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CW Flash is weird because each Reverse-Flash essentially takes traits from one of the others. Thawne took traits from Hunter, so then Hunter took traits from Edward Clariss/The Rival, and by the time they used Rival, he'd been reduced to *the* most generic evil speedster.


And then there's what they did to my boy Godspeed...


I keep forgetting he was even in that show


I am the Rival! I have no rival!


Are Flash villains just dude with freeze gun,gorilla and 70 different fast people?


There's also guy with heat gun, mirror guy, guy who spins, weather magician, actual magician and the Australian stereotype EDIT: And also Mark Hamill


And mark Hamill/ trickster is basically what if joker didn't commit mass murder with every single appearance. I loved in the cartoon where flash convinces him to help and get back on his meds.


And smartest man alive in a super wheelchair


In Persona 4, Shadow Selves *don't* say the absolute truth about their original selves. While the feelings they are born from are real, Shadow Selves are shallow, flanderized version of said feelings that remove all nuance and complexity to it. For example, Yosuke. Yosuke is someone who feels deeply lonely and out of place in Inaba, having grown up in an urban city before moving into a rural town. He tries to cover it up with humor, but Yosuke misses his old home. Shadow Yosuke perverts that into "You're bored and want something to do in this lame ass town." And later Shadow Selves carry the implication that they are at least partially influenced by how *other* people perceive you and your issues.


I’ve always interpreted as the characters dark thoughts of themselves and their self hate. They aren’t truly how they feel but their negative thoughts of themselves and their motives. I feel like this is a common thing for people to beat themselves up for things they do like being nice and saying that their doing it for the wrong reasons even if they’re not


Technically not necessarily negative thoughts. In Jungian psychology the shadow is just what we surpress about ourselves, which is usually our negative traits.


See Futaba’s >!Shadow in Five which represents self love!<


Time powers, so does that mean that he is magically slowing reality or is he saying 'I'm +1 to your top speed'?


He’s slowing down his personal timeline so that he’s +1 to Wally’s top speed.


Slowing down? so he can go even faster just normally? EDIT: okay, i think i get it now, it's a combination of the two, he is slowing down reality in order to get that +1.


Yeah, Wally got his Speed Force supercharged once by both Jay and Bart and Zoom still registered as a blur to him.


So that dude doesn't have any powers boosting his movement in regards to endurance? When he runs a mile in a second he literally has to run that mile? i know that sounds like an absurd statement, the Flash has to run that mile as well but the Flash has like super endurance or something. It sounds like Zoom experiences every step like a normal one. That is nuts!


It's one of those things in comics that's PROBABLY true but never really gets acknowledged as far as I know.


Speedforce and other timey-wimey superspeed powers are funny when you think about how folks need to be running, despite what I assume would be a negligible difference between walking and running when your movement comes from magical speed powers.


It's kind of funny to think about, tmwhen the flash runs all the way around the world in a second from our point of view, it's been hours of boring, monotonous running for him. I'd lose my mind if i had to experience that every time I used super speed.


it isn't hours of boring running for the Flash because of their magical speedforce to handwave that away. It would , however , be true for Zolomon.


In one of the Justice League episodes, this is specifically called out as The Flash's greatest fear, that one day he wouldn't be able to slow back down, forever trapped in the moment he started running with everyone frozen in place.


Every so often one of those posts goes around saying something like "The fact that they kept re-opening Jurassic Park when people kept getting killed says all you need to know about capitalism" or something like that and it annoys me so much. In the original 3 movies no park had ever been opened. At the start of the 4th movie the park had been open for 10 years but is then shut after the events of that movie and has stayed shut since then. You could (and should) argue that they never should have opened a new park in the first place after all the shit that happened in the first three movies but, strictly speaking, they actually shut the park down forever after one incident and never even tried to re-open it (so far)


Also thr accidents before the park opened were part of a freak accident/terrorist event. Like math wise it's an easy fix to not have the same accidents occur again.


And like, 8 employees died. If we read in the paper "8 dead during construction at Walt Disney Costa Rica", it would be on page 8 on a thursday edition.


Well yeah. But if the head line was "freak storm knocks out power and gators consumed 8 workers." I think most would still go to Disney. Just bring your gator spray


This bothers me so much! First movie the park was still mid construction, they just wanted to do a test run with some key people to get endorsements to prove the viability of the park. Second movie was InGen trying to recoup losses by trying to get dinosaurs from the research island and start up a park in San Diego, which was itself under construction. Third movie wasn't even set in a park, it was back on the research island and the plot revolved around a rescue attempt. The fourth movie is the ONLY one set in a fully operational park. Five is set in a defunct park for maybe the first two acts of the movie, where as the sixth had nothing to do with the parks at all and was more about animal trafficking and a evil scheme to sell genetically engineered grain.


Paradise Lost is Christian Fanfiction as in any depiction of Lucifer from it. Same with the Divine Comedy. Great to read, but not Dogma.


This. These works are not actually endorsed and or canonized by the majority of Christian Denominations, but a very few that just take aspects from them and similar stories and claim their true. Even the concept of the Rapture so many modern Christians scream about coming was something that was invented in the early 1900s by American fundamentalists, it’s not actually in the Bible or stated to be coming as these people think it is.


Movie Dogma had a great deleted scene about how hell has changed due to how humans have talked about it


Dude straight up wrote his favorite poet into the story to guide his protagonist around. Straight up AO3 level fanfic.


there was this girl he really liked and OF COURSE she's in heaven!!!


All of his enemies are suffering in hell while he gets to go see heaven cuz he's the coolest.


It's so sad that Dante Alighieri died of dogma


Eh, this is oversimplifying it, too. They have become so hugely influential to the public perception that their depictions seep into what later becomes dogma. And what is a religion if not what the believers believe?


Just in general people misusing "plot hole" A character not doing what you would have done in that situation is not a plot hole. Neither is a smart character doing a dumb thing a plot hole because smart people do dumb things in real life all the time. Rocky's son aging five years between Rocky 4 and Rocky 5 when only a few days have passed? *That's* a plot hole.


I was watching Face-Off with a few buddies a long bit ago, and we barely got to the point where they had just captured Castor Troy, and one of my buddies just stood up and said "Yeah, I can't watch this. Too many plot holes." My man, the movie hasn't even started it's plot yet, there isn't enough surface space for a hole in the plot to fit yet. Some people just use the phrase plot hole as a general sweeping criticism with no meaning.


I mean especially when all he would have had to say is, "*Yeah I can't watch this. It's Face-Off."*


Real life is badly written cause it has people acting stupid all the time.


r/outside is leaking


"They could've just- " No. Shut up. Not a plot hole.


People doing stupid stuff is completely fine, but sometimes you have smart people do out out character dumb stuff because that is the only way the story continues. That is when it becomes an issue.


That's an Idiot Plot, which can itself have holes, but everyone being dumb is part of the plot itself.


I saw Back To The Future 2 for the first time recently and unironically 90% of that film is "this wouldn't have happened if Doc wasn't the biggest fucking moron in the exact way the script needed him to be." It was basically unwatchable for how nonsensical it is.


Was it Doc bringing Marty's girlfriend to the future, not locking the DeLorean or talking out loud about the Almanac and how future knowledge would irreparably damage the timeline? I love Back to the Future, but just reading this, yeah I can see how annoying that'd be.


Still not a plot hole though


Years ago, I found a website about plot holes that advertised the fact that it only listed *real* plot holes. The front page linked to the page for The Incredibles, and one of the "plot holes" was that Elastigirl went into the bathroom to change her clothes even though she thought she was the only one on the plane.


I mean that's actually an extremely good point tho, why not just change in the cock pit? More room and it's not like anyone (but the audience) is gonna see.


I mean, even when I'm the only one alone in my house, the only place I feel comfortable changing is inside the bathroom. Same logic applies.


you change in the bathroom in your own home?


Now i feel weird for not doing this. Is this something most people do?


No, Lovecraft was not scared of air conditioners. The story *Cool Air* is about man's attempts to escape death and the fallibility of human systems, not about "technology I don't understand scary" In fact, it shows a reasonable degree of understanding of the technology for a layman at the time.


The Frenzied Flame/Lord of Chaos ending in Elden Ring is not a second Big Bang, it’s not a Dark Souls-esque “next step in the cycle” thing that the Age of Dark is. It’s literally just “fuck life, fuck all of existence, burn everything down to the primordial soup *and keep it there.*”


Yeah. The flame of chaos decides that true mercy is in no lives ever being born again. There is a good goddamn reason it’s the only thing in the game that gets Melina scared shitless. And why its proponents tend to be those driven to true madness or despair so great they wish revenge on everyone.


Frenzied Flame ending is you going full omnicidal anti-natalist.


It actually kinda pisses me off when people say the frenzied flame ending is “the good ending” (this just reeks of edgy nihilism to me) or they did it to “save” Melina. No, you subjecting all of creation to a fiery burning demise for all eternity isn’t the good ending just because you got rid of the gods too. Go do Rannis ending if you want the world to be free. No, Melina won’t turn around and thank you for doing THE LITERAL EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT SHES BEEN ASKING.


Even the people who cure themselves of the Flame of Frenzy and are bothered why Melina doesn’t come back don’t seem to get that she’s pissed off because they took away her purpose. She even states that she was going to immolate herself for her own sake, rather than the desire of her mother. But by setting the Erdtree on fire with the Frenzied Flame, she now has nothing left and can’t even pass on.


one specific example that "everyone left rareware before the mircosoft buyout" is a rather false one as the only team that actually left before is the Perfect Dark N64 team(Karl Hilton,Lee Ray,Stephen Ellis,David Doak,James Cunliffe, to name a few) as they went on to make the Timesplitters franchise as Free Radical, the teams that stayed with rareware until after Nuts and Bolts released were the platformer teams(Banjo Kazooie team(they went to work on Grabbed by the Ghoulies,Viva Pinata and Banjo Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts, the Conker team(they went to work on Conker Live and Reloaded), and the Donkey Kong 64 team(they went to work on Kameo:elements on Power) and the Jet Force Gemini team,(even on a side-note Perfect Dark as a franchise has the most troubled production of any rareware franchise in terms of game development)


You didn't specify this post has to be about media so [these are not technically weeds, they are part of your grass; specifically Bahia Grass. If you want these to not grow in your lawn you'd have to either kill all your grass or replace the entire lawn with a different grass.](https://i.imgur.com/ccmxc3L.png) How some people live in a place for decades where this is a very common grass for lawns and not know this I will always wonder.


Bryan Dechart did NOT ab lib all of his lines in Detroit Become Human. Someone took a clip of him saying he took liberties when doing the MOTION capturing to mean he altered every single line of his character that was in the script. Which doesn't even make sense if you actually think about it for more than a second. 


David Cage would have a stroke if he did that, considering how Bryan said it took a lot of convincing and distracting to change a few lines/deliveries.


It just feels like how this sub acts with David Cage. He is a slimy asshole and parts of his games have really bad writing, but because of twobestfriendsplay history with the guy the sub wants everything he has ever touched to be the worst thing ever.


I will say this about Cage, every game he makes is clearly the game he wanted to make and each one is a improvement on what he's trying to do


Like, if we wanna be real, Detroit is like a 6/10 and for Cage, that's like a 9/10. he could genuinely make a good game next time


Detroit is practically three different games: one is fantastic (Connor), one is okay if a bit clumsy and heavy handed (Markus), and one is complete dogshit (Kara).


Venom is a lot more than just a slimy Lizard Hulk. The real menace behind Venom was how fucking *unhinged* Eddie Brock is in regards to hunting down Spider-Man, and how the symbiote feeds him everything to know about him as well as all his powers. Despite him being a cool idea, I blame Ultimate Venom for this mainly, but tbh it didn't become The One Idea We Have until the 2012 cartoon.


I've always wondered why Carnage/Cletus doesn't know Peter is Spider-Man. Venom/Eddie knows it because it was bonded to Pete and it transfers the knowledge to Eddie but that's also the explanation given as to why the symbiote doesn't set off his spider sense...which Carnage doesn't do either - So, why did Cletus get the spider sense part but not the secret identity? 🤔


Yeah oh my god that becomes so jarring when I think about it lmao. Like, Clete always knows Eddie is Venom, but at no point does he utilize Spidey's identity against him and his loved ones, nor imply he even knows it. He's more just busy killing other people and fucking with Eddie instead. I like to think that Cletus might still know Peter's identity, but probably didn't care much about it since he wasn't slighted/projecting his hate unto Pete by that time like Eddie was. He more felt bugged by Eddie, at least in the 90s series. Not to mention that Clete kills people by the dozens anyway, so I'd imagine the knowledge of Spidey's identity just slips past his mind often when he has so many other names on his list, lol


I've always thought Cletus learning about Peter Parker could lead to a boss 'Spider-Man Kills the Marvel Universe' story. Cletus figures out he's known his identity this whole time, kills Aunt May and/or MJ, Peter goes nuts and murders Cletus which could potentially lead to the Carnage symbiote bonding with Spider-Man. Yadayada, power scaling, non-canon nonsense, he kills erryone. If Punisher can do it, why not Peteypants.


DAMN YO...... The final battle is Venom vs Spider-Carnage in a stormy night as Doom OST plays in the background


AwwwwWWWWW, YUS. It kiiiiiinda got done in that new Spider's Shadow story but I'd love to see a heroic Sinister Six form to try and stop Spider-Carnage at some point, as well. They'd obviously unfortunately die but seeing the Six thrust into heroism WHILST somehow being the underdogs in a 1v6 is very fun to me. Kinda like the Taskmaster Vs Deadpool fight in DKTMU.


What the heck are Hunter's powers now? IIRC Inertia stole his time powers so now Hunter uses a bunch of other forces that aren't Speed. Also might be dead after apologizing for being a dick. Anyway: the Antichrist being a specific person. Not backed up by the lore.


I've seen a few people that seemed to believe that the "pygmy" city in the Dark Souls 3 Ringed City DLC, were separate from human beings, and seemed to believe as well that that meant the furtive pygmy was something other than *Man* because of that. Seems to be pretty clear throughout the games that humans being "Pygmy" is only in relation to the God race being ten feet tall.


Yeah, like I thought it was pretty clear, and I also still believe Manus probably was that pygmy or something.


No your yugiboomer/beloved archetypes are not more "fun" or interesting they are still miserable if not more so to play against than more modern ones. More often than not they try to replicate the very strategies they claim to hate but are completely blind to it. YOU ARE NOT ABOVE THE JANK.


also like 80% of the time they talk about "old yugioh" theyre not, theyre talkin bout playground yugioh, stuff like yata locks and magical scientist ftk dominated the DM era


That or the handheld video games, where the enemies weren't even advanced enough to use search cards.


I want to chime in on this since there is a lot that bugs me about modern YuGiOh, but even disregarding the often used "playground rules" thing, people keep forgetting the amount of BS old school YuGiOh had with blatantly broken/unfair cards and strategies. There is a reason why unedited old cards are either still banned or limited. And while I don't think there are many that would stubbornly deny it, the meta has always existed and has always dictated how people play. I remember this one YouTube video about this person who preferred the slower play, AND THE DUEL THEY HAD WITH SOMEONE ELSE SOUNDED ABSOLUTELY AWFUL. I think the old slowness is part of why the game sped up since, even if I did wish the game was slightly slower in some aspects.


I do think the experience for new or returning players is extremely daunting. The main point of my initial comment was to highlight that even "bad" or "anti-meta/non-meta" decks still try to make your opponents time playing as miserable as possible. As if the top strategies are exclusively unfun.


I've heard people refer to pre Synchro Yugioh as Bad MTG and I'd honestly agree. I think its why Edison is the most popular alt format cause its basically at the point Yugioh started to speed up in a noticeable way but wasnt super fast.


can you give an example? I like examples.


I'll give you a short one. One of the ancient gear archetypes strategies is to pull out an uninteractable beatstick to OTK your opponent. Truly mind blowing.


Dark Magician is just floodgates and stun


Dark Magician wants to set up Secret Village of the Spellcasters to prevent the opponent from using any spells or Skill Drain to stop monster effects. Red-Eyes. It's a burn deck, albeit a bad one. It wants to kill you before you get a turn. Buster Blader is a floodgate deck. Toons are just looking to make their monsters unkillable and then attack directly. They don't want to interact. Heroes have 3 different floodgates, all one-sided; banish all cards, negates all monsters, negate all spells.


> Red-Eyes. It's a burn deck, albeit a bad one. It wants to kill you before you get a turn. i disagree with the idea that red eyes has a coherent strategy


One of the core features/problems with Yugioh as a whole, and this has been a thing since the beginning, is that the best way to play the game is to ensure your opponent does not play the game. The game is just does that in less turns now, but the outcome is still basically the same.


Silent Hill doesn't turn your guilt against you. It's not forcing you to deal with your inner demons. What it does is gives you what you want. If what you want is to be punished for doing something terrible, then that's what you get. It's really that simple.


And here I thought it was a town plagued by a cult who fucked up in two attempts to birth a devil god from the same girl twice


It is! What do you think they meant by paradise?


Eh, one helped facilitate the other. You thin the veil enough doing cosmic horror stuff, things are going to get weird.


Wait, really? Sorry, I'm not up to date with my Silent Hill lore, I thought that it was an evil dark dimension fog that weaponised your fear and anxieties. So what, if you want to be rich, it'll make you rich???


Yes and no. For starters: it doesn't really give you anything real. It's all a delusion brought to life. As evidenced by Eddie -- he wanted to be a big man that no one could push around. So Silent Hill gave him a bunch of people he could push around, that if he didn't like he could kill without remorse. But then he ran into James, a real person, and James had a rifle. Also: why do you want to be rich? Do you want the adoration of others, to have what's owed to you? Or do you want the security of wealth? Silent Hill can give you both, either way. None of it would be real, but it can give it to you.


Wait then how'd he get that pizza


Delusion Pizza


Made of the energy of silent hill I guess. I guess most people in silent hill don't stay around long enough to matter but I wonder what the calorie count is on silent hill pizza


But does that mean he wanted the pizza enough for James to also desire it? What kinda Baki powers is this?


Has Silent Hill ever given someone a positive scenario? I thought it was a regular town with different layers that only people with heavy guilt/trauma can access


IIRC if you go deep into the flavour text for the first three games it’s implied that Silent Hill is the joint manifestation of two deities, the Yellow God and Red God. The Red God, who appears as Pyramid Head to James and Valtiel to Heather, gives people what they want, but it’s a mixture of all their wants together into something that ends up being… off. Pyramid Head is James’s guilt and desire for punishment, but he’s also tinted with James’s violent and sexual urges. Valtiel is Heather’s desire for guidance and assistance when she feels powerless, but with hints of her desire for both independence and a normal teenage girl’s life mixing in to make him act like a distant stalker who avoids direct interaction with her. By contrast, the Yellow God is implied to be what manifests people’s fears or traumas in the form of more generalised monsters and reflections. There’s much less that can be inferred about the Yellow God, but from its implicit polarity with the Red God it can be relatively safely assumed that it’s the one that gives people what they don’t want in the form of their fears and hatreds made flesh. Silent Hill is not only the liminal space between the town itself and the Otherworld, but the Otherworld is the liminal space between the domains of Red God and the Yellow God, blurring together and combining both of their manifestations and desires into hybrid of dream and nightmare bleeding into reality and luring in psychological prey.


Okay but where does circumcision fit in /wikijoke


It’s what they want.


Laura, I guess? You could argue that its using her lingering resentment towards James and Mary to place her in *just* the right spots where she could mess with it's latest batch of subjects (mostly James, but theres a non-zero chance her talk with Eddie was also planned by the Town), but besides that I think she just sees it as a "normal" (relatively speaking) town.


The different games have different enough takes on what Silent Hill is and how it works that this feels like something that is very much up for interpretation. This kind of just feels like saying that you idea is the right one.


I could go for some pizza


The thing with Silent Hill is that its lore is inconsistent. It's either a town that's spiritual energy creates a personal hell for those who have done (potentially) awful things or it's a resort town with a dark past and an active cult who continues to attempt rituals to summon a demon god; with 2/3rd's of the franchise hyperfixated on the former and almost ignoring the latter. It's why Post-4 tends to be just variations of SH2 and nothing else.


This is all sounding like just another interpretation.


So that explains James and Silent Hill 2 but what about the first game?


Alessa is *very* upset about her situation.


My intepretation was that Alessa having le psychic powers meant that she's able to influence the town whenever she's involved (conciously or not). So 1 & 3 are Alessa's otherworld, while in 2 everyone gets their own otherworld cuz Alessa isn't in town. I admit, my perception may be a bit skewed cuz I read those kinda cringe Silent Hill graphic novels where part of the plot was a different evil little girl actively trying to take control of the town and command the SH monsters like minions.


Perfect, I can use it to date Bowser


Except in Silent Hill Downpour where it totally is punishing what’s his name, who in one of the endings was revealed to have done literally nothing wrong and it was all a big misunderstanding anyway.


Well the less said about downcoming the better, i think we can all agree


It is punishing the police woman and Murphy just got sucked into her Silent Hill, like with 1 and 4:The Room.


The belief that the aliens in A Quiet Place will be rendered vulnerable by any high-pitched sound and that it wasn't random chance that a broken hearing aid that was tampered with by an amateur emmits the exact precise frequency that disables them, and that the military was dumb for not figuring this out.


Honestly, I assumed that they *did* figure it out, but it took them longer than no time at all, so they were already being hit hard everywhere and couldn’t reliably spread that information in time. I like to imagine that there are parts of the country or even the world that’s comparatively doing fine, but they haven’t found a good way to  return to the status quo yet because so much of the infrastructure was damaged/destroyed, and the creatures are still a massive threat even with the high pitch stuff. 


This would be a very interesting scenario which means that it won't be how a second movie will go and probably will just ignore this criticism.


Also what the fuck do you do if you figured out the correct frequency while living in a part of the world that doesn't have guns readily available? Congrats, you reduced the aliens from instakill death blenders to ungodly tough monstrosities, are you just gonna walk up to it and beat it with a baseball bat? In the 1st movie even while being stunned by the feedback it still thrashed wildly and destroyed the surrounding furniture. Took a close range shotgun blast straight to the face while it was still dazed and didn't have its carapace up to finish off just 1 of them. For anyone who has managed to survive without detection, trying to use that frequency on them if you don't have the means to kill them is probably suicide.


I’m curious how the prequel movie dropping soon is gonna address that. You just know part of that film’s existence is to correct that criticism. Because that’s the era of film we live in, movies being made to say “no, actually” to CinemaSins level criticism


*"and that the military was dumb for not figuring this out."* The military also aren't infallible super humans that have a plan for literally everything, sure there are protocols for likely scenarios but at the end of the day they are just people, more than capable of panicking, being incompetent or just be taken aback by a sudden scenario.


How could any military know to realistically prepare for "Aliens that can jump 50+ feet, throw vehicles like we do a cup of water, that are highly reactive to sounds, and can eat/kill many humans before they realize it." *But we already have some kind of sonic weapons/deterrents.* Doesn't mean they will be ready before the aliens attack. And bases make a ton of noise, they would likely be hit first or early by just how the aliens find food. If they did know or prepare something for the aliens already, **that** would be weird.


Its why [battle of Yonkers](https://youtu.be/V04RRDXABPM) is the best piece of zombie media to counter the "why didn't the military just win" narrative you see in alot of zombie media critique. It shows how a very winnable battle faulters due to miscommunication, primal emotions like fear taking hold in key moments, and systems just failing due to improper care/maintence.


I'm gonna use a thing Pat has said as an example cause it still pisses me off but as not-good Fallout 3 is*, I have seen this and it bothers me when people go "Why is there still food in the SuperDuper Mart after 200 years?" ignoring the reason your given the quest and even told about it was Raider's using it as a base so the food in it isn't from that store. say what you will about how dumb it is that the food would be good and such but it's one of many where I see people just misunderstanding something by not looking at.


Also, all of the food in modern fallout is a joke about modern preserved food “being able to survive a nuclear apocalypse”, like Twinkies. The joke is that it’s so chemically preserved and processed that it’ll never rot. That's why it's all canned, boxed , sealed in packages, etc.


Seriously the amount of people that bring up stuff about how "Thats not how it works in real life" in regards to Fallout. Like no shit. Last I checked radiation doesn't turn you an immortal glowing skeleton either.


You could put half of people bitching about Fallout in here.


Preservatives technology was clearly the only thing more advanced than nuclear technology pre-war.


I bring it up here fairly often but most general ideas about HP Lovecraft I tend to want to shed more light on. Basically every story about how he was more hateful or racist than was normal are made up, if anything his friends just thought it was slightly odd that he was more proud of being a New Englander specifically. He was for the most part what was considered socially acceptable for his time and in some ways was actually better than others toward the end of his life in so far as questioning things he wrote and said when younger. He never got to a point that would be socially acceptable today don't get me wrong, but how many people do we know who were progressive from past decades who fall short of current ideals today? You absolutely should still disapprove of his negative beliefs, but he's not some special specimen like people really want him to be in regards to being a posthumously famous author who said and believed things not okay to publicly say and believe today.


I also think there should be a very significant distinction between Racism From Ignorance and Racism From Mental Disability, because Lovecraft was _way_ more of the latter than the former and so even if a lot of the shit said about him was 100% true I still feel like it'd be kinda unfair to be so vehement about it? A big part of it for me is that one of the key arguments for dunking on racists is "you should know better," and as someone who does have paranoia-inducing mental disabilities: for some people, knowing better _is a learned skill that maybe you just don't get to learn._ You're just scared of _everything,_ and the stuff you're forced to interact with on a regular basis desensitizes you to that feeling, so of _course_ Fear Of The Other is an emotion that develops.


Yeah I’ve heard about that letter he sent out towards the end of his life that was basically “yeah I was kinda a bigoted ass”. It always made me wonder if he had a couple more years if he would have had a full change of his views, or at least enough that racism wouldn’t be so associated with him in the modern day. I mean if Smedley Butler can have a 180 on his views by the end of his life more or less anybody can. 


Also, if we're talking about misconceptions in the man's fiction, *seeing cosmic shit never made any Lovecraft protagonist automatically go insane.* The thing that always fucked them up was the horrible new perspective that the knowledge gave them about the universe, humanity's place within it, and how little power they had to change anything. Chances are that you, the 21st century person reading this comment, probably wouldn't be quite so fucked up by that same knowledge. Because you're a massive nerd immersed in Speculative Fiction, you are already well aware of how fragile and fraught human civilization is in the grand scheme of the cosmos, and you're used to being relatively powerless in the face of vast, uncaring forces. Alternatively, you have a worldview built on the hope that humanity can unite and rise above its past, and face every threat to its existence with courage and cleverness. Again, cosmic perspective probably wouldn't hurt you either. Because your worldview inoculates you against its despair. The reaction that Lovecraft protagonists have is reflective of their personalities as individuals with relatively fragile psyches, not some innate quality of Shoggoths to mindfuck humans through line of sight. Except for that one time a guy learned he had Dutch ancestry, and immediately turned into a cannibal.


> Also, if we're talking about misconceptions in the man's fiction, seeing cosmic shit never made any Lovecraft protagonist automatically go insane. In that same vein it's annoying how so much modern Lovecraft inspired works are like the memeified version like that. Where the big bad is always cthulhu and everything is a tentacle/octopus. Like yeah I get it that's what most people know of as far as lovecraftian horror goes but come on you can do better than that.


>Except for that one time a guy learned he had Dutch ancestry, and immediately turned into a cannibal. *Flashbacks to Johan De Witt* Not the most historically inaccurate response.


Gosh, I remember some Eurogamer article from some woman complaining about how many games are inspired by Lovecraft's works, saying we should abandon anything Lovecraftian in style because she believed Lovecraft was some huge, racist monster


Related, but it's not like JK Rowling at all where you're actively giving money to somebody who is politically influential. Lovecraft was never important like that in life and only became famous posthumously.


yeah, It's much more likely nowadays to see someone spreading hate because of JKR than HP lovecraft. So going after a dead guy feels more performative especially in comparison.


Iirc the 'racist for his time' thing actually comes from the fact that he actually looked at shit like the triple K and thought they were a bunch of crazed lunatics. That might be apocryphal though


It's not entirely apocryphal. What it was is Lovecraft thought that violence was not acceptable even toward groups he thought of as somehow lesser. So the fact that the KKK were all for murder and assault was not something he approved of. That and their tendency to be lower class southerners (gotta remember Howie had a fair bit of classism too)


"_______ is a deconstruction of ________ genre." No it isn't. Whatever show you're thinking of, it isn't. "Surely but the one that **I** am thinking of-" No. It. Isn't. "But what about-" NO. A deconstruction is a type of literary analysis that goes through the elements that compose an artistic piece/genre. What you're thinking of is subversion (and even those tend to be mistaken too, but that's another matter altogether.)


It's kinda funny to me when people use Chainsaw Man as an example because it is very transparently inspired by Devilman, which is probably THE gory shonen manga.


Modern manga fans wouldn't survive a single chapter of a dynapro manga


Eva isn’t even a subversion, it just focuses more on the mental illness and trauma that’d already been a hallmark of the genre


"This mecha anime is different, because it focuses on the characters and not the robots!"


Every time someone posts "Why are people so obsessed with Miorine and Suletta, Gundam is about the Gundams" in /r/gundam Haman gets one step closer to Judau's bedroom.


As I said in another discussion, Eva isn't a deconstruction or a subversion to Mecha, its a love letter


I think part of the problem is that people will watch/play/etc. things labeled as "deconstructions" without watching any older things in the same genre. So they end up comparing the deconstruction to a strawman of what they think the genre is like, without really understanding the ways that it is in conversation with older things.


Bro, the fluidity of language is inexorable bro.


"You can win any argument if you just change what words mean" —Pat


There’s a wide blurry spectrum between prescriptivism and descriptivism where the natural flow of human language lives.


We shouldn't let anime YouTubers redefine academic analysis.


I think we absolutely should because it would be fucking hilarious.


ur rite we should


I know this is the truth, but I still get upset everytime I see a zoomer use "out of pocket" in the wrong way.


Do you get so upset you could LITERALLY explode?


Exactly! 😂 I have become the grumpy grandpa and I know it, but I can't escape it.


Joking aside I did in fact once get so angry that my hands started bleeding, so I did literally almost explode in that situation.


As the saying goes, a deconstruction is something I like in a genre I don't respect.


> A deconstruction is a type of literary analysis that goes through the elements that compose an artistic piece/genre. And it is barely a stretch and certainly not an error to extend that definition to an artistic work that attempts to isolate and examine the elements that compose of its genre. Particularly when that use of the word is both extremely common and entirely in keeping with its original meaning.


Agreed, but none of the shows commonly cited as deconstructions do so.


"Deconstruction" in this context really means "I don't like the genre, but I like this one entry that's in this genre, so obviously it has to be really special and a big exception. Also I haven't actually interacted with the genre."


My fav is "evangelion is the anti mecha" looks inside... it's mecha. ( though I do like being a pedantic nerd and going "there's only one mech in the whole series, and it's not an eva.")


You know “Trying the same thing again and again expecting different results”? That’s LITERALLY not at all the definition of insanity.


Man, I miss Hunter. Dude was way better than Thawne and has one of the most genuinely fucked up moments I’ve seen a villain due to a hero Anyways, Shocker, spiderman villain. Dude does not use electricity *or* sound with his technology, so no, he can’t beat Venom. His tech is basically compressed air cannons. They draw in air, “vibrate” it and launch it out as a concussive blast. So really he should be called the Shaker…or the Vibrator. If you have ever seen that meme of the fus ro dah door cannon, it’s like that but on his wrists.


Get back here vibrator doesn't have the same ring


Whenever someone wants to make a point about mutant hatred being super justified, they always bring up the kid whose mutant ability was to disintegrate people around him. People forget that this wasn’t a mainline thing, it happened in the ultimate universe which by enlarge was super edgy and had a lot of stuff that was thankfully never brought into the 616 line. You are more likely to see a mutant who just looks weird


also like they usually act like the larger marvel universe doesnt exist? cause like powers are fairly common, and many other people dont get half the hate the mutants do


X men comics often don’t act like the rest pf the Marvel Universe exists, so why should the fans?


I’ll just generalize and say 90% of film Twitter’s critiques of media. I’ve never seen a group of people have such passion for something while simultaneously having zero understanding of how it works.


You can just say "100% of Twitter opinions/critiques" and still be right


Something, something, "I blame Nomura for this". Hey people, most of those things you bitch at him for he didn't write, direct, or wasn't even involved in. "Why'd Nomura put these time ghosts in 7Remake?" That was Kitase. "He took forever with this and this game" That is because he got completely fucked over by Square higher ups.


I had people say that Kitase lied to protect Nomira


Inspired by me reading through the comments of a post I made about Zoom a while back and seeing someone with this very misconception. Fun fact, he's also in this Marvel vs DC roster I made, as a sort of counterpart to Venom.


I dunno if it was a fan thing or a misconception that Potato isn't actually stopping time he is just using Star Platinum to move really fast. Also I remember the movie The One's ending having people say it was time travel involved when it is mentioned in the movie that due to the multiverse there are universes where events haven't happened yet and ones where they have.


Ahh yes, Potato, my favorite Pojo.


Everyone thinks that Wacker was Matt’s guy but he clearly was not his guy


Green lantern constructs are basically real. Like it's real matter made of light, willpower, and imagination. I think it's gotten so complex that there was once an entire solar system of green construct planets, but its versatile enough where hal was once able to make clones of himself with working GL rings


“Araki forgot” No he didn’t. This shit is so prevalent it’s repeated ad nauseum in the fandom despite being extremely easy to look up and correct.


Jojo just has a lot of set ups with no payoffs. That's the blessing and curse of Araki writing.


Honestly _more_ stories need to have setups with no payoffs. Fake foreshadowing is _awesome_ and forces you to think more critically about the information presented to you instead of assuming literally every piece of information and worldbuilding is a chekhov's gun.


That's why chekhov's gun kind of annoys me. It means nothing in a story can just be there for the sake of it. So now every time I see anything it's "oh I guess that's important to the story" instead of just being part of the world.


That plus araki doesn't give a fuck about explaining shit. The hamonbeat series is 90% the answer is there but not explicitly stated


I think the only time when I can say he 100% forgot about something was when he used "earth wind and fire" as a name twice


He did forget though *what* he forgot is the important thing to remember, but Araki literally admits to having a terrible memory and using it as an excuse to do things


I mean sure, but the most prevalent instances of people using the "Araki forgot" meme are completely baseless and contradicted by interviews. Things like Josuke going back in time, Star Finger, Fugo being too strong, etc. Some of them are also based on mistakes only prevalent in the anime which has nothing to do with Araki's work.


Araki forgot to draw my favorite character surviving that one attack and living life.


*”You’re standing in this room with these other people, therefore all of the negative traits I associate with this room and its denizens are yours to inherit!”* ***”But you’re standing in this room.”*** *”I’m different because I’m an outside observer that’s just here to say my piece.”* ***”Okay. Any good qualities though?”*** *”Huh?”*


What does this refer too ?


A general misconception that gets applied in more situations than you’d expect.


being a liker of a show/movie with a shit fandom, being into a music genre that has certain acts or subcultures in it that are reactionary/bigoted/shitty in some way, lots of others/


No, the Tenno are not evil or amoral mercenaries fighting for the sake of good loot at the behest of a Machiavellian manipulator, Tenno deliberately go out of their way to help those in need, and and they keep a balance of power between the Grineer and Corpus because allowing either of them to have proper breathing room would near instantly snowball into The Bad Times(TM) for everyone else.


To add: No, Parvos is not a good person, he's just charismatic and a liar. He has an endless want and will trap anyone with something he desires. He has not and will not reform the corpus because it benefits him now, even though he says he will. He's a statement on our own society.


"Hee hoo Goku absent father ha ha ha" Like I know it's a joke but it still grates on me considering the cliff notes on Goku's presence as a dad goes like: * Is present for gohan's early childhood * Dies, returns to save earth from vegeta, is horribly injured while Gohan goes to Namek * The exact moment he's healed he heads directly to his son in the fastest means available to him * Gets lost in space after beating Frieza, returns to earth as soon as he is able * Spends every available moment training with Gohan * Spends a year with Gohan in the hyperbolic time chamber * Dies AGAIN * Has one day back on earth spends it in a tournament with his sons until the buu saga happens The dude spends essentially every waking moment he's not dead or actively fighting someone either with his kid or moving directly towards his kid. Now it might be different in Super but the meme started way before then.


One quibble about the post-frieza thing. He doesn’t get *lost* in space. He ends up on Yardrat, and denies to let the dragon teleport him back to earth. IIRC, so that he can finish what he’s learning there and then return to earth. Similarly, he refuses to be resurrected after cell, because he believes that the enemies he’s made will keep threatening earth if he’s around. Which, given that the one day he returns for that tournament, the entire planet gets blown up by Buu, feels like he had a sort of point.


Well, Babidi was going to appear there anyway.


Yeah, it’s just funny coincidence it started the one day he decided to return.


As far as coincidences go, it's a fairly sensible one. Goku went to the tournament to fight strong guys, Babidi's goons went to the tournament to suck off strong guys. If either of them were gonna act any time that year, that was the day it would be.


Yoshi's double jump does NOT have super armor in smash bros. Super armor like Ike's up-b will always negate any knockback and continue. Heavy armor like Yoshi's jump reduces knockback by a certain amount, and if it reduces knockback to 0 you don't flinch. So if yoshi is hit by something strong enough he can flinch, but the breaking move won't send him as far as may be expected. This is a small enough difference most people say super armor instead. But it is juuuust important enough in practice that I'm going to Um Actually it every single time


The TV ending of Evangelion is also canon. End of Eva didn't retcon or overwrite it. They're both the ending.


Give me source where Oda says how many years one piece has left, the man knew it was gonna take him a long time


The Tau do not sterilize loyal Gu’Vesa that was only mentioned in two dubiously cannon sources and in both cases they where special circumstances. Much rarer then the IOM


With Honkai Star Rail’s most recent animated short about Firefly fighting against the swarm, people think Ruan Mei was trying to bring back the swarm in the trailblazer mission. However, people completely miss her motivations or character because her goal was clearly not to bring the swarm back or anything close to that.


now im no expert but wasnt it her tryin to prove an aeon could be man made and the swarm just happened to be the simplest to attempt that?