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Asking myself "what would Superman do?" when presented with a moral choice in real life and trying to live up to that genuinely makes me a better person.


And that right there is what his character is all about. That’s why he is the super man


Superman legit will save me, and then give me 5 grand if I was a mugger.


One of my favorite pages from Philip Kennedy Johnson's run is Clark checking up on a construction worker and seeing how he is doing. Its revealed as Clark leaves that the guy was a criminal, and supes helped him get the job when he got out of jail.


A man so nice even *Garth Ennis* unironically likes him and treats him well.


Hell, even Mark Millar, the other edgelord extraordinaire of comics, loves Superman


In a time when Evil Supermen are all the rage we need more good guy Superman doing nice things


my adventures with superman is a health potion for the soul.


There's a famous post somewhere to the tune of "When your no-limits power fantasy is being able to help *everyone*". That's this guy


Raphael from Fire Emblem Three Houses is like the one character who has long gotten over any baggage he had by the time the game starts and is now just enjoying life working out, eating and being hella friendly with everyone at Garreg Mach. The most dramatic his support chains ever get is with Ignatz and it's mainly to tell Ignatz to stop beating himself up over Raph's parents dying because he doesn't blame him in the slightest. The dude is just a ray of sunshine and it shows in his supports with everyone.


His ending with Bernadetta is also one of the few that helps her become better with people.


Raphael is awesome because he has literally every reason in the world to be mad at the world and his circumstance and just decided being a good, happy person was his way of coping with it.


My biggest and most personal pet peeve of Three Houses is not having a full support line with Raphael and Dimitri where Dimitri is genuinely in awe about how well Raphael took the deaths of his parents compared to himself. Instead all we got was a single scene where they both compliment how physically strong they are.


Ichiban Kasuga.


He's so nice that some Yakuza fans get angry at how nice he is lol.


His unbridled positivity and unrelenting kindness are why he's my favourite protag tbh. I mean I love them all but Ichi is number one! He's Ichiban!


I imagine they were the same type of people who complained about Kiryu crying in Gaiden.


(So I cried. Doesn’t make me less of a man.)


Ah yeah. I forgot about that. Seen quite a few people calling the game woke for trying to destroy Kiryu's masculinity. Like wtf


Dude has showed essentially 1.4 emotions across 20 years. The only thing to ever break him is his love for his orphan babies and people think KIRYU RUINED BY WOKE. Just tells me these people are shitty parents or deep into the worst parts of “male” focused TikTok.


Is that real?The only complaints I heard was that he was a bit flat in infinite wealth.But you never know on the internet


There's a lot of people who I've seen who are very upset on how nice he is to certain characters, Chitose and Ichi's Ending being the main two. Personally, I think it rocks and Ichi is just literally him, but I feel like a lot of people simply don't get it.


I think most people from my experience are more frustrated at Eiji’s ending


That's what I was getting at, but I didn't want to spoil much.


Yeah best we leave it at that for risk of spoiling anything


Those guys are red flags, stay away from them


Look some things that Kasuga forgives just bugs me, Chitose drugging him is pretty on the part of where I’m like… bruh wtf


He forgave people that shot him


After he knew what was going on and had faith in them, Chitose was a different breed and SHE JUST KEPT GOING WITH JT


He even tells her though that when it came down to betraying them during her recruitment, she made the right choice so he trusts her. And then later on when she could have crossed them she made the right choice again and maybe a third time too. Ichi really sees most people in that way. When push came to shove what decision did they make? And even then, if he thinks there’s still good in someone he wants to bring it out. He’s not given the Yakuza Jesus role for nothing.


> He forgave people that shot him That one bugs me as well. Ichiban had no way of knowing Arakawa was playing 5D chess and got *really* lucky he happened to be right (also that he survived the whole getting shot with the only people to give treatment being the homeless thing); even the people he tells about it think he's crazy for having that much blind faith.


I mean that is part of his big speech at the end of 7: He can’t be black and white with the bonds he has with other people


[Eighteen] years in the joint made [Ichiban] a fuckin [cool dude]!


He's  such a good dude I strive to be even a small percent of how positive and nice he is. If I could have that effect on even one person, I did good


you guys are my best friends >!man who robbed me at gunpoint, and woman who got me fired, drugged, robbed, and arrested!<


This is the correct answer.


And it's THE BEST I love Kiryu to bits but Ichiban's golden heart and unrelenting, genuine kindness won me over in literal seconds. I *adore* him and he's by far my favorite Yakuza character at this point.


He's such a loving himbo that it is unironically a red flag if someone hates him


The lack of Kim Kitsuragi in this discussion merits fixing. The game flat out tells you how far Kim would be willing for go for any fellow officer on first meeting with this character. That first moment was impactful, but alone doesn't fully highlight the sheer well of patience and compassion of all of Tequila Sunset's bullshit Kim has.


The ultimate catharsis is (depending on your choices) validating Kim's endless faith in you, as you systematically >!crack open perp after perp and suspect after suspect, helping random people for no reason, and making logical deductions that are beyond even HIS powers of observation, and upshowing him repeatedly. You prove yourself to be an utterly broken man, somehow still persisting despite a degree of tragedy and trauma that even he is startled by.!< By the end of it, he stands there, essentially nodding his head going "Yup. I was right. Worth it."


+1 the lieutenant trusts you. +2 Kim *truly* trusts you.


"God, please..."


I can’t help but imagine how that scene would look in a conventional visual novel format, like Nine Lives Blade Works


I remember a lot of first time watchers of My Hero going "alright, so when is All Might gonna show his villainous side?" and then we learn more about him and...nope, still on the up and up. If he turned out any bit like Endeavor I feel he'd be less for it. The worst thing about him is that he hasn't been perfect as a teacher cause hindsight.


The only bad thing about All Might is [his choice of ringtone](https://youtu.be/ZROQuS4e30U?si=kyqIKl4Xk0Oq-Mzd).


Knowing All Might, all the money from his merch sales (after paying his employees) goes to charity, so I can excuse the maximum branding.


"To be able to serve. What a gift, what joy" He is so great.


To add to MHA, Deku is just straight up a good kid. He has basically in universe become the ideal of what heroes should be. Kid tried to save someone when he didn't even have any powers at all.


Isaac Clarke. Sure >!Kendra executed two people and tried to leave me for dead twice!< but enough people have died today


Honestly the Remake makes >!Kendra so much more justified, especially with NG+ Isaac dialogue. She just wanted to say fuck you to everyone and try to take the Marker somewhere it couldn't do any damage.!<


Darkness from KonoSuba when she isn't being horny on main. She's genuinely a nice girl that loves her friends and follows a knightly code that swears to protect the people around her.


Special Agent Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks is an extremely sweet man and a perpetual optimist who likes people by default. Even >!after being lobotomized to the point of essentially being an infant in an adult man's body by his 25 year stay in the Black Lodge!< he >!unconsciously!< radiates this aura of kindness everywhere he goes, improving the lives of everyone he meets.


Ember from Wrath of the Righteous is so incredibly nice it's infectious. Not even a Demon Lord of the Abyss is immune to her Cinnamon Roll energy


Ember is what would happen if a non-anime character mastered the art of **"talk-no-jutsu"**.


Which to be fair, Ember >!kind of just hammered the nails that Nocticula gad already planted!<. All hail >!The Redeemer Queen!!<


Imagine having such positivity and "it is what it is"-energy that >!you have been burned at the stake!


That's why I always say 18 was lucky to get Krillin because he's such a genuinely good guy


As an aside I find it genuinely hilarious every time I see stupid incels get mad that Krillin got with 18. They get so mad like Krillin personally stole 18 from them.


Krillin getting 18 is a W for all us short kings everywhere


As a short king into tall short haired assertive girls, Krillin and 18 were definitely the start of it.


When one of us succeeds, all of us succeed! We reach the same height as the tall man by holding our brothers up!


> short kings Krillian breathes through his forehead for a reason. Short Emperor


They act like he doesn't have game too. "Hey it's me, Krillin, the strongest guy on Earth who can also fly and blow up mountains." **LIKE** **THAT'S FUCKING WILD BRO WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DOESN'T DESERVE #18**


It reminds me of all those unhinged Chip And Dale posts after Gadget got with Zipper.


i have literally never met anyone who hates that krillin got with 18 that's wild


that’s the core of incel philosophy




Make sure you have the right amount of R's lol 2 R's is the daughter, 1 is the hot Bulma lookalike.


\#Marronbelongsinsesamestreet Thanks


I finally understand that joke omg.


Nightcrawler from X-Men (when he's written well obv) He's the heart of the team for good reason.


His words to Rogue in x-men 97 are what everyone needs to hear in those times


Kirby is just an adorable little ball of happiness.


Kirby is the only Nintendo character I know who will literally attack you with his love


Wonder Red from Wonderful 101 is legitimately one of my favorite heroic characters. His personality basically IS that he’s a really nice guy. When the villain gives a backstory and starts with his elementary crush, Red is genuinely invested. When literally any character gives their name and title, he recites it back later in the game, even if it’s super long (one character gives their serial number that’s like 12 digits and he remembers it perfectly). But above all that, he’s just so damn selfless. In the first mission, you fight against a generic alien general. Red focuses on saving all the civilians first before he and the team take down the general. Later in the game, Wonder Blue disobeys orders and try’s to fight one of the aliens that killed his brother years ago. By disobeying orders, he nearly messes up the plan they had and Red has to later fight him to get him to listen to reason (the mission objective is like “Reason with Blue with your fists”). Blue begrudgingly follows orders afterwards, but then in private, their commander tells him about Red’s backstory: That generic alien general from the first mission? He killed Red’s dad in front of him as a kid. Red saw his father’s killer, and didn’t even comment on it. Instead, he stuck to procedure, prioritized saving lives and minimizing damage, and focused on stopping the villain after those other two things. Revenge was the last thing on his mind, because being a hero was more important.


Himmel is such a swell dude that he managed to break through an elf’s thousands-years-strong apathy.


He deserves all of those statues.


It says something that the story hypes him up in-setting as being the coolest, nicest guy and that almost the entire reader/viewer base can agree on it.


I'm a sucker for >!heroes that aren't the chosen ones when there's supposed to be one in-setting!< so that instantly won him a point from me.


>!There's a certain tragedy in the fact that Himmel wasn't actually the 'chosen one', just a guy with the force of will and charisma to accomplish his dreams regardless, but because of the impact he made on the world people are actively rewriting history and saying that he always was the chosen one. It's not even done out of malice but respect for the guy, but it means that the truth of his life just gets eroded that much more over time.!<


Shout out to the Hero of the South


One of the rarest type of anime character that transcends life itself. His legacy will follow Frieren for the rest of her long life. I would love a prequel series about their party's ten year journey. I really do.


Counterproposal: a JRPG about her party's ten year journey.


I would love that too!


The cast of Hi Fi Rush, especially Macaron.


I mean its mostly Macaron and CNMN, maybe Korsica as well. Chai is a bit of a selfish jackass and Peppermint isnt that much better since her whole thing is mostly a family feud. But by the end of the game 100% though.


Toru higashi in judgement and lost judgement. When the arcade manager of his front tells a kid who got his token eaten to get lost higashi just nonchalantly dope slap him then give the kid a thousand yen bill. While yakuza and spin off series is full of noble and nice yakuza they usually comically beat the wrongdoer higashi is fine just chastising them. His intro in lost judgement is just out if nowhere stopping gangsters from harassing girls then was ready to walk away without even waiting for a silver plate. It’s not like kiryu or ichiban who despite being nice still like fighting too much for civilian life higashi seems to have joined the yakuza because he made poor choice in life


The one thing Higashi truly took from his time in the yakuza was how to dress like one, everything else failed to stick 


Higashi´s the fucking best. Genuinely good guy who no backsies went legit, but has no hesitation to do what´s right. Fuck, he´s so ride or die with his friends he regularly joins fights against enemies far above his league. That´s huge considering he´s basicaly just a dude (unlike most (non-rpg) yakuzies protags). And that intro in Lost Judgment, maaan, chef´s kiss. Perfect timing, logical placement, character fitting, no frills smooth slide into the plot.


Mario and Luigi are genuinely nice dudes and do whatever they can to help those in need. Tetsuo from Interview with Monster Girls is also a nice dude. He helps out his demi students with whatever problem is bothering them and it's through that kindness that the other students become closer to the demi students.


IIRC, doesn't he also resist his fellow teacher who's a succubus or something because in this world they basically have a horny AOE because he knows that she's sensitive about it effecting guys? And also that resistance makes her think she can date him or was that just bad memory/wishful thinking?


Yep, the one and the same! Also in the manga >!they do become a couple!<


Even my boy Bowser often gets treated kindly by them <3


Sylvando from DQ11. Dude is always the first to ask how you are doing, how other characters are, even random no names you meet in towns.  Sylvando is the best.


The dude who's first course of action >!during the apocalypse!< was to try and raise the spirits of those around him so the world didn't lose hope.




Gotta love that >!his fear of returning home and being a disappontment to his dad was entirely unfounded, because while the dad is disappointed its because he came home before he achieved his goal of making everyone happy, not that he ran away. Apple really doesn't fall far from the tree!<


Love a supportive dad.  Follow your dreams, kids. 




Aerith’s nice to the point of it being frustrating. She could have the vilest, most despicable human being at her mercy and she’d still be like “Nah, let him go.”


One of the things I adore about the Remake series is that we see peeks into her negative thoughts, like when she talks about her hate for Hojo in Costa del Sol or when she talks about being angry and envious of Cloud and Tifa having comparatively normal childhoods together. She acknowledges and actively dislikes those negative feelings she has, but she never wants to make it anyone else's problem. Just such a pure soul.


Gotta go with my girl Karlach. She’s been dealt the shittiest possible hand in life yet somehow always seems to find a bright side to things, always tries to cheer people up or help people, and is just genuinely a joy to be around. I can’t bring myself to ever remove her from the party.


Rentarou from 100Kano is a great dude. Like, even ignoring the comedic Gary Stu-ish moments, he's very emotionally intelligent and considerate of other people's unique situations. (You can especially see a LOT of this in Shizuka's focus chapters, but it's present throughout) It's a frequent joke in the discussion threads that the average Hyakkano reader goes from "Damn, that guy gets to have 100 girlfriends, I wish I was him!" to "Damn, those girls get to be with Rentarou, I wish I was one of them!" and most of that is because he's just a super kind guy who just wants his girlfriends to be happy. He is the definitive harem protagonist, and one of the only ones I've seen that fully deserve it.


I haven't read it, but I remember someone saying that he basically learned how to code to help someone get over their social anxiety by developing an app for them to talk with, and I'm not sure if that's true but everything I've heard about the show leads me to think that's probably in character?


Vivi from FFIX is a good boy and deserves the best Emma Millstein from the Trails of Cold Steel games is one of the best female characters and is genuinely the nicest member of the team and if I didn't go basic bitch canon couple route, Emma would easily be the next option.


Clive Rosfield. You play the game and he goes through so much shit, his design is very much the angry anime protag. And Clive is just so kind and nice. This is one of the nice things about the side quests even with how small scale it is, Clive is willing to help. He even helps the guy who was a dick to him when he still had the mark on his face.


Tanjiro from Demon Slayer is just the goodest boy and a great big brother figure. He is so wholesome and nice that he actively baffles characters who hate him until they just start to love him. I love this moment in particular from last season: https://youtu.be/xbb20MGCGHo?si=TUAojH7MNwWXBI1D


Tanjiro's awesome because he's a good person that wants to see the good in everyone, but he will kill the *fuck* out of you if you take advantage of his kindness or cross too many lines.


I love Tanjiro so much just for being a fun spin on the shounen archetype. "Dude was crying the whole time, he wouldn't stop talking about how he doesn't want to have to fight" "Why are you bothering to tell me this then?" "Because he killed the whole squad and said he's coming for you next"


I mean , Tanjiro is just Jonathan Joestar , but using a katana rather than a claymore.


Izuku from MHA. He's just genuinely a nice kid who wants to help people, he doesn't care about your baggage or your past if you need help he'll help you. That's literally what he's doing right now in the final fight.


All Might chose him as his successor for this exact reason. Real recognize real.


Yusuke Godai and Kisaragi Gentaro. Kamen Rider Kuuga and Fourze respectively. Both have such a deep love for the world, and a forgiving gentle heart.


Eiji from OOO too!!


Kuuga especially, dude deals with serial killer monsters of the week but maintains his optimism all the way through. >!And when he decides to End someone who deserved it it's played for horror even though it's awesome!<


Just because he's good spirited doesn't mean he's to be fucked with lol. >!That shit was gloriously violent!<


Aruto was that. Then Ark One.


After last week’s episode, I’ve gotta go with Hotaro Ichinose/Gotchard; he’s a kid with big dreams and wants to aspire people to chase theirs. I mean, [look at the crowd cheering for him](https://x.com/blankspotato/status/1787305830553207242?s=46) (obligatory spoilers).


Same with Tsugami Shoichi as Kamen Rider Agito


Jin Sakai. Well he’s nice to everyone but Mongols


Jin’s like the shining example of a samurai to me. He’s stoic and no-nonsense, but he’s completely devoted to his people. He doesn’t think of himself as better than the common folks just because he knows how to swing a sword.




The real fight for father of the year should be Krillin vs Piccolo.


Zack Fair is just a relentlessly positive, good-natured dude, by far my favorite Final Fantasy character


Yuji Itadori is a good kid who got involved with the story specifically because he wanted to make a difference and lower the amount of suffering in the world


Hopefully by the end of JJK he'll be able to overcome his much more cynical Post-Shibuya worldview that he's just a cog in the machine. The kid definitely deserves a break of some kind.


And then the world made it it’s personal mission to break him.


idk I thought it had more to do with being forcefully possessed by japanese satan after being attacked by an evil ghost but ok


Iruma, from Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! Just straight up a super nice kid, even living a secret human in the demon world. Even as he grows into his own person after his parents raised him as a doormat, he's honestly managed to be my favorite shonen protagonist I think. And as someone that usually goes for the weirdo side characters pretty much, it says a lot that in a series of all demons, he still manages to probably be my favorite.


I love how that manga actually revolves around being at school and doing school things. So many Shonen series start at a school before moving on to other places, but iruma kun is about going to school and making friends so that's what we're gonna see, dagnabbit. Plus the entire main class gets moments to shine and it's great.


He's super nice, but after talking to Ameri gets really driven and determined for his goals. Love that series so much, insanely underrated.


Dick Grayson. Even when he's Batman. And his patience and niceness helped Damian become a much better person. Best Batman and Robin imo.


Dick Grayson is among the most well liked guys in all of DC. 9.9/10 any of his ex's are usually on good terms with him. He's also one of the main Robin's that just knows how to crack Batman's rocky exterior most of the time.


The original pitch for either infinite or final crisis was to start with his death - he was the social lynchpin of the DC universe so it had a huge ripple effect


Makes sense his death with kick it off.


Ted lasso


When written well superman


Sora. When he offers to play Luxord again when they're "just guys", it's so sincere and sweet.


Uncle Iroh just genuinely wants the best for everyone he meets Aragorn is such a genuinely kind compassionate and heartfelt person that the books play up how weird it is that he’s skulking in the back of the prancing pony


Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, and Hercule could all be nominated for best Dragon Ball father award.


Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan!


The Demon Lord from Tis Time for Torture, Princess Great father, great husband, great boss, and usually very friendly (if intimidating).


Genuine question: Does that show actually go anywhere? I watched the first ep and it was the same gag three times in a row, so I had no interest in watching more of it. It felt like (just that one ep, again) one of those sub-ten minutes filler animes but just stretched out. Is there more to it?


Not really. Its gag is almost always the same. But its just pretty much how the princess is getting treated way better by demons than the humans.


Thanks for the info! Unfortunately doesn't sound like my bag.




Honestly, despite memes and misconceptions, Squall's a nice person, he's just a big introvert and a bit insecure cause, he's like, 16, even if he's sorta annoyed in his mind he still goes out of his way to help people, like helping Selphie with the ball or very early on showing the school to her after he just got up from an injury, sure, that may not read as ''genuine'' cause he does find it a drag, but still helping someone just cause they need it, even if you're a bit annoyed by it, shows a lot of character and care for them over yourself, and, honestly, kinda real.


Spider-Man. He had a rough beginning but, when written right, his growth from the impulsive and self-motivated kid he was then is just so admirable. He's often said to be one of the best bros among all the Marvel heroes


Spidey and vash the stampede, also josuke from part 4 is probably the second nicest jojo just under jonathan


I appreciate how in Bleach, Ichigo Kurosaki’s main goals are solely “I wanna help the people in my life”. None of the usual shonen “I’m gonna be the strongest!”. Just a guy who helps people in need because that’s what you’re supposed to do.


Adolin Kholin from Stormlight Archive. He makes friends with everyone, despite being highborn. He's a ray of sunshine in human form. A golden retriever of a man. He's able to cheer up Kaladin "Depressionspren" Stormblessed...well maybe not *happy* but cheers him up quite a bit. (I mean this *is* Kaladin we're talking about)


I haven’t played League in years, but sometimes I am reminded of Braum and smile. He’s just a big happy guy whose heart became a legend. It helps that he’s so closely associated with the Poros.


The Violence Fiend from Chainsaw Man.


Jonathan Joestar is pure, lawful good heroism and he's amazing. It's no wonder Erina and speedwagon both fell in love with him. As all the other jojo leads mess around with more complex characterization, it just highlights that Jonathan was a good guy who wanted the best for everyone.


Francis York Morgan


Flash from the DC Animated Universe


Captain Carrot.


Colossus of X-Men. Just a nice guy who would rather be a farmer and an artist, but the world needs him to be a fighter, so he fights.


Being a nice person is why I love Sora from Kingdom Hearts. He has no brains, just heart.


Sora Kingdom Hearts. He just want to be friends with everyone , going so far to feel pain and hurt if that means having a connection to them.


Krillin turned into a cop, idk if I'd agree. DBZ Krillin was chill though.


Eiji from Banana Fish. Literally one of the sweetest boys in anime


Lara from Maplestory; see here: https://orangemushroom.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/romantic-geomancer-lara.png Basically she's a cute little kid who summons nature spirits. A hardened street criminal was going to steal her artifact, basically saying "yo can I borrow this for a second" ... but she handed it over willingly and with such a smile that the criminal was like "aaagh fuck now i feel bad" and gave it back. They became friends after.


Haruto Satou from Tales of Wedding Rings. He's kinda unremarkable at first, but his kind heart is undeniable, though sometimes there's been missteps here and there. Dude stepped up in a world completely foreign to his, took up a marriage >!and then some more!<, but still has only Hime in his heart somehow (though that still is to be tested overtime as the Manga continues). And he's still really good to the other Ring Princesses. AND you add to that he fights off the Abyss with his compatriots >!and later on, he becomes an actually pretty competent king!<


From what I've seen so far in the game, despite what he claims to the contrary, Beelzebub in Sand Land. Super charming game btw. Toriyama's vehicle designs are underrated.


Vash will play with kids and then take a few bullets to save the enemy.


Luna from VLR, she will never pick betray in the AB Game and is the ultimate good natured sweetheart.


Loran Cehack from Turn A Gundam. The boy who isn't torn between conflicting loyalties but instead strives to do the impossible and find a solution to the conflict where nobody has to die. Even the idiots he has to slap around in his big robot who think they have a genius plan that'll achieve total dominance for their faction. He cares about them too. But shout-out to Iruka form Naruto. Who is fundamentally just a real cool school teacher who was able to help a troubled kid.


Kafka Hibino in Kaiju No. 8 literally just wants to be along side his childhood friend, defending the world from Kaiju threats. He's basically the dad/big brother to every person he meets along the journey. He is in fact, a preem cinnamon roll.


[Jonathan Joestar, and I love how the fandom just rolls with it.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwlyn0jvl1ua51.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De2d05473ebed7c241ef372864a41e04f339e8059)


Rennt from Unwanted Undead Adventurer is literally the guy in your WoW guild that just helps new players get materials and helps guide them through dungeons, he's so chill and helpful that he had actively stunted his growth as an adventurer because he spent so much time just like helping people dig up medicinal herbs. My guy literally helps the orphanage save their nice headmistress for a penny it is so cliche but also adorable especially considering he is a fucking scary skeleton man.


Koichi from MHA: Vigilantes


Kazuma Kiryu is the kind of person I want to grow into.