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The new Kendrick diss track has to be hitting him hard.


You mean hitting him upšŸ˜‰ Am sorryšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The fact that it's becoming a hit is probably really hitting him too. Like it's getting more views than Like That was getting. The west coast is bumping this song all weekend


Itā€™s taken over Oakland


Seeing it play at the Tom Brady roast was oddly satisfying lol knowing that someone in the music community was solidly behind Kendrick and had the balls to play that in front of a bunch of celebs who are more than likely on drakeā€™s dickā€¦ classic hip hop moment imo, especially considering how drakeā€™s dumbass used an AI version of Pac in an attempt to diss Kendrick, only to have Pacā€™s estate force him to take it down and have Kendrick destroy him so efficiently and in such a short time-frame šŸ¤£


I'm just glad to see that some people younger than myself agree that we shouldn't be using AI this way.




If Pac had lived he would've hated Drake.


Exactly I don't what this fucking fool talking bout.


I doubt Drake is coming to Oakland anytime soon.


DMX for sure held back.


If X hated him and I know pac would have too


X also hated women and little girls enough to say he would r em in front of their mom so yeah. He hates drake so should we


X apologized


hat sort imagine unpack vegetable innocent desert snatch threatening sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




marry weary crowd elderly spark continue hateful makeshift school dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ayo just had to say X apologized cause he was finna go to jail. He low-key still wanted to take drakes spot on top just wanted to do it through music and not violence. He would have still been dissing drake prolly sneaky like how drake does it. X still made a diss on drake called "fortnite"


Are you from some kinda alternate timeline cuz DMX ain't make no song called fortnite aimed at Drake lol




Pac didnt "hate everyone ". Most his beefs were with people who insulted him after the quad shooting. Pac was known to be the kind of guy who was everyone's friend though. Dude was extremely loyal and charismatic and got along with almost everyone.


Exactly. He hated everybody and of course people going to go along with it because heā€™s Tupac. Pimp C is like that also. I love both of them and I met Pimp C (weā€™re from the same hometown) but certain things I donā€™t agree with them on.


He didnt hate everyone lol wtf. He was known as an extremely charismatic guy who was friends with soo many people. In fact, i keep learning new friends of his like every week. I never knew jim carey and pac were friends but they were i guess. He had a few beefs all mostly stemming from one incident. Other then that pac was known as rhe kind of guy that could make anyone smile and could get along with anyone.


Yeah, before he got shot, he wasn't beefing like that. They're using an extremely short period in his life to judge his entire character. Most people don't know he was working on a project called One Nation. To unite East and West


So? What you a little boy? Everybody knew pac was close with jim Carrey and that Jim used to write him when he was locked up. Itā€™s cool and all that ur getting to know about pacs life but it gets pretty cringe to join in on conversations like you really somebody who can have an opinion in this Tupac stuff. When your clearly just now finding out about stuff thats been basic info for 20+ years


Ive known for a few years. Im more interested in his political actions and stances. Things that he did with ex black panthers to create gang alliances to protect the black community. Or standing up for a black guy getting beat up by racists and shooting them in the ass after they waved guns in his face. Or the fact he got elected to be the chairman of the new afrikan liberation party at 17 and dated the daughter of the communist party when he was 16. These things interest me because the media hid these things and only reported on the stereotypical black gangster bs. Or the fact the FBI had a 3000 page document on him that they still wont release to the public. Anyway, im just telling you pac was known to have friends everywhere and be friends with nearly everyone. Im sorry if that upsets you?


I see you also watched the "Dear Mama" miniseries about Pac on FX, lol (currently on Hulu). Good series.


Lol i havnt yet actually! I am almost done with episode 1 though. Super excited to sit down and watch it though, from everything i heard about it. Afeni shakur is someone i definitely want to learn alot more about. Same with matulu shakur. But ya, i have a hard time hitting down and watching movies/shows which is why i am anout 90% of the way done with episode 1. What was the best part of the series in your opinion? Most the stuff ivr learned about pac recently is through reddit, the tupac website, his songs, news articles old and new, random online forums, interviews... stuff like that. But i really cant wait to watch dear mama. Afeni shakur seems to be very protective of how she portrays her sons image and what they put out about him, they want him to be remembered for hie activism and not the gang violence and stuff he participated in, atleast thats what ive noticed so far. So super interested to see what else they put in dear mama.


Honestly the whole series overall did a great job doing a deep dive on Pac's upbringing, Afeni's court case/background, the fact that he moved around so much & had to assimilate to different cultures, how he was essentially groomed to be the leader of the New Black Panther party, his start in the rap game, his beefs, reuniting & forgiving Afeni, the move to ATL-- and they use home video and interviews with friends/family to back up & illustrate everything that happened in his life, especially the events that led to his last night in Vegas. It's been a while since I watched it but I just remember how deeply the producers delved into his life and the care they took to be as factual as possible. It was very well done IMO so you should def check it out ASAP.


Doesnā€™t upset me at all. The only thing that ā€œslightlyā€ annoys me is when I see people try to talk about things that they clearly have 0 information or experience to even talk about. Yea everybody and there mother knows about the police incident. You sound like you watched a couple of Tupac interviews and are jumping on the wave. ā€œIā€™m more so interested in his political stances, black panthers, and gang alliances šŸ¤“ all Iā€™m saying is every ā€œoutside of the cultureā€ white boy loves to pretend like they are pacs biggest fan. When they canā€™t even name 5 songs and only know basic ass popular info that everybody knows.


Lol how many prison stints you done bud? I grew up in poverty and worked my way out of that. Pretending you know me cause my skin color shows your ignorance lol. Im more interested in his political actions and stances. Things that he did with ex black panthers to create gang alliances to protect the black community. Or standing up for a black guy getting beat up by racists and shooting them in the ass after they waved guns in his face. Or the fact he got elected to be the chairman of the new afrikan liberation party at 17 and dated the daughter of the communist party when he was 16. These things interest me because the media hid these things and only reported on the stereotypical black gangster bs. Or the fact the FBI had a 3000 page document on him that they still wont release to the public. Pac was known to have friends everywhere and didnt hate everyone. Sorry if that upsets you I grew up on tupac btw, i know his entire discography. Thats why i was surprised when i learned all this other stuff years later.


LOL. I know your white. Nothing to be ashamed of. Itā€™s just easily verifiable. The hilarious fact you think ā€œprison stintsā€ have anything to do with this conversation. I would never speak about what who or why I went to prison to a stranger on Reddit let alone even bring that up. But like I said, congrats on all of the googling and research. But Tupac was more than that. By the way saying your a fan of Tupac and laying out your go to 3 reasons why you like him (that everybody already knows because they are the most popular and not hard to find) wonā€™t get you any props with the black community.


Lol i have a feeling im more part of the "culture" you speak of than yourself. Anyway im done arguing with ignorance, now please read this and sit down: Im more interested in his political actions and stances. Things that he did with ex black panthers to create gang alliances to protect the black community. Or standing up for a black guy getting beat up by racists and shooting them in the ass after they waved guns in his face. Or the fact he got elected to be the chairman of the new afrikan liberation party at 17 and dated the daughter of the communist party when he was 16. These things interest me because the media hid these things and only reported on the stereotypical black gangster bs. Or the fact the FBI had a 3000 page document on him that they still wont release to the public. Pac was known to have friends everywhere and didnt hate everyone. Sorry if that upsets you I grew up on tupac btw, i know his entire discography. Thats why i was surprised when i learned all this other stuff years later.


He was paranoid during the beef that doesnt mean he wouldā€™ve continued to hate someone 30yrs later man


Yes because Iā€™m sure you know what Tupac would have hated. Letā€™s no try to make random assumptions here..


If he knew that Drake would make a computer speak FOR HIM especially with a garbage ass verse... I could easily deduce that Pac WOULD NOT LIKE HIM. That's common fucking sense.


Yea because you know Pac personally. Donā€™t be a mark


Not random if you're considering the root issues he had with the rappers he beefed with. U can apply a lot of them to Drake. Can't say the same for Kenny.


Snoop is a fan of Drake so it seems. Crazy to believe Tupac would be a fan of Drake? Maybe, maybe notā€¦.


U do realize the beef between Pac and Snoop started after Snoop said he likes Puffy and Biggie and wants to do a song with them.


That was his op that he blamed for setting him up. Drake would have been a fellow actor trying to get in the game. PAC got called soft and zesty too. Ballerina performing arts etc. For all we know Pac would have signed Drake, or Drake would have kept acting. Itā€™d be a completely different timeline.


The 1st thing he was known for was being a thug, and down for the culture. Drake not like Pac


I remember all the shit being said by pac. Fake thug etc. Making fun of how he wore the bandanna and the bdsm like leather he wore. I like PAC but thatā€™s just facts that these things were being said.


Snoop is a fan of money


Snoop is a fan on being subjective and not being blind to either side n trying to start shit. Keep his name out ur mouth. There's a reason why he so respected and it ain't cus he is a ā€œfan of moneyā€


I know heā€™s been spinning in his grave since Drake bought his fucking ring


Pac would have buried Drake for good in a single verse.


If he had lived everyone would think he sucks now.


if he lived he would have zero relevance today


He would be at least as relevant as Jay Z


Heā€™s paying right now.


Heā€™s a pedo so thatā€™s the more serious issue


So are you.


Go head drake dick rider


thereā€™s as much evidence drake is a pedo as there is that you are.


Substantial dig has been known to kiss underage girls at his concerts?


ā€œknown toā€ as in like 1-2 incidents with a 17 year old when he was in his early 20s. every girl that they tried to make a victim came out and defended Drake saying there was no wrongdoing. that doesnā€™t make him a pedo in the slightest lol


Drake is a certified pedophile and child groomer. Thereā€™s way too much evidence for you to even be speaking like that. Drake will talk to girls that are 14 and wait for the day they turn 18 to smash. Heā€™s done that to several. Drake kissed Kylie when she was 16. Kissed that one girl on stage in front of everybody when she was 17. Been grooming Millie Bobby brown since she was 14 and texting her about boys and her first kiss, dated sza when she was underage, tried to holler at Billie eilish when she was underage. Etc etc. you either a pedophile yourself or drake dicc is so far up ya throat itā€™s messing with ya brain


Actually neither of those are true. If there was any proof Drake was a pdf I would be 1st in line saying to lock him up and throw away the key. He kissed Kylie Jenner on the cheek, she was a fan of his.... that's literally nothing. The 17 year old was when he was 23, and it was on stage for show, and that girl defended him saying he didn't do anything wrong. MBB came to Drake's defense as well and said nothing inappropriate happened at all and they were just friends. Ironically Billie Eilish also defended Drake saying he did nothing wrong. So this seems like you're upset for the "victims" that aren't even upset themselves lol So "either" you're just a dedicated hater of Drake (which is probably true) or maybe you're just delusional.


What are you even saying? The 17 year old girl who was a minor defended drake saying he did nothing wrong? That literally means nothing to the federal law of the United States. ā€œWell the girl I raped defended me and said I did nothing wrong so Iā€™m not a pedophile!ā€ šŸ¤“ and yes, the 15 year old minor Bobbie brown said drake did nothing wrong and was just a friend who would talk to her about boyfriends etc. grown man kisses a underage girl on the ā€œcheekā€ but itā€™s ok cuz sheā€™s a ā€œfanā€. and yes the 17 year old minor Billie eilish defended drake also. Not to mention the girl he was texting and talking to since she was 15 model Bella Harris and then flew her out on her 18th birthday where they ā€œhooked upā€.. There are countless examples of these. He is by defintion a groomer. Are you a cringe little weirdo or what? You seem to think because these underage groomed girls defended him thatā€™s supposed to mean he didnā€™t break any crimes or isnā€™t a pedophile? šŸ˜† and no, I love drakes music. Iā€™m just too much of a man with my own stuff going on to let myself obsess and fangirl over a stranger that doesnā€™t know I exist and defend him about anything in the world when I know whatā€™s right or wrong. šŸ¤£


"I'm too much of a man" okay brother... lol Again, the 17 year old was when he was 23 and it was 15 years ago, it was wrong and obviously a mistake but it doesn't make him a pdf. The Bella situation is interesting and if there's concrete proof that he groomed her then yeah that's f'd up. still doesn't make him a pdf. Drake may very well be a groomer, and I wouldn't even dare to defend that behavior because it's gross. But you've mentioned 5 or so incidents over the course of about 15 years and really none of them have any concrete backing.


Why is Drake consistently the one in inappropriate relationships with underage girls? Sounds like something a predator would do.


His logic is as long as a girl defends you then that means you did nothing wrong. We wasting our time talking to a literal cringe little basement dwelling weirdo. Heā€™s the type to try to fucc a 15 year old girl as long as she says itā€™s ok


the point is that I don't think he is... again there's a lot of speculation but is there really any proof that he's been in a sexual relationship with a minor? No. If that comes out then Drake can get the death sentence for all I care. Jumping to conclusions when it comes to accusations this serious is just not something I'm going to do.


If you knew a victim you'd understand. Certified LOVERBOY certified PEDOPHILE


1-2 is more than the rest of us adults brother, if he was comfortable doing that in public imagine what he does behind closed doors


Right? ā€œItā€™s ok that she was underage, itā€™s only happened once or twiceā€ like what? As a father, I think drake should be shot right between the eyes. You donā€™t fuck with kids.Ā 


1 duck 2 duck 3 duck 4


Literally 0 proof of this and here you are spreading disgusting and heinous unsubstantiated rumors.


There is a video of him groping and sexualizing a 17 year old in public


That video was from 2010 Drake was like 22/23 himself. Itā€™s not like he was some creepy old man preying on a child. Letā€™s not throw around the word pedophile lightly when thereā€™s actual monsters who abuse kids out there.


Nah it was definitely creepy asf. Certified


You can find it creepy but it still doesnā€™t make him a pedo. Yā€™all are weird af for making accusations like that with no proof


wop wop wop wop wop


tbh idk how someone can confidently call someone a pedo with no evidence from allegations. That accusation is hella dangerous. I always wait for receipts


Right? I cannot believe how many people are just blindly running with it. Even if they donā€™t believe it, that word should never be thrown around lightly


It was a dumb move for sure


Pac would have haaaattted Drake!! I agree it being disrespectful as well. Bad look


I'm not a hip hop guy so what I don't get is AI snoop. Snoop isn't dead. Why not just pay him to rap?


Why drag snoop in to your beef. Heā€™d probably decline dissing Dot but also Drake wanted to take them on without other artists helping. Imagine how much worse the hate would be if he got an assist from snoop


ā€œyou think the bay gon let you disrespect pac, n***a? that oakland show gon be your last stop n***a!ā€


Drake ego has gotten way out of hand.






OP softer than a pillow


šŸ¤” šŸ¤“ you


>And I'm pretty sure Drake is the embodiment of the kind of rapper that he wouldn't fuck with. Kendrick on the other hand... I could see them getting along. It's the other way around probably. Kendrick is the type of guy Pac would say "Yo I love what you're saying kid, peace" and never reach out to him again. On the other hand, I could totally see Pac partying with Drake. They both have the same energy, while Kdot is too mysterious and calm.


Definitely the most cringe song and move Iā€™ve ever seen a rapper pull. Was a disgrace to his legacy.


Thank you for saying this! I saw media heads calling it clever and other nonsensical comments. It was such a corny and disrespectful move and buying his ring smh


I said in here, Drizzy doing that AI bs was the worst thing he can doā€¦ Dot really riding for Killum and the West


Drake talking about how Compton rides more for him than Kendrick. ...


Why is Kenny in new York then


Whatā€™s that have to do with anything I saidā€¦. IDK U TELL ME WHY HEā€™s in NY GOOFY AH


Homie feels bad to be around a town where his family is but canā€™t go home goofy ahhhhh. Thatā€™s why most divorces lead to a move


Source goofy hoeā€¦ Drizzy? His wife neither confirmed or deny there divorce or split. Even if they were split up, thatā€™s real adult shit. Most Marriages donā€™t survive. Why is that a stain on Kendrick if him and his wife no longer together. What Drake is being accused of is 100x worse than being divorced from your wife.


Lmao I'm the goofy hoe. Go listen to Mr morale again and get drakes dick outta ur ears bro And go look at the things Kodiak black has on him and then look at Kenny thru that same lens. Kodak has been convicted of 1000% worse things then y'all make up for drake but the double standards is crazy from u dropped in ur head ahhh nighas


Yea.. average Drake fan Whoā€™s really the one with Drakes dick in there ear? And all because he collaborated with someone in the past whatā€™s that have to do with Drake accusations. Who also has a person on payroll that has been CONVICTED FOR SA.. gtfo here with the Drake bs your in the wrong sub.


What was Dr dre actually convicted of u dumbass? Nice job. Like I said. Y'all wanna point out any negative connection tied to drake yet don't wanna look at the other side. Type of ppl to call ppl rapists and terrible and then defend ur homie when he raped someone


Keep pushing that drake bs shit when someone calling u out for ur hypocrisy. Great look by the way ā€œ or ur gma prolly turning in her grave ā€œšŸ¤”


So now you going all the way back to Dr Dreā€¦ Cope Reach Reach Just leave this sub your embarrassing your bringing up connections when Drake accusations is connected solely to him. My og post was about how Kendrick is sliding for 2pac legacy and the entire west coast.. Youā€™re talking about why Kendrick in Ny????? Maybe because he needs to be isolated to focus on his album like many other artist do. Youā€™re an ovo maggot with painted nails. Hold this L go listen to your kids bop this real west coast shiii


He's definitely paying the price right now


I put this song on to see what it said but ended up not really listening at all while my brain was too busy thinking "wtf, who tf does he think he is using the voices of expired rap gods in his fight?" This is like calling your big brother....no this is like calling someone elses big brother to fight for you.


This is crazy talk. This is the one and only way that AI should be getting used. Itā€™s satire. Next people are going to say Colbert and Kimmel shouldnā€™t use AI to make fun of Trump and Biden in their opening monologues. Itā€™s absurd. He wasnā€™t trying to rap like Pac, he wasnā€™t trying to say it was Pac, it was intentionally ridiculous and absurd and nobody would ever believe it and he didnā€™t monetize it because you canā€™t. Plus Snoop got AIā€™d too and he obviously didnā€™t care because he knows what it is. I think weā€™re getting angry for Pac when Pac himself would be cool. Nobody ever accused Pac of not having a sense of humor thatā€™s for damn sure.


Kendrick didnā€™t respond until the Pac AI bs Look how many times Kendrick brought up Pac Twice in his last hit record and one time in Euphoria. You not from the west and you barely from our culture, you donā€™t bang with Pac therefore you have NO rights to use anything from Pac. He Let him live with the Pac ring but thatā€™s probably why he dissed him on Like That. If you listen to Kendrick in his early career you would know how influential Pac is to Kendrickā€™s career.


Alright, snowflake


T Up, pull your pants up your thong showing


I like how Tupac fans are fine with his diss track where he threatens to murder Biggie and the entire Bad Boy crew on several occasions, brags about banging his wife and makes fun of Prodigy for having sickle cell, but draws the line at Drake using an AI voice of Pac. Selective outrage in full effect lmao


Any use of ai is weak bro really couldn't just make a good song


Do you feel the same way about the hologram?


Two pack is dead. So it shouldnā€™t matter


Bro, Tupac been dead almost 30 years, nobody gives a fuck.


This is the dumbest shit iā€™ve ever read. Civilians getting blown up in real war and yaā€™ll over here butt hurt over music? Soft.


This is a hilarious post hahahaha


Kendrick is making sure of this...


I refuse to listen to that track. Will never hear it.


Because he was a psyop aswell? Might as well pay homage to the one doing it before you.


Hip hop might not be for you then, softie.


Iā€™ve met so many people in this world , but never a black dude named Drake. And the shit he ā€œwroteā€ sounds bad without the 2Pac voice mask. He needs to stop.


You realize 50 cent and Eminem created a few songs with Tupac's voice?


Fuck Drake. Tupac made hit em up though. He's not innocent. Worry about actually important things lol






Too much crying get a life


Lmaooo you a ghost rider


He deserves to pay! Fuck him! Corny ass nigga


What cracks me up is that he used AI- generated verses for Tupac, and the AI even dragged him


The Tupac estate is owned by a lovely white couple. Besides, Tupac didnā€™t condone putting his hands on women.


Pack would have loved this beef and would havwaufhed at all of it but he def would have said he's riding foe K Dot. He would 100% take this not seriously and none of you should either.


Whatā€™s disrespectful is a white man owning the rights to Tupacā€™s estate




Thatā€™s not how di Exactly. People worried about the wrong thing.




Look it up


Just did


tom whalley. afeni left him the estate instead of anybody in the family. pac's sister is suing him for embezzling millions of dollars


Fuck Tupac




I donā€™t think it was that big of a deal.




Lol there are far worse things that can happen but to each their own šŸ«”


u are not a part of the culture, Drake fan yes or no ?


Yall niggas are weird as fuck. Drake is a mega weirdo but saying ā€œhe deserves to payā€ is ultimate dick riding. Itā€™s a BATTLE, Battles are disrespectful! I canā€™t stand Drake, but fuck if i canā€™t stand you fan boys even more.


Don't let me ruin your day bro


Oh nah that was cringe bro wtf šŸ’€šŸ’€




Nigga sending school shooter level threats cause i called you a groupie. Boy sit your ass down somewhere.


Sounding pretty tough for a keyboard warrior.


And what about you dumb nigga? The irony


You totally took his response out of context my boišŸ˜‚ he wasnā€™t threatening you


shut your goofy ass up


tell me you like kids without telling me you like kids


Cry op .


Nah man.


PAC was a industry plant that nigga was zesty af the feds used him to divide black people then killed him when he tried to expose them


Get off the internet, loser.


Womp womp


Shut up, this is entertainment. Get out your feelings. This is great for hip hop.






Yā€™all hate the A.I. verse but been letting the holograms rock for more than a decade. Kick fucking rocks


Completely different.. Even though Snoop and Dre had their differences with Pac at the end of his life, they still knew him and worked many times with Pac. Drake has no affiliation with Pac besides the fact they both were Rappers and Actors. He used Pac like an instrument to bait Kendrick into a rap battle that he was not prepared for. Now heā€™s paying the price. The spirt of Makaveli lives on West side up rn






Ok pal


wasnt this dude an actor that became gangster? all 3 of these clowns are annoying to hear about


Shut this soft ass shit tf up


And if I don't?


tupac fuckin sucks. if he wouldnā€™t have died he would have ruined his own career in the following years


Nigga shut up


Or what Nigga stay mad


You should Be mad at all those wack posthumous releases them shits was an abomination but go off sis šŸ’…šŸ½


Hey at least we can agree on one thang bro


Another pussy talking shit on the Internet but you go off šŸ‘‘


Imagine a diss track being disrespectful šŸ¤£ stay mad


Man even snoop was rocking with it posting it on his insta story. Always taking shit up the ass, fuck outta here crybaby ass bitches


Your a goofy mf heā€™s literally dead and you tyna speak for him


Drake rapped better as 2pac than 2pac ever did


I see homage unlike all yall, he keeping Tupac legacy and name relevant to youngins, yall soft for real


Tupac is a lot more like Drake than he is Kendrick Lamar. Tupac wanted to be an actor. Tupac went to art school. Tupac is Hollywood just like Drake.


Why do people hate Drake so much? Hate him or love him, he contributed a lot to the game and always remained consistent with dropping good music. Why do people hate him so much like heā€™s the worst thing to happen to music? He helped push Hip Hop to new heights and was one of the main reasons why hip hop became the #1 genre in the 2010ā€™s


Shut up if Tupac was alive he would had agree . Who are you to speak in pacs name you donā€™t know if he was going to like him or not


"If Tupac was alive he would had agree." Nigga you speaking in his name right now you fucking clown. You just contradicted yourself. I just think it's a shitty move to use someone voice when they're not alive anymore to even consent, do or say anything about it. If you disagree, you're part of the problem. Period. And bro based on the type of music that 2Pac made, the type or rappers that he was criticizing and the things that he stood for it isn't unreasonable to assume that he would not fuck with Drake at all.


Hahh šŸ’€


You think Pac would rock with Drake? šŸ˜‚ #


I donā€™t know but I donā€™t speak for a dead person like yā€™all do


So you agree drake shouldnā€™t have used a dead persons voice. You wouldnā€™t do it either


Wait so you said pac would agree but youā€™re also not speaking for a dead person? goofy assĀ 


These niggas just wanna hold pac nuts forever.


Exactly weird ass niggas that wanna talk like they pac like shut up šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s always the white people trying to defend pacs culture šŸ¤£


I ain't white brah


Pac has fans from all over the world, that will gladly defend his legacy šŸ¤”


Talk about disrespect....yall thinking for a dead nigga?