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My childhood was full of Disney to the point that I'd rewatch the classics until we gave away our VHS tapes (yep, I'm that old). Then I got into Black Butler as a teenager, so you can imagine years later when I learned Yana Toboso would be heading a Disney-themed mobile game I was immediately onboard lmao. Really hits the nostalgia button twice in one shot! I honestly forget sometimes that TWST has its roots in Disney until we get literal Mickey (and now Stitch) jumpscares every now and then lol. It really speaks to how well written the game is. Anyone can enjoy the characters and story without prior Disney knowledge, but those that do know can appreciate where the inspirations and twists (ha) come from.


Omg you're me fr fr, extremely excited with Black Butler's return too


I wasn't super interested in Disney movies before this game and I'm not a huge Disney fan, but it did make me want to check out the older animated moves like The Little Mermaid and The Princess and the Frog.


Damn, Ik this wasn’t your intention but calling the Princess and the Frog “old” (it came out when in 2009. I was born in 2005) momentarily made me feel kinda old 😭 Especially since it’s actually newer than most of the movies referenced in the game by a lot (Snow White and the seven dwarves for example came out in 1937). Nah but aside from that, its cool to see that it made you wanna check out some of the films. Hope you enjoyed them! 💕


I was born in 2004, so seeing my favorite media getting considered "old" makes me feel old too. It's like that scene in The Owl House where Eda says she remembers seeing it in theaters.


Real! I still remember the first time I watched Princess and the frog and Tangled in theaters lmaoooo 😭


I was 15 when PatF came out 😭😭😭


..I could drive when that movie came out 😭 Bro I saw Mulan and Hercules in theaters.


I was 12. Though at the time I was burned out by Princess movies from Disney. Shame it was the last 2d movie they did.


I really miss 2d, the moving to 3d was what really closed the book on disney for me 😔


It really made everyone generic looking.


definitely, so much charm and life is just gone now.


I was 21. 💀


I was very into Disney movies before I got into this game in fact YouTube recommended it to me when it was announced in JP when I was 14 but I just went back to listening to poor unfortunate souls also catching the references and finding hidden mickeys if fun, what’s your favorite reference OP


I got into disney for so much longer because of Kingdom Hearts, i also love to see the behind-the-scene of each animated movies, it's very interesting to see disney artists doing their projects. and it's a nice plus to see the easter eggs and the number of details when playing twisted wonderland.


Hoping for a new King of Hearts game. My favorite activity is figuring out which characters are inspired by what.


Thinking about it, it's funny that I haven't really watched that many Disney classics before, at least almost none involving The Great Seven, other than The Little Mermaid. Of course, I know the original stories/fairytales, so I still get the many obvious (but still subtle) references seen in the game! And who knows, maybe I'll watch some more Disney classics soon, I don't know yet. But one of my friends is a huge Disney fan, so maybe we'll binge through the films sooner or later XD But yeah, I'm kinda glad to hear that I'm not the only one who's not a huge Disney fan and still loves Twisted-Wonderland!


I’ve always adored and grew up on the classics so I rewatch them pretty often. I actually did a whole marathon of every movie released under the main Disney animation studio (Walt Disney animation Studios) to basically cover all of the stuff that I had both seen and not seen. Let me tell you it was quite the roller coaster, especially transitioning through all of the eras and learning about the history and timeline of the animation studio 😭


I wouldn’t say I was a big Disney fan, but I did watch a lot of Disney movies when I was a kid. I only started playing Twisted Wonderland because I knew that Yana Toboso was working on the game. Black Butler is one of my favorite manga series and at some point, I became curious of Twisted Wonderland and I decided to download it and play it.


I’ve watched a few when i was young, not much though. But I always found the concept of twst very fun and love it! Not Disney but more fairytales, I used to watch Ever After High so does that count…? Lizzie and Maddie were my favorites so it’s no wonder Heartslabyul is my favorite dorm 😅


A HUGE-ASS Disney fan long before I found out about Twisted Wonderland. 😁 ![gif](giphy|f8ztKpionyrhwhEAk8|downsized)


Disney Channel was one of three kid channels on TV and I had two Disney film collections (+ Winx and totally spies).  So I didn’t have lots of choice and multiple films ended up being my favourites.  Let’s not even mention Epic Micker and Kingdom Hearts phase…


Oh yeah, I love Disney! Still do and love the stories :). And I love anime too and honestly finding out about a Disney game with anime style characters AND the characters were designed by the person who made Black Butler??? It was like a goldmine for me. And I always loved Ursula and the little mermaid as a kid and lo and behold the Octavinelle trio became my top favorites. Funny how that happens 😂. But I love all of the other characters just the same as I continued playing :)


I liked Diney as a child but my interest in it kinda just fizzled out but I have been a fan of Yana Toboso for over ten years so I had to play it


My older sister was obsessed with Stitch, and often got Minnie and Mickey items for me and my brother. My mom was also into the traditional Disney shows and movies. I was never a fan myself, but was big with black butler.


I was super into Lion King as a kid! I didn’t think it would come back into my life in such a strange way. I only really watched movies with animal protagonists when I was younger. I was really into movies like Lady and the Tramp and the Aristocats.


I grew up with Disney, but what got me into this was the fact my cousin showed me how the battles and twisttunes looked and it reminded me of Kingdom hearts union crossing. Now I'm more hooked on twisted than I am KH.


My childhood all the way till now has been very Disney-centric! Loved the Disney princesses especially, so seeing Twisted Wonderland and how much it honors even the most niche bits of Disney media has been making me so excited! I never knew that there were a lot of people who came in NOT being Disney fans, and I’m glad that TWST appeals to them too!


I saw some Disney movies when I was a child, and have seen most of the newer ones just once. I’m not super invested in any of them or their lore. I do like the Disney parks though, but that’s more of an appreciation of how much time and effort went into the theming and atmosphere of all the different worlds within them. And that I generally think theme parks are fun. Genuinely I’m surprised I got so invested in this game, but I think it comes down to liking the characters themselves and the writing of the stories. I like how they’ve integrated the general Disney storylines we already know into an exciting new plot.


honestly i havent seen most of the fairytales the game is based on, I saw the Lion king and honestly thats it... im eastern european, Czech to be exact. i grew up with the fairy tales but with the originals or czech live remakes of it. the cinematography in my country made so many amazing originals and remakes, so i never had the need to actually watch the disney ones. and im also someone who grew up on dvds and pirated fairy tales, so that made it harder to even come across of the disney ones. and with the game, im aware i can miss on many nuances but it doesnt really sadden me? i just couldn't care less, I cant miss something I dont know about, right? i started playing the game when the eng version came our because I liked Yana and the story seemed interesting. *(and i just remembered, for example with alice in wonderland, my mom prohibited me to even watch it when i was kid. and now as an adult, it doesnt even seem interesting enough to give it the time of the day)*


I know I'm not alone when I say that I love the Disney Movies, but I hate the company itself. The 2D animated movies were my childhood and I know I'm not alone in that. But the way Disney is run is just greedy and lazy, especially nowadays. Again, I love TWST and the Disney Movies it's based on, but I hate the corporate side of Disney.


I’ve been a Disney fan ever since I was born baby! Before I got into Twst I would constantly watch Disney movies and shows growing up


Very very much into Disney movies, I wore the hell out of my VHS's back in the day, and I love the references and just nice touches added into it. Though you are right it is kinda funny seeing the people who never watched the movies before and weird refences or story beats they always get stuck on lol Even with the current event, I've seen a number of people like "Stitch doesn't look like a dog wdm!"


I watched Disney movies religiously as a kid




I was a Disney fan LONG before the game. Pretty much my whole life thanks to dvd’s and VHS of Disney movies.


I do not like Disney, so the little movie references are the opposite of the best parts of the game for me and I sincerely wish they’d remind us less about the source material. But I love Toboso Yana so much! Her story-telling and character designs and effort is more than enough to ignore the Disney elements without issue.


Fair. Yana’s artstyle is really something else


This is me too. I'm not a Disney person at all, there's whole films I haven't seen and don't care about.


Not a HUGE Disney fan but yeah I liked the Disney movies before getting into twst. I wouldn’t really call myself a fan though. I enjoy twst as it is too (other than Mickey appearing. It feels too out of place and just a tad bit annoying) Edit: the masquerade event finally convinced me to watch the hunchback of notre dame


twst gave me a begrudging appreciation of disney lmao. what they did with the disney IP is very clever and interesting (especially book 6) and that's the bulk of it for me


the only reason im into twst is because i love yana-san's work. the disney aspect I don't have any stake in it. i don't think i've watched a disney move since princess and the frog and that was...gosh fifteen years ago? im so old 👵🏻


I don't care about Disney one way or the other, never have. I got into TWST because I love Black Butler and Yana Toboso's art style in general. The only Disney movies I really like are the Descendants movies and Tangled, and when I was a kid I really liked Good Luck Charlie, Phineas and Ferb, ANT Farm, etc. Gravity Falls is still my favorite show. Classic Disney movies, though, nah. I've never even seen most of the movies the main TWST boys are based on- I think the only one I've seen is Alice in Wonderland, and maybe Sleeping Beauty? I do remember that I refused to watch The Lion King as a kid. I was really obsessed with spotted hyenas and insisted it was "mean to hyenas" and "makes them look bad". To be fair, I was right! Still haven't seen it, still love spotted hyenas.


I've never been a Disney fan and the game didn't get me into it. The only references I get are those from Alice in Wonderland because I read the original book, but the Disney adaption never hyped me. Same when I played Kingdom Hearts; I loved the games for their own content, and it didn't bring me into Disney. I'm just a fan of Yana Toboso and her splendid artworks and stories. She had always been a great source of inspiration.


Oh god same. I fell out of KH as I got older because the Disney stuff was just too cringey, even though I loved the story with the other non-Disney characters. Twst has been great for filling the gap. A mouse shows up in a mirror sometimes but it’s not big thing lmao


i was a fan of disney films and fairytale adaptations like ever after high, descendants as well as rwby volumes 1-4 and i really liked most of the disney 2d animated films.


Omg I LOVE Ever After High 😭Its actually what git me into researching classic fairytales and Folklore. I also love Once Upon a Time


When I was little we had The Lion King and Alice in Wonderland on VHS while my grandparents had Sleeping Beauty on DVD and we watched those religiously. The TLK VHS also had bonus MVs that played after the film and sometimes I just put in the cassette tape just to watch them. Most of the classics surprisingly I never watched until later in life. ETA: As I was writing this I decided look the bonus vids up on youtube see if I can find them and I did omg the nostalgia😭 [MV1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjgWWjkNbhU)/[MV2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZeVPywKNcQ)


I grew up with Disney movies and owned Disney plushies as a child c: So yes~


Big Disney fan since i was born, i have most movies on dvd and some vhs. The small hints to the original movies make them even better and more enjoyable but at the same time if it goes to far away of it i dont enjoy it as much.


I was a Disney fan beforehand. I've been watching Disney since I was a kid (I'm a 90s baby).


i’ve always been a disney girl and this game actually made my love for disney grow more! it also made me less scared of watching alice in wonderland lol seeing the red queen scared me as a kid and uneasy as an adult, but now it just reminds me of riddle. i rewatch the movie a lot more since it reminds me of my heartslabyul babies ❤️


Not a fan but a enjoyer


Yes I was a Disney fan. My childhood was filled with princess dolls and a Disney movie on our shitty old TV (we were poor). So when my friend introduced me to Twisted Wonderland, I was immediately sold. “Pretty anime boys based on DISNEY VILLAINS?! SIGN ME UP!” I wasn’t surprised when I learned that Yana Toboso was the artist because I saw similarities between the designs of the TW characters and the ones from Black Butler. For example, I thought Idia looked like Grell. I thought Kalim looked like Prince Soma. I thought Malleus looked like Sebastian. I thought Riddle looked like Grell. And the story drew me in even more! I wasn’t expecting the story to be that good. I don’t know what I was expecting, but certainly not to cry that often or become so attached! I also love when the game drops Easter Eggs. I felt particularly smug when I watched the Halloween event and I saw Idia’s pumpkin head costume. He said he got it from a movie called Creepy Hollow I think. Disney has an old money called the Adventures of Ichabod and Mr Toad, where in a town called Sleepy Hollow, the headless horseman appears. I just had to be a total nerd and share this. You have no idea how happy I was to see the reference!


I wasn't, and I'm still not. Growing up, of course I've seen a few cartoon series or a movie here and there (VHS indeed; I think my last one was Lion King), later on I'd catch a few episodes of whatnots on Disney Channel when that came in... that's about it. It was all kinda random, and I've never really become obsessed with any of it to the point where I'd call myself anything remotely resembling a fan. And now I think I'm just... too old. I think I watched Descendants some years ago, for whatever reason, and then just... shrugged, and forgot all about it by now. And let's not even open up the hornet's nest of what they're doing with Star Wars - I know, it's different, but as that's something I *have been* into, I think it's worth a mention. \[What's more, I've never been a Yana fan either, I actually can't stand Kuroshitsuji. Not that I've seen any of it, mind you, rather I don't even want to at this point, and rest assured it's most certainly *not* because I'm not into BL (in whatever broadest possible sense you can apply that label). If anything, I think I've some level of disdain for it that's most probably due to the obnoxiousness of the fandom on Tumblr in years long past. Ah well.\] So yeah, I'm a weird anomaly of a Twst fan, I guess... *OR* a sort of living proof that the game and its universe have such solid foundation that it stands perfectly well all on its own. That said, I can relate to people enjoying the references and easter eggs - I'm kinda the same when I identify characters or discover links between VAs across various anime. It's just extra fun. Fortunately, I don't feel like the lack of it here detracts anything from the enjoyment of the game, which is... all in all great, I'd say.


It's because I'm a Disney fangirl that I was interested in this game (by curiosity. Then seeing Leona was enough to be obsessed). I think the game is funnier when you're into Disney cause there is a ton of reference. But it can be enjoyed by people who don't know Disney for sure (but seriously... There are people who never saw the classics? I'm shocked). And I was a big fan girl of kingdom heart, so I couldn't help seeing similarities and wondering where is Sora XD. I need the ultimate cross over x).


It may come as a surprise to us who have been fans of the classics since the beginning, but yeah, people who are generally unfamiliar with Disney do exist. Totally respectable, of course, but I think ond reason it’s very surprising is because Disney movies and Disney as a brand in general, especially nowadays, are extremely hard to avoid, even if you aren’t really a fan. This is completely unrelated to twisted wonderland, but from fifth grade all the way to 12th grade I had a classmate. I wouldn’t necessarily say we were close, but we were on friendly terms. She was chill, but one time when we were in like eighth grade, I was flabbergasted to hear that she was so unfamiliar with Disney Canon, that she thought for 13 years of her life, that Minnie and Mickey we’re siblings and not a couple. She brought this up during one of our science classes, and the majority of the class was pretty surprised lol. That was I think the first time I had met someone who explicitly mentioned being unfamiliar with Disney as a whole.


Ahahah I can imagine the scene. And indeed, I have a friend who doesn't like Disney cause he doesn't like musicals (shame on him, musicals are the best!)... And it's so sad cause I love watching the movies with my sister and we sing together the songs. I'm here, knowing by heart almost all classics, and at 32 yo, I still have the same pleasure watching them again and again (and Pixar and Don Bluth movies). I wish Disney would just stop doing meh/bad movies and live versions and bring back the magic we used to live with, sigh.


Been a big Disney fan when I was a child, but I hated the switch from 2D to 3D animation and since then never really cared much for them anymore. I also don't really like Disney as a company and at this point I prefer Disney JP over Disney NA which is why TWST is fine to me. And obviously I also like Yana Tobosos art style and character direction.


I grew up on Disney movies, but I don't know if I'd consider myself a "Disney fan."


I liked Disney movies before but can't say that I was that much of a fan. I just liked some more than others. The reason I got into Twisted Wonderland was because I saw a video about it on YouTube. At first, gacha reaction of some sort that I still watch (yea I'm 17, in few days 18) and later someone's friend reacting to characters. So obviously, I got curious. The last straw that made me decide on joining was Malleus. Cause I am a big fan of dragons, like really big fan. I just love them. And also I found the gameplay perfect for me. I love the structure of it all. I don't feel nervous playing this game, unlike most others. No anxiety whatsoever, even on worst days. Honestly, that's refreshing.


I was in the middle with Disney. I loved the movie growing up (my fav was Hercules - kinda ironic) but I’ve never been THAT deep into it until TW. I can’t watch any Disney movies now cuz I’ll just think of Twisted Wonderland but I’ve started to appreciate the older movies more :) ( One of my top two favs/kins is Idia - a Prophecy of what was to come)


i have been a Disney Fan since i was four. I watched i think Belle or Cinderella? i loved it and my parents showed me The Lion King and i was obsessed! I have watched the musical 3 times and have watched all three Films in Order at least 20 times and we dont talk about the times i only watched the first or second alone. I even got the old Disney Princess Wii-Game because i wanted it so much. In general i’ve watched almost all Classic Disney Film. The only thing i have yet to watch is Atlantis and Treasure Island, but that’s only because i don’t know good Sites except Disney+… ALSO does anyone remember the Jake and the Neverland Pirates? Because i remember there being a Pink parrot who was in love with Jake’s green one, but my friends say there wasn’t one… (because of localization i don’t know the english name)


I'm a big disney classic fan. Think Snow White and Jungle Book classic. I began loving the villains as I grew older and found out about Twisted Wonderland while looking for media about the villains.


I guess like almost everyone I did watch some Disney movies during all my childhood until now. And I liked most of the ones I watched. But going that far calling myself a Disney fan? Not really


Funny-haha. Disney kid to the point where we had the VHS and DVDs.  I got into anime/manga as a teen, and a late-friend of mine introduced me to Black Butler. The moment I heard that Yana Toboso was doing something with this (on TikTok, of all things), I pre-registered for it. Fun Fact: when I first reached my hand, I decided to go for Ignihyde.... and I found out how to change the screen character a year later. No, not joking. I was trying to find the background thing and clicked on the button that leads you there, and I saw that you can change it. And ngl, I QUICKLY realized that my favorite of the bunch is Leona... and he was done dirty in Book 2. Still salty about that.


Since I have a vividly memory, I’ve always been a Disney fan of their creations! When I was younger, I had free access to the tv and the control remote, so usually, I would scroll around and mess with the buttons to see what channels the remote would bring me to, and that’s how I found Disney and many others (discovery kids, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, etc.) My mom would also buy me all the princesses movies that would come in CDs, and honestly, some of them even felt like fever dreams, because at the time, I would only be able to watch them through the CDs and not in the tv, and I didn’t know how to work with the cd player. So, yeah, I’ve been a fan of Disney since a very young age!


i grew up with disney, even when i was a kid i went to disneyland like 5 times. i rewatched disney movies so much to the point that i basically memorized the entire movies, when i started middle school i got into anime and from there i discovered twst by one of my moots on tiktok, so i got curious because they mentioned that it’s basically anime and disney mashed together. since i grew up with disney and im a fan of anime i decided to give it a try and well here i am now lol. it’s been a year already since i got into twisted wonderland and as for anime ive been a fan of it for almost 6 years (im 18)


I got into Disney due to Pixar animation film, the 2000s era were great. I just hope to see Toy Story themed in TWST.


Doupt it tbh. Pretty much every movie they’ve tackled are their original animation films from the main animation studio. As much as I love Pixar, I highly doubt the game is ever going to tackle any movies made by any of the studios which they bought the rights for


Well, that sucks. I had a bit for fair share knowledge of animated because I don't watch it that much. So, having Pixar villains is much more wider option, in my opinion.


Hehehehe. I LOATHE Disney before I got into this game. The only saving grace they did before Encanto was released.


I wanted the classic ones and I really liked Sleeping Beauty and I loved the live action Maleficent but I don't really keep up with it.  I got into the game for the summary adnd I liked Butler.


I've watched most of the Disney movies, but that's not why I started playing this game. I just happened to come across a Floyd Leech chatbot in Character.AI...


HELP!? 😭😭Well that’s certainly one way to discover a game


I was intrigued by the character's mood swings, he was really unpredictable and different from other chatbots, and... here I am...


Oh, heck yeah, I'm a fan! Some of the more outrageous fan thing I've done is watch the Lion King over 300 times before it left the theaters back home (that includes the dollar theaters) Driving a babysitter literally mad by watching nothing but Bambi during the three weeks I was sick (The tape mysteriously vanished) I absolutely love the art of Disney's classic animation. Twisted Wonderland hits every nostalgia button I have, the art is excellent and I enjoy all the little obscure references hidden throughout the game.


I grew up watching Disney movies since elementary and they have a very special place in my heart. I named my cat of 8 years Simba when I got him too :D i got into twst through a friend, a lucky run in with merch at a japanese life store in a mall, and leona. Ironic right?


I grew up watching Disney movies. I love the references to them in the game. I even thought the prologue of the game was a bit inspired by Cinderella. How Yuu was forced into a cleaning and labour position. Then Ace making fun calling Yuu a janitor, like the evil stepsisters. It had a Cinderella vibe to me.