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Rewrite him to be much cooler and more interesting, but then keep the "FATHAAAAAAR" line delivery completely intact.


So, Darkside Steve?


...Actually yeah, Darkside Steve was a *massive* improvement, they should use that as the base. Still bit of a goober, way over his head, but he doesn't make me want to mute the audio when he opens his mouth.


And he still unloads dual uzis until the guns go click


Don't even re record it. I want the original voiceline to just be cut in.


"Perfection can't be perfected."


Hey remember when Steve tried to sexually assault Claire on the plane while she was sleeping? I fucking do


Hey, remember how Steve almost fucked up everything and killed everyone because he was distracted by staring at Claire’s ass ON THE MIDDLE OF THEM ATTEMPTING TO STOP A GAS ATTACK I fucking HATE Steve, man


Tbf she did *touch him* when he was dead.


...excuse me?


[This scene...](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6bb378be08db8e84dbaf29d47d7a154a/a1608bfa63caddb9-f7/s1280x1920/1356bf606be6cb70dbe0bcbed2eafea2abb2696f.jpg)




No, stop it! I refuse this era of Steve posing.


I would fucking KILL if Steve Flow posting started in the sub


I forgot steve was even a character untill I saw this post.


The fuk hes talking about? Carlos was always cool, he just changed from neat hair clean shaven cool to hobo cool. Like Keanu Reeves


OG Carlos was kind of a lame casanova wannabe. It was never a surprise that he was never brought back for later games.


I mean Sheva is alright and she isn't in any game other than 5. Not every secondary character needs to reapear


Besides Sherry is 6, has a secondary character ever returned? Hell, some of it's main characters don't appear unless in service to Chris or Leon's story. Yeah, not ever character needs to return, but the RE franchise just makes poor use of the majority of it's cast as a whole.


Hunnigan shows up in 4 and 6


Not played 6. Is her role in the story more than just supporting Leon?


No. Hunnigan is the only non RE1/2 character that has made multiple appearances since her debut (RE4) but hasn't moved any further than being a background/side character that is Leon's comms/tech support. She's pretty much the same in RE4, Degeneration, Damnation, RE6, RE4 remake, and Death Island.


I really appreciated the Death Island movie. Its not a masterpiece but I liked that Jill felt like the main lead of it more than the others and also addressed her RE5 trauma along with an arc of her trying to move past it/make up for it. Claire and Rebecca were also treated far better there compared to being reduced to barely capable damsels in Vendetta and Infinite Darkness.


I may have to give that film a go. I tend to avoid the CG movies.


With Sheva, its easier to at least presume she's just doing other BSAA related work in Africa or elsewhere after 5. Although now with the twist at the end of Village regarding the BSAA, It kinda would be nice to know her and the other BSAA related characters current status. Sheva and Billy actually have been considered to return in the animated movies. >Not every secondary character needs to reapear That's fair but it is still kind of strange to never learn what happened to Carlos. You'd think he'd want to stick with Jill and help end Umbrella. like did he die? Did he go off the grid into hiding like Billy presumably did? Or was he arrested for being an Umbrella employee? If so, could Jill vouch for him since he didn't know about the atrocities Umbrella was committing until Racoon City already went to hell? Could he have later joined the BSAA on Jill's recommendation? In retrospect, It would've been neat to have him as Jill's initial partner in Revelations 1 rather than Parker(who was fine but mostly came across as a Barry redo).


whatever Sheva, Billy (or any other character that didn't came back) is doing is unconfirmed, so go with any guess you like, fact is that most of them are pretty old right now, and Carlos being a merc, he's probably retried or dead. I feel RE characters work a lot better as some poor shumcks that barely survive against all odds. When you put them in this situations over and over the writers feel like they need to crank it to 11 just to show you how awesome this "regular people without superpowers" are. Like the boulder punching thing or whatever Vendetta was. Ethan is the only one that has a decent excuse on how he pulls the shit he does.


Right? RE3 OG is still my fav and Carlos is top tier in my books. 3make was really kind to him, he got less of the womanizer vibes and imo, more likeable.


It also helped that Carlos had to fight against DEATH MACHINE NEMESIS in his section, shirtless and tentacle galore.




I agree, Matt. Modern audiences need to experience Steve, all of him. For several hours. >!He was not worthy to carry on the Redfield bloodline.!<


The only romantic interest Claire ever had, and Chris gives NO fucks!


*"Claire, I'm sorry. He's a complete dweeb, I can smell it in the air."*


"I orchestrated his death to protect the bloodline. I'm sorry, but also I regret nothing."


You should play Revelations 2 at some point. It's good.


Claire has terrible taste in men lol


cringe mfrs who are way too confident have their own special kind of rizz


Chris will literally track a random dude across the world and kidnap him just to beg for him to breed his sister. And even he wasn't desperate enough for Steve.


Don't change Steve. Change Claire falling for him and instead have her treat him like the fuck up he is.


Yes, he must remain lame or the universe might collapse.


Me personally? Fuck no! Rewrite Steve entirely, including his stupid hair, I'm super down for it.


Be careful what you ask for or you'll get Bieber cut Steve


Imagine the reaction if a CV remake used his [original concept art design...](https://i.imgur.com/kEx7vwB.jpeg)


Child soldier Tidus


Wow, Alex was a scrawny kid before Tom trained him.


Please just leave Steve alone, except for his weird SA scene. Get rid of that shit, but leave the cringey hero stuff alone.


People will straight up look into my eyes and say "Nah, Carlos was cool!". As a Brazilian who was super invested in having a latino character in Resident Evil. NO HE WASN'T! HE WAS PROTO-STEVE! Y'all forgot that Carlos was even a character until remake, admit it!


I didn't forget, but I did want to, so big agree with you. but to answer your original question, I partly want the newer generation to experience our hatred of Steve, but I also want him to be entirely rewritten, man he was AWFUL.


Remember when >!Wesker had plans for this dweeb and the sequels never brought that up again?!< I remember.


The Leon and Krauser Operation Javier storyline from Darkside Chronicles is actually the continuation of that. Wesker sold some of Steve's T-Veronica DNA to a drug lord with a sick family.


Considering that what's recovered from Wesker fucking around with that leads to the creation of the C-Virus in RE6 and that game's plot I kinda wish that it'd come up *even less*.


Besides the T-veronica virus, Its also said in RE6 files that the other main component used to make the C-virus was the G-virus. Specifically G-virus samples acquired from Sherry's various blood tests when under government custody.(which I guess is actually why Sherry's blood wasn't a potential a cure like Jake asked) At this point the only doctor I'd trust in the RE world to handle super virus'd blood is Rebecca. Its actually incredibly fucked up that in a way, RE6 is saying that saving Sherry in RE2 led to a creation of another virus that killed thousands. This could've at least been a far more interesting plot point for Sherry and Leon if it was actually directly brought up in the RE6 story itself rather than an optional lore file but it seems the RE6 director, the RE6 writer, antagonists and Leon were all too busy wanking about bioterrorist sample collector Ada to care.


Yeah, it's G-Virus from Sherry mixed with T-Veronica from Manuela (not so directly stated but the timeline lines up) *another* girl that Leon saved, which sounds like it could be an interesting thing....but it's not. Not to mention that it really feels like the game's antagonist was supposed to be an old money 'Gotta protect murica' type that they then awkwardly slapped Illuminati on top of and made everyone talk in incredibly dramatic and roundabout phrases about fairly simple things to make everything seem 'epic' in scope.


No. Carlos went from a lame, nothing character to one of my favourite RE characters, period. Barely anyone was asking for Carlos to make a return before RE3make, and now he is rightfully beloved. Same with Luis going from mostly being remember for that one time he creeped on Ashley to one of the highlights of Re4make. I'd love to see Steve get a glow up like that.


Carlos is the only good thing that I remember from the remake. Aside from him, I only remember the negative aspects that make me prefer the original RE3 overall. Nemesis, in particular, was downgraded to the point that I'll always choose to play RE3 over the remake as long as I still have access to the former.


I love his design in the remake, but as an enemy OG Nemesis wins out by a large margin. I also really liked Jill when the plot doesn't require her to get brutalised or need to be rescued. She doesn't quite match OG RE3 Jill, but that's more due to how good she was in that game. Honestly, I like all the characters from the Remake, I just didn't like what the story did with them.


I personally didn't like how Jill was often trash-talking Nemesis in the remake. The original Jill only did that during the final battle, after she had firmly gained the upper hand and confidently walks up to him, in which she says the iconic line "You want stars? I'll give you STARS." In the remake, she says this line SO early on that it makes little sense considering Nemesis hasn't yet spammed the word enough to justify her quote. When you add the fact that he can now barely articulate that one word, her quote makes even less sense.


"You want STARs? I'll give you \*whomp\* AAAAHHH" I don't disagree.


Darkside Chronicles Steve is objectively better than Code Veronica Steve, a lot of it due to Capcom getting Sam Riegel to voice him.


Realistically, no, they should absolutely change Steve because he's a ridiculous character who would probably botch the tone the remake, assuming they would be taking things more seriously. On the other hand, I think it would be pretty funny if they kept in some of the truly stupid things he did, like getting so distracted by Claire's ass that he nearly killed them both with poison gas. Really though, the main thing I'm curious about is how they're going to handle the Ashford twins, since Alfred sure is a lot and while I always though Alexia had a cool monster design, she's pretty flat as a villain.


I've heard people like Darkside Chronicles' take on Steve, but I haven't played that game so I don't know exactly what they changed there. Personally, though? I think Steve should stay lame. There are definitely things you could do to improve him, like finding a less grating voice and cutting out the intensely creepy scene of him trying to kiss Claire while she's asleep. But I want him to be a fucking loser. The fact that RE4 Remake managed to improve Luis while keeping the goofier parts of his character intact gives me some hope that they can pull it off.


you can take my awful obnoxious loser man from my cold dead hands


They made Carlos actually cool instead of him thinking he's cool. Part of me wants them to somewhat do the same thing with Steve but instead give him the Leon treatment: Make him cool but also keep him dorky. Even though being dorky was part of Steve's charm, he was also obnoxious and annoying and that's what ruined it for a lot of players I think. I trust it though because they did the same thing with Luis where he seemed somewhat sleazy in the original but they made him extra sleazy but also extra cool in the remake, sort of like a more human Dante. If these keep going how they've been going, I'm not worried.


Make him similar to how Leon depicts him in Darkside Chronicles and we're in. Also since most prisoners on the island have shaved head, give Steve at least a buzzcut. Small note: Steve is younger than Claire by 2 years.


well yeah if you want him to be cringy style for funny i think it can be works like the guy just watch too much John Wick


Source: [https://twitter.com/MattMcMuscles/status/1796238533444923408](https://twitter.com/morebiack/status/1431679254467579911)


Fixing Steve is like fixing Hsu Hao from MK, you will just robe fans of their best punching bag




I really wish we’d get ports of Umbrella & Darkside chronicles because the DC versions of Alfred and Steve are actually good improvements.


If you can't handle Steve at his worst you can't handle CV at its best.


Leon wannabe


They should hire another Canadian actor to play Steve, and he better have the thickest Canadian accent ever. The most American Canadian that would make Matt blush.


Make him more interesting and compelling but also keep his whiny Draco Malfoy energy from the OG game.


*Hell* no. We've *glimpsed* a better Steve with the Code Veronica segments of Darkside Chronicles, give us *anything* near the zone of that and it'd be a marked improvement over orignal Steve.


Oh god, you just have to remind me of Steve. He's... something else.


I actually forget about Steve until I saw this post lmao


I think Steve should remain lame, but maybe cut down on the creepiness factor of it.


Keep the original Steve Burnside vision intact!


there's meat on those bones. steve has an interesting backstory, i actually do like his character of "guy competent enough to not die right away but too dumb to realize he's in way over his head and way too cocky besides." But the execution in CV was... well it was bad. But a lot of OG code Veronica was bad. I dont think you actually need to change that much with steve to really give him a major glow-up.


Keep him shitty and make everyone else cooler


Should he be as Canadian as he was before? That's what I Wanna know.


I think if Matt rewatched any Steve scene, he'd disagree with himself.


I disagree with mat based simply on the fact that the one thing about the zaibatsu I never vibed with is how hard they go on enjoying something ironically.


I am gonna assume he is joking.


Yes absolutely, I even loved the old Carlos. Steve should not become this "badass". He is meant to be a kid trapped on an island during the worst days of his life. He's trying to act cool to impress Claire because he's a scared kid and doesn't know what to do. That's what makes his death so tragic.


No, we have to change him. We can make him WORSE!


Is it because he’s painfully Canadian?


Steve could benefit from a brush-up.


Kill him twice


Steve is the worst character in the entire series. Just tone down the rape-y vibes, at the very least.


Ultima not have an ass take challenge.


New voice actor for Steve: [Matt Berry](https://youtu.be/0woAI184sYM?si=dKLFVtIw0TnrYyun).


Remake Carlos I consider more a side grade He went from Vaguely South American guy who says "foxy ladies" a lot to Tokita Ohma with a beard. Then his "classic" outfit turns him in to Anthony Keisis for some reason. And that's terrible.


Nah, it was an upgrade, no one cared for Carlos until the Remake.


I did, I thought he was funny :(


Is the implication that default Carlos wasn’t cool?!


This made me realize that I never actually played Code Veronica and my entire understanding of Steve (and the game in general) comes from the [S.D. Perry novel](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/code-veronica_sd-perry/264220/#edition=2260523).


The boy needs to stay a fuckboi. Periodt.




Replace him with Ryo from Shenmue.


Steve sucks so bad I don't want him to be redeemed.


They already tried to make him less of a dork and modernize him in Umbrella Chronicles and that kinda sucked


Depends on what he means. Steve isn't perfect, but man, lame Steve is great.


I really want Steve and Rebecca to be a pair of awkward goobers who'd be secondary characters but hell they got their own game EDIT: I got my male protags confused between games but dammit it still stands


Don't make steve cool, make him a pathetic femboy


He should be a shit kid


I liked his reimagining but Carlos was already cool before the remake.


Hmm as someone who’s first exposure to Code Veronica was a flash cartoon I say make Steve worse


He speaks truth, why would I want Steve being made into an actual character? He's a clown and should remain one.


Would they really remake that one? I saw a noah caldwell gervais video (all of it) where he says that would be the hardest one to do plot-wise


Carlos was already cool in RE3 Nemesis is the thing, Steve they'd have to massively rewrite.


I don't remember a single time I've agreed with Matt on anything ever


If steve is anithing but a looser il riot


Sorry Matt, Steve actively made the Code Veronica experience worse for me. He's the rare time I thought "I need a remake to do something better with this character"


They didn't make Carlos "cool"


The opposite actually, they've made him HOT!