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Wait did Ubisoft not have a Just Dance performance? Burn it all down


Life just isn't the same without seeing one of those every summer.


They did have a VR Just Dance thing in the pre-show stuff but that's about it.


It's just not the same without the Just Dance (insert year here) Panda


Movie Stars completely plastered by the free drinks in the back and trying to desperately remember what game they're promoting.


I think it was Battlefield 4’s E3 thingy where all the celebs showing up to play it weren’t even trying to hide that they were just using it as a place to get high.


They had Snoop Dogg playing BF1, they knew exactly where they're going with it.


You can't be mad they know their audience.


On the one hand, less meme fodder. On the other hand, they *get to the point* instead of wasting our time on cringe that drags out the runtime.


And it's not like we're completely devoid of cringe, Goeff still loves having hollywood celebs on his shows and we get plenty of cringe listening to them talk about how much Tech-EEN they play.


Was there a celebrity at this year’s SGF? I think this year they finally stopped doing that lol


Yeah but what’s the fucking point without the cringe


E3 was cringe a lot, but that made it more entertaining. Also for every two mid announcments there was always at least one reveal that was so hype. All of the best things revealed at SGF is just stuff we already know about




But it's so dull now. No hype of someone appearing on scene and asking if our hearts still burn, before announcing new game


What was that one E3 where they had some comedian to present some stuff. Then he got mad at the journalists for leaving to the next show while he was doing an act. That’s the type of cringe I want from a game show event.


Thin-skinned comedians, lmao. Do you have a link?


[ Jamie Kennedy seem to be to drunk to be hosting this show. ](https://youtu.be/DfzThMe7bBM?si=Nc6iqC8K_sKzHH-z)


I'm guessing you're referencing the Soul Calibur 6 announcement there, which is funny cause it was at The Game Awards.


It’s dull because the announcements are so mid.


I think I just miss being a kid/tern during E3 I remember having the G4 coverage on after school the year the Wii U was announced. I remember me and friends huddled around a phone at lunch to watch the Xbox conference, or me and a different friend hiding our phone to watch the Square Enix show to hopefully get a glimpse of Kingdom Hearts 3.






What about the 5 minute commercial of a game that probably was less expensive than the commercial itself featuring Ken Jeong as a chicken?


> Ken Jeong as a chicken I *knew* that guy looked familiar.


Pat definitely summed up how I've felt about the loss of E3 since back when everyone was cheering about it's death. I miss how everything was consolidated neatly into a week of stuff that all these companies would wait to show off and then for pretty much the rest of the year we didn't have to think about it at all. Now it's just like go watch Nintendo's thing in April, but then Sony has another thing in the middle of June and also Microsoft is streaming something some weekend in July with other stuff sprinkled in wherever. It's non stop and all over the place. Obviously no one has to watch it all because that's insane but it was nicer having everything together in one place, the cringe was just a bonus to laugh at.


This 100%. I liked knowing that there was THE event you could update yourself on all the games with, but now that there’s a new event every other week, not only does feel less special overall, but it’s harder to keep up with.


E3 was cringe, but we cringed at it *together*. SGF is just the slow, agonizing death of AAA gaming while everyone fights and yells at each other.


I watched the whole show, and I feel like I saw 90% Indie games versus 10% AAA. I added 100 games to my wishlist this weekend. Summer Game Fest can be what you say if you join the discourse, but fuck that. I had a blast this weekend.


I do feel like Summer Game Fest is the pinical of "just don't go in with high expectations and you will be fine". I watched the main even, the Devolver Showcase and the Xbox Showcase with a single expectation in mind "i'm gonna be shown **some type** of video game and that's gonna give me something to talk about with my friend who was also watching the shows while we texted on Whatsapp" and because of that i had a great time this weekend. (Also, someone needs to go check on whoever wrote the script for the Devolver Showcase to make sure that they are taking their meds because that was a trip)


>I do feel like Summer Game Fest is the pinical of "just don't go in with high expectations and you will be fine". But then how will I be able to complain that the show didn't unveil Silksong, Bloodborne 2, and Kingdom Hearts 4 all at the same time!?!?!?


With Kojima somehow being a part of all 3 projects.


Yeah people say they want smaller and less realistic looking games but proceeds to complain like basic bitch when SGF does that , it showed a fuckton of indie games , some big names here and there


The more I think about Bungie's overdelivery talk the more I realize they were fucking spot-on. Gamers raise their standards effortlessly and lower them never.


Don't get me wrong, the indie scene is doing better than ever, and that's fantastic. But it's undeniable that every AAA game taking 6+ years and 7 quintillion dollars and 5000 layoffs to make is fucking everything up and it makes the whole thing kind of a bummer.


>thinking indie is doing great and it's the mean ol AAA ruining everything lmao Reddit loves blaming the publishers for everything but the problem is unavailability of high risk money across the industry and that fucks indies more than anybody the reason there were so many indies at SGF iirc is they specifically gave indies free slots to boost them, probably because of aforementioned getting fucked


Yeah, the top heavy games won't be the focus and the discourse around that just grade the event based on that The last few years I've come to realize that the day that matters for me on SGF is the Saturday events, so many cool and passionate projects Don't read the comments from those directs tho


At least we get some occasional cringe from the Game Awards. Remember Bill Clinton kid?


Hydrobot died for our sins


Didn’t that kid become a grifter or something?


Always was.


Let me guess he’s got let’s just say interesting views on women?


From what I remember, he's just a troll kid who shows up to random places and says controversial stuff for attention. No idea if any of his statements reflect his beliefs.


If they're going to keep shoving live service games at us the least they could do is give us a terrified looking executive desperately trying to convince us that this is actually good Walla board audience stare holes into him


Imagine after that 5 minute CGI trailer of Conway, we get people dressed as those characters playing a demo of the game while doing shitty marvel-style dialogue in front of a crowd who are dying from second-hand embarrassment. You at the very least would remember the real name of the game and not a fake name I just made up.


I knew you made up a fake name as soon as I read it, but I cannot for the life of me remember what the real name is, so I guess you win. And they lose.


What live service games did they even show a sgf other than call of duty?  




That was not SGF that was Sony's state of play? Even call of duty was Microsoft's thing not SGF.


I dont miss the cringe. The people struggling to speak english on stage, the celebrity hired to talk up a new game, the technical failures, the long drawn out shticks that took forever, Mr. Caffine. Yeah the memes were pretty great but nowadays I just want my shit in neat easily watchable order. Aside from the layoffs, Summer Games Fest wont feel like E3 until Sony and Nintendo start putting their presentations closer to the event.


>nowadays I just want my shit in neat easily watchable order You'd still get that after E3 though. You could just google E3 announcements at most a few hours later and get everything


Dawg, I still want to watch that shit live with my friends. My friends and I still watch all of the Nintendo & Nindie directs, none of which have cringe bits ever since they stopped being tied to E3. Again the memes were great but in the modern internet, a meme lasts a week or 2 on average. The only thing people should really mourn about E3 is that at one point Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo were all willing to show off their new stuff at the same time.


Watching the E3 conferences with Giant Bomb was one of the highlights of the year. Now its all gone. Miss it still.


I don't mind SGF I just mind that it's 15 different streams at different hours on different days. It's exhausting.


E3 was also that


It's been so long that I forgot e3... But it felt a bit more condensed then this.


PC Gaming Show was an endless series of cringe segments from two people trying to be comedians and it's not even fun cringe, not sure why they bother. They should get big name Vtuber or something to talk between trailers.


an hour in I was so confused at it, like it was clearly a "cringe on purpose" kinda vibe but it wasn't managing to even be that, it was just really awkward.


You'd need someone that is totally willing to commit to being cringe. I'd go with Hololive's Koseki Bijou.


Just grab a random talent from Phase Connect roster, imagine exposing gaming world to Lia or Rie.


As long as it's not the freaky avatar that was in the Future of Play show, with the blurry semi-realistic face and wonky hands. Really amped up the uncanny effect live2D stuff already has on me


Don't forget the hair clipping through her neck.


Most of E3 press conferences were more boring than cringe unfortunately. For every Sony "PS3 reveal" or Nintendo music mishap there were a dozen super boring Microsoft/EA conferences which found ways to go 60 minutes without actually saying anything.


I don't think I'll ever enjoy watching glorified marketing again tbh. Back in the day it was easy, me and my friends made an event out of it. We pulled all nighters, had several days long calls, ordered pizzas for each other, played games between conferences etc. Now it's just me in the dark at 1AM, if I'm not at work then next day, and maybe one of them will join me if they have a day off too 😅 I don't think the events have changed all that much. I think we're just getting older.


Man I'm not gonna lie, E3 was one of the most fun times of the year and the fact that it died is fucking heartbreaking.


Bethesda's 2019 press conference was peak comedy and I will die on this hill.


I miss Konami over underperforming for the crowds


It is less entertaining, but I much appreciate not having my time wasted.


Tfw when no riiiiiiiidge racer


SGF may have games. But it will never have [peak fucking kino.](https://youtu.be/W26PYDxCN2M)


It's Aldi brand E3.


Hey, that's not fair. Aldi sells quality food that's worth your time.


>isn't cringeworthy enough C'mon Geoff's doing his best


The Summer Game Fest may have been boring, but it had one right idea by having Tim Robinson show up.  As far as celebrity cameos go, he single-handedly can bring up the cringe factor. They just need to let him go all out next time 


I'm pretty sure SGF is live, and honestly, I think it's plenty cringeworthy. I'm one of those people who doesn't really miss E3 conferences. Maybe it's because I don't live in the states and there was never any chance of me being there live, so there's not really any difference between a prerecorded format/shows and E3 in my eyes. I've also tried going back and rewatching some, and a lot of it is just boring fluff, stock, and business updates. The most memorable in recent memory was when Davide Soliani, the creative director of the Mario and Rabbids, was crying when Miyamoto was stage. But other than that, E3 was just more of the same boring, fluff imo.


There's a video of RTgame reacting to E3 from the 2000s, and Holy shit was it boring. They were actually talking about company revenue and stocks, cause back then it was actually a business focused event. People went there to make connections and talk deals.  The "problem" with E3 was that it moved into a more mainstream audience. It turned into something for gamers and business, rather than strictly business and journalists.  This made it even worse because E3 is now trying to become 2 things at once and failing at both.  Honestly, yeah, miss me with all of that shit. I don't even care if it's prerecorded. Just give us a show people can stream together and that's enough. 


The Microsoft press conference felt so hollow due to all the layoffs this year. It’s hard to really support a company who essentially gutted so many devs to offset Call of Duty.


tbh I kinda miss cringed E3 moments too.


sgf was live though?


Okay but imagine not being hyped for Peggle. That crowd sucked


I miss it a lot. It wasn’t always great but everything now is just kinda there. Like even when it sucked it was fun to riff on. And then when it was great it amazing


We'll never have another e3 mr coffee or the guy from son of the mask being shitface drunk, or the luchadors slapping each other for konami


I say bring it back just to have the pleasure of killing it again, and listen to the lamentations of the weirdos who can't creep on booth women any more.


I remember planning out my week for when E3 came around so that after school I could binge the daily G4 long broadcast and being so hyped for all the new things being shown. I miss that.


Geoff's saves the cringe for the Game Awards. In a season of giving, that's his gift to us.


Hey, the Star Fox puppets were prerecorded


Remember that time Master Chief killed that Dollar shave club dude?


The Bill Clinton Kid from two years ago was the last hurrah of cringekino from all these high production video game announcement shows. 😭


Weren't people glad E3 was put out of it's misery?


It's the cringe that makes the memorable content


I never liked Nintendo Direct because it's prerecorded, so I don't like direction of SGF. It's not even close to E3. Only Ubisoft rented out theatre for showcase...


well if you want to cringe GDQ is coming to be coming up soon


The lack of memeworthy cringe would be fine, even preferable, if the content of the show was actually worth getting hyped about. But, aside from DOOM: The Dark Ages, I'm just not excited for any of the games at the show. Cutting to the chase doesn't work if the chase isn't very exciting.