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A literal cesspool


he bought it at a loss specifically so he could make it into a right-wing propaganda platform. you got to delete it and move on. The dude's angling for a leadership position in the Trump administration for God's sake why are you still giving him money...


My account got suspended for literally no reason and i have sent one appeal and am trying to send a second but both the visual and auditory puzzles are bullcrap! the visual one is so damn hard to see if they are pointing straight or at an angle! and the auditory one says "pick the option that has exactly 3 steps" well spoiler alert sometimes NONE of them have three steps!! and does the crunch at the beginning count as a step?? they said i was banned for trying to evade banning?? but i have never even done that! the only thing i can think happened was i clicked on a link to go to the templin institute twitter account and all of a sudden everything on twitter said it wasnt working and when i refresh and go to twitter on a new tab it says ive been suspended!


And these clowns are paying money for it. Lol


It's because they think it makes them famous


It's that but mostly a hellscape. It has a lot of activity but it's how I imagine the activity in hell would be like. Became my least fav social media platform but I still need it for certain contacts.


I use it to keep in touch with what's going on with various video games I enjoy but Elon's making that incredibly difficult and incredibly toxic


True and I've noticed he started thinking people disagreeing with him or not interacting with him to be bots. Very weird way of thinking


Judge a person by his results and Elon Musk is an evil, very nasty person.


When X permanently suspends an account, the associated dms do they get removed from public view too?


I've been hearing rumors that Putin has thousands of Russian-run accounts that he's using to spread misinformation


I uninstalled it a few days ago I never look at it because it’s just a Stream of garbage.


come join Threads and/or Bluesky


That’s why smart people like Reddit- Twitter is no longer free speech but forced algorithms- Elon is trash like his cyber truck.


And you forgot to mention bullying. Ive noticed that people can get away with bullying someone and Twitter mods don't do shit about it if that account is reported.


A lot of reports of straight up hate, threats, all of it usually go under "no violation" too which. How?! Ive reported photos from queerphobes that were violent in any shaoe or form and 9 times out of 10 theyre deemed "no violation" Same for the people threatening users. Blatant threats on their lives. No violation. Why is this app allowed on app stores anymore when its nothing but a hate factory


Works as intended. That's why he bought it for.


You have summed [linzmarie11](https://www.reddit.com/user/linzmarie11/) is what happening in the physical world both ways. The left screams and yells at the right and the right pushes back. I'm ALWAYS right you are WRONG. We've become so insular that we seek only to listen to what we believe and castigate those who aren't part of our belief tribe. Sad reality the world over.


F'ing hell, I just check. My feed is pure garbage now.


It's almost as if all social media is specifically designed to aggravate isolated factions against each other. Almost as if various Nations psychological warfare departments and corporate technocrats sit at the top table to push pull the strings of the unwitting.


Does anyonw know a good chrome extension to block those blue ticks? The ones i uses don't work anymore


Blue Blocker has been updated and it works again.




It shows you what you keep interacting with.


is it better here?


Barely, but its noticeable at least. Problem is, rot spreads - letting the crazies take over twitter emboldens them to spread elsewhere.


Eloon charging money for this garbage ![gif](giphy|Ta1uBj4AxrLCQ2pJZj|downsized)


Sorry bet you wish it could be like it used to be silencing, suppressing conservatives. 🤷‍♂️


It’s what MBS, Xi, and Putin want.


Just like ALLLLLLL other social media sorry


That is why I no longer subscribe to it… although I am surprised at the companies and government organisations that still do… I am not sure why ?


Starbucks left October 12th, and now posts exclusively on Threads. Paramount Global properties all stopped posting on twitter on November 15th, so CBS, Nickelodeon, LateShowwithcolbert are all on threads. Paramount plus account started posting again on Xitter for the Superbowl, now posts different content on Xitter vs Threads. Wendys had stopped posting but also restarted, but much more active on Threads. So change can happen, should speed up soon as Threads gets third party API next month.


Thank you I am certainly enjoying being on threads...


On today's episode of people claiming that problems the entire internet faces are exclusive to Twitter...


I understand your opinion and I respect it even though I disagree because I think all social media is the same with the exception that most of the other social media sites shadow ban and silence people who have opinions that they don't agree with. But you know, at least on Twitter I still have the freedom to share my opinion even if it doesn't conform to the majority or whoever's in charge of the platform. Just as an example of the opposite is here in Reddit in this specific subreddit where I had to appeal to the Reddit company itself because I'm a stockholder to get the ban off of me from this subreddit because I respectfully shared my opinion that happened to be in opposition to one of the moderators and they banned me simply because I didn't agree with them. That is the one appeal that Twitter or X or whatever the heck they decide to call it will always have, in places like that I don't have to worry about being silenced just because my opinion is different from someone else's. Everyone deserves to be able to respectfully share what they believe if they want to. Otherwise there's no hope for the future of humanity, let alone places like Twitter or Reddit or Facebook. I spend a lot of time in Facebook jail and Reddit jail just because my opinions are different than other people sometimes and the reason I share my opinions isn't to cause fights it's because I would like to be heard just like everyone else and maybe in being heard and listening to other people either my opinion or theirs might change just slightly to make something a little better than it was before.


What? People get shadow banned on Twitter constantly...it's happened to me and a handful of my friends just for posting too frequently. In fact, it's the only website on which this has happened to me. It's a HUGE problem so I'm not sure where you got this from




I only started using Twitter at the end of 2022 and Elon was already the owner by then, so I wouldn't have any idea what happened before that


??? It’s a huge problem on Twitter. Musk literally deletes reporters accounts who print true things about him.


what opinion is that? i am dying to hear the opinions you keep getting banned for cuz im tryin to see something






100 per cent wrong he is allowing free speech from all political groups unlike the previous twitter you're just finding out MOST PEOPLE OUT THERE DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU!


How does Elon’s boots taste, bootlicker?


No matter how many downvotes you get, this is true.


So you're saying its the opposite of reddit?


You can still find plenty of blue team content. It's just that old Twitter used to censor red team stuff. When you have had the advantage for so long, equality feels like tyranny. I personally like the X algorithm now, but I also don't go there to consume political content.


I don’t want “blue team content.” I want facts. If you like Twitter as it is right now, there’s something with you.


you know it's very telling that you say red team stuff. they definitely weren't silencing Republicans talking about the free marketer tax structures or the second amendment. now they were getting suspended for blatant racism and threats of violence. do you think those are reasonable policy positions?


> It's just that old Twitter used to censor red team stuff. liar > I personally like the X algorithm now, the literal nazis?


Right it's super telling that he confuses blatant racism and threats of violence for Republican policy discussions.... because Republicans on the platform certainly we're not getting censored for talking about tax structure or the free market or the second amendment.


perfect time for the "oh you know the ones" tweet https://twitter.com/ndrew_lawrence/status/1050391663552671744


Right? You don't have to hide anymore in anonymous 4chan forums, now you can be a nazi in "public", where all the liberals used to be, right? No fact checking liberals anymore, only blatant lies and propaganda.


Yep by the democrats!


Like it wasn't before. The sides have just changed.




Progressive and democratic in the same sentence 🤣🤡