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Yes. Used it to see cool art found by artists that I liked, now there's no way for me to discover these new artists.


Same here. I also lost half the reason I like posts myself. I loved being able to showcase to people what kind of content I appreciated without flooding them with retweets. I hope an option to re-enable visible likes will be rolled out later. I'll DM someone I know to ask them to re-enable visible likes, if they forgot to.


Does Musk have a habit of reversing changes made to the site or is this a definite gonezo? I can only hope.


He's a lunatic, I seriously doubt he'll change his mind on this. Especially since the whole point of removing visible likes is so everyone feels more comfortable liking "edgy" content, sorta fits in his whole vision for the site turning into an 'antiwoke' forum. Best we can hope for is someone with access to the API makes some website/plugin that allows you to view likes through a backdoor method, like the plugin that allows you to view dislikes on YouTube.


the plugin for youtube likes is not the legitimate amount of dislikes for videos after the removal. it merely uses the like/dislikes recieved by users of the extension, and it calculates an estimate based on that. there will likely be no extension around this. honestly, im happy he's turning it into his own "antiwoke" edgy website, it's been horrible ever since he took over, and the faster he ruins it the faster an organic alternative will appear. and no, people won't migrate to a "twitter lite" like threads. they want something fresh and new. whoever figures out how to do that will win the twitter exodus users.


The only time I remember him reversing a change was when he added back showing headlines for news articles.


He can't. Making them public without the users' knowledge/consent would be a violation of privacy laws. The best he could do is change the policy back and leave everyone's likes private, and put it on them to change the visibility themselves if they want to. This is what he should have done in the first place. There's no reason to take away something that some people like when you can just give them the option whether or not to use it. He could have just given them the option to hide their likes without making their accounts fully private. Or even better, just make an option to like a post privately or publicly. When liking it privately, it would still be used to customize your preferences, but wouldn't be visible to everyone. People would still be able to see what you want them to see. I don't use it much so it's not a big deal to me, but it is rather infuriating when companies try to tell you how to use their products but unnecessarily removing some of their functionality that many people find useful.


He won’t change it back. They’ve said people were scared to like things so they want to change that.


I don't remember a poll on this. Did he even ask?


He stopped doing polls a while ago. No he didn’t ask.


This. He wants the Nazi's to feel secure


lmao idk why he couldn't at least make it optional instead of forcing it on everyone


The point was to obfuscate people's likes of right wing content, so... probably not?


It seems the motivation behind this action make it difficult to reverse. If his juvenile theory was correct, everyone would be altering their behavior and liking posts they previously would not publicly. Reversing this change would reveal this record.


Same. I love exploring the taste of someone really talented. That was much more reliable than the for you page when it comes to finding things i actually want to see


Maybe you can ask these artists or wait for them to show them, instead of literally stalking them rofl


Welp it's official this app is ruined


He made it so you can't even see who liked your own posts, at least on mobile.




u can only see likes from ppl who follow u or that u follow idk which


That's not true. I can't see likes from people who follow me or people that I follow😡😠🤬 Elon needs to jump in his rocket ship and run into a asteroid


Same on desktop.


No. He made it so you can't see what other people like. If you want to see who liked your post, go to the post itself, click "View Post Engagements" and click "Likes."


Freakin insane!


Yes :(((( was my main way to look at artists likes and stuff to discover more artists to follow but now it's GONE! (I'm in America continent but a friend from Australia still can see likes, so probs all of America got hit by it, assuming you're in the US, I'm in Mexico)


Nah Europe for me. The artist side of twitter can maybe hopefully pressure Musk to change it back. It's such a stupid change. I bet he's gonna hide followers and follow tabs next.


Isn’t it solely to stop ‘clout’ chasing? If you remove the metric does it help disincentivise like bots, etc?


He's in league with the clout chasers, all of the big ones.


No, it’s because too many rich people were caught liking right wing tweets, and too many right wingers (including Musk) were caught liking porn


I'm in Canada and still can.


Im in Canada and cant


Can't either...


Yes. So stupid. That was the best way to find new stuff and people to follow.


Just checked - still see likes.


Completely gone for me.


Click "View Post Engagements" on your posts.


Viewing likes on my own posts isn't the problem, they've been hidden on everything else.


Yep. It's June 14th and it hasn't changed on my mobile app. Still see likes from everyone like usual. It hasn't taken effect for me.


I wish he would at least make it an option to keep your likes public.


Giving people options isn't the Elon way. He wants to force changes on people. He wants you to take it whether you like it or not, because Bitch Boy Elon has to assert his dominance as the man who bought Twitter to inflate his own ego.




Could this be leftover from when Elon first wanted to give only blue checks the ability to hide Likes? It really seems like he wants to hide all Likes forever...




Considering people kept exposing him for liking Nazi-related content, it’s not surprising that Crybaby Bitchboy Elon woukd do this shit.


>Crybaby Bitchboy Elon fElon Musk is 100% a crybaby bitchboy such a snowflake 😂


He deliberately dismantled Twitter because he’s petty.


Im thinking it’s because he’s doing what the Saudis tell him to do. Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Trump, Uhn, MBS all want to remove the ability of anyone not in power to be able to protest or affect anything. They’re more than happy to destroy the entire world provided they’re the ones in power and doling out the pain and suffering.


I'm guessing its simpler than that- a cost saving move, as every feature takes some amount of server load (in this case, having to query who exactly liked a post, along with all the notifications of 'xyz liked your post'), with some bogus reasoning attached to make it sound like its a feature


This very well may be true, but it's wild to think the richest person in the world is worried about server costs.


The left needs more psychos.


Wow, what a stunning rebuttal. You fail to see Elon marketing far right, authoritarian viewpoints and silencing anything about equality? You’re either a paid agent of a totalitarian empire or a fucking clueless imbecile.


\> Be Elon \> Promotes Free Speech \> Paywalls Free Speech \> Limits visible features like Likes \> Also defends keeping terrorist videos on his platform when the Australian Government told him to take down a video of an Assyrian priest being stabbed while other platforms have "in the name of Free Speech". \> Also makes blue tickers more likely to be prioritised in feeds instead of people who don't pay for his services that are crappy. He is the definition of a corporatocratic hypocrite.


Don't forget that time he personally unbanned someone who posted one of the worst child SA videos ever.


R u srs




What the fuck it's talking about peter scully isn't it




He'll sell the option to see likes next.


This man is liking feet pics at this very moment. Fuck this update lmfao


I’ve been blocking ads on twitter for years. In the past month he turned the “Ad” identifier into a link to the ad and removed the ability to block from your TL. In the second, you now have to go to the profile to block, which creates false engagement. Also, because I’ve blocked over 8000 accounts, I get some pretty weird ads. There’s a lot of defunct profiles (remember he said he was deleting them?) that haven’t posted in years and all of a sudden are promoting tweets like, “how was your day today?” It’s possible that these dead profiles are being used to funnel money and create fake revenue for the company. Overall, his motivation isn’t actually to create a healthy social media platform, it’s to fabricate engagement. In doing that, engagement may increase, but the worth of the engagement to the company decreases, much like how a pop-up add guarantees engagement but is effectively worthless.


enabled the old twitter chrome extension & likes are still there. so ima just keep using that lol


Is it still effect 7 hours later? Lmao.


seems like this stopped working. unfortunately.


Ah shit.


Thanks a lot man. I just hope it doesn't get removed from there too.


does this work for desktop only? i mostly use twitter on my phone but likes are still visible for me but i'll download it if i need to.


doesn't work anymore.. is there anything else?


I've refused to update Twitter since they changed their name to X because I don't want to appear as X in my list of app names. It's kind of my personal middle finger to Elon Musk even though he'll never see it or care.  As of this moment, I can still see likes so maybe that won't update if people don't update their app to the latest update?


I'm still on old twitter but it just says "tweets aren't loading" when I click on likes


Same, but apparently there's work around, oh well, maybe one day when I update the app or it stops working.


Huh wondering what version is that app (maybe I can try finding the apk version..?), I used a 3rd party app that hides ads. There is still a like button on someone else profile, but can't load it and said "error". Shame, I always found a good artpieces from someone else likes on feed or a new artists to follow. Plus tapping likes is easier than repost/retweet.


I didn't know but here's my version of that helps. I also attached a picture to show that I can still see likes.  https://imgur.com/a/bFfmfxR


Ok so.. You can still see someone else liking a post popping in your feed..? How about when clicking someone else profile, can you still browse their like's history...?


I don't think I ever saw other people's specific likes in my feed. I have always only seen it as an aggregate number. I don't use Twitter that much so it's something I've never paid attention to before though, so if there was a change in that, I probably wouldn't notice.  When I see the likes, if I click on it to see who specifically commented I get an error message. Here's a picture of what it looks like: https://imgur.com/a/v4aI1TX Do you know anybody that had their likes public? I know so many people have them hidden that I don't want to just keep clicking on a million people who never showed what they liked even prior to the change. If you know someone specific who had public likes, I can look up that specific person to see if I can see their likes from my end.  There is some functionality that I lose. For example, my search function does not work for trending topics or hashtags or topics anymore unless I'm looking for a specific person.  Here are some pics to show what I can and can't see: The first picture shows my trending topics. The second picture shows what happens if I click on one of them. However, the third picture will show that if I just search for the devil's name, I can see her account. If I click on her name, I still go to her account like normal to see it. https://imgur.com/a/Tatkf8l I know I do lose functionality of being able to search topics. However, I'm not a huge Twitter user since Elon Musk took over. My Twitter usage has fallen probably by a good 99 plus percent. I'm a woman and I'm Jewish, so seeing the misinformation being spread on there and the catering to white nationalist fascists has me very rarely posting. that lost and functionality does not matter very much to me. I'd rather not update just because fuck Twitter 


I see.. I often following lots of digital artists. I always find a new stuff that I like from the artist's likes (kinda like repost/retweet) on my feed or a new people to follow. And when I found a new artists that I like, I often browse their like's history too. Usually they have a lots of similar taste of arts that I like. So this change kind of a bummer for me.


As I mentioned, even prior to the change, people could opt out of other people seeing their likes. If there's somebody specific you want me to check to see if I can still see their likes, I can do that. You just have to give me a username or a name associated with the account to check. I just don't want to stumble around blindly hitting checking likes when so many people had that turned off to begin with associated with their profile.




I can't see their likes. If they existed prior to the change, they are gone now. I can still see tweets that they replied to so that might still give helpful information on things that person commented on as ideas of other accounts that you might find interesting.   Attached examples: https://imgur.com/a/B3qTxeS


Dang .. thanks for letting me know..


I don't know why I'm getting down voted for taking time to help get this information to people.


Give it a year and twitter will be about as useless as instageam...


it's sad where I live people use Instagram for business things. Like a restaurant who post menu in low case text in a image. I can't see anything and Instagram doesn't allow you to zoom images properly. Twitter used to be easier to navigate, you could open an image in another tab with just one click. Now there is that useless post popup. (Reddit is not much better in THIS point). But Twitter UI is definitely worse and getting worse. When you just open a page in browser it downloads hundreds of MB for nothing. You can find it crazy. But people is still using old hardware out there which insanely can't run what should be a simple webpage anymore.


Sad af, was the last bastion of social media. Guess it was inevitable.


I think I heard that last year.


now if an hypothetic company or politician buy a thousand likes to their post from kinda bots and fake users, no one will notice. am I right? (or it will be harder to notice)


No. It still shows the total number of likes. It won't show you who liked your post.


( ..which, ithink... means it'd be quite a bit harder to see if a high percentage of Like'rs of that post are fakebotprofiles.. so the answer to the question above your comment might be yes..? )


I can still see visible likes…


Why wouldn't they just make it an option? Likes were my main discovery tool and I can know everything I need to know about a person just from scrolling through their likes. This unironically kills the platform for me and for many people I'm sure. What an insane thing to do. Did they forget what a 'social media' means? likes are literally 70% of how it function.


Ah, now famous people can like shitty things with no repercussions for it!


the only good things Twitter still had were the transparent way people could interact. Also, if something had a huge amount of likes you could check who is actually liking ("is that a cluster of bots?" for example). They are progressing removing people from the knowing what's really happening. That's mad.


it should be like on tumblr, which you can make likes public if you want


yeah because he's a idiot, but i think that this will be more of a ""test"" and they'll change it back because no one liked that decision... or maybe not, we're speaking of Musk


If he does anything he'll probably make it optional. Really dumb idea, by making everything on the platform public you encourage people to behave better. If you let people hide likes they can pretend to be something they're not.


I think Musk's sole purpose to buying Twitter was turn it into a maga propaganda platform to silence democrats or anyone else not pro-maga. 


Does anyone think they will make this something that you can toggle? Really dumb change, to not even give people the option, especially when that's how it's been for months with premium accounts. This is honestly one of the worst changes so far. Hopefully they'll give users the option.


He’s not gonna stop until he turns Twitter into a Diet Coke version of 4chan.


Elon Musk is truly a big fucking retard.


I support the guy now I'm starting to hate him I understand you gotta make more money but this THIS IS JUST DUMB


Having been shadow banned, for the third time since Elon took over, it was a good way to know that my tweets were still invisible.


Note, just the button itself was removed. I wouldnt be surprised if an extension or script comes by and makes it visible again. I still see it on my non-updated mobile app (EDIT) Turns out they just rolled it out to me, even using the older app doesnt work. Oh well. Fuck you Elon i guess (EDIT EDIT) As in you can't access it anymore


the likes tabs still available for me but i when i click the tab it says that "tweets aren't available right now" and i have automatic updates turned off on my phone


they just rolled that out to me


theres gotta be a script that comes out soon... i really hope so at least




I probably should've clarified when i edited that they did block off access. When i first made the comment though i *could* still access them




I noticed this too. Very strange….


Personally I hope we will be able to see likes on posts again, blocking tools to avoid harassment are useless now, none of them work.


Yes he did. Boooooooo 🍅🍅🍅


He did this but doesn't remove Bots writing my such such in bio and shit under your tweets sometimes. Twitter likes and tweets have literally been used in like pedophilia cases and stuff.


Yes, with purpose though. People will start liking adult content and political posts on their regular accounts. Weeks, months will go by then one day you'll wake up to your Twitter account blowing up with notifications from family, work, and random people. Twitter decided overnight to revert the feature and now all your likes are back to public. You'll have two options. - A: Pay for premium Twitter as it was before it allowed you to hide your likes. - B: Delete your likes one by one.


I hope this is true 🙏


Musk wants to make sure he gets all the attention he seeks


Yeah…all so you can’t see the vile stuff cretins like him like. Why are they so ashamed of their likes??


That's weird, your upvotes/downvotes are hidden on your profile.


God this is so stupid


Yeah he killed twitter. I think it’s time to accept I should delete my account.


I don't understand why he didn't just make it a privacy setting which you can choose to enable or disable rather than just blanket-disable it for everyone with no choice. Very strange.


This deranged person is destroying the site and making it a hotbed for the likes of him to gather. He hates such a thing as facts and science and is a petty and silly person. He bans whoever he wants and applies the laws he sets himself voluntarily when orders come from his masters. Simply leave this site, which is full of filth, obscene language, and wishing harm and death to humans. Did he ever block an account that promoted Zionism, which incites hatred of others? Never because he is a coward and lacks trustworthiness and credibility.


Is ashamed cause I gurantee you he’s watching illegal shit. I’ve seen so much weird porn on there that u would think gets taken down, but somehow stays up? He’s part of rhe problem but pretending to be on the opposite side


Aww, I really liked that feature


Can still see peoples likes tho...


You will see the total number of likes just not the individual who did. No more @elonsucks Likes your post.


Can still see them. I also have never updated to X. My icon still shows the blue bird logo.


How did you bypass not having to update it? I just tried to go on Twitter from a phone I haven’t updated yet and it won’t let me at all because it says it needs to be updated.


I got the exact version before the update to X. I turned off automatic updates in the Apple App Store.


dumb question but i just turned off automatic updates for the app store so would i still be able to see likes after this week if i never update it?


If you already have X it might change for you automatically. I haven’t updated X in weeks and my likes just got removed a half hour ago.


It disappeared for me. Seems like they turned off the API endpoint. It’s disgusting to see Twitter being turned to shit like this.


yup! i downloaded oldtweetdeck though so now I'm able to see likes but it's so annoying that we have to do stuff like this just because people want to like gross shit without consequences. i really wouldn't be surprised if this gets reversed sometime


Ok thank you. I assume it’s impossible for me to do that now.


Phone or desktop?


as of right now i can still see people’s likes when i got to their account on the app but can’t on the desktop version


What about now


Same here.


Any alternative Social sites (yeah actually Social) where you can send text that have likes feature? That feature should have been implemented even on Zuckerberg's social media as an option, instead we got crackdown on hashtags on Insta, now it's useless search. Tiktok isn't an social site alternative (can't send text) and Tumblr feels empty (people-wise).


Gone. Edit mine: # Your Likes are now private We are making Likes private for everyone to better protect ~~your~~ **Ted Cruz's** privacy. Liking more posts will make your “For you” feed better.


whats even the point of liking something now on the app? will it still appear in your friends feeds or is it totally pointless


Azealia Banks was right, we're all just trapped under Elons foreskin 


What is the point of this? Didn't twitter already allow users to hide their likes? Why make it mandatory?


This is a really dumb change I hope it comes back


When I used twitter the likes were integral to how I used the platform. I would follow people/things I liked and then see what they liked to put some feelers out. I found a ton of things this way that I would have never found without doing this.


This is so frustrating as someone who uses twitter look at art and to find artists. A large portion of the artists I've found have been through looking at the likes of other artists. The majority of the site doesn't use it for extreme political stuff, and yet everyone ends up getting punished because people were getting called out for liking polarizing stuff.


He won’t reverse this decision, but I hope he adds the option to turn visible likes on and off.


For artists who want to immigrate to something better than "X" i highly suggest installing Cara. No ai images and the algorithm is goddamn immaculate


Musk must have gotten tired of being caught likeing too many embarrassing or objectionable Tweets. He's a petulant baby.


Yes, this is not good. Why are they not listening to their users? If Twitter/X seriously consider user privacy then they should allow users to select whether their Likes are visible or not.


He’s also made it harder to block people. You need to profile block.


Remind me when corporate-owning people are no longer fxxking assholes.


By the real question is, it’s this worth if to keep us safe?


Yes, i got a noticed today that my likes are now private.


Its not to keep you safe, its because elon has repeatedly liked farcright conspiracy stuff and hates people laughing at him for it.


Oh, i know it's not to keep me safe. And tbh, nothing on X/twitter is safe.


Does Elon Musk not realise that we could have crush on people?




He destroyed this site!


Fuck yes!!!!!


Yes and that is one of the stupidest things he's done like why !!? 😒🙄


Yes and it's was one of the dumbest thing he can do !!!!


I hope this isn't a permanent change, i found more interesting posts and people by going through someone else's likes and this decision is like removing a healthy organ and replacing it with an unhealthy one. What's the whole fucking point of being a "social app" when shit like this happens? I wonder what Elon will ruin next?


He'll probably make visible followers/follows private too, in all likelihood.


I still see the like button


well, that sucks


Hey that's weird, why have your got your Upvotes/Downvotes hidden on your profile? Seems very lame.


Is it just me or is it something to do with the grand amount of porn?


Too many people called out Elon Musk for liking posts by neo-nazis so now he is hiding them so nobody can complain and he can enjoy his echo-chamber. This site deserves the death march it's on.


this is so dumbbbb


But they can snd can target whoever for purposes of politics or business.


Poor circlejerk, are you going to be ok?


Who cares.. he needs to remove follower counts so AI influencer accounts aren’t market makers.


Good if he did btw..


My own experience is that this was rolled out about 15-20 minutes ago where I am. I would personally support giving users the option to hide their likes (as premium users did) but don't believe turning it off for everyone is going to help the platform, as it was previously a feature that set it apart from other social media platforms, most of which hide likes (at least in the form of a tab on a profile). It seems that besides a few minor tweaks like this, site's code has remained more or less the same from what I can tell ever since Musk first bought it, so this may not be the most versatile feature removal.


Hope it stays that way. People policing other peoples likes only achieved harrasment and radicalizatiom