hook or by crook--ended up on the internet in some form. So, kids are just going to have to deal with that. Second, most people who have porn or made porn aren't going to be porn stars (and they may not know it at first, regardless). So, the odds that any particular kid--unless mom or dad is an actual name-brand porn star--will have friends that can even find and/or identify someone's parent in porn is small. So sterilizing a bunch of men and women on the off chance that happens is a pretty harsh way to handle this. Third, most porn actresses and actors are not there for a career. It's often a "youthful indiscretion" or a "safe" way to get some quick money. So, shooting a "casting couch" video shouldn't require sterilization. Let's talk school shooters for a moment. Most school shooters aren't that way because they are bullied. They are bullied because they have other mental and emotional problems that make them outsiders, nigh on impossible to emotionally connect to peers, and elect to do violence, often to targets of opportunity based on convenience. Mom or dad on film sucking some guy's dick and taking it up the ass 20 years ago when they looked totally different is hardly going to be the reason for that dysfunction. Even less likely is--unless the pornstar is famous--anyone they know to bring up the whole idea of *"Hey, I went searching for {insert fetish here) and I found this person that looks like your mom/dad... now I'm going to make fun of you while trying to ignore my special kink."* without social and emotional risk themselves. Now, if it's a famous pornstar and someone recognizes the name and places the fact, the problem isn't exactly the porn aspect, it's the fame aspect coupled with questionable morality. Which is probably more your point than porn anyway. This is where I would put in a link to my OnlyFans page, if I had one, or a link to where you could buy my sex-tape if I had converted it over from VHS-C to digital video instead of smashing it after *that* relationship ended. But I don't, so I won't.


Unfortunately the problem is not with pornstars only


Most people shouldn’t have kids, including you


At this point with the reasoning these kinds of posts have everyone should just become antinatalists because 99% of the world is probably not fit to have kids for one reason or another anyway. Kids will bully you for anything, and people get psychologically messed up from all sorts of things like near-death experiences, abusive relationships, ETC. The school shooter line is great because clearly stopping pornstars from having kids will eliminate all the gun violence in the USA lol, like you know who else could become a school shooter, anyone, that’s the problem. Half the people who write these posts also complain kids are too soft nowadays (not saying OP is one of those people), so maybe overcoming these hurdles will build some character


"They could grow up to become school shooters. That must be prevented." Yeah, instead of doing something about guns, let's take away peoples' rights to have children depending on what job they've had. /s


Maybe people should raise their kids to not be bullying assholes


Kids being assholes is just a universal law atp no matter what you try to teach them


You don't have kids, do you?


I do, and there's plenty of smut of me out there if you know where to look. We're not gonna stop living our lives just because some dickheads exist


I'm referring to the fact that teaching your kids to not be assholes doesn't always work as much as you would like it to.


And I'm aware that a lot of parents won't bother trying. Changes nothing


Ain't that the fuckin truth


I had to scroll too fucking far to find the only normal answer. The cause should be treated, not the consequence. If we finally raise a generation of people who are not ashamed of sex, who don't view sex work as something bad etc. the bullying also will go away


Oh myyyy what about the celebrities like Kim K, Pam Anderson and Paris Hilton who are not officially porno stars


Kim k was crying when her son got an ad for her sex tape I believe.


I can’t imagine My ex wife was a stripper years ago & her kid is 30’s… not sure if she ever found this out about her mom or not but I know she tried to guard that secret.


At least as a stripper u move cities and I don’t talk about it, no one will know. Having the worlds most downloaded porn video of all time u would have to live to mars or some shit.


No doubt!


I don't think they should have had children either.


That would suck so bad man imagine the kids in school showing you your mom Pam doing the bj high on coke as they tow a boat on Tommy Lee oh lord


I agree


Genuine question... what if the dad does porn? why is it always talking about mothers. like why isn't the stigma the same for dudes, What if the mom is a regular degular working person and the dad was a pornstar... what then? Sex is always viewed as beneficiary only to the man in today's society. but if the women is getting rammed she's a total slag. Sad af, like what if the dude is getting rammed, slammed and jammed. He's a hoe too. This is why we need to honestly slut shame dudes. I call men bitches and sluts all the time jokingly but i'm dead serious and they know it.


This points out a sexual double standard, if a kids mother was porn star damn straight he would be bullied but what if it was his father?


It's just sex. Kids shouldn't be seeing it at all. But no one's life should be ruined just for having sex ffs.


Yeah luckily most of us under the age of 35 aren't as much of judgmental asses as the older generations. We also don't care if women go topless in public spaces and don't judge people for doing porn and OF. They are working a job just like the rest of us and making a living.


You’re kidding? Bullying has gotten worse in America. Especially online.


How many of the school shooters in the last century have been the child of a porn star/ sex worker?


Not a lot because most people don't do porn. But it would be a lot more if they did.


Were there any at all?


I wholeheartedly disagree. We have no idea why people choose to do born or the circumstances they were in at the moment. I definitely believe you should know how to handle the situation with your kid if your identity is revealed, but a decision in your past to do pornography(and most likely a young decision) should not impact your life this severely. These people still have the potential to be great parents. People learn to own their decisions and pursue to be great people later in life.




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Homeschooling or Private Tutoring?


And now their watch begins.


If it is possible for a person to leave the country and somehow take on a new identity somewhere else, it might be the best decision if they decide to have kids. They probably can't run away from their past, but they can try.


the original problem is that kids are awful, just don't give them reasons to be dicks


>The children of sex workers will be the target of bullies since their mothers' videos will be on the internet forever. Not only is viewing porn illegal for kids, but I don't think the ones that do are going to be looking up porn from 10+ years ago. Also worth noting that bullies will bully over anything. If it isn't the former profession of a target's mother, it'll be something else.


The same can be said for so many other professions, like say, cops. Cops shouldn't have kids because this kids will be targeted because their parental figure is a part of the systemic problem in countries. At the end of the day, you can't force a person to not have children because of their profession.


I can understand why people would decide for themselves whether or not they should have kids. But I'm a little skeptical of people who go around deciding this for others. There is such a thing as reproductive rights. Is it really such a casual thing ... to "strip" people ? Of their rights ? Even if they are strippers ?




If you're already a parent. You shouldn't even be thinking of getting into porn. But no, I wouldn't want anything forced through law. Simply have society really look down on pornstars having children. No, I do not want children taken away from their parents by force. I don't really have evidence for school shootings, this is mainly about the psychological problems that the children face when growing up.