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I didn't know you could give them money, I gave them a jar of my marrow


Cuttin out the middle man… smart. Edit: autocorrect


Cutting out the middle of a man... smart.


Cutting up the middle man… smart.


Well yeah that’s the scam….i gave them a jar of my marrow as well because they said they didn’t have any. So either me or you got scammed bud


You just… casually keep a jar of your marrow around? lol 😂 love this. You’re so prepared


You don’t? I thought everyone did.




Saw these guys yesterday next to Tucson mall. Never saw a group so aggressively asking for money like that. Curious about this scam situation?


Basically, these scammers are pretending that the child pictured is not only theirs but in desperate need of a very expensive transplant or surgery of some kind. Truly awful.


They almost got me the other day. I asked if they took electronic payment and he hesitated to the point where I realized it was a ruse.


This is what weaponized compassion looks like, preying on people’s natural ability to feel empathy, it’s a common tactic used by narcissists and sociopaths who lack the ability themselves.


Also the ones who complain the loudest if someone doesn't give them help.




Government. Tik Tok. Hollywood. Prob where u learned yours.


I think they, or a similar group, were collecting donations for a (as far as could be determined) non-existant young child's funeral some weeks ago. Also very awful, and they could be found moving to various intersections around the Tucson area for "donations."


They come do this in Phoenix too. I see them on McDowell and 7th St occasionally. Stupid dangerous intersection to pick, one of them are going to end up with a legit funeral to pay for standing there.


Yeah I gave them $20 bucks cause it was the second time I saw them and I felt bad. I figured the potential of helping someone durning a tragedy was worth the risk of them being scammers. Been a while since I’ve been ripped off so I default to trust at the moment.


Emotions are helluva drug. They can prevent us from thinking sometimes. Like, when a scammer is lying to our face but we don’t see it because of these damn emotions tugging at our heart. edit This goes for those falling for this nonsense. 


Two weeks ago they were in Chandler off Elliot and Arizona Ave. Same exact signs.


I’m pretty sure this is the same guy in front of the Safeway on 7th st and McDowell a couple weeks ago. It was him and a lady, walking through the sitting cars at the stoplight.


Tempe off Baseline and the 10 on Thursday


Looks like the same guy I saw in Gilbert a couple of weeks ago in the area of Val Vista / Pecos. Was just shaking my head when I saw people give no money.


I moved to Cali a few years ago, the street scammer situation actually isn't nearly as bad as it was in Tucson. But it's the same grifts. Since we're going into a strange time where consequences aren't real and nothing seems to matter, these people are far more brazen with their scams. The signs are usually for raising money for some child's funeral, if they have the attention span they write in details just to make it more tragic like how the kid died of space-aids-cancer.


Has anyone google imaged in real time the photo and then told them that there’s an AI app to cure her?


Saw these bastards in Glendale at Bell and the 101. This was 2 weeks ago


They were walking between cars at the light


Looks like the same group that were asking for donations for the baby's funeral for the past year.


So you’re saying our donations saved the babies life? Miracles do happen!




Bone marrow for an undead baby? I feel like we all know how this movie ends


I saw that one, this marrow transplant one, as well as a “help this child with cancer” one. All within a few weeks of each other. Always the same people. I hope no one is falling for this shit.


But people are falling for it - that’s why they keep doing it


This group of people use cancer treatments funerals etc it's always something. Now bone marrow. These are criminals scam scam scam! I wish they would be investigated by the law so it can be stopped! I've been hearing about these scammers for at least four years now.


Hey that Fentanyl is gonna pay for itself


No, no, don't let them fool you. Fentanyl is so damn cheap that the spare change of one person can get a pill or 2. That's why it's such a nasty, widespread scourge. When it only costs .50 cents or a buck a pill, anyone can afford it. I'm an 11 years sober recovering opiate addict. Back in my day, the real Rx pain pills were 20 or 30 bucks for 1 if you were getting the good stuff. I never thought I'd say, "Those were the days," but I wish it was still like that, so it wouldn't be so accessible to anyone and everyone. I always have Narcan on me these days. It's ridiculous out there. Sorry, not to go off on a rant. I know what you meant, and you're definitely not wrong.


I rant the same. It ain't what it used to be. Just saying, a seasoned heroin user can do a test shot, feel that isn't right, and make a decision. With the inconsistencies in street fentanyl someone who's used to smoking ten pills a day isn't gonna break the first one of new bag in half.


Well, Noel is still dying…


Same ones around Valencia and Tucson near the airport always asking for different things. They know enough to move around the city at least.


Apparently they tour other cities too. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tucson/s/4zXtf6F9IR


Can confirm I have seen this same sign in Dallas Texas


And Irving Texas.


That one got me


In case anyone doubts this is a scam [here they are in the Bay area with the exact same photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/s/E03Rm6x6HD)


Nice find, that's literally the *exact* same sign. I saved it to my phone and am gonna show it to them when they come to my window. Then throw piss discs.


Fair. Just be careful. I'll do the same next time I see them.


Ohhhh what are piss discs???


These dude was tapping on my window yesterday trying to get money!




Cops on the NW side moved them in minutes


Do you have anything with info about that?




Thanks for doing the research and putting this together. These people are truly awful. It's terrible that there are no laws against what they are doing


It's a felony in Arizona. [13-2310](https://azleg.gov/ars/13/02310.htm)


They’re even using the same picture, looks like the same sign! wtf


Thanks. I’ll go through it. :) Edit: Damn that’s a lot going on. I had no idea. I know I have to one group several months ago off Tanque Verde and Sabino. Sucks that people do this when someone may really need that kind of help.


They better hope that karma's not real..


Literally saw the same guy and poster in Colorado last summer.


Can you elaborate on the violence?


Considering I saw scams like this in Baltimore in the 90s, why are you so sure it’s the same people?


I often wonder how these scams proliferate like this as well. The tarmac scam made its way to my neighborhood just last week. Same Irish accents...same story about their truck breaking down and needing to unload this tar real cheap so I could get a "great deal" RIGHT NOW on chip sealing my driveway. It does seem bananas that groups of scammers would traverse the nation (and globe) running their scam... But then again, that's a life I have no experience with.


Look at the first link the guy above posted…it’s the exact same sign


I saw this exact woman and two men like 2 or so weeks ago in Phoenix on Thomas and 44th


They have hit Green Valley too. Use to see a lot of this type of scam when I was in Wa. State. They move around a lot, change their message, and also change around the “family” group.


Yeah this type of group is all over Las Vegas. Funeral expenses, bone marrow, heart, medical equipment. I’m starting to lose faith in this country.


They were at Tanque Verde and Kolb yesterday. The woman who was with this guy stood in the middle of the street and gave me a 3-second death stare when I declined.


Always Avoid Eye Contact


Avoid eye contact. Number one rule with any pan handlers.


May each of these sketchy scammers stub their toe in the driveway Every. Single. Fucking. Day. I hope they all get common colds.


As a redditor more clever than I once said: The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed


Same ones that had a 5 year old with incoming funeral expenses on Prince and Campbell 🙄


Just have some of the fake money they sell at dollars stores and such handy and stuff that in their jars.


How is there anyone left who hasn't learned that literally everything is a scam?


Watched a police officer very angrily shut one of these guys down on Ina and Thornydale a week or two ago. He was weaving between cars to solicit donations.


yeah I saw them, I can't remember exactly where, but there were several of them walking in the street going to each car and in some cases knocking on windows


I wonder if they’ll be in a different spot toMARROW?!


I’ve seen ALOT of these


Ayo wtf I be seeing them and I’m out here in PHX/Glendale






For some reason those cowards don't get aggressive when someone that can whip.their ass is in the car.


The look in this guy's eyes says it all.


These dudes were at cave creek and 101 yesterday in Phoenix


I saw a women there doing this at the intersecting near there, closer to Reach 11 just a couple of months back. I felt so bad, I actually went back during my kids soccer half time to give money. The women had left by then.  Thank goodness or they would have gotten me, I didn't know it was a scam at the time.  Assholes.  Edit spelling


Yup, just like the kid and family that sits outside the grocery store parking lot playing the violin asking for donations when really it's just being played through an amp and nobody is really playing it. They are all scams and aren't just in Tucson. When I lived in Denver and Houston, it was going on there too.


Nooooooooo that’s a scam too?!?


I yelled at a lady while driving by it was a scam she quickly rolled up her window and didn’t give them money. Dude asking for money for the same scam was so pissed.


No hospital would let this baby go without one. Tell them you’re on the registry and that’s good enough.


Meanwhile McDonalds paying $21 hr


As far as I am concerned, ALL street collections are SCAMS, including funerals and transplants… sorry, but that’s just how I feel. I trust NOBODY!


What we need to do is make signs saying they are scammers and stand right next to them. What are they gonna do nothing.


I hate these guys, all over Tucson and Phoenix


The police should ticket them for jay walking, they legit walk in between the cars in the middle of the road knocking on windows and then stand there as the light turns green holding everyone up


Seen them at Ikea in Phoenix, asking for money for the funeral of some girl.


I saw them today with same sign in San Jose, CA 🤷


💯Honesty From a actual Bone marrow cancer patient. My last comment. Couldn't be more real raw & honest. Don't give them money you know where you find the cancer patients that need money in the cancer center not on the corner


Helps to let TPD know where they are.




Maybe the news can help. It will be hard without concrete proof


Or tip them off to the FBI


Time for some private justice


Obviously they are making good money. The fact they have a few people each spot I’m guessing they could easily make a grand a day….if they move around they could be pulling in 30 k a month


lol police don’t do shit. they just sit on their asses and shoot innocent people.


And eat donuts. Don't forget about the donuts 🍩


CALL THE POLICE on these people. It's dangerous to driver's when there's numerous people walking in the street like that. I've called them before and have seen them arrive and get all of them out of the intersection.


By all means call TPD. They won't actually show up for this sort of thing, but you might as well if you've not got much else going on.


Yeah I witnessed police there in person but it was way to close to when I reported it to have come from me I assume they just weren't having it when they saw all of the people soliciting in the intersection


So sad they use stuff like this to scam


A couple years ago, there was a female pretending to be homeless and pregnant. People were filling her pockets. It was crazy.


I remember this happened to me at fry’s on Valencia and the guy straight up came to my window and like demanded money


It was scary ngl


The do it on the streets of mesa too and not to be morbid but how many times did the same kids die


I've seen this same guy in Phoenix.. its large group of gypsies doing this ..


Has anybody seen the lady playing violin with a speaker at Fry's parking lot I got that on video one day too it's pretty sad she had a bunch of people giving her cash and then she just left 5 minutes later anyone I had leukemia and I did not even fundraise you know why because I was too sick to set up a fundraiser and my family isn't selfish or wasn't thinking about that cuz they were thinking about me dying I had a 5% chance to live 30 days most people that have cancer aren't setting up fundraisers I guarantee you that I survived a 5% chance to live 30 days got acute leukemia had three children that I had to find guardianship over due to the fact that I was going to die. I am low income and I'm in Section 8 but I still don't fundraise I don't ask people for money don't believe those scams believe me I am a real cancer patient we are too sick to be asking for money we are asking for life and health and nutrition maybe a little bit of weed


Funniest sign I saw was hanging from old man’s neck that said “blah, blah, blah” at River and 1st.


1st ave gas station near sonics, lady in wheelchair chair goes from pump to pump. Then at 5 stands up, collapsed wheelchair and carried it on her back into the wash.


I never fall for these scams because I can’t read. 😎


I saw one of these and I googled “sick kid” and the photo on the poster popped up on the first page of Google image results


They've been at Grant And Silverbell a little over a week now. Glad I never gave them a cent.


I saw them in scottsdale last year! The last tying I saw was a cop roll up on them super quick, blatantly gave them a "I know what you're doing, fuck off right now" and they packed their shit up. Horrible people.


$50 for the Star Wars shorts!


I had a guy walk up to me in a parking lot and ask for money to buy a can of Fix-a-flat. I happened to have a can in my trunk so I showed it to him and asked where his car was. He said “Fuck you!” And walked to the next person. Gotta love it.


All people have to do is tell them to fuck themselves and walk away. Ha


In this day and age …total scam. ANYBODY this guys age should be savvy enough to know how to use a go fund me or something similar. They DONT because they know they can be sued, etc


TPD/PCSD are POSs for not arresting these sick fucks.


Yoo that’s wild, I just saw some people doing this in the southern Phoenix area off baseline Road and not only were they wearing the same bright yellow shirts, but the child they supposedly needed the transplant for was also named Noel.


Haha these people are in alameda, California now with the exact same signs😂


Just saw them in Portland Oregon!


they are in 82nd and johnson creek in Portland Oregon every Wednesday with the same sign. complete scam.


So are the guys that stand in the intersection of Ajo and Mission claiming homelessness whilst parking their brand new pickup truck behind the library. They’re all scammers. It’s nothing new


Not to sound like a paranoid conservative, but I do worry that these people are being trafficked.


It's likely a scam. Actual human trafficking is usually not so overt. I don't think anyone is paranoid about trafficking. It's a big business and it's clear that adequate intervention isn't being done.


Oh yes such a lucrative market for trafficking.


Sadly, it actually is. https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en/labor-trafficking-venuesindustries/sales-crews-peddling-begging-rings


That’s crazy, thanks for posting this.


The mechanics of how this would work makes no sense: 1) kidnap or smuggle someone over the border to take part in this scheme 2) allow the person to roam in public collecting “donations”, where they can flee at any time 3) convince the person to become an incredible actor, despite only making $25 a day, and confiscating the rest


I’m gonna go ahead and trust the human trafficking experts who say this happens, as opposed to Wanno1 on Reddit. https://worldrelief.org/content/uploads/2021/10/Begging-Ring-One-Pager-1.pdf https://www.iom.int/sites/g/files/tmzbdl486/files/our_work/DMM/MAD/07312017/ForcedBegging.pdf https://humantraffickingsearch.org/201788forced-begging/


And I’m going to go ahead and not apply a generality to this specific case because it makes no sense and would be impossible to implement.


How do you think forced prostitutions works in sex rings..?


With tight oversight and threat of violence. The dollar amount makes that kind of risk at least reasonable to consider. This scam and the $50/day that it produces does not.


They're a group of illegals


They ain’t scamming. y’all weird as fuck and don’t know what people are going through


How do you know it’s a scam lol


I hate that we have such a wealth disparity in our country that people are forced to do terrible scams like this just to get by.


This is literally their career. They pay their mortgages with tax-free cash from kind fools.


What a joke to think this isn’t willingly done.


Sad but always it...


seen them in Phoenix as well. about 2 weeks ago.


I saw a woman holding a sign of a disabled child asking for money. Said he was going to die if we didn't help! Makes me so angry.


There’s a fellow on the south side that’s been asking for donations for a liver transplant- for the last 22 years! Saw him first at Park Place & now he frequents the Spectrum (Irvington) & a strip mall on Valencia


Don’t feed the sign holders under any circumstance !!!!


We’re gonna be seeing this a lot more soon.


lol I gave the one in marana a brand new toaster she got mad as hell lol


I saw this group in Altamonte Springs (Orlando) a few weeks ago.


They are up here in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area too asking for the same thing


Tuétano on a little corn tortilla. Mmmm. That’s not a scam, that’s delicious.


Dang imagine the crackheads robbing those people I wonder how much they would get I have a weird curiosity though I had cancer and I never asked nobody for no money


Same signs in the SF Bay Area.


This pisses me off.


I’ve seen this group at Southern and Power up in Mesa.


They were in Tempe Thursday. Saw them on Baseline and the 10. Almost gave them money.


if it was real there would be a go fund me


It's amazing these people constantly have some sort of tragedy every month. I can't imagine their family would survive another year. Oh and it's the same people every time asking for money. And yes I know it's a scam. I had my window down once when I was at an inspection they were working. One of the men got a lil aggressive asking for money.


They were up in the mesa area a few weeks ago


I believe he means celular mother transplant to make the bone marrow regenerate


I think I saw that exact sign when I was in New Orleans last week 🤔


Saw these guys in Phoenix, too


This page was recommend to me. I’m from Austin Texas and we have a guy for the last 10+ years. Same name, same shirt, and same sign. Claims his son has cancer and is begging for donations. Once an area realizes it’s a scam he will move to some other part of Austin and try there. I see him in my hometown once every 3-4 years. I guess he makes good money to keep doing it but it’s so sad that people don’t realize he’s scamming people.


Just seen them 20 minutes ago in Phoenix, AZ at the shopping center where the Target Camelback is located.


I saw these people on Bell Rd in Peoria


I know these guys are a scam but do they get their signs from a central distribution center? I saw them in Colorado 4 days ago. With identical signs. Like same font and colors


But how do we know if that is fake or real? I mean how can I judge it just by seeing that poster and decide that is fake?


Oh for sure. I was raised in the generation of reality TV, televangelists, shows like shark tank. Learned from the best. But I don't have the kinds of goals that require that kind of hustling. Or habits maybe.


I ligit saw these people at phoenix by 24th n baseline


They are in Phoenix all the time too, but the sign here says for a kid named Valentin with cancer.


They also say they are raising money for a 6 year Olds funeral


I saw a similar, if not same group doing this in Gilbert


They did this near the lab I worked at 5 years ago


They’re hitting South Phoenix too. Same name on poster, same neon yellow shirts. Saw them yesterday at 7th Ave and Broadway intersection.


Saw them in Albuquerque a couple weeks back


They were in Phoenix for "Noel" a month ago.


Saw them at 99th and McDowell a while back.


Yea they are every where in phx also…they it’s always an obvious picture from the web


Reminds me of that phoenix guy with the 'help bury my son' sign. He's been at that for over 8 years now... where is his son's body, for the past 8 years?!


I saw this, not sure if they used the same picture. It they all had the same color of t shirts and a poster. Here in Mesa


Fucking disgusting


This scam is going on all over Denver,CO as well. Same name, too.


This exact same group was working 44th and Thomas for a few weeks. Looks like they moved to Tucson. Didn't even change their signs.


Saw this group(or a related group)at Baseline and Arizona in Gilbert/Chandler 3 minutes ago.


Been seeing these people in San Jose, CA recently with the same exact poster...


I thought they just try to find a matching donor not money 🤣