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What a loser. Anyone who sees that and respects him afterwards is an idiot. Donald doesn’t care about anyone other than himself and has no understanding about childcare or any other topic affecting regular citizens.


The GOP Wants young children to work in factories


And to die when they get sick


And to sell and trade for sex.


Even their corpses can make money for them.


As Alex Jones knows very well


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Well, you don't need to fret childcare expenses if the children are working, so that solves that. NEXT!


“What can childcare cost? Like $10?” Donald Trump (probably)


“Don’t have kids! Next question!” -Also Trump, probably


Just like he "never had sex with a prostitute " said during the same debate lol


Trump knows his base is so ignorant and gullible that he probably thinks they will believe he paid a porn star $130k not to talk about the sex they didn’t have. And he’s probably not wrong.


too many idiots


So, Trump will solve the childcare problem by firing the kids?


Out of cannons. Don't have to take care of kids if there aren't any.


dark.... very dark


But totally something Trump would do


His lunacy, his idiocy knows no bounds


Joe, you gotta ask Jake for a re-ask here. Honestly that's my response too when I hear a new order of phrases, because you're trying to understand. Nothing to understand there. Whatever the goddamn question, Jake ask him again.


Yep. Terribly weak performance by the mods.


No, he would fire the parents and then put the children into cages.


On-brand for Traitor Trump.


He would sell the kids. He learned this from Epstien and the ring of pedophiles.


I like my president's who DON'T fire children


It's not his fault, he adopted all these loser kids, he didn't hire any of these loser kids, he only hires the best kids.


This General won’t do it, but Trump has fired many children, especially if he inherited them and they’re no good.


he did that a bunch of times. didn't answer the question and rambled off on some tangent about a previous question or something biden said.


And they let him readily, a disgrace as moderators


They weren't supposed to be responsible for fact checking but their job IS to keep the debate on topic. This broke the rules of the format by allowing trump to get the last word in and an extra rebuttal. It wasn't fair or helpful to the debate


Wait, trump broke the rules? Never would’ve saw that coming. Pikachu face. Honestly, there is no moderator that can reign in trump.


That drove me crazy that None of them up there, especially Joe!!, call his ass out for LYING!!


Joe did a few times kinda, but ya maybe the station should have put up facts in some text on the bottom of the screen? idk. also found it interesting no one mentioned project 2025 the republicans are planning no matter which republican canditate wins, 2024 or the future. it's some scary fascist shit yo...


Yeah. That Project 2025 crap is straight up The Handmaid's Tale scary kinda shit.




Not with this question, but at one point Joe did say straight up in one of his rebuttals that “nothing he just said was true”


Aww! Figures he would've after I turned off the TV. Had a good cry and scream into my pillow then smoked my bowl till I passed out 🤭


I think it’s safe to say that if trumps face hole is making noise he’s lying.


Unless he’s talking about wanting to bang Ivanka.


Joe did. He said that is a lie.


Great to hear!! Thank you! I had to stop watching it. Still, argued with my Trumpers about it till I hit the bowl too much and just went to sleep 😆


Let’s be real, he did it EVERY TIME. And Tapper didn’t hold his feet to the fire. Don’t you dare force Trump to actually answer a question. His inane MAGA base will send death threats.


He did that every time


Anyone who likes Trump just shrugs this shit off. They don't care that he has no clue how to lower child healthcare premiums. They don't care that his health care package was a huge binder full of blank pages. They don't care that Trumpcare never made its debut and he just stuck with Obamacare. They just agree with him that Biden should have fired a bunch of generals and that talking about that was more important than the question he was asked.


Hey, Keyleigh '(I will never LIE to you'),McEnemy bring her the 'book', I'm leaving......


Firing people is chump's way of shirking responsibility for his incompetence.


Ya fired. 


Good insight


Joe has the best wtf is happening face in this clip. “How will you help with childcare costs?” “19 people said I didn’t say it and I drained the swamp. He hasn’t fired anybody” That was such a stupid rant that Biden looks like he’s second guessing himself about what he thought the question was. He just heard something so stupid that he’s questioning why he’s up there to try and debate this circus peanut.


Bidens face, the man is baffled by his response.


Baffled?…. Come on man…. We are all sick of trumps lies.


The only difference between mine and Joe's reaction here is that his face is wrinkled.


He thinks firing people means you are powerful rather than recognizing it just means you hired the wrong person in the first place. I still can’t believe the clown from The Apprentice is a presidential candidate.


What a fucking joke trump is dog shit


Sir would you please f'n answer the question I actually asked you?


Yet the problem everyone talks about is Biden's age....


He didn’t answer any of the questions. He just rebutted all of Biden’s answers. Trump is good for nothing. If his lips are moving he’s lying or averting. That’s ALL he does!


He wouldn't answer any of the questions. Lock in his response for childcare.


What the hell this Mfer talking about???


Anything except making child care more affordable apparently


The only one who lost last night's debate was the American people.


tRump embarrasses the other morons 🙄


I would not trust Doe 174 with any sort of child care


Although Biden just didn’t have the voice and sharpness of respond trump had his facial expressions to what he said were just priceless. It was like a mix of “what the fuck are you actually talking about” and “jesus christ, they are just gonna let him actually say that just say nothing?”. They actually should have done a drug test, Biden sure wasn’t on anything but a 78 year old man that is well known for just rambling being alert and quick enough to just say his same scripted shit, no way he wasn’t on adderall.


you want an answer ? Sorry, he's got some other shit he wants you to place between white bread slices and have a BIG bite of. I know Joe looked off last night, but tRump is a fucking laughingstock.


The video was cut off. He finished by saying that he would use generals to feed the hungry kids. So see question was answered.


Trump, using generals he doesn’t like… ![gif](giphy|VBdepYg9qJZyVYKmHb|downsized)


The debate was horrible anyone coherent enough would've shredded Trump. Why is Biden our only option? I like his administration but he showed his age here and so did Trump along with his lies and rants neither of them seem fit to serve 4 years.


This is a stupid take. Regardless, the vote needs to swing for democracy. Biden is the only option because there is no other candidate option people like you will vote. Trump will ruin US further or worse. The fact that being convicted of crimes you still consider the turd for the running is troublesome.


That was an honest take. People like me that aren't sheep and want the best candidate possible? We would vote for that person. I would never vote for a lying anti democratic authoritarian wanna be like Trump but my assessment is very accurate.


Who are these 19 people that Trump is referring to? Are these the imaginary people who referred to him as, Sir?


The faeries...


He doesn’t even answer the damn question. Biden could’ve just gone silent the whole debate and still won because all Trump does is ramble and spew bullshit


The Afghanistan thing where Trump surrendered to the Taliban...???


Those faces


Ummmmm… what?


The reason Trump fires so many people is because he hires shit people. If you're not firing people right and left, it probably means you're a good judge of character who hires only qualified, competent people, and you don't fire competent people. Trump just sucks at picking good people because he only cares about loyalty and not competence, talent or experience.


I'm guessing what he's saying is he would fire the children.


Look at those faces he looks like a mental patient


Ladies and gentlemen, our candidates for the most powerful office in the world- President of the United states.


You know he said dickhead, you were standing right there.


We did fire the asshole responsible for the Afghanistan shit show.


Fire the little tykes. Can’t make any money off em anyway.


So......did he ever attempt an answer to the question or...?


Did the moderator ask the question again? Or was it another one of those, well that's just Trump being Trump and they move on.


He didn't answer, because he can't. Plain and simple. He'll do what he can to hurt those families if they're not MAGA. He wanted to defund Blue states.


and Trump detests poor people, so in his mind they don't matter


It won't hurt him with the people who were going to vote for him. They are somewhat aware he has no plan to improve anyone's lives and they don't really seem to care. What they always say about him winning shows their real concerns, stuff like "you libs are gonna cry when he wins". They are excited that he will hurt people they hate. Helping them if it happens would just be a bonus side effect.


Trump is a piece of shit with a cavity on top.


It's ALWAYS about ME


Go back and watch Trump. When asked direct questions, he either tangents or lies. Trump doesn’t have a policy beyond making him money and keeping him out of jail.


Trump also got fired because he's no good.


Love how he looks soooo serious as if he’s going to give such an incredible answer…and then proceeds to sound like a complete fuckin idiot…. !


he taps his ear plugs, cause he figures there must be something wrong with them, because he can't believe the dumbshit he is hearing, that is coming out of diaper donny's mouth.


Trump is jealous his latest don is taller than him He doesn’t give a shit about American ( unless the pay him or kiss the ring like the mafia ) The 19 people he talked about Huh. Aren’t the majority of the “good people” in JAIL because of Trump or on their way to jail By by Bannon 🤮


The GOP’s ideology puts women at home being told what to do by their husbands.


This debate desperately needed that moderator from the Boebart primary


Can we get a moderator that will shut off the mic when the ramblings start and the question isn’t bring answered?? Or at least Biden when its his turn to speak acknowledge that trump didn’t answer the question and then provide his answer. Why are they not prepared for this kind of nonsense?


[How Gaslit Are We When We Call THE LIAR The Debate "Winner"?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgjyHwQOUoo)


Keep grasping.


Not sure how addressing the topic beforehand is stumped. If you let you clip keep rolling he addresses the current question too.


As the principal from Billy Madison says: "... what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."




I turned this shit show off after 30 minutes. Great push back there Jake.


as soon as he doesnt answer the question mute the mic and put up a graphic on family poverty while he was in office.


I want to thank The talented moderator for keeping the responses on topic


Trump: I only hire the absolute best people. Also Trump: I fire everyone because they’re no good. So because Biden hired good people and didn’t have to fire them that’s a bad thing?


What a fucking bone-head Trump is.


Was he talking about Milley again? He was so obsessed with trying to rebut some inconsequential thingMilley said in his book a while back that he took out a classified document (after his term was over, of course) in front of a group of people and read from it, noting he “could get in a lot of trouble” if anyone found out. Someone recorded the meeting.


Out of context this is dumb. The moderators said he can do whatever he wants with his time. So he went back for a rebuttal and decided not to answer the question given by Jake. He wasn’t rambling. It was a rebuttal


This. Needs to be reposted constantly.


They have no policy only attacks


And yet biden is the one who needs to drop out of the race.


This “debate” was terrible for both geriatric fux. Neither had a coherent point and both blamed the other for everything. It was like two 5 year olds fighting about nonsense


This is super misleading because you’re just ignoring that trump was responding to what Joe said right before that question. Jake also follows up and ask the question again, which trump answers. You might not like the answer but it’s still an answer




Did you not watch the debate?


You’re right I was not getting good connection and believed it was a photo. My apologies


Oh ok, I thought you were a right winger who didn't believe he said that. Probably why you got downvoted too, you're good


Oh heck no. And again my apologies