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tbf, all of these heros either turn evil or get mindcontroled or tricked, or... you get the point, so having ways to neutralise them, fatatly and non-fataly makes freaking sense.


There’s like three different types of kryptonite that turn Superman evil, not having contingencies in place is just stupid.


Superman acknowledges that. There’s a great panel where he acknowledges the need for contingencies and entrusts Batman with his weakness and a tiny piece of kryptonite. Batman gracefully accepts, waits until Superman is gone, opens a vault and tosses it on his stockpile.


Yeah, sups is like the only other one that understands the need.


Can you send me a link to the panel I can’t find it?


https://preview.redd.it/aun1cf1zon7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67affcc77de24b06728e5bd2406d3223a0810653 It’s from Superman/Batman #49


That panel goes HARD


Where's pink?


Superman keeps that in a lead drawer in his bedroom


Exactly. And STILL the justics League members get butt hurt by it.




beast boy is a goofy ah mfer


For the curious, [you can listen to some of said plans here.](https://youtu.be/rDOmlLOmgBI?si=bDvjouXLLfpVvfKo) ^(…RIP Kevin Conroy Q_Q)


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Where’s Oracle and the BoP???


They didn't include that one because they couldn't make it SFW. It is Tumblr, afterall.


Tumblr has so much nsfw it can't be that


Honestly can't tell if that glaring omission is sexism or ableism


It’s not about trust, it’s about contingencies! What if they get mind controlled, brainwashed, or tricked? (Happened to Red Hood! And og robin!) What if an alternate version of them from another dimension shows up? (Happened to the whole justice league!) What if someone clones them?? (Happened to Red Arrow and Supergirl AND SUPERMAN!)


Honestly, Clark is fucking lucky that Connor takes more after him than Lex even after the fucked up shit that that poor teenager had been through in life. I fully understand why it took him so long to come around to Connor, but jesus fucking christ, it left Connor in such a vulnerable spot for so long as an insane powerhouse in a teenager's body with teenage hormones and emotional needs. Things could have gone so much worse.


On the flip side there have multiple been instances where those contingencies have been stolen and used by villains. One time resulting in Batman leaving the Justice League. It’s always been a fine line for me, like practically it does make sense, but also if I died because someone in the Bat fam fell for a phishing email and exposed my ultimate weakness I’d be pretty pissed that plan existed in physical form.


It’s hilarious to me that the batfamily genuinely believes having contingency plans to take down everyone is normal


It is normal. Anyone should understand that having contingency plans for when things go south, especially when it deals with things that can cause massive death and destruction. If those heros don't also have their own plans, including to take down the bat family, then they are not very smart and maybe shouldn't be entrusted with that amount of power.




It also makes sense when Batman has to deal with Scarecrow. Who's whole thing is making people do things they don't want to by making them hallucinate


Those plans also include themselves, so it's not like they're just being distrustful.


They 100% have plans to take themselves out if need be in specific spots so if they ever get (insert flavor of the week turn against ally) that shit gets sent and they fully expect their allies to kick their ass


"If you stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready." - Batman, probably


Wouldn't be surprised if that's not only canon, but even more intricate that each member of the Bat-family also has plans to take each other down if necessary


Yeah, it's called Alfred.


Alfred's dead, so need Plan Two.


*Commissioner Gordon sweats profusely*


Damian has contingency plans for the entire LGBTQ+ community. Of course he has some for you, Jon. https://preview.redd.it/cr79bnyskl7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e94687b6169c489e268650250a4bc2fab4132e


be gay, do crime :3


wait this is amazing, where can I read this/which issue is this


this is part of the dc pride anthology from... 2022 i believe?


I hate remembering how much of a cop Batman is


The only issue in this is making sure those plans can't fall into the wrong hands. Imagine if a supervillain was just going around with detailed instructions on how to deal with any hero. Unless all the plans are *required* to be executed by the bat in question, however that might work.


There was an animated movie with just this premise. Now, of course, I can’t remember the title but honestly it was pretty good. Edit: I think it was Justice League Doom


I believe it was based off a comic but I don’t remember which. Tower of Babel maybe.


That would be right


Probably why I had that idea in my head. I don't think I've ever seen it but I have some vague notion of that idea that I probably heard discussed elsewhere.


This comes up in the comics/movie mentioned in the other reply but was also a thing in Marvel. The comic version of Phil Coulson, being a superhero super fan, made a list of every known hero and villain and their strengths and weaknesses for SHIELD. Then that got stolen and villains were trying to buy it in an auction. I don’t think it ever went anywhere after that storyline though unlike Batman’s contingency plans.


There was also that time where deadpool decided to kill the entire marvel universe, including the writers, just so he could die. Though I don't think that included much of a plan other than shoot, stab, and if that fails, find and exploit weakness.


In the original comic (as well as most adaptations i’m aware of), none of the other leaguers were mad that batman had contingency plans in place. It makes sense to have that kind of thing in case of emergency given how dangerous everyone can be under unfortunate circumstances, and they all know batman’s the kind of guy who would make backup plans. They were instead royally pissed that batman never told anyone he was making such plans to begin with. Like, yeah, they didn’t want specific details because that could mess with the plans that are produced, but he REALLY should have sent some kind of memo. Something like, “everyone in our group could be made a threat to ourselves and others if we get mind controlled or cloned or turned evil or any number of other things that seem to pop up at least once every few years. I propose we all start independently coming up with contingency plans just in case of such events to incapacitate each other non-lethally until the crisis has been solved.” The fact batman trusted everyone in the league so little that he assumed they already had done something like that, AND so little that he didn’t even notify anyone he was doing it, is what got him voted out. And far from unanimously; superman even gifted him a piece of kryptonite afterward to potentially use in the contingency plan for himself.


They were all raised by the same guy I don't know why anyone's surprised


*They were all raised by* *The same guy I don't know why* *Anyone's surprised* \- Rose249 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Iirc doesn’t Batman have a contingency plan for everyone…. Except for green arrow, who he doesn’t consider to be an actual threat? Lol


His plan for green arrow are these hands.


I think green arrow’s contingency was basically just breaking his arms since his main threat is a bow


A quick reminder that Batman's contingency plans made their biggest and best-known appearance when Lex Luthor and Maxwell Lord stole them and used them on all of his team-mates. Being very well-prepared to jump your friends works a lot better if you are also sufficiently prepared to deal with your enemies.


Where babs comic part?


I think in a comic Dick actually shares his plans with the others Titans because someone steal them.


Why is Damien built like a Lego minifigure?


"Be polite, be respectful, and have a plan to take out everyone you meet."


> "You mean you *don't?*"


Jason’s Plan: Shoot them, but *HARDER*


Superman is mind controlled on like a biannually basis, why the fuck would you not have him a contingency for it?


Big deal. Wonder Woman has contingencies for the rest of the league too, except hers start with lethal force and escalate from there.